예제 #1
        public JavaField(JavaClass owningClass, string declaration)
            : base(owningClass)
            Declaration = declaration;

            if (declaration.IndexOf('=') != -1)
                // Declaration has an assignment, cut it off.
                declaration = declaration.Remove(declaration.IndexOf('=') - 1);

            string[] tokens = declaration.Split(' ');

            Name = tokens[tokens.Length - 2];
            Type = owningClass.ResolveConstants(tokens[tokens.Length - 1]);

            //if (ShouldRename(name))
            //    string newFieldName = "origField" + fieldNameMap.Count;

            //    string fullFieldName = fullClassName + " " + name + " " + type;
            //    string newFullName = fullClassName + " " + newFieldName + " " + type;

            //    string newDeclaration = ReplaceFirst(fieldLine, name, newFieldName);

            //    fieldNameMap.Add(new JavaMember(file, fieldLine, fullFieldName), new JavaMember(file, newDeclaration, newFullName));

            //    Console.WriteLine(newFieldName + " <- " + fullFieldName);
            //    logger.WriteLine(newFieldName + ": " + fullFieldName);
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor.
 /// </summary>
 public JavaClassProperty(string name, string javaType, bool isCollection, JavaClass javaClass)
     Name = name;
     JavaType = javaType;
     IsCollection = isCollection;
     JavaClass = javaClass;
            /// <summary>
            /// Default ctor
            /// </summary>
            internal AssemblyClasses(AssemblyDefinition assembly, Action<ClassSource> jarLoaded=null)
                this.assembly = assembly;
                foreach (var attr in assembly.GetJavaCodeAttributes())
                    var resourceName = (string)attr.ConstructorArguments[0].Value;
                    var fileName = attr.ConstructorArguments.Count > 1 ? (string)attr.ConstructorArguments[1].Value : null;

                    JavaCode javaCode;
                    if (!javaCodes.TryGetValue(resourceName, out javaCode))
                        var resource = assembly.MainModule.Resources.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == resourceName) as EmbeddedResource;
                        if (resource == null)
                            throw new LoaderException("Cannot find resource " + resourceName);
                        javaCode = new JavaCode(resource, fileName);
                        javaCodes[resourceName] = javaCode;

                        if (jarLoaded != null)

                        foreach (var classFileName in javaCode.Resolve(null).ClassFileNames)
                            var className = classFileName;
                            if (className.EndsWith(".class", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                className = className.Substring(0, className.Length - ".class".Length);
                            var jClass = new JavaClass(className, javaCode);
                            javaClasses[className] = jClass;
                var scope = AssemblyResolver.IsFrameworkAssembly(assembly) ? AttributeConstants.Dot42Scope : assembly.FullName;
                var ignoreFromJavaTypes = new List<TypeDefinition>();
                foreach (var type in assembly.MainModule.Types)
                    CollectDexImportClasses(type, className2DexImportMap, type2DexImportMap, null, scope, ignoreFromJavaTypes);
                foreach (var type in ignoreFromJavaTypes)
                    var attr = type.GetDexOrJavaImportAttribute();
                    var className = (string)attr.ConstructorArguments[0].Value;
                    DexImport dexImport;
                    if (className2DexImportMap.TryGetValue(className, out dexImport))
                        type2DexImportMap[type] = dexImport;
예제 #4
		public bool TryGetClass(GetMemberBinder binder, out object result)
			string qualifiedName = GetQualifiedName(binder.Name);
			// Try to find the class with this name and fail if not found. I really tried to find anyway
			// in java to check for class existence without exceptions but couldn't find any.
				IntPtr classPtr = _vm.FindClass(qualifiedName);
				result = new JavaClass(_vm, classPtr, IntPtr.Zero, qualifiedName);
				return true;
			catch (JavaException)
				result = null;
				return false;
예제 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a java class by it's classname.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>False if not found.</returns>
 internal bool TryGetJavaClass(string className, out JavaClass jClass)
     return(javaClasses.TryGetValue(className, out jClass));
예제 #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the constant from the constant pool.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T">The type of the constant.</typeparam>
 /// <param name="jc">The java class.</param>
 /// <param name="index">The index of the constant in the constant pool.</param>
 /// <returns>The java constant.</returns>
 public static T GetConstant <T>(this JavaClass jc, ushort index)
     where T : IJavaConstant
     Guard.NotNull(ref jc, nameof(jc));
예제 #7

        public static void CreateGenericVarianceField(JavaClass theClass, CilType fromType,
                                                      TypeDefinition defType)
            // check if any of the generic parameters are variant.
            // note that generic parameter variance is only supported
            // on interfaces and delegates.

            if (!(fromType.IsInterface || fromType.IsDelegate))
            string varianceString = null;

            bool anyVariance = false;

            foreach (var gp in defType.GenericParameters)
                if ((gp.Attributes & GenericParameterAttributes.VarianceMask) != 0)
                    anyVariance = true;
            if (!anyVariance)
                /* removed; see IComparer.cs in baselib
                 * if (fromType.JavaName == "system.collections.generic.IComparer$$1")
                 * {
                 *  // force a variance string for an interface that we create
                 *  // as an abstract class;  see also IComparer.cs in baselib
                 *  varianceString = "I";
                 * }
                 * else*/

            // build a string that describes the generic variance

            if (varianceString == null)
                var chars = new char[defType.GenericParameters.Count];
                int idx   = 0;
                foreach (var gp in defType.GenericParameters)
                    var v = gp.Attributes & GenericParameterAttributes.VarianceMask;
                    chars[idx++] = (v == GenericParameterAttributes.Covariant)     ? 'O'
                                 : (v == GenericParameterAttributes.Contravariant) ? 'I'
                                                                                   : ' ';
                varianceString = new string(chars);

            var varianceField = new JavaField();

            varianceField.Name  = "-generic-variance";
            varianceField.Type  = JavaType.StringType;
            varianceField.Flags = JavaAccessFlags.ACC_STATIC
                                  | JavaAccessFlags.ACC_FINAL
                                  | JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PUBLIC
                                  | JavaAccessFlags.ACC_TRANSIENT
                                  | JavaAccessFlags.ACC_SYNTHETIC;
            varianceField.Constant = varianceString;
            varianceField.Class    = theClass;

            if (theClass.Fields == null)
                theClass.Fields = new List <JavaField>();
예제 #8
        public static void BuildOverloadProxy(TypeDefinition fromType, MethodDefinition fromMethod,
                                              CilMethod targetMethod, JavaClass intoClass)
            // create a proxy bridge to forward invocations of a virtual method from
            // the base class, to an implementation in a derived class.  this is needed
            // where the base virtual method has generic parameters or return type,
            // for example:  virtual T SomeMethod(T arg)   will be translated as:
            //      java.lang.Object SomeMethod(-generic-$)(java.lang.Object arg)
            // and in a derived class that specializes T as String:
            //      java.lang.String SomeMethod(java.lang.String arg)
            // so the derived class must also include a proxy bridge method with the
            // same name as in the base class, and forward the call.

            //Console.WriteLine($"CHECK OVERRIDE {fromMethod}");
            int targetMethodCount = targetMethod.Parameters.Count;

            for (;;)
                var baseType = fromType.BaseType;
                if (baseType == null)
                fromType = CilType.AsDefinition(baseType);
                if (!baseType.IsGenericInstance)

                foreach (var fromMethod2 in fromType.Methods)
                    //Console.WriteLine($"\tCOMPARE {fromMethod2} {fromMethod2.IsVirtual} {fromMethod2.Name == fromMethod.Name} {targetMethodCount == fromMethod2.Parameters.Count}");
                    if (fromMethod2.IsVirtual && fromMethod2.Name == fromMethod.Name &&
                        targetMethodCount == fromMethod2.Parameters.Count)
                        if (CilMethod.CompareMethods(fromMethod, fromMethod2))
                            //Console.WriteLine(">>>>>>>>>>>>> WARNING SAME: " + fromMethod.ToString() + " AND " + fromType);

                        var genericMark = CilMain.GenericStack.Mark();
                        var baseMethod = new CilInterfaceMethod(

                        //Console.WriteLine($"\twould compare with {fromMethod2} in class {baseType}");

                        if (targetMethodCount != baseMethod.Parameters.Count)
                        if (!IsGenericOrEqual(targetMethod.ReturnType, baseMethod.ReturnType))
                        bool sameParameters = true;
                        for (int i = 0; i < targetMethodCount; i++)
                            if (!IsGenericOrEqual(targetMethod.Parameters[i].Type,
                                bool equalsAfterUnboxing = (
                                    targetMethod.Parameters[i].Type is BoxedType boxedType &&

                                if (!equalsAfterUnboxing)
                                    //Console.WriteLine($"\tMISMATCH {targetMethod.Parameters[i].Type} vs {baseMethod.Parameters[i]}/{baseMethod.Parameters[i].IsGenericParameter}");
                                    sameParameters = false;
                        if (sameParameters)
                            //Console.WriteLine($"proxying {targetMethod} in class {targetMethod.DeclType}");
                            BuildGenericProxy2(baseMethod, targetMethod,
                                               false, targetMethod.DeclType, intoClass);
예제 #9
        public static void ImportFields(JavaClass jclass, TypeDefinition cilType, bool isRetainName)
            if (cilType.HasFields)
                int n = cilType.Fields.Count;
                if (n > 0)
                    if (isRetainName)
                        throw CilMain.Where.Exception("fields not supported in a [RetainName] type");

                    jclass.Fields = new List <JavaField>(n);
                    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        var cilField = cilType.Fields[i];
                        CilMain.Where.Push($"field '{cilField.Name}'");

                        if (cilField.InitialValue.Length != 0)
                            throw CilMain.Where.Exception("unsupported InitialValue in field");

                        var myField = new JavaField();
                        myField.Name  = CilMain.MakeValidMemberName(cilField.Name);
                        myField.Class = jclass;
                        myField.Flags = AttributesToAccessFlags(
                            (cilType.HasNestedTypes || cilType.HasGenericParameters));

                        if (cilType.IsEnum)
                            myField.Type = CilType.From(cilField.FieldType);

                            if (cilField.Constant != null)
                                myField.InitConstant(cilField.Constant, CilMain.Where);
                            myField.Type = ValueUtil.GetBoxedFieldType(null, cilField);

                            if (((CilType)myField.Type).IsValueClass)
                                myField.Constant = cilField;

                                if (cilField.Constant != null)
                                    myField.InitConstant(cilField.Constant, CilMain.Where);

                                if (((CilType)myField.Type).IsVolatile)
                                    myField.Flags |= JavaAccessFlags.ACC_VOLATILE;


예제 #10
        public void TestJavaClass(ByteOrder order)
            var javaEnum = new JavaClass(TestSupport.RandomString());

            AssertSerialization(javaEnum, order);
예제 #11
        public static List <JavaClass> BuildProxyMethods(List <CilInterface> allInterfaces,
                                                         TypeDefinition fromType, CilType intoType,
                                                         JavaClass theClass)
            // process only if the class (or interface) has any methods or super interfaces

            var classMethods = theClass.Methods;

            if (classMethods.Count == 0)

            bool isInterface = intoType.IsInterface;

            if ((!isInterface) && theClass.Interfaces == null)

            var theMethods = CilInterfaceMethod.CollectAll(fromType);

            // if any interfaces are marked [RetainName], make sure that
            // all corresponding methods are also marked [RetainName]

            CheckRetainNameMethods(theMethods, allInterfaces, intoType);

            // if this is an abstract class but forced to an interface via [AddInterface]
            // decoration, then we need to remove all constructors generated for the class

            if (intoType.IsInterface)
                if (!fromType.IsInterface)
                    for (int i = classMethods.Count; i-- > 0;)
                        if (classMethods[i].Name == "<init>")

                if (intoType.HasGenericParameters)
                    // the RuntimeType constructor in baselib uses IGenericEntity
                    // marker interface to identify generic classes.  note that
                    // real generic types implement IGenericObject -> IGenericEntity.



            // for each implemented interface, build proxy methods

            List <JavaClass> output = null;

            int ifcNumber = 0;

            foreach (var ifc in allInterfaces)
                if ((!ifc.DirectReference) && ifc.SuperImplements)
                    // we don't have to build proxy for an interface if it is
                    // implemented by a super type and not by our primary type
                if (ifc.GenericTypes == null)
                    foreach (var ifcMethod in ifc.Methods)
                        // build proxy methods:  interface$method -> method
                        var newMethod = BuildPlainProxy(ifcMethod, intoType, theMethods);
                        if (newMethod != null)
                            newMethod.Class = theClass;
                    var ifcClass = CreateInnerClass(theClass, intoType, ++ifcNumber);

                    if (output == null)
                        output = new List <JavaClass>();

                    // if the class implements a generic interface for multiple types,
                    // then we need a method suffix to differentiate between the methods.
                    // see also:  CilMethod::InsertMethodNamePrefix
                    string methodSuffix = "";
                    foreach (var genericType in ifc.GenericTypes)
                        methodSuffix += "--" + CilMethod.GenericParameterSuffixName(genericType);

                    foreach (var ifcMethod in ifc.Methods)
                        // build proxy classes:  proxy sub-class -> this class
                        BuildGenericProxy(ifcMethod, methodSuffix, intoType, theMethods, ifcClass);


            JavaClass CreateInnerClass(JavaClass parentClass, CilType parentType, int ifcNumber)
                // generic interfaces are implemented as proxy sub-classes which
                // call methods on the parent class object.  we need to define
                // an inner class.  this class has one instance field which is a
                // reference to the parent class.  the constructor takes this
                // reference as a parameter and initializes the instance field.

                var newClass = CilMain.CreateInnerClass(parentClass,
                                                        parentClass.Name + "$$generic" + ifcNumber.ToString());

                var fld = new JavaField();

                fld.Name  = ParentFieldName;
                fld.Type  = parentType;
                fld.Class = newClass;
                fld.Flags = JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PRIVATE;

                var code = CilMain.CreateHelperMethod(newClass,
                                                      new JavaMethodRef("<init>", JavaType.VoidType, JavaType.ObjectType),
                                                      2, 2);

                code.Method.Flags &= ~JavaAccessFlags.ACC_BRIDGE;   // invalid for constructor

                code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload */, null, (int)0);
                code.NewInstruction(0xB7 /* invokespecial */, JavaType.ObjectType,
                                    new JavaMethodRef("<init>", JavaType.VoidType));
                code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload */, null, (int)0);
                code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload */, null, (int)1);
                code.NewInstruction(0xC0 /* checkcast */, parentType, null);
                code.NewInstruction(0xB5 /* putfield */, new JavaType(0, 0, newClass.Name),
                                    new JavaFieldRef(ParentFieldName, parentType));
                code.NewInstruction(JavaType.VoidType.ReturnOpcode, null, null);


            void CreateInterfaceArrayField(JavaClass parentClass)
                // the parent class has a helper array field that is used to track
                // the proxy objects generated for implemented generic interfaces.
                // see also: InitInterfaceArrayField, below.

                var fld = new JavaField();

                fld.Name  = InterfaceArrayField.Name;
                fld.Type  = InterfaceArrayField.Type;
                fld.Class = parentClass;
                fld.Flags = JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PRIVATE;

                if (parentClass.Fields == null)
                    parentClass.Fields = new List <JavaField>(1);
예제 #12
        public static JavaClass FixClass(JavaClass fromClass, CilType fromType)
            JavaType  interfaceType  = InterfaceType(fromType);
            JavaClass interfaceClass = null;

            foreach (var method in fromClass.Methods)
                if ((method.Flags & JavaAccessFlags.ACC_STATIC) == 0 && method.Code == null)
                    if (method.Name == "<init>")
                        GenerateConstructor(method, fromType);
                    else if (method.Name == "Invoke")
                        if (interfaceClass != null)

                        interfaceClass = MakeInterface(fromClass, method, interfaceType.ClassName);
                        GenerateInvoke(method, fromType, interfaceType);
                    else if (method.Name == "BeginInvoke")
                        if (interfaceClass == null)

                    else if (method.Name == "EndInvoke")

                    method.Flags &= ~JavaAccessFlags.ACC_ABSTRACT;

            if (interfaceClass == null)
                throw CilMain.Where.Exception("invalid delegate class");



            JavaClass MakeInterface(JavaClass fromClass, JavaMethod fromMethod, string newName)
                var newClass = CilMain.CreateInnerClass(fromClass, newName,
                                                        | JavaAccessFlags.ACC_ABSTRACT
                                                        | JavaAccessFlags.ACC_INTERFACE);

                var newMethod = new JavaMethod(newClass, fromMethod);

                newMethod.Flags = JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PUBLIC
                                  | JavaAccessFlags.ACC_ABSTRACT;
                if (IsPrimitive(newMethod.ReturnType))
                    // primitive return value is translated to java.lang.Object,
                    // because the delegate target may return a generic type that
                    // is specialized for the primitive type in the delegate.
                    // see also GenerateInvoke and LoadFunction
                    newMethod.ReturnType = JavaType.ObjectType;



            void GenerateConstructor(JavaMethod method, CilType dlgType)
                var code = method.Code = new JavaCode();

                code.Method       = method;
                code.Instructions = new List <Instruction>();

                if (dlgType.HasGenericParameters)
                    code.StackMap = new JavaStackMap();
                    var genericMark = CilMain.GenericStack.Mark();
                    CilMain.GenericStack.EnterMethod(dlgType, method, true);

                    // initialize the generic type field
                    GenericUtil.InitializeTypeField(dlgType, code);

                    code.MaxStack = code.StackMap.GetMaxStackSize(CilMain.Where);

                code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload_0 */, null, (int)0);
                code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload_1 */, null, (int)1);
                code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload_2 */, null, (int)2);

                code.NewInstruction(0xB7 /* invokespecial */,
                                    new JavaType(0, 0, method.Class.Super),
                                    new JavaMethodRef("<init>", JavaType.VoidType,
                                                      JavaType.ObjectType, JavaType.ObjectType));

                code.NewInstruction(0xB1 /* return (void) */, null, null);

                if (code.MaxStack < 3)
                    code.MaxStack = 3;
                code.MaxLocals = 3 + dlgType.GenericParametersCount;


            void GenerateInvoke(JavaMethod method, CilType dlgType, JavaType ifcType)
                var code = method.Code = new JavaCode();

                code.Method       = method;
                code.Instructions = new List <Instruction>();
                code.StackMap     = new JavaStackMap();

                code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload_0 */, null, (int)0);
                code.NewInstruction(0xB4 /* getfield */,
                                    new JavaType(0, 0, "system.Delegate"),
                                    new JavaFieldRef("invokable", JavaType.ObjectType));

                code.NewInstruction(0xC0 /* checkcast */, ifcType, null);

                int index = 1;

                for (int i = 0; i < method.Parameters.Count; i++)
                    var paramType = (CilType)method.Parameters[i].Type;
                    code.NewInstruction(paramType.LoadOpcode, null, index);

                    if (paramType.IsGenericParameter && (!paramType.IsByReference))
                        // invoke the helper method which identifies our boxed
                        // primitives and re-boxes them as java boxed values.
                        // see also: GenericType::DelegateParameterin baselib.
                            paramType.GetMethodGenericParameter(), code);
                        code.NewInstruction(0xB8 /* invokestatic */,
                                            SystemDelegateUtilType, DelegateParameterMethod);
                    index += paramType.Category;

                var returnType = (CilType)method.ReturnType;

                if (IsPrimitive(returnType))
                    // primitive return value is translated to java.lang.Object,
                    // because the delegate target may return a generic type that
                    // is specialized for the primitive type in the delegate.
                    // see also GenerateInvoke and LoadFunction
                    var adjustedMethod = new JavaMethodRef(
                        method.Name, JavaType.ObjectType, method.Parameters);
                    code.NewInstruction(0xB9 /* invokeinterface */, ifcType, adjustedMethod);
                    code.NewInstruction(0xB9 /* invokeinterface */, ifcType, method);


                if (returnType.IsGenericParameter && (!returnType.IsByReference))
                        returnType.GetMethodGenericParameter(), code);
                    code.NewInstruction(0xB8 /* invokestatic */,
                                        SystemDelegateUtilType, DelegateReturnValueMethod);
                else if (IsPrimitive(returnType))
                    // if the delegate returns a primitive type, we need to unbox
                    // the object returned by the method we just called.  it will be
                    // a java boxed primitive (e.g. java.lang.Integer) if the called
                    // method actually returns a primitive, due to the boxing done
                    // by the invokedynamic mechanism.  if the called method returns
                    // a generic type, it will be our boxed type, e.g. system.Int32.
                    // see also DelegateReturnValueX helper methods in baselib,
                    // and MakeInterface and LoadFunction in this file.
                    var helperMethod = new JavaMethodRef(
                        DelegateReturnValueMethod.Name + returnType.ToDescriptor(),
                        returnType, JavaType.ObjectType);
                    code.NewInstruction(0xB8 /* invokestatic */,
                                        SystemDelegateUtilType, helperMethod);

                code.NewInstruction(returnType.ReturnOpcode, null, index);

                code.MaxStack  = code.StackMap.GetMaxStackSize(CilMain.Where);
                code.MaxLocals = index;


            void GenerateBeginInvoke()


            void GenerateEndInvoke()
예제 #13
 public JavaDaoConfig(JavaClass javaClass)
     this.JavaClass = javaClass;
예제 #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a java class to the conversion.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="jc">The java class to include.</param>
 public void Include(JavaClass jc)
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the type definition from a module from a java class and constant pool index.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="module">The module.</param>
        /// <param name="jc">The java class.</param>
        /// <param name="classIndex">Index of the class.</param>
        /// <returns>The type reference.</returns>
        public static TypeDefinition GetJavaTypeDefinition(this ModuleDefinition module, JavaClass jc, ushort classIndex)
            Guard.NotNull(ref module, nameof(module));
            Guard.NotNull(ref jc, nameof(jc));
            Guard.NotNull(ref classIndex, nameof(classIndex));

            return(module.GetJavaType(jc, classIndex).Resolve());
예제 #16
        public void Initialize()
            m_liveSessionListeners = new HashSet <object>();

            IStepTracker stepTracker = null;

            if (Application.isMobilePlatform)
                m_logger.Debug("Initializing iOS Native");

                m_categoryOptions = IOSAudioSessionCategoryOptions.None;

                if (MixWithOthers)
                    m_categoryOptions = IOSAudioSessionCategoryOptions.MixWithOthers;

                m_currentCategory = DefaultAudioCategory;

                if (EnableBackgroundAudio)
                    IOSAudioSession.Instance.SetCategory(m_currentCategory, m_categoryOptions);

                    IOSAudioSession.Instance.RemoteCommandReceived += (sender, args) =>
                        if (args.Command == IOSAudioRemoteCommand.Pause)

                if (UseNativeDownloader)
                    FileDownloader.SetFactory(new IOSFileDownloaderFactory());

                AppDataPath = IOSFileDownloader.AppDataPath;

                Accelerometer   = IOSMotionManager.Instance.GetAccelerometer();
                LocationManager = IOSLocationManager.Instance;
                SystemCompass   = new IOSCompass();

                if (EnableBeacons)
                    BeaconManager = IOSBeaconManager.Instance;

                if (EnableNotifications)
                    LocalNotificationManager =
                        new IOSLocalNotificationManager(IOSLocalNotificationTypes.Badge | IOSLocalNotificationTypes.Sound);
            if (Application.isMobilePlatform)
                m_logger.Debug("Initializing Android Native");

                JavaClass  activityClass = new JavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer");
                JavaObject mainActivity  = activityClass.GetStaticFieldValue <JavaObject>("currentActivity", "android.app.Activity");


                LocationManager = new AndroidLocationManager();

                if (EnableBeacons)
                    BeaconManager = new AndroidBeaconManager();

                if (EnableNotifications)
                    LocalNotificationManager = new AndroidLocalNotificationManager(StorageManager.GetFilePath("platform", "androidNotificationManager.json"));

            if (BeaconManager == null && EnableBeacons)
                BeaconManager = UnityBeaconManager.Instance;

            if (Accelerometer == null)
                Accelerometer = gameObject.AddComponent <UnityAccelerometer>();

            if (LocationManager == null)
                LocationManager = gameObject.AddComponent <UnityLocationManager>();

            LocationManager.EnableBackgroundUpdates = EnableBackgroundLocation;

            if (SystemCompass == null)
                SystemCompass = gameObject.AddComponent <UnityCompass>();

            if (LocalNotificationManager == null)
                LocalNotificationManager = new DummyLocalNotificationManager();

            if (EnableNotifications && EnableBackgroundNotifications)

            var nrCompass = new NoiseDampeningCompass(SystemCompass);

            // Android compass tends to be much more jittery--apply a higher dampening
            // factor
            nrCompass.DampeningFactor = 0.25;

            NoiseReducedCompass = nrCompass;

            if (Application.isMobilePlatform)
                var accTracker = new AccelerometerStepTracker(Accelerometer);

                stepTracker = accTracker;

                stepTracker = gameObject.AddComponent <DebugStepTracker>();

            Pedometer = new Pedometer(stepTracker);

            m_logger.Debug("Setting compass type={0}", CompassType);

            switch (CompassType)
            case CompassType.System:
                Compass = SystemCompass;

            case CompassType.NoiseReduced:
                Compass = NoiseReducedCompass;

            case CompassType.LocationTracker:
                LocationTrackerCompass = new Motive.AR.LocationServices.LocationTrackerCompass();
                Compass = LocationTrackerCompass;

            case CompassType.Hybrid:
                var hybrid = new HybridCompass(NoiseReducedCompass);
                LocationTrackerCompass = hybrid.TrackerCompass;
                Compass = hybrid;

            AudioChannel           = CreateAudioPlayerChannel();
            ForegroundAudioChannel = gameObject.AddComponent <UnityAudioPlayerChannel>();

            Pedometer.Stepped += (sender, args) =>
                if (ScriptEngine.Instance.UserInteractionEventManager != null)

            if (ScreenSleepBehavior == ScreenSleepBehavior.AlwaysOn)
                Screen.sleepTimeout = SleepTimeout.NeverSleep;
 protected bool Equals(JavaClass other)
     return string.Equals(Name, other.Name);
예제 #18
			public static JavaObjectFactory Object(JniWrapper vm, JavaClass javaClass)
				return new JavaObjectFactory(o => new JValue(((JavaObject)o).Pointer), javaClass);
예제 #19
    public void LinkCilTypesByClass(TypeDefinition cilType, JavaClass jclass)
        var superName = jclass.Super;

        if (superName == "java.lang.Enum")
            superName = null;

        if (superName != null)
            if (typeMap.TryGetValue(superName, out var cilSuperTypeRef))
                if (cilType.IsInterface)
                    if (superName != "java.lang.Object")
                            new InterfaceImplementation(cilSuperTypeRef));
                    if (jclass.Name == "java.lang.AutoCloseable")
                        // make java.lang.AutoCloseable extend System.IDisposable,
                        // to allow use of imported classes in "using" statement.
                        // see also ConvertInterfaceCall in CodeCall module.
                        var iDisposableRef = new TypeReference(
                            "System", "IDisposable", module, module.TypeSystem.CoreLibrary);
                            new InterfaceImplementation(iDisposableRef));
                    if (jclass.Name == "java.lang.Throwable" &&
                        superName == "java.lang.Object")
                        cilSuperTypeRef = systemException;
                    cilType.BaseType = cilSuperTypeRef;
                throw new JavaException($"super class '{superName}' not found", Where);

        if (jclass.Interfaces != null)
            foreach (var interfaceName in jclass.Interfaces)
                if (typeMap.TryGetValue(interfaceName, out var cilInterfaceTypeRef))
                    if (cilInterfaceTypeRef.Resolve()?.IsInterface == true)
                            new InterfaceImplementation(cilInterfaceTypeRef));
                    throw new JavaException($"interface '{interfaceName}' not found", Where);
        public void TestJavaClass(Endianness order)
            var javaClass = new JavaClass(TestUtils.RandomString());

            AssertSerialization(javaClass, order);
예제 #21
        public static void BuildGenericProxy(CilInterfaceMethod ifcMethod, /*string methodSuffix,*/
                                             CilType intoType, List <CilInterfaceMethod> classMethods,
                                             JavaClass ifcClass)
            CilMethod targetMethod = null;

            //Console.WriteLine("\n***** LOOKING FOR INTERFACE METHOD " + ifcMethod + " (SUFFIX " + methodSuffix + ") AKA " + ifcMethod.Method);

            foreach (var clsMethod in classMethods)
                /*Console.WriteLine("> LOOKING AT "
                 + (clsMethod.Method.IsExplicitImpl ? "EXPLICIT " : "")
                 + "CLASS METHOD " + clsMethod + " AKA " + clsMethod.Method);*/

                if (ifcMethod.GenericCompare(clsMethod))
                    if (clsMethod.Method.IsExplicitImpl)
                        // a matching explicit override method is the best match,
                        // and we can immediately stop searching
                        targetMethod = clsMethod.Method;
                        // more than one method may match, if a derived type overrides
                        // or hides a method that also exists in a base type.  but the
                        // derived (primary) type methods always come first
                        if (targetMethod == null)
                            targetMethod = clsMethod.Method;

                        // if a second method matches, and the set of generic types
                        // in its signature exactly matches the interface method we
                        // are looking for, then prefer this method.  when a class
                        // implements same-name methods from multiple interfaces,
                        // this is needed to pick the right method.
                        // see also ResolvedGenericTypes in CilInterfaceMethod.

                        else if (clsMethod.ResolvedGenericTypes.Length != 0 &&
                                 == ifcMethod.ResolvedGenericTypes)
                            targetMethod = clsMethod.Method;

            if (targetMethod == null)
                throw CilMain.Where.Exception(
                          $"missing method '{ifcMethod.Method}' "
                          + $"(for interface '{ifcMethod.Method.DeclType}')");

            // Console.WriteLine("INTERFACE METHOD " + ifcMethod.Method + " TARGET " + targetMethod);

            BuildGenericProxy2(ifcMethod, targetMethod, true, intoType, ifcClass);
예제 #22
 public JavaMember(JavaClass owningClass)
     OwningClass = owningClass;
예제 #23
        public JavaStubGrammar()
            CommentTerminal single_line_comment = new CommentTerminal("SingleLineComment", "//", "\r", "\n");
            CommentTerminal delimited_comment   = new CommentTerminal("DelimitedComment", "/*", "*/");


            IdentifierTerminal identifier = new IdentifierTerminal("identifier");

            KeyTerm keyword_package      = Keyword("package");
            KeyTerm keyword_import       = Keyword("import");
            KeyTerm keyword_public       = Keyword("public");
            KeyTerm keyword_protected    = Keyword("protected");
            KeyTerm keyword_static       = Keyword("static");
            KeyTerm keyword_final        = Keyword("final");
            KeyTerm keyword_abstract     = Keyword("abstract");
            KeyTerm keyword_synchronized = Keyword("synchronized");
            KeyTerm keyword_default      = Keyword("default");
            KeyTerm keyword_native       = Keyword("native");
            KeyTerm keyword_volatile     = Keyword("volatile");
            KeyTerm keyword_transient    = Keyword("transient");
            KeyTerm keyword_enum         = Keyword("enum");
            KeyTerm keyword_class        = Keyword("class");
            KeyTerm keyword_interface    = Keyword("interface");
            KeyTerm keyword_at_interface = Keyword("@interface");
            KeyTerm keyword_extends      = Keyword("extends");
            KeyTerm keyword_implements   = Keyword("implements");
            KeyTerm keyword_throw        = Keyword("throw");
            KeyTerm keyword_throws       = Keyword("throws");
            KeyTerm keyword_null         = Keyword("null");
            KeyTerm keyword_super        = Keyword("super");
            KeyTerm keyword_true         = Keyword("true");
            KeyTerm keyword_false        = Keyword("false");
            KeyTerm keyword_new          = Keyword("new");

            var compile_unit                         = DefaultNonTerminal("compile_unit");
            var opt_package_decl                     = DefaultNonTerminal("opt_package_declaration");
            var package_decl                         = DefaultNonTerminal("package_declaration");
            var imports                              = DefaultNonTerminal("imports");
            var import                               = DefaultNonTerminal("import");
            var type_decls                           = DefaultNonTerminal("type_decls");
            var type_decl                            = DefaultNonTerminal("type_decl");
            var enum_decl                            = DefaultNonTerminal("enum_decl");
            var enum_body                            = DefaultNonTerminal("enum_body");
            var class_decl                           = DefaultNonTerminal("class_decl");
            var opt_generic_arg_decl                 = DefaultNonTerminal("opt_generic_arg_decl");
            var opt_extends_decl                     = DefaultNonTerminal("opt_extends_decl");
            var opt_implements_decl                  = DefaultNonTerminal("opt_implements_decl");
            var implements_decl                      = DefaultNonTerminal("implements_decl");
            var interface_decl                       = DefaultNonTerminal("interface_decl");
            var iface_or_at_iface                    = DefaultNonTerminal("iface_or_at_iface");
            var type_body                            = DefaultNonTerminal("type_body");
            var type_members                         = DefaultNonTerminal("type_members");
            var type_member                          = DefaultNonTerminal("type_member");
            var nested_type_decl                     = DefaultNonTerminal("nested_type_decl");
            var ctor_decl                            = DefaultNonTerminal("ctor_decl");
            var method_decl                          = DefaultNonTerminal("method_decl");
            var field_decl                           = DefaultNonTerminal("field_decl");
            var opt_field_assignment                 = DefaultNonTerminal("opt_field_assignment");
            var static_ctor_decl                     = DefaultNonTerminal("static_ctor_decl");
            var enum_members_decl                    = DefaultNonTerminal("enum_members_decl");
            var enum_member_initializers             = DefaultNonTerminal("enum_member_initializers");
            var enum_member_initializer              = DefaultNonTerminal("enum_member_initializer");
            var opt_enum_braces                      = DefaultNonTerminal("opt_enum_braces");
            var opt_final_field_assign               = DefaultNonTerminal("opt_final_field_assign");
            var final_field_assign                   = DefaultNonTerminal("final_field_assign");
            var terminate_decl_or_body               = DefaultNonTerminal("terminate_decl_or_body");
            var assignments                          = DefaultNonTerminal("assignments");
            var assignment                           = DefaultNonTerminal("assignment");
            var assign_expr                          = DefaultNonTerminal("assign_expr");
            var rvalue_expressions                   = DefaultNonTerminal("rvalue_expressions");
            var rvalue_expression                    = DefaultNonTerminal("rvalue_expression");
            var array_literal                        = DefaultNonTerminal("array_literal");
            var annotations                          = DefaultNonTerminal("annotations");
            var annotation                           = DefaultNonTerminal("annotation");
            var opt_annotation_args                  = DefaultNonTerminal("opt_annotation_args");
            var annotation_value_assignments         = DefaultNonTerminal("annotation_value_assignments");
            var annot_assign_expr                    = DefaultNonTerminal("annot_assign_expr");
            var modifiers_then_opt_generic_arg       = DefaultNonTerminal("modifiers_then_opt_generic_arg");
            var modifier_or_generic_arg              = DefaultNonTerminal("modifier_or_generic_arg");
            var modifiers                            = DefaultNonTerminal("modifiers");
            var modifier                             = DefaultNonTerminal("modifier");
            var argument_decls                       = DefaultNonTerminal("argument_decls");
            var argument_decl                        = DefaultNonTerminal("argument_decl");
            var comma_separated_types                = DefaultNonTerminal("comma_separated_types");
            var throws_decl                          = DefaultNonTerminal("throws_decl");
            var opt_throws_decl                      = DefaultNonTerminal("opt_throws_decl");
            var type_name                            = DefaultNonTerminal("type_name");
            var dotted_identifier                    = DefaultNonTerminal("dotted_identifier");
            var array_type                           = DefaultNonTerminal("array_type");
            var vararg_type                          = DefaultNonTerminal("vararg_type");
            var generic_type                         = DefaultNonTerminal("generic_type");
            var generic_definition_arguments         = DefaultNonTerminal("generic_definition_arguments");
            var generic_definition_argument          = DefaultNonTerminal("generic_definition_argument");
            var generic_definition_constraints       = DefaultNonTerminal("generic_definition_constraints");
            var generic_definition_arguments_spec    = DefaultNonTerminal("generic_definition_arguments_spec");
            var generic_instance_arguments_spec      = DefaultNonTerminal("generic_instance_arguments_spec");
            var generic_instance_arguments           = DefaultNonTerminal("generic_instance_arguments");
            var generic_instance_argument            = DefaultNonTerminal("generic_instance_argument");
            var generic_instance_identifier_or_q     = DefaultNonTerminal("generic_instance_identifier_or_q");
            var generic_instance_constraints         = DefaultNonTerminal("generic_instance_constraints");
            var generic_instance_constraints_extends = DefaultNonTerminal("generic_instance_constraints_extends");
            var generic_instance_constraints_super   = DefaultNonTerminal("generic_instance_constraints_super");
            var generic_instance_constraint_types    = DefaultNonTerminal("generic_instance_constraint_types");
            var impl_expressions                     = DefaultNonTerminal("impl_expressions");
            var impl_expression                      = DefaultNonTerminal("impl_expression");
            var call_super                           = DefaultNonTerminal("call_super");
            var super_args                           = DefaultNonTerminal("super_args");
            var default_value_expr                   = DefaultNonTerminal("default_value_expr");
            var default_value_casted                 = DefaultNonTerminal("default_value_casted");
            var default_value_literal                = DefaultNonTerminal("default_value_literal");
            var new_array                            = DefaultNonTerminal("new_array");
            var runtime_exception                    = DefaultNonTerminal("runtime_exception");
            var numeric_terminal                     = TerminalFactory.CreateCSharpNumber("numeric_value_literal");

            numeric_terminal.AddPrefix("-", NumberOptions.AllowSign);
            numeric_terminal.AddPrefix("+", NumberOptions.AllowSign);
            //numeric_terminal.AddSuffix ("f");
            var numeric_literal = DefaultNonTerminal("numeric_literal");
            var string_literal  = TerminalFactory.CreateCSharpString("string_literal");
            var value_literal   = DefaultNonTerminal("value_literal");
            var identifier_wild = DefaultNonTerminal("identifier_wild");

            // <construction_rules>

            compile_unit.Rule     = opt_package_decl + imports + type_decls;
            opt_package_decl.Rule = package_decl | Empty;
            package_decl.Rule     = keyword_package + dotted_identifier + ";";
            imports.Rule          = MakeStarRule(imports, import);
            import.Rule           = keyword_import + dotted_identifier + ";";
            type_decls.Rule       = MakeStarRule(type_decls, type_decl);

            type_decl.Rule = class_decl | interface_decl | enum_decl;
            // FIXME: those modifiers_then_opt_generic_arg should be actually just modifiers... see modifiers_then_opt_generic_arg.Rule below.
            enum_decl.Rule         = annotations + modifiers_then_opt_generic_arg + keyword_enum + identifier + opt_implements_decl + "{" + enum_body + "}";
            enum_body.Rule         = Empty | enum_members_decl + type_members;
            class_decl.Rule        = annotations + modifiers_then_opt_generic_arg + keyword_class + identifier + opt_generic_arg_decl + opt_extends_decl + opt_implements_decl + type_body;
            interface_decl.Rule    = annotations + modifiers_then_opt_generic_arg + iface_or_at_iface + identifier + opt_generic_arg_decl + opt_extends_decl + opt_implements_decl + type_body;
            iface_or_at_iface.Rule = keyword_interface | keyword_at_interface;

            opt_generic_arg_decl.Rule         = Empty | "<" + generic_definition_arguments + ">";
            opt_extends_decl.Rule             = Empty | keyword_extends + implements_decl; // when it is used with an interface, it can be more than one...
            opt_implements_decl.Rule          = Empty | keyword_implements + implements_decl;
            implements_decl.Rule              = MakePlusRule(implements_decl, ToTerm(","), type_name);
            type_body.Rule                    = T("{") + type_members + T("}");
            annotations.Rule                  = MakeStarRule(annotations, annotation);
            annotation.Rule                   = T("@") + dotted_identifier + opt_annotation_args;
            opt_annotation_args.Rule          = Empty | T("(") + annotation_value_assignments + T(")");
            annotation_value_assignments.Rule = rvalue_expression | MakeStarRule(annotation_value_assignments, ToTerm(","), annot_assign_expr);
            annot_assign_expr.Rule            = assign_expr | T("{") + rvalue_expressions + T("}");

            // HACK: I believe this is an Irony bug that adding opt_generic_arg_decl here results in shift-reduce conflict, but it's too complicated to investigate the actual issue.
            // As a workaround I add generic arguments as part of this "modifier" so that it can be safely added to a generic method declaration.
            modifiers_then_opt_generic_arg.Rule = MakeStarRule(modifiers_then_opt_generic_arg, modifier_or_generic_arg);
            modifiers.Rule = MakeStarRule(modifiers, modifier);
            modifier_or_generic_arg.Rule = modifier | generic_definition_arguments_spec;
            modifier.Rule = keyword_public | keyword_protected | keyword_final | keyword_abstract | keyword_synchronized | keyword_default | keyword_native | keyword_volatile | keyword_transient | keyword_static;

            type_members.Rule             = MakeStarRule(type_members, type_member);
            type_member.Rule              = nested_type_decl | ctor_decl | method_decl | field_decl | static_ctor_decl;
            nested_type_decl.Rule         = type_decl;
            enum_members_decl.Rule        = enum_member_initializers + ";";
            enum_member_initializers.Rule = MakeStarRule(enum_member_initializers, ToTerm(","), enum_member_initializer);
            enum_member_initializer.Rule  = annotations + identifier + opt_enum_braces;
            opt_enum_braces.Rule          = Empty | "(" + ")";
            static_ctor_decl.Rule         = annotations + keyword_static + "{" + assignments + "}";
            assignments.Rule              = MakeStarRule(assignments, assignment);
            assignment.Rule         = assign_expr + ";";
            assign_expr.Rule        = identifier + "=" + rvalue_expression;
            rvalue_expressions.Rule = MakeStarRule(rvalue_expressions, ToTerm(","), rvalue_expression);
            rvalue_expression.Rule  = value_literal | new_array | type_name | identifier | array_literal | annotation;
            array_literal.Rule      = "{" + rvalue_expressions + "}";

            field_decl.Rule             = annotations + modifiers_then_opt_generic_arg + type_name + identifier + opt_field_assignment + ";" + opt_final_field_assign;
            opt_field_assignment.Rule   = Empty | "=" + rvalue_expression;
            opt_final_field_assign.Rule = Empty | "{" + assign_expr + ";" + "}";
            terminate_decl_or_body.Rule = ";" | ("{" + impl_expressions + "}") | (keyword_default + default_value_literal + ";");

            ctor_decl.Rule = annotations + modifiers_then_opt_generic_arg + identifier + "(" + argument_decls + ")" + opt_throws_decl + terminate_decl_or_body;             // these Empties can make the structure common to method_decl.

            method_decl.Rule = annotations + modifiers_then_opt_generic_arg + /*opt_generic_arg_decl*/ type_name + identifier + "(" + argument_decls + ")" + opt_throws_decl + terminate_decl_or_body;

            impl_expressions.Rule      = MakeStarRule(impl_expressions, impl_expression);
            impl_expression.Rule       = call_super | runtime_exception | assign_expr;
            call_super.Rule            = keyword_super + "(" + super_args + ")" + ";";
            super_args.Rule            = MakeStarRule(super_args, ToTerm(","), default_value_expr);
            default_value_expr.Rule    = keyword_null | default_value_casted | default_value_literal;
            default_value_casted.Rule  = "(" + type_name + ")" + default_value_expr;
            default_value_literal.Rule = numeric_terminal | "\"\"" | "{" + "}" | keyword_true | keyword_false;
            runtime_exception.Rule     = keyword_throw + keyword_new + identifier + "(\"Stub!\"" + ")" + ";";
            new_array.Rule             = keyword_new + dotted_identifier + "[" + numeric_literal + "]";

            argument_decls.Rule = annotations | MakeStarRule(argument_decls, ToTerm(","), argument_decl);

            argument_decl.Rule = annotations + type_name + identifier;

            throws_decl.Rule           = keyword_throws + comma_separated_types;
            comma_separated_types.Rule = MakeStarRule(comma_separated_types, ToTerm(","), type_name);
            opt_throws_decl.Rule       = Empty | throws_decl;

            type_name.Rule = dotted_identifier | array_type | vararg_type | generic_type;

            vararg_type.Rule = type_name + T("...");
            array_type.Rule  = type_name + ("[") + T("]");

            generic_definition_arguments_spec.Rule = "<" + generic_definition_arguments + ">";
            generic_type.Rule = dotted_identifier + generic_instance_arguments_spec;
            generic_instance_arguments_spec.Rule      = "<" + generic_instance_arguments + ">";
            generic_definition_arguments.Rule         = MakePlusRule(generic_definition_arguments, ToTerm(","), generic_definition_argument);
            generic_definition_argument.Rule          = identifier + generic_definition_constraints;
            generic_definition_constraints.Rule       = Empty | generic_instance_constraints_extends | generic_instance_constraints_super;
            generic_instance_arguments.Rule           = MakePlusRule(generic_instance_arguments, ToTerm(","), generic_instance_argument);
            generic_instance_argument.Rule            = generic_instance_identifier_or_q + generic_instance_constraints;
            generic_instance_identifier_or_q.Rule     = type_name | T("?");
            generic_instance_constraints.Rule         = Empty | generic_instance_constraints_extends | generic_instance_constraints_super;
            generic_instance_constraints_extends.Rule = keyword_extends + generic_instance_constraint_types;
            generic_instance_constraints_super.Rule   = keyword_super + generic_instance_constraint_types;
            generic_instance_constraint_types.Rule    = MakePlusRule(generic_instance_constraint_types, ToTerm("&"), type_name);

            dotted_identifier.Rule = MakePlusRule(dotted_identifier, ToTerm("."), identifier_wild);

            numeric_literal.Rule  = numeric_terminal;
            numeric_literal.Rule |= "(" + numeric_literal + "/" + numeric_literal + ")";
            value_literal.Rule    = string_literal | numeric_literal | keyword_null;
            identifier_wild.Rule  = identifier | "*";

            // Define AST node creators

            Func <string, string> stripGenerics = s => s.IndexOf('<') > 0 ? s.Substring(0, s.IndexOf('<')) : s;

            single_line_comment.AstConfig.NodeCreator = DoNothing;
            delimited_comment.AstConfig.NodeCreator   = DoNothing;
            identifier.AstConfig.NodeCreator          = (ctx, node) => node.AstNode = node.Token.ValueString;
            compile_unit.AstConfig.NodeCreator        = (ctx, node) => {
                ProcessChildren(ctx, node);
                node.AstNode = new JavaPackage(null)
                    Name = (string)node.ChildNodes [0].AstNode, Types = ((IEnumerable <JavaType>)node.ChildNodes [2].AstNode).ToList()
            opt_package_decl.AstConfig.NodeCreator     = SelectSingleChild;
            package_decl.AstConfig.NodeCreator         = SelectChildValueAt(1);
            imports.AstConfig.NodeCreator              = CreateArrayCreator <object> ();
            import.AstConfig.NodeCreator               = SelectChildValueAt(1);
            type_decls.AstConfig.NodeCreator           = CreateArrayCreator <JavaType> ();
            type_decl.AstConfig.NodeCreator            = SelectSingleChild;
            opt_generic_arg_decl.AstConfig.NodeCreator = (ctx, node) => {
                ProcessChildren(ctx, node);
                node.AstNode = node.ChildNodes.Count == 0 ? null : node.ChildNodes [1].AstNode;
            opt_extends_decl.AstConfig.NodeCreator = (ctx, node) => {
                ProcessChildren(ctx, node);
                node.AstNode = node.ChildNodes.Count == 0 ? null : node.ChildNodes [1].AstNode;
            opt_implements_decl.AstConfig.NodeCreator = (ctx, node) => {
                ProcessChildren(ctx, node);
                node.AstNode = node.ChildNodes.Count == 0 ? null : node.ChildNodes [1].AstNode;
            implements_decl.AstConfig.NodeCreator = CreateArrayCreator <string> ();
            Action <ParseTreeNode, JavaType> fillType = (node, type) => {
                var  modsOrTps = (IEnumerable <object>)node.ChildNodes [1].AstNode;
                var  mods      = modsOrTps.OfType <string> ();
                bool isEnum    = node.ChildNodes [2].AstNode as string == "enum";
                type.Abstract      |= mods.Contains("abstract");
                type.Static        |= mods.Contains("static");
                type.Final         |= mods.Contains("final");
                type.Visibility     = mods.FirstOrDefault(s => s == "public" || s == "protected") ?? "";
                type.Name           = (string)node.ChildNodes [3].AstNode;
                type.Deprecated     = ((IEnumerable <string>)node.ChildNodes [0].AstNode).Any(v => v == "java.lang.Deprecated" || v == "Deprecated") ? "deprecated" : "not deprecated";
                type.TypeParameters = isEnum ? null : (JavaTypeParameters)node.ChildNodes [4].AstNode;
                type.Members        = (IList <JavaMember>)node.ChildNodes [isEnum ? 6 : 7].AstNode;

            enum_decl.AstConfig.NodeCreator = (ctx, node) => {
                ProcessChildren(ctx, node);
                var type = new JavaClass(null)
                    Extends = "java.lang.Enum", Final = true
                var methods = new JavaMember [] {
                    new JavaMethod(null)
                        Deprecated = "not deprecated",
                        Name       = "valueOf",
                        // Return needs to be filled later, with full package name.
                        Static     = true,
                        Visibility = "public",
                        Parameters = new JavaParameter [] { new JavaParameter(null)
                                                                Name = "name", Type = "java.lang.String"
                                                            } },
                    new JavaMethod(null)
                        Deprecated = "not deprecated",
                        Name       = "values",
                        // Return needs to be filled later, with full package name.
                        Static     = true,
                        Visibility = "public",
                        Parameters = new JavaParameter [0],
                fillType(node, type);
                node.AstNode = type;
            class_decl.AstConfig.NodeCreator = (ctx, node) => {
                ProcessChildren(ctx, node);
                var exts  = ((IEnumerable <string>)node.ChildNodes [5].AstNode) ?? Enumerable.Empty <string> ();
                var impls = ((IEnumerable <string>)node.ChildNodes [6].AstNode) ?? Enumerable.Empty <string> ();
                var ext   = exts.FirstOrDefault() ?? "java.lang.Object";
                var type  = new JavaClass(null)
                    Extends        = stripGenerics(ext),
                    ExtendsGeneric = ext,
                    Implements     = impls.Select(s => new JavaImplements {
                        Name = stripGenerics(s), NameGeneric = s
                fillType(node, type);
                node.AstNode = type;
            interface_decl.AstConfig.NodeCreator = (ctx, node) => {
                ProcessChildren(ctx, node);
                bool annot = node.ChildNodes [2].AstNode as string == "@interface";
                var  exts  = ((IEnumerable <string>)node.ChildNodes [5].AstNode) ?? Enumerable.Empty <string> ();
                var  impls = ((IEnumerable <string>)node.ChildNodes [6].AstNode) ?? Enumerable.Empty <string> ();
                var  type  = new JavaInterface(null)
                    Implements = exts.Concat(impls).Select(s => new JavaImplements {
                        Name = stripGenerics(s), NameGeneric = s
                if (annot)
                    type.Implements.Add(new JavaImplements {
                        Name = "java.lang.annotation.Annotation", NameGeneric = "java.lang.annotation.Annotation"
                fillType(node, type);
                node.AstNode = type;
            iface_or_at_iface.AstConfig.NodeCreator = SelectSingleChild;
            type_body.AstConfig.NodeCreator         = SelectChildValueAt(1);
            type_members.AstConfig.NodeCreator      = CreateArrayCreator <JavaMember> ();
            type_member.AstConfig.NodeCreator       = SelectSingleChild;
            nested_type_decl.AstConfig.NodeCreator  = (ctx, node) => {
                ProcessChildren(ctx, node);
                node.AstNode = new JavaNestedType(null)
                    Type = (JavaType)node.ChildNodes [0].AstNode
            Action <ParseTreeNode, JavaMethodBase> fillMethodBase = (node, method) => {
                bool ctor      = node.ChildNodes.Count == 8;
                var  modsOrTps = (IEnumerable <object>)node.ChildNodes [1].AstNode;
                var  mods      = modsOrTps.OfType <string> ();
                method.Static            = mods.Contains("static");
                method.Visibility        = mods.FirstOrDefault(s => s == "public" || s == "protected") ?? "";
                method.Name              = (string)node.ChildNodes [ctor ? 2 : 3].AstNode;
                method.Parameters        = ((IEnumerable <JavaParameter>)node.ChildNodes [ctor ? 4 : 5].AstNode).ToArray();
                method.ExtendedSynthetic = mods.Contains("synthetic");
                // HACK: Exception "name" can be inconsistent for nested types, and this nested type detection is hacky.
                Func <string, string> stripPackage = s => {
                    var packageTokens = s.Split('.').TakeWhile(t => !t.Any(c => Char.IsUpper(c)));
                    return(s.Substring(Enumerable.Sum(packageTokens.Select(t => t.Length)) + packageTokens.Count()));
                method.Exceptions = ((IEnumerable <string>)node.ChildNodes [ctor ? 6 : 7].AstNode)
                                    ?.Select(s => new JavaException {
                    Type = s, Name = stripPackage(s)
                method.Deprecated     = ((IEnumerable <string>)node.ChildNodes [0].AstNode).Any(v => v == "java.lang.Deprecated" || v == "Deprecated") ? "deprecated" : "not deprecated";
                method.Final          = mods.Contains("final");
                method.TypeParameters = modsOrTps.OfType <JavaTypeParameters> ().FirstOrDefault();

            ctor_decl.AstConfig.NodeCreator = (ctx, node) => {
                ProcessChildren(ctx, node);
                var annots    = node.ChildNodes [0].AstNode;
                var modsOrTps = (IEnumerable <object>)node.ChildNodes [1].AstNode;
                var mods      = modsOrTps.OfType <string> ();
                var ctor      = new JavaConstructor(null);
                fillMethodBase(node, ctor);
                node.AstNode = ctor;
            method_decl.AstConfig.NodeCreator = (ctx, node) => {
                ProcessChildren(ctx, node);
                var annots    = node.ChildNodes [0].AstNode;
                var modsOrTps = (IEnumerable <object>)node.ChildNodes [1].AstNode;
                var mods      = modsOrTps.OfType <string> ();
                var method    = new JavaMethod(null)
                    Return            = (string)node.ChildNodes [2].AstNode,
                    Abstract          = mods.Contains("abstract"),
                    Native            = mods.Contains("native"),
                    Synchronized      = mods.Contains("synchronized"),
                    ExtendedSynthetic = mods.Contains("synthetic"),
                fillMethodBase(node, method);
                node.AstNode = method;
            field_decl.AstConfig.NodeCreator = (ctx, node) => {
                ProcessChildren(ctx, node);
                var annots    = node.ChildNodes [0].AstNode;
                var modsOrTps = (IEnumerable <object>)node.ChildNodes [1].AstNode;
                var mods      = modsOrTps.OfType <string> ();
                var value     = node.ChildNodes [4].AstNode?.ToString();
                var type      = (string)node.ChildNodes [2].AstNode;
                node.AstNode = new JavaField(null)
                    Static      = mods.Contains("static"),
                    Visibility  = mods.FirstOrDefault(s => s == "public" || s == "protected") ?? "",
                    Type        = stripGenerics(type),
                    TypeGeneric = type,
                    Name        = (string)node.ChildNodes [3].AstNode,
                    Deprecated  = ((IEnumerable <string>)node.ChildNodes [0].AstNode).Any(v => v == "java.lang.Deprecated" || v == "Deprecated") ? "deprecated" : "not deprecated",
                    Value       = value == "null" ? null : value,               // null will not be explicitly written.
                    Volatile    = mods.Contains("volatile"),
                    Final       = mods.Contains("final"),
                    Transient   = mods.Contains("transient"),
            opt_field_assignment.AstConfig.NodeCreator   = (ctx, node) => node.AstNode = node.ChildNodes.Count > 0 ? node.ChildNodes [1].AstNode : null;
            opt_final_field_assign.AstConfig.NodeCreator = (ctx, node) => node.AstNode = node.ChildNodes.Count > 0 ? node.ChildNodes [1].AstNode : null;
            static_ctor_decl.AstConfig.NodeCreator       = DoNothing;       // static constructors are ignorable.
            enum_body.AstConfig.NodeCreator = (ctx, node) => {
                ProcessChildren(ctx, node);
                var ml = new List <JavaMember> ();
                foreach (var c in node.ChildNodes)
                    ml.AddRange((IEnumerable <JavaMember>)c.AstNode);
                node.AstNode = ml;
            enum_members_decl.AstConfig.NodeCreator = (ctx, node) => {
                ProcessChildren(ctx, node);
                if (node.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                    node.AstNode = ((IEnumerable <string>)node.ChildNodes [0].AstNode)
                                   .Select(s => new JavaField(null)
                        Name       = s,
                        Final      = true,
                        Deprecated = "not deprecated",
                        Static     = true,
                        // Type needs to be filled later, with full package name.
                        Visibility = "public"
            enum_member_initializers.AstConfig.NodeCreator = CreateArrayCreator <string> ();
            enum_member_initializer.AstConfig.NodeCreator  = SelectChildValueAt(1);
            opt_enum_braces.AstConfig.NodeCreator          = DoNothing;
            terminate_decl_or_body.AstConfig.NodeCreator   = DoNothing;           // method/ctor body doesn't matter.
            assignments.AstConfig.NodeCreator = CreateArrayCreator <object> ();
            assignment.AstConfig.NodeCreator  = SelectChildValueAt(0);
            assign_expr.AstConfig.NodeCreator = (ctx, node) => {
                ProcessChildren(ctx, node);
                node.AstNode = new KeyValuePair <string, string?> ((string)node.ChildNodes [0].AstNode, node.ChildNodes [2].AstNode?.ToString());
            rvalue_expressions.AstConfig.NodeCreator = CreateArrayCreator <object> ();
            rvalue_expression.AstConfig.NodeCreator  = SelectSingleChild;
            array_literal.AstConfig.NodeCreator      = CreateStringFlattener();
            annotations.AstConfig.NodeCreator        = CreateArrayCreator <string> ();
            annotation.AstConfig.NodeCreator         = (ctx, node) => {
                ProcessChildren(ctx, node.ChildNodes [1]);                  // we only care about name.
                node.AstNode = node.ChildNodes [1].AstNode;
            opt_annotation_args.AstConfig.NodeCreator            = DoNothing;
            annotation_value_assignments.AstConfig.NodeCreator   = DoNothing;
            annot_assign_expr.AstConfig.NodeCreator              = DoNothing;
            modifiers_then_opt_generic_arg.AstConfig.NodeCreator = CreateArrayCreator <object> ();
            modifier_or_generic_arg.AstConfig.NodeCreator        = SelectSingleChild;
            modifiers.AstConfig.NodeCreator      = CreateArrayCreator <string> ();
            modifier.AstConfig.NodeCreator       = CreateStringFlattener();
            argument_decls.AstConfig.NodeCreator = CreateArrayCreator <JavaParameter> ();
            argument_decl.AstConfig.NodeCreator  = (ctx, node) => {
                ProcessChildren(ctx, node);
                node.AstNode = new JavaParameter(null)
                    Type = (string)node.ChildNodes [1].AstNode, Name = (string)node.ChildNodes [2].AstNode
            opt_throws_decl.AstConfig.NodeCreator       = SelectSingleChild;
            throws_decl.AstConfig.NodeCreator           = SelectChildValueAt(1);
            comma_separated_types.AstConfig.NodeCreator = CreateArrayCreator <string> ();
            type_name.AstConfig.NodeCreator             = SelectSingleChild;
            dotted_identifier.AstConfig.NodeCreator     = CreateStringFlattener(".");
            array_type.AstConfig.NodeCreator            = (ctx, node) => {
                ProcessChildren(ctx, node);
                node.AstNode = node.ChildNodes [0].AstNode + "[]";
            vararg_type.AstConfig.NodeCreator  = CreateStringFlattener();
            generic_type.AstConfig.NodeCreator = CreateStringFlattener();
            generic_definition_arguments_spec.AstConfig.NodeCreator = SelectChildValueAt(1);
            generic_instance_arguments_spec.AstConfig.NodeCreator   = (ctx, node) => {
                // It is distinct from generic type parameters definition.
                ProcessChildren(ctx, node);
                node.AstNode = "<" + string.Join(", ", (IEnumerable <string>)node.ChildNodes [1].AstNode) + ">";
            generic_definition_arguments.AstConfig.NodeCreator = (ctx, node) => {
                ProcessChildren(ctx, node);
                node.AstNode = new JavaTypeParameters((JavaMethod?)null)
                    TypeParameters = node.ChildNodes.Select(c => c.AstNode).Cast <JavaTypeParameter> ().ToList()
            generic_definition_argument.AstConfig.NodeCreator = (ctx, node) => {
                ProcessChildren(ctx, node);
                node.AstNode = new JavaTypeParameter(null)
                    Name = (string)node.ChildNodes [0].AstNode,
                    GenericConstraints = (JavaGenericConstraints)node.ChildNodes [1].AstNode
            generic_definition_constraints.AstConfig.NodeCreator   = SelectSingleChild;
            generic_instance_arguments.AstConfig.NodeCreator       = CreateArrayCreator <string> ();
            generic_instance_argument.AstConfig.NodeCreator        = CreateStringFlattener();
            generic_instance_identifier_or_q.AstConfig.NodeCreator = SelectSingleChild;
            generic_instance_constraints.AstConfig.NodeCreator     = (ctx, node) => {
                ProcessChildren(ctx, node);
                var c = (JavaGenericConstraints?)node.ChildNodes.FirstOrDefault()?.AstNode;
                if (c != null)
                    node.AstNode = " " + c.BoundsType + " " + string.Join(" & ", c.GenericConstraints.Select(cc => cc.Type));
            AstNodeCreator createGenericConstaints = (ctx, node) => {
                ProcessChildren(ctx, node);
                var cl = ((IEnumerable <string>)node.ChildNodes [1].AstNode).Select(s => new JavaGenericConstraint {
                    Type = s
                node.AstNode = new JavaGenericConstraints()
                    BoundsType         = (string)node.ChildNodes [0].AstNode,
                    GenericConstraints = cl.Any() ? cl.ToArray() : null,

            generic_instance_constraints_extends.AstConfig.NodeCreator = createGenericConstaints;
            generic_instance_constraints_super.AstConfig.NodeCreator   = createGenericConstaints;
            generic_instance_constraint_types.AstConfig.NodeCreator    = CreateArrayCreator <string> ();
            impl_expressions.AstConfig.NodeCreator = CreateArrayCreator <object> ();
            impl_expression.AstConfig.NodeCreator  = SelectSingleChild;
            // each expression item is not seriously processed.
            // They are insignificant except for consts, and for consts they are just string values.
            call_super.AstConfig.NodeCreator            = CreateStringFlattener();
            super_args.AstConfig.NodeCreator            = CreateStringFlattener();
            default_value_expr.AstConfig.NodeCreator    = CreateStringFlattener();
            default_value_casted.AstConfig.NodeCreator  = CreateStringFlattener();
            default_value_literal.AstConfig.NodeCreator = CreateStringFlattener();
            new_array.AstConfig.NodeCreator             = DoNothing;
            runtime_exception.AstConfig.NodeCreator     = CreateStringFlattener();
            Func <string, string, string> stripTail = (s, t) => s.EndsWith(t, StringComparison.Ordinal) ? s.Substring(0, s.Length - t.Length) : s;

            numeric_terminal.AstConfig.NodeCreator = (ctx, node) => node.AstNode = stripTail(stripTail(node.Token.Text, "L"), "f");
            numeric_literal.AstConfig.NodeCreator  = CreateStringFlattener();
            string_literal.AstConfig.NodeCreator   = (ctx, node) => node.AstNode = '"' + node.Token.ValueString + '"';
            value_literal.AstConfig.NodeCreator    = SelectSingleChild;
            identifier_wild.AstConfig.NodeCreator  = SelectSingleChild;

            this.Root = compile_unit;
예제 #24
        internal static void BuildJavaClass(TypeDefinition cilType, JavaClass parentClass)
            CilMain.Where.Push($"class '{cilType.FullName}'");

            var genericMark = CilMain.GenericStack.Mark();
            var myType      = CilMain.GenericStack.EnterType(cilType);

            var jclass = new JavaClass();

            jclass.Name  = myType.JavaName;
            jclass.Flags = AttributesToAccessFlags(cilType.Attributes, myType.IsInterface);

            if (myType.IsInterface)
                jclass.Super = JavaType.ObjectType.ClassName; // java.lang.Object
            else if (cilType.BaseType != null)
                var myBaseType = CilType.From(cilType.BaseType);
                jclass.Super = myBaseType.Equals(JavaType.ObjectType)
                             ? JavaType.ObjectType.ClassName // java.lang.Object
                             : myBaseType.JavaName;
                throw CilMain.Where.Exception("missing base class");

            var myInterfaces = ImportInterfaces(jclass, myType, cilType);

            int numCastableInterfaces = myType.IsGenericThisOrSuper
                                      ? InterfaceBuilder.CastableInterfaceCount(myInterfaces)
                                      : 0;

            ImportFields(jclass, cilType, myType.IsRetainName);

            ImportMethods(jclass, cilType, numCastableInterfaces);

            if (myType.JavaName == "system.Convert")

            ValueUtil.InitializeStaticFields(jclass, myType);

            if (myType.IsValueClass)
                ValueUtil.MakeValueClass(jclass, myType, numCastableInterfaces);

            else if (myType.IsEnum)
                ValueUtil.MakeEnumClass(jclass, myType,
                                        cilType.HasCustomAttribute("System.FlagsAttribute", true));

            else if (myType.IsDelegate)
                var delegateInterface = Delegate.FixClass(jclass, myType);

            // if derives directly from object, and does not implement ToString


            LinkClasses(jclass, parentClass, cilType);

            var interfaceClasses = InterfaceBuilder.BuildProxyMethods(
                myInterfaces, cilType, myType, jclass);

            if (interfaceClasses != null)
                foreach (var childClass in interfaceClasses)

            if (myType.HasGenericParameters)
                JavaClass dataClass;

                if (!myType.IsInterface)
                    dataClass = GenericUtil.MakeGenericClass(jclass, myType);
                    if (dataClass != null)
                    dataClass = null;

                JavaClass infoClass = jclass;
                if (myType.IsInterface)
                    // Android 'D8' desugars static methods on an interface by
                    // moving into a separate class, so we do it ourselves.
                    // see also system.RuntimeType.CreateGeneric() in baselib
                    infoClass = CilMain.CreateInnerClass(jclass, jclass.Name + "$$info");

                GenericUtil.CreateGenericInfoMethod(infoClass, dataClass, myType);

                GenericUtil.CreateGenericVarianceField(infoClass, myType, cilType);

            if (myType.IsGenericThisOrSuper)
                jclass.Signature = GenericUtil.MakeGenericSignature(cilType, jclass.Super);

                if (!myInterfaces.Exists(x => x.InterfaceType.JavaName == "system.IGenericObject"))
                    if (!myType.IsInterface)
                        // create IGenericObject methods GetType and TryCast
                        // only if class did not already implement IGenericObject
                        if (!myType.HasGenericParameters)
                            GenericUtil.BuildGetTypeMethod(jclass, myType);

                            myInterfaces, myType, numCastableInterfaces, jclass);

예제 #25
        public static void BuildGenericProxy2(CilInterfaceMethod ifcMethod, CilMethod targetMethod,
                                              bool parentField, CilType intoType, JavaClass ifcClass)
            // create proxy method

            var targetMethod2 = targetMethod.WithGenericParameters;
            var ifcMethod2    = ifcMethod.Method.WithGenericParameters;

            var newMethod = new JavaMethod(ifcClass, targetMethod2);

            newMethod.Name  = ifcMethod2.Name;
            newMethod.Flags = JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PUBLIC | JavaAccessFlags.ACC_BRIDGE;

            var code = newMethod.Code = new JavaCode();

            code.Method       = newMethod;
            code.Instructions = new List <JavaCode.Instruction>();

            // push a reference to the parent object

            code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload */, null, (int)0);
            if (parentField)
                code.NewInstruction(0xB4 /* getfield */, new JavaType(0, 0, ifcClass.Name),
                                    new JavaFieldRef(ParentFieldName, intoType));

            // push all other parameters

            int numArgs  = newMethod.Parameters.Count;
            int index    = 1;
            int maxStack = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; i++)
                var ifcArg = ifcMethod2.Parameters[i].Type;
                code.NewInstruction(ifcArg.LoadOpcode, null, (int)index);
                index += ifcArg.Category;

                var clsArg = (CilType)targetMethod2.Parameters[i].Type;
                if (JavaType.ObjectType.Equals(ifcArg))
                    if (!clsArg.IsReference)
                        var boxedArg = new BoxedType(clsArg, false);
                        code.NewInstruction(0xC0 /* checkcast */, boxedArg, null);
                    else if (!JavaType.ObjectType.Equals(clsArg))
                        code.NewInstruction(0xC0 /* checkcast */, clsArg, null);
                    // a parameter in the target method may be a concrete type,
                    // but if it is a generic java.lang.Object in the interface,
                    // then it must be a generic java.lang.Object in the proxy
                    newMethod.Parameters[i] = new JavaFieldRef("", ifcArg);
                maxStack += clsArg.Category;

            // invoke proxy target method

            code.NewInstruction(0xB6 /* invokevirtual */, intoType, targetMethod2);

            // return value from method

            var clsRet = (CilType)targetMethod2.ReturnType;
            var ifcRet = ifcMethod2.ReturnType;

            if (JavaType.ObjectType.Equals(ifcRet))
                if (!clsRet.IsReference)
                    var boxedArg = new BoxedType(clsRet, false);
                // the return value in the target method may be a concrete type,
                // but if it is a generic java.lang.Object in the interface,
                // then it must also be a generic java.lang.Object in the proxy
                newMethod.ReturnType = ifcRet;
                code.NewInstruction(ifcRet.ReturnOpcode, null, null);
                code.NewInstruction(clsRet.ReturnOpcode, null, null);

            code.MaxLocals = index;
            code.MaxStack  = maxStack;

예제 #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CacheChannelEventListenerCallback"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cacheChannelEventListener">The associated <see cref="I:Com.Tridion.Cache.ICacheChannelEventListener" /></param>
        public CacheChannelEventListenerCallback(ICacheChannelEventListener cacheChannelEventListener)
            mCacheChannelEventListener = cacheChannelEventListener;

            mConnectCallback = new GenericCallback((out int return_type, out jvalue return_value, IntPtr input) =>

                    // Void
                    return_value = new jvalue();
                    return_type  = 0;
                catch (Exception exception)
                    // Wrap the exception for Java
                    return_value = jvalue.CreateCBRetVal(exception);

                    // Object
                    return_type = 1;


            mDisconnectCallback = new GenericCallback((out int return_type, out jvalue return_value, IntPtr input) =>

                    // Void
                    return_value = new jvalue();
                    return_type  = 0;
                catch (Exception exception)
                    // Wrap the exception for Java
                    return_value = jvalue.CreateCBRetVal(exception);

                    // Object
                    return_type = 1;


            mRemoteEventCallback = new GenericCallback((out int return_type, out jvalue return_value, IntPtr input) =>
                    CacheEvent typedInstance = (CacheEvent)JavaClass.GetTypedInstance(typeof(CacheEvent), jvalue.From(input).l);


                    // Void
                    return_value = new jvalue();
                    return_type  = 0;
                catch (Exception exception)
                    // Wrap the exception for Java
                    return_value = jvalue.CreateCBRetVal(exception);

                    // Object
                    return_type = 1;


            base.JObject = mConstructor.construct(0, mConnectCallback, mDisconnectCallback, mRemoteEventCallback);
예제 #27
    public bool CreateCilTypeForClass(JavaClass jclass)
        var name = jclass.Name;

        if (typeMap.TryGetValue(name, out _) ||
            jclass.IsInnerClass() &&
            (name.StartsWith("java.lang.Object$") ||
            Console.WriteLine($"skipping duplicate class '{name}'");

        string         nsName, clsName;
        TypeAttributes attrs = 0;

        if (jclass.IsInnerClass())
            nsName  = string.Empty;
            clsName = jclass.OuterAndInnerClasses[0].InnerShortName;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(clsName))
                int idx = name.LastIndexOf('$');
                if (idx != -1 && idx + 1 < name.Length)
                    clsName = name.Substring(idx + 1);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(clsName) || (!Char.IsLetter(clsName[0])))
                clsName = "autogenerated_" + jclass.GetHashCode().ToString("X8");

            if ((jclass.Flags & JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PUBLIC) != 0)
                attrs = TypeAttributes.NestedPublic;
            else if ((jclass.Flags & JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PRIVATE) != 0)
                attrs = TypeAttributes.NestedPrivate;
            else if ((jclass.Flags & JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PROTECTED) != 0)
                attrs = TypeAttributes.NestedFamORAssem;
                attrs = TypeAttributes.NestedAssembly;
            int n = jclass.PackageNameLength;
            nsName = name.Substring(0, n);
            if (name[n] == '.')
            clsName = name.Substring(n);
            if ((jclass.Flags & JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PUBLIC) != 0)
                attrs |= TypeAttributes.Public;

        if ((jclass.Flags & JavaAccessFlags.ACC_ABSTRACT) != 0)
            attrs |= TypeAttributes.Abstract;
        if ((jclass.Flags & JavaAccessFlags.ACC_INTERFACE) != 0)
            attrs |= TypeAttributes.Interface;
        if ((jclass.Flags & JavaAccessFlags.ACC_FINAL) != 0)
            attrs |= TypeAttributes.Sealed;

        var newType = new TypeDefinition(nsName, clsName, attrs);

        newType.CustomAttributes.Add(new CustomAttribute(retainNameAttributeConstructor));

        typeMap[name] = newType;
예제 #28
        public static void CreateSuppressibleFinalize(JavaMethod innerMethod, CilType declType,
                                                      JavaClass theClass)
            // if the class defines a finalizer method Finalize() then:
            // - create a flag field that tracks whether finalization is suppressed
            // - implement interface system.GC.FinalizeSuppressible, and its Set()
            // method, which sets the flag field
            // - create a wrapper method that checks the flag field and possibly
            // invokes the original finalizer
            // see also: system.GC in baselib

            var flagField = new JavaField();

            flagField.Name  = "-finalize-suppressed";
            flagField.Type  = CilType.From(JavaType.BooleanType);
            flagField.Class = theClass;
            flagField.Flags = JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PRIVATE | JavaAccessFlags.ACC_VOLATILE;

            if (theClass.Fields == null)
                theClass.Fields = new List <JavaField>();

            // implement the interface method

            var ifcMethod = new JavaMethod("system-GC$SuppressibleFinalize-Set",

            ifcMethod.Class = theClass;
            ifcMethod.Flags = JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PUBLIC;

            var code = ifcMethod.Code = new JavaCode();

            code.Method       = ifcMethod;
            code.Instructions = new List <JavaCode.Instruction>();
            code.MaxLocals    = code.MaxStack = 2;

            code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload */, null, (int)0);
            code.NewInstruction(0x12 /* ldc */, null, (int)1);
            code.NewInstruction(0xB5 /* putfield */, declType, flagField);
            code.NewInstruction(JavaType.VoidType.ReturnOpcode, null, null);


            // create the wrapper method

            var outerMethod = new JavaMethod(theClass, innerMethod);

            outerMethod.Flags = JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PROTECTED;
            innerMethod.Flags = JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PRIVATE;

            innerMethod.Name += "---inner";

            // prepare to generate instructions

            code              = outerMethod.Code = new JavaCode();
            code.Method       = outerMethod;
            code.Instructions = new List <JavaCode.Instruction>();
            code.StackMap     = new JavaStackMap();
            code.StackMap.SaveFrame((ushort)0, false, CilMain.Where);
            code.MaxLocals = code.MaxStack = 1;

            // check the flag field to determine if suppressed

            code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload */, null, (int)0);

            code.NewInstruction(0xB4 /* getfield */, declType, flagField);

            code.NewInstruction(0x9A /* ifne != zero */, null, (ushort)0xFFFE);

            code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload */, null, (int)0);

            code.NewInstruction(0xB7 /* invokespecial */, declType, innerMethod);

            code.NewInstruction(JavaType.VoidType.ReturnOpcode, null, null,
                                /* label */ 0xFFFE);

            code.StackMap.SaveFrame((ushort)0xFFFE, true, CilMain.Where);

예제 #29
        public static void ImportMethods(JavaClass jclass, TypeDefinition cilType,
                                         int numCastableInterfaces)
            if (cilType.HasMethods)
                int n = cilType.Methods.Count;
                if (n > 0)
                    jclass.Methods = new List <JavaMethod>(n);
                    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        var defMethod = cilType.Methods[i];

                         * if (defMethod.HasCustomAttribute("Discard"))
                         *  continue; // if decorated with [java.attr.Discard], don't export to java

                        var genericMark = CilMain.GenericStack.Mark();
                        var myMethod    = CilMain.GenericStack.EnterMethod(defMethod);

                        var newMethod = new JavaMethod(jclass, myMethod.WithGenericParameters);
                        newMethod.Flags = AttributesToAccessFlags(
                            defMethod.Attributes, defMethod.HasOverrides,
                            (cilType.HasNestedTypes || cilType.HasGenericParameters));

                        if (myMethod.IsStatic & myMethod.IsConstructor)
                            newMethod.Flags &= ~(JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PUBLIC
                                                 | JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PRIVATE
                                                 | JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PROTECTED);

                        if (defMethod.HasBody)
                            CilMain.Where.Push($"method '{defMethod.Name}'");
                            CodeBuilder.BuildJavaCode(newMethod, myMethod, defMethod,

                            if ((defMethod.ImplAttributes & MethodImplAttributes.Synchronized) != 0)
                                // if method is decorated with [MethodImplOptions.Synchronized],
                                // create a wrapper method that locks appropriately
                                    CodeBuilder.CreateSyncWrapper(newMethod, myMethod.DeclType));
                            else if (defMethod.Name == "Finalize" &&
                                     (!defMethod.HasParameters) && defMethod.IsVirtual)
                                // if method is a finalizer, create a wrapper method that
                                // checks if finalization was suppressed for the object

                                    newMethod, myMethod.DeclType, jclass);

                            if (defMethod.IsVirtual)
                                    cilType, defMethod, myMethod, jclass);
                            else if (!myMethod.IsConstructor)
                                newMethod.Flags |= JavaAccessFlags.ACC_FINAL;

                            if ((!defMethod.IsAbstract) &&
                                (defMethod.IsInternalCall || defMethod.IsPInvokeImpl))
                                // skip native methods

                            // clear ACC_STATIC and access, set ACC_ABSTRACT and ACC_PUBLIC
                            newMethod.Flags = (newMethod.Flags | JavaAccessFlags.ACC_ABSTRACT
                                               | JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PUBLIC)
                                              & ~(JavaAccessFlags.ACC_STATIC
                                                  | JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PRIVATE
                                                  | JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PROTECTED);



                        if (myMethod.IsConstructor)
                            var dummyClass = CreateDummyClassForConstructor(myMethod, jclass);
                            if (dummyClass != null)
                        else if (myMethod.WithGenericParameters != myMethod &&
                                    newMethod, myMethod.Parameters, cilType.IsInterface));
                jclass.Methods = new List <JavaMethod>(0);

            JavaClass CreateDummyClassForConstructor(CilMethod theMethod, JavaClass theClass)
                if (!theMethod.HasDummyClassArg)
                               theMethod.Parameters.Count - 1].Type.ClassName));
예제 #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the names of the interfaces of the given class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="jc">The java class.</param>
 /// <returns>The names of the interfaces of the class.</returns>
 public static string[] GetInterfaces(this JavaClass jc)
     Guard.NotNull(ref jc, nameof(jc));
     return(jc.Interfaces.Select(x => jc.GetConstant <JavaConstantUtf8>(jc.GetConstant <JavaConstantClass>(x).NameIndex).Value).ToArray());
예제 #31
        public static void CreateProject(List <JavaObject> javaObjects, string targetpath, string folderName)
            //string subdir = $"C:/Users/sofia/Favorites/FolderTest";
            string subdir = $"{targetpath}/{folderName}";

            // If directory does not exist, create it.
            if (!Directory.Exists(subdir))

            foreach (var item in javaObjects)
            {        // TODO
                     // einzelne Unterpunkte!;
                     //string pathPackages = @"C:/Users/sofia/Favorites/FolderTest";
                string pathPackages = subdir;

                var splitPath = item.Package.Split('.');
                foreach (var p in splitPath)
                    pathPackages = pathPackages + "/" + p;
                    if (!Directory.Exists(pathPackages))
            foreach (var item in javaObjects)
                string pathPackages = "";
                var    splitPath    = item.Package.Split('.');
                foreach (var p in splitPath)
                    pathPackages = pathPackages + "/" + p;
                    if (!Directory.Exists(pathPackages))
                string path = $"{subdir}/{pathPackages}/{item.Name}.java";
                //string path = @"C:/Users/sofia/Favorites/FolderTest/" + pathPackages + "/" + item.Name + ".java";
                if (!File.Exists(path))
                    // Create a file to write to.
                    using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(path))
                        sw.WriteLine($"package {item.Package};");
                        foreach (var impl in item.ObjectsToImport)
                            sw.WriteLine("import " + impl.Package + "." + impl.Name + ";");
                        if (item.GetType().ToString().Equals("UMJA.Utility.JavaClass"))
                            JavaClass javaClass = (JavaClass)item;
                            string    imp       = (javaClass.Implements.Count == 0) ? " " : " implements";

                            foreach (var i in javaClass.Implements)
                                imp = imp + " " + i.Name;
                            sw.WriteLine("public class " + item.Name + imp + " {");
                            foreach (var vari in javaClass.Variables)
                                var final = (vari.IsFinal) ? "final" : "";
                                var priv  = (vari.IsPrivate) ? "private" : "public";
                                var stat  = (vari.IsStatic) ? "static" : "";

                                string equalsPart = (vari.DefinedValue != null && vari.DefinedValue != string.Empty) ? $" = {vari.DefinedValue}" : "";
                                if (equalsPart.Equals("") && vari.IsFinal)
                                    equalsPart = $" = new {vari.ObjectType}()";

                                sw.WriteLine(priv + " " + stat + " " + final + " " + vari.ObjectType + " " + vari.Name + equalsPart + ";");
                            foreach (var method in javaClass.Methods)
                                var priv = (method.IsPrivate) ? "private" : "public";
                                var stat = (method.IsStatic) ? "static" : "";

                                string parameter = "";
                                foreach (var variable in method.Parameters)
                                    parameter += variable.ObjectType + " " + variable.Name + ", ";
                                if (parameter.Length > 0)
                                    parameter = parameter.Substring(0, parameter.Length - 2);

                                if (Object.Equals(method.Name, "toString"))
                                    sw.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "@Override");
                                    sw.WriteLine(priv + " " + stat + " " + " " + method.ReturnObject + " " + method.Name + "(" + parameter + ")" + " {" + Environment.NewLine + "   return \"\";" + Environment.NewLine + "}");
                                else if (method.Override)
                                    sw.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "@Override");
                                    sw.WriteLine(priv + " " + stat + " " + " " + method.ReturnObject + " " + method.Name + "(" + parameter + ")" + " {"
                                                 + Environment.NewLine
                                                 + "    throw new UnsupportedOperationException(\"Not supported yet.\"); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates."
                                                 + Environment.NewLine
                                                 + "}");
                                else if (method.Name.StartsWith("get") && javaClass.Variables.FindAll(x => method.Name.ToLower().Contains(x.Name.ToLower())).Count != 0)
                                    sw.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + priv + " " + stat + " " + " " + method.ReturnObject + " " + method.Name + "() {");
                                    sw.WriteLine($"return {javaClass.Variables.FindAll(x => method.Name.ToLower().Contains(x.Name.ToLower())).First().Name};");
                                else if (method.Name.StartsWith("set") && javaClass.Variables.FindAll(x => method.Name.ToLower().Contains(x.Name.ToLower())).Count > 0)
                                    sw.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + priv + " " + stat + " " + " " + method.ReturnObject + " " + method.Name + "(" + parameter + ")" + " {");
                                    sw.WriteLine($"this.{method.Parameters[0].Name} = {method.Parameters[0].Name};");
                                    sw.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + priv + " " + stat + " " + " " + method.ReturnObject + " " + method.Name + "(" + parameter + ")" + " {" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "}");

                            if (javaClass.HasConstructor)
                                var variablesForConstSB = new StringBuilder();
                                javaClass.Variables.FindAll(x => !x.IsStatic).ToList().ForEach(x => variablesForConstSB.Append($"{x.ObjectType} {x.Name}, "));

                                sw.WriteLine($"public {javaClass.Name}({variablesForConstSB.ToString().Remove(variablesForConstSB.ToString().Length - 2, 2)}) " + "{");
                                javaClass.Variables.ForEach(x => sw.WriteLine($"this.{x.Name} = {x.Name};"));

                            if (javaClass.HasGetter)
                                javaClass.Variables.ForEach(x => sw.WriteLine($"public {x.ObjectType} get{x.Name.ToCharArray()[0].ToString().ToUpper()}{x.Name.Remove(0, 1)}() " + "{" + Environment.NewLine + $"    return {x.Name};" + Environment.NewLine + "}"));

                            if (javaClass.HasSetter)
                                javaClass.Variables.ForEach(x => sw.WriteLine($"public {x.ObjectType} set{x.Name.ToCharArray()[0].ToString().ToUpper()}{x.Name.Remove(0, 1)}({x.ObjectType} {x.Name}) "
                                                                              + "{"
                                                                              + Environment.NewLine
                                                                              + $"    this.{x.Name} =  {x.Name};"
                                                                              + Environment.NewLine
                                                                              + "}"));

                            guiLog($"Die Klasse {javaClass.Name} wurde Compiliert");

                        else if (item.GetType().ToString().Equals("UMJA.Utility.JavaEnumeration"))
                            JavaEnumeration javaEnumeration = (JavaEnumeration)item;
                            sw.WriteLine("public enum " + item.Name + "{");
                            guiLog($"Das Enum {javaEnumeration.Name} wurde Compiliert");

                        else if (item.GetType().ToString().Equals("UMJA.Utility.JavaInterface"))
                            JavaInterface javaClass = (JavaInterface)item;
                            sw.WriteLine("public interface " + item.Name + "{");
                            foreach (var vari in javaClass.Variables)
                                var final = (vari.IsFinal) ? "final" : "";
                                var priv  = (vari.IsPrivate) ? "private" : "public";
                                var stat  = (vari.IsStatic) ? "static" : "";

                                string equalsPart = (vari.DefinedValue != null && vari.DefinedValue != string.Empty) ? $" = {vari.DefinedValue}" : "";
                                if (equalsPart.Equals("") && vari.IsFinal)
                                    equalsPart = $" = new {vari.ObjectType}()";

                                sw.WriteLine(priv + " " + stat + " " + final + " " + vari.ObjectType + " " + vari.Name + equalsPart + ";");
                            foreach (var method in javaClass.Methods)
                                var priv = (method.IsPrivate) ? "private" : "public";
                                var stat = (method.IsStatic) ? "static" : "";

                                string parameter = "";
                                foreach (var variable in method.Parameters)
                                    parameter += parameter + variable.ObjectType + " " + variable.Name + ", ";
                                if (parameter.Length > 0)
                                    parameter = parameter.Substring(0, parameter.Length - 2);

                                sw.WriteLine(priv + " " + stat + " " + " " + method.ReturnObject + " " + method.Name + "(" + parameter + ");");

                            guiLog($"Das Interface {javaClass.Name} wurde Compiliert");
            guiLog("Das Projekt wurde erfolgreich erstellt!");
예제 #32
        public static JavaClass FixClass(JavaClass fromClass, CilType fromType)
            JavaType  interfaceType  = InterfaceType(fromType);
            JavaClass interfaceClass = null;

            var fromMethods = fromClass.Methods;

            for (int i = fromMethods.Count; i-- > 0;)
                var nm = fromMethods[i].Name;
                if (nm == "BeginInvoke" || nm == "EndInvoke")

            foreach (var method in fromMethods)
                if ((method.Flags & JavaAccessFlags.ACC_STATIC) == 0 && method.Code == null)
                    if (method.Name == "<init>")
                        GenerateConstructor(method, fromType);
                    else if (method.Name == "Invoke")
                        if (interfaceClass != null)

                        interfaceClass = MakeInterface(fromClass, method, interfaceType.ClassName);
                        GenerateInvoke(method, fromType, interfaceType);

                    /*else if (method.Name == "BeginInvoke")
                     * {
                     *  if (interfaceClass == null)
                     *      break;
                     *  GenerateBeginInvoke();
                     *  continue;
                     * }
                     * else if (method.Name == "EndInvoke")
                     * {
                     *  GenerateEndInvoke();
                     *  continue;
                     * }*/

                    method.Flags &= ~JavaAccessFlags.ACC_ABSTRACT;

            if (interfaceClass == null)
                throw CilMain.Where.Exception("invalid delegate class");



            JavaClass MakeInterface(JavaClass fromClass, JavaMethod fromMethod, string newName)
                var newClass = CilMain.CreateInnerClass(fromClass, newName,
                                                        | JavaAccessFlags.ACC_ABSTRACT
                                                        | JavaAccessFlags.ACC_INTERFACE);

                var newMethod = new JavaMethod(newClass, fromMethod);

                newMethod.Flags = JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PUBLIC
                                  | JavaAccessFlags.ACC_ABSTRACT;
                if (IsPrimitive(newMethod.ReturnType))
                    // primitive return value is translated to java.lang.Object,
                    // because the delegate target may return a generic type that
                    // is specialized for the primitive type in the delegate.
                    // see also GenerateInvoke and LoadFunction
                    newMethod.ReturnType = JavaType.ObjectType;



            void GenerateConstructor(JavaMethod method, CilType dlgType)
                var code = method.Code = new JavaCode();

                code.Method       = method;
                code.Instructions = new List <Instruction>();

                if (dlgType.HasGenericParameters)
                    code.StackMap = new JavaStackMap();
                    var genericMark = CilMain.GenericStack.Mark();
                    CilMain.GenericStack.EnterMethod(dlgType, method, true);

                    // initialize the generic type field
                    GenericUtil.InitializeTypeField(dlgType, code);

                    code.MaxStack = code.StackMap.GetMaxStackSize(CilMain.Where);

                code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload_0 */, null, (int)0);
                code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload_1 */, null, (int)1);
                code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload_2 */, null, (int)2);

                code.NewInstruction(0xB7 /* invokespecial */,
                                    new JavaType(0, 0, method.Class.Super),
                                    new JavaMethodRef("<init>", JavaType.VoidType,
                                                      JavaType.ObjectType, JavaType.ObjectType));

                code.NewInstruction(0xB1 /* return (void) */, null, null);

                if (code.MaxStack < 3)
                    code.MaxStack = 3;
                code.MaxLocals = 3 + dlgType.GenericParametersCount;


            void GenerateInvoke(JavaMethod method, CilType dlgType, JavaType ifcType)
                var delegateType = new JavaType(0, 0, "system.Delegate");

                var code = method.Code = new JavaCode();

                code.Method       = method;
                code.Instructions = new List <Instruction>();
                code.StackMap     = new JavaStackMap();

                code.StackMap.SetLocal(0, dlgType);
                int index = 1;

                for (int i = 0; i < method.Parameters.Count; i++)
                    var paramType = (CilType)method.Parameters[i].Type;
                    code.StackMap.SetLocal(index, paramType);
                    index += paramType.Category;
                code.StackMap.SaveFrame((ushort)0, false, CilMain.Where);

                // step 1, call the target method through the interface reference
                // stored in the 'invokable' field of the system.Delegate class

                code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload_0 */, null, (int)0);
                code.NewInstruction(0xB4 /* getfield */, delegateType,
                                    new JavaFieldRef("invokable", JavaType.ObjectType));

                code.NewInstruction(0xC0 /* checkcast */, ifcType, null);

                // push method parameters 'invokeinterface'

                index = 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < method.Parameters.Count; i++)
                    var paramType = (CilType)method.Parameters[i].Type;
                    code.NewInstruction(paramType.LoadOpcode, null, index);

                    if (paramType.IsGenericParameter && (!paramType.IsByReference))
                        // invoke the helper method which identifies our boxed
                        // primitives and re-boxes them as java boxed values.
                        // see also: GenericType::DelegateParameterin baselib.
                            paramType.GetMethodGenericParameter(), code);
                        code.NewInstruction(0xB8 /* invokestatic */,
                                            SystemDelegateUtilType, DelegateParameterMethod);
                    index += paramType.Category;

                var returnType = (CilType)method.ReturnType;

                if (IsPrimitive(returnType))
                    // primitive return value is translated to java.lang.Object,
                    // because the delegate target may return a generic type that
                    // is specialized for the primitive type in the delegate.
                    // see also GenerateInvoke and LoadFunction
                    var adjustedMethod = new JavaMethodRef(
                        method.Name, JavaType.ObjectType, method.Parameters);
                    code.NewInstruction(0xB9 /* invokeinterface */, ifcType, adjustedMethod);
                    code.NewInstruction(0xB9 /* invokeinterface */, ifcType, method);


                // check if this delegate has a 'following' delegate,
                // attached via system.MulticastDelegate.CombineImpl

                code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload_0 */, null, (int)0);
                code.NewInstruction(0xB4 /* getfield */, delegateType,
                                    new JavaFieldRef("following", delegateType));
                code.NewInstruction(0xC7 /* ifnonnull */, null, (ushort)1);

                if (returnType.IsGenericParameter && (!returnType.IsByReference))
                        returnType.GetMethodGenericParameter(), code);
                    code.NewInstruction(0xB8 /* invokestatic */,
                                        SystemDelegateUtilType, DelegateReturnValueMethod);
                else if (IsPrimitive(returnType))
                    // if the delegate returns a primitive type, we need to unbox
                    // the object returned by the method we just called.  it will be
                    // a java boxed primitive (e.g. java.lang.Integer) if the called
                    // method actually returns a primitive, due to the boxing done
                    // by the invokedynamic mechanism.  if the called method returns
                    // a generic type, it will be our boxed type, e.g. system.Int32.
                    // see also DelegateReturnValueX helper methods in baselib,
                    // and MakeInterface and LoadFunction in this file.
                    var helperMethod = new JavaMethodRef(
                        DelegateReturnValueMethod.Name + returnType.ToDescriptor(),
                        returnType, JavaType.ObjectType);
                    code.NewInstruction(0xB8 /* invokestatic */,
                                        SystemDelegateUtilType, helperMethod);

                code.NewInstruction(returnType.ReturnOpcode, null, index);

                // step 2
                // if this delegate has a 'following' delegate, then we need to
                // call it, but first get rid of the return value on the stack

                byte popOpcode;

                if (returnType.Equals(JavaType.VoidType))
                    popOpcode = 0x00; // nop
                else // select 0x57 pop, or 0x58 pop2
                    var adjustedReturnType =
                        IsPrimitive(returnType) ? JavaType.ObjectType : returnType;
                    popOpcode = (byte)(0x56 + returnType.Category);
                code.NewInstruction(popOpcode, null, null, (ushort)1);
                code.StackMap.SaveFrame((ushort)1, true, CilMain.Where);

                // now call the Invoke method on the 'following' delegate

                code.NewInstruction(0x19 /* aload_0 */, null, (int)0);
                code.NewInstruction(0xB4 /* getfield */, delegateType,
                                    new JavaFieldRef("following", delegateType));
                code.NewInstruction(0xC0 /* checkcast */, dlgType, null);

                // push all method parameters for 'invokevirtual'

                index = 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < method.Parameters.Count; i++)
                    var paramType = (CilType)method.Parameters[i].Type;
                    code.NewInstruction(paramType.LoadOpcode, null, index);

                    if (paramType.IsGenericParameter && (!paramType.IsByReference))
                        // invoke the helper method which identifies our boxed
                        // primitives and re-boxes them as java boxed values.
                        // see also: GenericType::DelegateParameterin baselib.
                            paramType.GetMethodGenericParameter(), code);
                        code.NewInstruction(0xB8 /* invokestatic */,
                                            SystemDelegateUtilType, DelegateParameterMethod);
                    index += paramType.Category;

                code.NewInstruction(0xB6 /* invokevirtual */, dlgType, method);

                code.NewInstruction(returnType.ReturnOpcode, null, index);

                code.MaxStack  = code.StackMap.GetMaxStackSize(CilMain.Where);
                code.MaxLocals = index;


            /*void GenerateBeginInvoke()
             * {
             * }*/


            /*void GenerateEndInvoke()
             * {
             * }*/
예제 #33
        public void GenerateCode(JavaCodeConfig javaCodeConfig, JavaClass createdJavaBean)
            CSharpTemplate template = GetTemplate(javaCodeConfig);
            IRazorEngineCompiledTemplate <RazorEngineTemplateBase <JavaCodeConfig> > codeTemplate = null;

            lock (this)
                javaCodeConfig.JavaClass = createdJavaBean;

                string rootDir = String.Empty;

                string result = String.Empty;

                string fileName = string.Empty;

                Action action = () =>
                    codeTemplate = null;
                    codeTemplate = codeTemplate ?? (javaCodeConfig.ForModel ? template.modelTemplate : null);
                    codeTemplate = codeTemplate ?? (javaCodeConfig.ForService ? template.serviceTemplate : null);
                    codeTemplate = codeTemplate ?? (javaCodeConfig.ForServiceImpl ? template.serviceImplTemplate : null);
                    codeTemplate = codeTemplate ?? (javaCodeConfig.ForController ? template.controllerTemplate : null);
                    if (codeTemplate == null)

                    result = codeTemplate.Run(instance =>
                        instance.Model = javaCodeConfig;

                    string filePath = rootDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + fileName + ".java";

                    if (File.Exists(filePath))
                    File.WriteAllText(filePath, result, new UTF8Encoding(false));

                if (javaCodeConfig.GeneralModel)
                    javaCodeConfig.ForModel = true;
                    rootDir  = CodeUtil.PrepareCodeRoot(javaCodeConfig.ModelJavaDiretory, javaCodeConfig.ModelPackageName);
                    fileName = javaCodeConfig.ModelName;

                if (javaCodeConfig.GeneralService)
                    javaCodeConfig.ForService = true;
                    rootDir  = CodeUtil.PrepareCodeRoot(javaCodeConfig.ModelJavaDiretory, javaCodeConfig.ServicePackageName);
                    fileName = javaCodeConfig.ServiceName;

                if (javaCodeConfig.GeneralServiceImpl)
                    javaCodeConfig.ForServiceImpl = true;
                    rootDir  = CodeUtil.PrepareCodeRoot(javaCodeConfig.ModelJavaDiretory, javaCodeConfig.ServiceImplPackageName);
                    fileName = javaCodeConfig.ServiceImplName;

                if (javaCodeConfig.GeneralController)
                    javaCodeConfig.ForController = true;
                    rootDir  = CodeUtil.PrepareCodeRoot(javaCodeConfig.ModelJavaDiretory, javaCodeConfig.ControllerPackageName);
                    fileName = javaCodeConfig.ControllerName;
예제 #34
 protected bool Equals(JavaClass other)
     return(string.Equals(Name, other.Name));
예제 #35
        public static JavaClass MakeGenericClass(JavaClass fromClass, CilType fromType)
            // if the generic class has static fields or a static initializer
            // then we need to move those into a separate class that can be
            // instantiated multiple times for multiple separate instances,
            // one for each concrete implementation of the generic type.

            int numGeneric = fromType.GenericParameters.Count;

            var dataClass = MoveStaticFields(fromClass, null);

            dataClass = MoveStaticInit(fromClass, dataClass);

            if (dataClass != null)
                FixConstructorInData(dataClass, numGeneric);

            // a generic class implements the IGenericObject interface,
            // and has a generic-type field for the concrete implementation
            // of the generic type and generic arguments

            CreateGenericTypeFields(fromClass, numGeneric);
            BuildGetTypeMethod(fromClass, fromType);


            // move any static fields from the generic class,
            // as instance fields in a new class

            JavaClass MoveStaticFields(JavaClass fromClass, JavaClass dataClass)
                var fields = fromClass.Fields;

                if (fields == null)

                int n = fields.Count;

                for (int i = 0; i < n;)
                    var fld = fields[i];
                    if ((fld.Flags & JavaAccessFlags.ACC_STATIC) == 0)
                    if (((CilType)fld.Type).IsLiteral)

                    if (dataClass == null)
                        dataClass = CreateClass(fromClass);

                    if (fld.Constant != null)
                        throw CilMain.Where.Exception($"initializer in static field '{fld.Name}' in generic class");


                    fld.Flags &= ~JavaAccessFlags.ACC_STATIC;


            // move the static constructor/initializer
            // from the generic class to the new data class

            JavaClass MoveStaticInit(JavaClass fromClass, JavaClass dataClass)
                var methods = fromClass.Methods;
                int n       = methods.Count;

                for (int i = 0; i < n;)
                    var mth = methods[i];
                    if (mth.Name != "<clinit>")

                    if (dataClass == null)
                        dataClass = CreateClass(fromClass);


                    mth.Name  = "<init>";
                    mth.Class = dataClass;
                    mth.Flags = JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PUBLIC;


            // create a constructor if there was no static initializer,
            // or inject a call to super class constructor

            void FixConstructorInData(JavaClass dataClass, int numGeneric)
                JavaCode code;
                bool     insertReturn;

                if (dataClass.Methods.Count == 0)
                    code         = CilMethod.CreateConstructor(dataClass, numGeneric, true);
                    insertReturn = true;

                    code.MaxStack  = 1;
                    code.MaxLocals = 1 + numGeneric;
                    code = dataClass.Methods[0].Code;
                    if (code.MaxStack < 1)
                        code.MaxStack = 1;

                    // we are injecting a call to super constructor at the very top,
                    // so local 0 should have the proper type, not uninitializedThis
                        0, CilType.From(new JavaType(0, 0, dataClass.Name)), null);

                    insertReturn = false;

                code.Instructions.Insert(0, new Instruction(
                                             0x19 /* aload */, null, (int)0, 0xFFFF));

                code.Instructions.Insert(1, new Instruction(
                                             0xB7 /* invokespecial */, JavaType.ObjectType,
                                             new JavaMethodRef("<init>", JavaType.VoidType), 0xFFFF));

                // the static initializer can call static methods on its own type,
                // and those methods can invoke system.RuntimeType.GetType() to get
                // a reference to the generic type that is still being initialized.
                // and more importantly, a reference to the the static-generic data
                // object that is constructed by this method.  to make the object
                // available to such access, we call system.RuntimeType.SetStatic().
                // see also system.RuntimeType.MakeGenericType/MakeGenericType().

                code.Instructions.Insert(2, new Instruction(
                                             0x19 /* aload */, null, (int)0, 0xFFFF));

                code.Instructions.Insert(3, new Instruction(
                                             0xB8 /* invokestatic */, CilType.SystemRuntimeTypeType,
                                             new JavaMethodRef("SetStatic",
                                                               JavaType.VoidType, JavaType.ObjectType), 0xFFFF));

                if (insertReturn)
                    code.NewInstruction(JavaType.VoidType.ReturnOpcode, null, null, 0xFFFF);

            // create the new data class

            JavaClass CreateClass(JavaClass fromClass) =>
            CilMain.CreateInnerClass(fromClass, fromClass.Name + "$$static", 0,
                                     markGenericEntity: true);

            // create a private instance field to hold the runtime type
            // for a particular combination of generic type and arguments

            void CreateGenericTypeFields(JavaClass fromClass, int numGeneric)
                var fld = new JavaField();

                fld.Name  = ConcreteTypeField.Name;
                fld.Type  = ConcreteTypeField.Type;
                fld.Class = fromClass;
                fld.Flags = JavaAccessFlags.ACC_PRIVATE;

                if (fromClass.Fields == null)
                    fromClass.Fields = new List <JavaField>();

예제 #36
 public JavaMember(JavaClass owningClass)
     OwningClass = owningClass;
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a java class by it's classname.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>False if not found.</returns>
 internal bool TryGetJavaClass(string className, out JavaClass jClass)
     return javaClasses.TryGetValue(className, out jClass);
예제 #38
 private string TraverseClass(JavaClass javaClass)
     return(TraverseClassOrInterface(javaClass, true));