예제 #1
        public void AutoOpen()
            try {

                AppDomain cDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;

                pAssemblyLocation = cDomain.BaseDirectory;

                //Even though jar tvf <> can expose the classes of a jar ExcelDna-packed into an assembly
                //javap might not be able to find the class, so holding on....
                //    //Here, we will first try to use the concept that a C# assembly is like a Java jar
                //    //and the ExcelDNA packer can include the core jar (note there can be no lzma compression
                //    //which might required an old-style ExcelDNA Post-Build line).

                //    String pWDSJniPMML = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName;
                //    pWDSJniPMML = pAssemblyLocation+"\\"
                //    +pWDSJniPMML.Substring(0, pWDSJniPMML.IndexOf(", Version") - 1) + "-AddIn64-packed.xll";

                //The dependency on slf4j-simple has been packaged into the jar, this
                //enables finding all of the HDF5 dependencies from the HDFView location.

                //The jarhdf[5] and hdfobject jars still depend on external libs/dlls
                //that should be on the path.  However, locations can be passed in on
                //the Excel command line with /o:WDS:<libname>:<liblocation>

                String pWDSJniPMML = pAssemblyLocation + "\\WDS-JniPMML-0.5.0.jar";
                    DirectoryInfo aDirectoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(pAssemblyLocation);
                    FileInfo[]    lFileInfo      = aDirectoryInfo.GetFiles("WDS*JniPMML*.jar");
                    if (lFileInfo == null || lFileInfo.Length == 0)
                        pWDSJniPMML = pAssemblyLocation + "\\Resources\\WDS-JniPMML-0.5.0.jar";
                String pjarhdf5dir   = "";
                String pjarhdf5      = "";
                String pjarhdfdir    = "";
                String pjarhdf       = "";
                String phdfobjectdir = "";
                String phdfobject    = "";
                //String pslf4j = "";
                String pHDFView = "Unk";
                String pHDF5    = "Unk";

                //parse out the command line arguments in case /o:WDS - options are being used

                String[] args = System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();

                for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                    if (args[i].StartsWith("/o:WDS:WDS-JniPMML"))
                        String[] parts = args[i].Split(':');
                        pWDSJniPMML = parts[parts.Length - 1];
                    else if (args[i].StartsWith("/o:WDS:jarhdf5"))
                        String[] parts = args[i].Split(':');
                        pjarhdf5 = parts[parts.Length - 1];
                    else if (args[i].StartsWith("/o:WDS:jarhdf"))
                        String[] parts = args[i].Split(':');
                        pjarhdf = parts[parts.Length - 1];
                    else if (args[i].StartsWith("/o:WDS:hdfobject"))
                        String[] parts = args[i].Split(':');
                        phdfobject = parts[parts.Length - 1];
                    //else if ( args[i].StartsWith("/o:WDS:slf4j") ) {
                    //String[] parts = args[i].Split(':');
                    //pslf4j = parts[parts.Length - 1];
                    else if (args[i].StartsWith("/o:WDS:path:HDFView"))
                        String[] parts = args[i].Split(':');
                        pHDFView = parts[parts.Length - 1];
                    else if (args[i].StartsWith("/o:WDS:path:HDF5"))
                        String[] parts = args[i].Split(':');
                        pHDF5 = parts[parts.Length - 1];

                //if not provided with command lines, check the paths
                if (pHDFView.Equals("Unk") || pHDF5.Equals("Unk"))
                    //pull the locations for HDFView and HDF5 from the system path
                    String p = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH");
                    if (pHDFView.Equals("Unk"))
                        pHDFView = PathElementOf(p, "HDFView") + "\\lib";
                    if (pHDF5.Equals("Unk"))
                        pHDF5 = PathElementOf(p, "HDF5\\1") + "\\lib";
                if (pWDSJniPMML == "")
                    DirectoryInfo aDirectoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(pAssemblyLocation);
                    FileInfo[]    lFileInfo      = aDirectoryInfo.GetFiles("WDS*JniPMML*.jar");
                    pWDSJniPMML = lFileInfo[0].FullName;
                if (pjarhdf5 == "")
                    //Use the jarhdf from the HDFView location first
                    //DirectoryInfo aDirectoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(pHDF5);
                    DirectoryInfo aDirectoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(pHDFView);
                    FileInfo[]    lFileInfo      = aDirectoryInfo.GetFiles("jarhdf5*.jar");
                    pjarhdf5    = lFileInfo[0].FullName;
                    pjarhdf5dir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(pjarhdf5);
                if (pjarhdf == "")
                    //DirectoryInfo aDirectoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(pHDF5);
                    DirectoryInfo aDirectoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(pHDFView);
                    FileInfo[]    lFileInfo      = aDirectoryInfo.GetFiles("jarhdf-*.jar");
                    pjarhdf    = lFileInfo[0].FullName;
                    pjarhdfdir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(pjarhdf5);
                //if ( pslf4j == "" ) {
                //  //the slf4j-simple should be with HDF5
                //  //DirectoryInfo aDirectoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(pHDFView);
                //  //FileInfo[] lFileInfo = aDirectoryInfo.GetFiles("slf4j-api*.jar");
                //  DirectoryInfo aDirectoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(pHDF5);
                //  FileInfo[] lFileInfo = aDirectoryInfo.GetFiles("slf4j-simple*.jar");
                //  pslf4j = lFileInfo[0].FullName;
                if (phdfobject == "")
                    DirectoryInfo aDirectoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(pHDFView);
                    FileInfo[]    lFileInfo      = aDirectoryInfo.GetFiles("hdfobj*.jar");
                    phdfobject    = lFileInfo[0].FullName;
                    phdfobjectdir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(phdfobject);

                java_class_path = pWDSJniPMML
                                  + ";" + phdfobject
                                  + ";" + pjarhdf5
                                  + ";" + pjarhdf
                                  //+ ";" + pslf4j

                java_module_path = phdfobjectdir;
                if (!java_module_path.Contains(pjarhdf5dir))
                    java_module_path += pjarhdf5dir;
                if (!java_module_path.Contains(pjarhdfdir))
                    java_module_path += pjarhdfdir;

                if (!pair.ContainsKey("-Djava.class.path"))
                    pair.Add("-Djava.class.path", java_class_path);

                //java_module = "hdfobject;jarhdf5;jarhdf;slf4j.simple";
                //java_module = "hdfobject;jarhdf5;jarhdf";
                //if ( !pair.ContainsKey("--add-modules") )
                //pair.Add("--add-modules", java_module);

                if (!pair.ContainsKey("-Djava.module.path"))
                    pair.Add("-Djava.module.path", java_module_path);

                if (!pair.ContainsKey("-Djava.library.path"))
                    pair.Add("-Djava.library.path", pHDFView + ";" + pHDF5);

                //if (!pair.ContainsKey("-D64")) pair.Add("-D64", "" );
                if (!pair.ContainsKey("-Xcheck:jni "))
                    pair.Add("-Xcheck:jni ", "");

                //initialize JNI object
                Java = new JavaNativeInterface();

                Java.LoadVM(pair, false);

                java_init_classid = Java.FindClassID(java_init_class_name);
                __JniPMML         = new com.WDataSci.JniPMML.JniPMML(Java, java_init_classid);
            catch (Exception e) {
                throw new com.WDataSci.WDS.WDSException("Error into AutoLoad", e);