public void FullPageScreenshotWithCssStitching() { Eyes.ForceFullPageScreenshot = true; Eyes.StitchMode = StitchModes.CSS; GoToPricingPage(); Eyes.Open(Driver, AppName, TestCaseName, Resolution1080P); Javascript.ExecuteScript("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight)"); Eyes.Check("CssStitching", Target.Window().Fully()); }
private void ChangeToEuroAndUpdateColor() { //take the first element with class name et_pb_sum and update the value to what's specified Javascript.ExecuteScript( "document.getElementsByClassName('et_pb_sum')[0].innerText = \"€0\";"); var element = Driver.FindElement(By.TagName("h1")); //Executes some javascript that updates the color of the h1 element on the page to the color specified Javascript.ExecuteScript( "arguments[0].setAttribute('style', 'color:#f9ca33!important')", element); }
private void UpdateSubheadingAndCurrency() { var subheadingElement = Driver.FindElement(SubheaderLocator); //Update the subheader text to common visual validation problems Javascript.ExecuteScript( $"arguments[0].textContent=" + $"\"These are the best plans amongst all companie's in the world\"", subheadingElement); //take the first element with class name et_pb_sum and update the value to what's specified Javascript.ExecuteScript( "document.getElementsByClassName('et_pb_sum')[0].innerText = \"USD 0\";"); }
private void ScrollToTopOfPage() { //This will scroll to the top of the page and wait one second Javascript.ExecuteScript("window.scrollTo(0, -document.body.scrollHeight)"); Thread.Sleep(1000); }
private void ScrollToBottomOfPage() { //This will scroll to the bottom of the page and wait for 1 second for the action to finish Javascript.ExecuteScript("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight)"); Thread.Sleep(1000); }