static void Main(string[] args) { client.InitializeConnection(); client.InitializeVideoRoomConnection(); client.CreateRoom(100); JanusVideoRoomExistsResponse existResponse = client.RoomExists(100); JanusVideoRoomListResponse listResponse = client.ListRooms(); client.RemoveRoom(100); client.CleanUp(); }
/// <summary> /// This is part of the synchronous responses that the video room plugin provides /// </summary> /// <returns>A class containing the list of video rooms</returns> public JanusVideoRoomListResponse ListRooms() { if (janus_video_plugin_ref.IncRef()) { if (!IsRestClientInitialized()) { var resp = new JanusVideoRoomListResponse { janus = "failure", plugindata = new JanusVideoRoomListPluginData { plugin = "janus.plugin.videoroom", data = new JanusVideoRoomListPluginDataInternal { videoroom = "none", list = null, error_code = (int)JanusRoomErrorCodes.JANUS_VIDEOROOM_ERROR_NO_SESSION, error = "Initialize the API client first" } } }; janus_video_plugin_ref.DecRef(); return(resp); } if (!InitializeVideoRoomConnection()) { var resp = new JanusVideoRoomListResponse { janus = "failure", plugindata = new JanusVideoRoomListPluginData { plugin = "janus.plugin.videoroom", data = new JanusVideoRoomListPluginDataInternal { videoroom = "none", list = null, error_code = (int)JanusRoomErrorCodes.JANUS_VIDEOROOM_ERROR_NO_SESSION, error = "Could not attach the plugin" } } }; janus_video_plugin_ref.DecRef(); return(resp); } var room_request = new RestRequest(Method.POST); room_request.Resource = "{SessionToken}/" + JanusVideoRoomPluginHandle; room_request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json; dynamic obj = new ExpandoObject(); obj.request = "list"; dynamic msg = new ExpandoObject(); if (api_secret.HasValue()) { msg.apisecret = api_secret; } msg.janus = "message"; msg.transaction = GetNewRandomTransaction(); msg.body = obj; room_request.AddBody(msg); JanusVideoRoomListResponse response = Execute <JanusVideoRoomListResponse>(room_request); if (response != null) { delay_timeout.ResetDelay(29); } janus_video_plugin_ref.DecRef(); return(response); } return(null); }