private void Calendar_DayChanged(object sender, Jarloo.Calendar.DayChangedEventArgs e)
            DateTime d = e.Day.Date;

            using var _nat02Context = new NAT02Context();
            // Delete from table
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Day.Notes) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.Day.Notes))
                // Exists
                if (_nat02Context.EoiCalendar.Any(c => c.Year == (short)d.Year && c.Month == (byte)d.Month && c.Day == (byte)d.Day))
                    if (_nat02Context.EoiCalendar.First(c => c.Year == (short)d.Year && c.Month == (byte)d.Month && c.Day == (byte)d.Day).ActionDateTime < timeEnteredCalendar || _nat02Context.EoiCalendar.First(c => c.Year == (short)d.Year && c.Month == (byte)d.Month && c.Day == (byte)d.Day).DomainName == user.DomainName)
                        // Remove
                        EoiCalendar eoiCalendar = _nat02Context.EoiCalendar.First(c => c.Year == (short)d.Year && c.Month == (byte)d.Month && c.Day == (byte)d.Day);
                        MessageBox.Show("There appears to have been a change made by '" + _nat02Context.EoiCalendar.First(c => c.Year == (short)d.Year && c.Month == (byte)d.Month && c.Day == (byte)d.Day).DomainName + "' to this date before you deleted the note. Please re-open the calendar to load the information.", "Prevoiusly changed", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
            // Insert or Update
                // Exists
                if (_nat02Context.EoiCalendar.Any(c => c.Year == (short)d.Year && c.Month == (byte)d.Month && c.Day == (byte)d.Day))
                    if (_nat02Context.EoiCalendar.First(c => c.Year == (short)d.Year && c.Month == (byte)d.Month && c.Day == (byte)d.Day).ActionDateTime < timeEnteredCalendar || _nat02Context.EoiCalendar.First(c => c.Year == (short)d.Year && c.Month == (byte)d.Month && c.Day == (byte)d.Day).DomainName == user.DomainName)
                        EoiCalendar eoiCalendar = _nat02Context.EoiCalendar.First(c => c.Year == (short)d.Year && c.Month == (byte)d.Month && c.Day == (byte)d.Day);
                        eoiCalendar.Notes      = e.Day.Notes;
                        eoiCalendar.DomainName = user.DomainName;
                        MessageBox.Show("There appears to have been a change made by '" + _nat02Context.EoiCalendar.First(c => c.Year == (short)d.Year && c.Month == (byte)d.Month && c.Day == (byte)d.Day).DomainName + "' to this date before you altered the note. Please re-open the calendar to load the information.", "Prevoiusly changed", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
                // New
                    EoiCalendar eoiCalendar = new EoiCalendar
                        Day        = (byte)d.Day,
                        Month      = (byte)d.Month,
                        Year       = (Int16)d.Year,
                        DomainName = user.DomainName,
                        Notes      = e.Day.Notes
예제 #2
 private void Calendar_SelectedDayChanged(object sender, Jarloo.Calendar.DayChangedEventArgs e)