예제 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Finish adding vertices to this JeloClosedShape, and choose whether to convert into local space.
    /// JelloClosedShape.winding and JelloClosedShape.Triangles will be set.
    /// Make sure there are no duplicate points before calling this. use JelloShapeTools.RemoveDuplicatePoints().
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="recenter">whether to convert the positions of the JelloClosedShape into local space.</param>
    /// <dl class="example"><dt>Example</dt></dl>
    /// ~~~{.c}
    /// //Create a closed shape square
    /// JelloClosedShape shape = new JelloClosedShape();
    /// shape.begin();
    /// shape.addPoint(new Vector2(-1,1));	//top left
    /// shape.addPoint(new Vector2(-1,1));	//top right
    /// shape.addPoint(new Vector2(-1,1));	//bottom right
    /// shape.addPoint(new Vector2(-1,1));	//bottom left
    /// shape.finish();
    /// ~~~
    public void finish(bool recenter = true)
        if (mInternalVertices != null && mInternalVertices.Length > 0)
            //dont allow duplicate points
            mInternalVertices = JelloShapeTools.RemoveDuplicatePoints(mInternalVertices);

            //dont allow points outside of the perimiter
            for (int i = 0; i < mInternalVertices.Length; i++)
                if (!JelloShapeTools.Contains(mEdgeVertices, mInternalVertices[i]))
                    mInternalVertices[i] = Vector2.one * Mathf.Infinity;
            //dont allow points on the perimiter. (this will also remove any null points)
            mInternalVertices = JelloShapeTools.RemovePointsOnPerimeter(mEdgeVertices, mInternalVertices);

        mCenter = JelloShapeTools.FindCenter(mEdgeVertices);

        if (recenter)
            // now subtract this from each element, to get proper "local" coordinates.
            for (int i = 0; i < mEdgeVertices.Length; i++)
                mEdgeVertices[i] -= mCenter;
            if (mInternalVertices != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < mInternalVertices.Length; i++)
                    mInternalVertices[i] -= mCenter;

        if (JelloShapeTools.HasClockwiseWinding(mEdgeVertices))
            winding = Winding.Clockwise;
            winding = Winding.CounterClockwise;

예제 #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Flip the JelloClosedShape verticaly.
    /// </summary>
    /// <dl class="example"><dt>Example</dt></dl>
    /// ~~~{.c}
    /// //turn a body around when it hits a ceiling
    /// JelloBody body;
    /// void handleCollisionEnter(JelloCollisionManifold manifold)
    /// {
    ///     if(manifold.GetOtherBody(body).gameObject.tag == "ceiling")
    ///     {
    ///         body.flipY();
    ///         //also reverse movement direction
    ///     }
    /// }
    /// ~~~
    public void flipY()     //TODO check into this --> will i need to retriangulate? because mesh triangles may need to always be wound in a certain direction.
        Vector2[] tempVertices = new  Vector2[mEdgeVertices.Length];

        for (int i = 0; i < mEdgeVertices.Length; i++)
            mEdgeVertices[i] = new Vector2(mEdgeVertices[i].x, mEdgeVertices[i].y + 2 * (Center.x - mEdgeVertices[i].x));
            tempVertices[mEdgeVertices.Length - i - 1] = mEdgeVertices[i];

        mEdgeVertices = tempVertices;

        tempVertices = new  Vector2[mInternalVertices.Length];

        for (int i = 0; i < mInternalVertices.Length; i++)
            mInternalVertices[i] = new Vector2(mInternalVertices[i].x, mInternalVertices[i].y + 2 * (Center.x - mInternalVertices[i].x));
            tempVertices[mInternalVertices.Length - i - 1] = mInternalVertices[i];

        mInternalVertices = tempVertices;

        if (winding == Winding.Clockwise)
            winding = Winding.CounterClockwise;
        else if (winding == Winding.CounterClockwise)
            winding = Winding.Clockwise;
            if (JelloShapeTools.HasClockwiseWinding(mEdgeVertices))
                winding = Winding.Clockwise;
                winding = Winding.CounterClockwise;

        //finish ();