예제 #1
        public void Execute(JobImageDto request)
            _validator.ValidateAndThrow(request); //ValidationException

            var jobImage = new JobImages
                ImagePath = request.ImagePath,
                JobId     = request.JobId

            _context.Entry(jobImage).State = jobImage.Id > 0 ? EntityState.Modified : EntityState.Added;

예제 #2
        public ActionResult Put(int id, [FromBody] JobUpdate value)
            Console.WriteLine("Updating existing Job: " + id);

            // Users name (it's actually an email) - for this to work in IdentityServer in the ApiClaims must be defined name (and email)
            var jwtuser = User.Claims.Where(x => x.Type == "name").FirstOrDefault();

            Console.WriteLine("Authenticated user name is: " + jwtuser.Value); //it's in a {key: value} format
            var userName = jwtuser.Value;

            // Retrieve objects related to the received id and username
            //var user = _context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Username == userName);
            //var job = _context.Jobs.FirstOrDefault(j => j.Id == id & j.ClientId == user.Id);
            var job = (from j in _context.Jobs
                       join u in _context.Users on j.ClientId equals u.Id
                       where u.Username == userName && j.Id == id
                       select j).SingleOrDefault();
            var jobDetails = _context.JobDetails.FirstOrDefault(jd => jd.JobId == id);
            var oldImages  = _context.JobImages.Where(i => i.JobId == id); // this needs to consider 2 things: update new images and remove deleted, skipping this for now

            // Procede with update if the job id exist
            if (job != null)
                // Update Job record fields
                job.JobTitle      = value.jobTitle;
                job.RatePerHour   = value.ratePerHour;
                job.RateFixed     = value.rateFixed;
                job.DurationDays  = value.durationDays;
                job.DurationHours = value.durationHours;
                //job.LocationPostCode = value.locationPostCode;
                job.ContactTelephone1 = value.contactTelephone1;
                job.ContactTelephone2 = value.contactTelephone2;
                //job.ContactEmail = value.contactEmail;
                job.JobState          = value.jobState;
                job.PlannedStartDate  = value.plannedStartDate;
                job.PlannedFinishDate = value.plannedFinishDate;
                job.LocationLat       = value.locationLat;
                job.LocationLng       = value.locationLng;
                job.SkillId           = ConvertSkillNameToSkillID(value.skill);

                // Update JobDetails record fields
                jobDetails.JobDescription = value.jobDescription;

                // Update Images records
                if (value.images.Length != 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Number of images in the array: " + value.images.Length);

                    // Delete existing links from the database
                    if (oldImages != null)
                        foreach (var oldImage in oldImages)
                            // add a logic to record deleted image Urls, for cleaning up S3

                    // Create new links of the latest images
                    foreach (var image in value.images)
                        Console.WriteLine("-- New image: " + image);
                        var newImages = new JobImages
                            JobId = job.Id,  // Use Identity value of the inserted record to the Jobs table
                            Url   = image
                    Console.WriteLine("No images were sent in the POST");
                Console.WriteLine("Job ID: " + id + " for the user " + userName + " does not exist");

예제 #3
        public string Post([FromBody] NewJob value)
            // Users name (it's actually an email) - for this to work in IdentityServer in the ApiClaims must be defined name (and email)
            var jwtuser = User.Claims.Where(x => x.Type == "name").FirstOrDefault();

            Console.WriteLine("Authenticated user name is: " + jwtuser.Value); //it's in a {key: value} format
            var userName = jwtuser.Value;

            var userDetails = _context.Users.Where(u => u.Username == jwtuser.Value).FirstOrDefault();

            // !!!!! NOTE - all the inserts must be in one SQL transaction
            // Insert into the Jobs table
            var newJob = new Jobs
                ClientId      = userDetails.Id,
                JobTitle      = value.JobTitle,
                RatePerHour   = value.RatePerHour,
                RateFixed     = value.RateFixed,
                DurationDays  = value.DurationDays,
                DurationHours = value.DurationHours,
                //LocationPostCode = value.LocationPostCode,
                ContactTelephone1 = value.ContactTelephone1,
                ContactTelephone2 = value.ContactTelephone2,
                //ContactEmail = value.ContactEmail,
                JobState          = value.JobState, // Initial state just after creation
                PlannedStartDate  = value.PlannedStartDate,
                PlannedFinishDate = value.PlannedFinishDate,
                LocationLat       = value.LocationLat,
                LocationLng       = value.LocationLng,
                SkillId           = ConvertSkillNameToSkillID(value.Skill)


            // Insert into the JobDetails table
            var newJobDetails = new JobDetails
                JobId          = newJob.Id, // Use Identity value of the inserted record to the Jobs table
                JobDescription = value.JobDescription


            // Insert into the Images table (not the most efficient way, fix later)
            if (value.Images != null)
                foreach (var image in value.Images)
                    Console.WriteLine("--" + image);
                    var newImages = new JobImages
                        JobId = newJob.Id,  // Use Identity value of the inserted record to the Jobs table
                        Url   = image

            //return new job id back to Angular;

            // Return error
            //Console.WriteLine("--New Job creation FAILED");
            //this.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = 400;
            //return null;