private void SetVec2(Vector2 value) { JSONObject vecJson = new JSONObject(); vecJson.SetField("x",value.x); vecJson.SetField("y",value.y); VariableManager.JsonRecord.SetField(ID,vecJson); }
private void SetBoolList(List<bool> boolList) { JSONObject listJson = new JSONObject(); for(int i=0;i<boolList.Count;i++) { listJson.SetField("item"+i,boolList[i]); } VariableManager.JsonRecord.SetField(ID,listJson); }
public JSONObject GeneratePositionUpdatePacket() { if (!_positionUpdatePacket) { _positionUpdatePacket = new JSONObject(); _positionUpdatePacket.SetField("pos", new JSONObject(JSONObject.Type.ARRAY)); } _positionUpdatePacket.AddField("pos", delegate(JSONObject o) { o.Add(transform.position.x); o.Add(transform.position.y); }); return _positionUpdatePacket; }
public JSONObject createJsonObject(JSONObject json, string jsonStr) { jsonStr = jsonStr.Trim(); int openingCurlyBraces = 0; int firstCurlyBracesPosition = 0; int endingCurlyBracesPosition = 0; int endingCurlyBracesComputedPosition = 0; int openingBrackets = 0; int firstBracketsPosition = 0; int endingBracketsPosition = 0; int endingBracketsComputedPosition = 0; int charPosition = 0; //json = new JSONObject (); string propName = ""; bool openQuote = false; bool inProp = false; bool inValue = false; string strValue = ""; int intValue = 0; float floatValue = 0f; bool boolValue = false; bool inBrackets = false; string tempValue = ""; string jsonElement = ""; JsonType jsonMode = JsonType.NotSet; foreach (char c in jsonStr) { if (json.type == JSONObject.Type.ARRAY) { inValue = true; inProp = false; } if (c == '"' && !openQuote && !inProp && !inValue && openingCurlyBraces == 0 && openingBrackets == 0) { openQuote = true; if (json.type != JSONObject.Type.ARRAY) { inProp = true; propName = ""; inValue = false; } else { jsonMode = JsonType.String; } } else if (openQuote && inProp && !inValue && c != '"' && openingCurlyBraces == 0 && openingBrackets == 0) { propName += c; } else if (c == '"' && openQuote && inProp && openingCurlyBraces == 0 && openingBrackets == 0) { openQuote = false; inProp = false; } else if (c == ':' && !openQuote && !inProp && !inValue && openingCurlyBraces == 0 && openingBrackets == 0) { inValue = true; tempValue = ""; jsonMode = JsonType.NotSet; } else if ((c == '1' || c == '2' || c == '3' || c == '4' || c == '5' || c == '6' || c == '7' || c == '8' || c == '9' || c == '0' || c == '-') && !openQuote && !inProp && inValue && openingCurlyBraces == 0 && openingBrackets == 0) { tempValue += c; if (tempValue.Length == 1) { jsonMode = JsonType.Int; } } else if (c == '.' && !openQuote && !inProp && inValue && openingCurlyBraces == 0 && openingBrackets == 0) { tempValue += c; jsonMode = JsonType.Float; } else if (c == '"' && !openQuote && !inProp && inValue && openingCurlyBraces == 0 && openingBrackets == 0) { openQuote = true; jsonMode = JsonType.String; } else if (openQuote && !inProp && inValue && c != '"' && openingCurlyBraces == 0 && openingBrackets == 0) { strValue += c; } else if (c == '"' && openQuote && !inProp && inValue && jsonMode == JsonType.String && openingCurlyBraces == 0 && openingBrackets == 0) { openQuote = false; } else if (c == ',' && !inProp && inValue && jsonMode == JsonType.String && openingCurlyBraces == 0 && openingBrackets == 0) { if (json.type == JSONObject.Type.ARRAY) { json.Add(strValue); inValue = true; } else { if (inBrackets) { inValue = true; json.Add(strValue); } else { inValue = false; json.SetField(propName, strValue); } } strValue = ""; } else if (c == ',' && !inProp && inValue && jsonMode == JsonType.Int && openingCurlyBraces == 0 && openingBrackets == 0) { intValue = Convert.ToInt32(tempValue.Trim()); tempValue = ""; if (json.type == JSONObject.Type.ARRAY) { json.Add(intValue); } else { if (inBrackets) { inValue = true; json.Add(intValue); } else { inValue = false; json.SetField(propName, intValue); } } } else if (c == ',' && !inProp && inValue && jsonMode == JsonType.Float && openingCurlyBraces == 0 && openingBrackets == 0) { floatValue = Convert.ToSingle(tempValue.Trim()); tempValue = ""; //floatValue = float.Parse (tempValue.Trim (), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (json.type == JSONObject.Type.ARRAY) { json.Add(floatValue); } else { if (inBrackets) { inValue = true; json.Add(floatValue); } else { inValue = false; json.SetField(propName, floatValue); } } } else if (c == ',' && !inProp && inValue && jsonMode == JsonType.NotSet && openingCurlyBraces == 0 && openingBrackets == 0) { if (inBrackets) { inValue = true; } else { inValue = false; } if (tempValue.Trim().ToLower().Equals("null")) { if (json.type == JSONObject.Type.ARRAY) { json.Add("null"); } else { if (inBrackets) { json.Add("null"); } else { json.SetField(propName, "null"); } } } else if (tempValue.Trim().ToLower().Equals("false") || tempValue.Trim().ToLower().Equals("true")) { boolValue = Convert.ToBoolean(tempValue.Trim()); if (json.type == JSONObject.Type.ARRAY) { json.Add(boolValue); } else { if (inBrackets) { json.Add(boolValue); } else { json.SetField(propName, boolValue); } } } tempValue = ""; } else if (c == '{' && openingBrackets == 0) { if (openingCurlyBraces == 0) { firstCurlyBracesPosition = charPosition + 1; } openingCurlyBraces++; } else if (c == '}' && openingBrackets == 0) { openingCurlyBraces--; if (openingCurlyBraces == 0) { jsonElement = ""; endingCurlyBracesPosition = charPosition; endingCurlyBracesComputedPosition = endingCurlyBracesPosition - firstCurlyBracesPosition; jsonElement = jsonStr.Substring(firstCurlyBracesPosition, endingCurlyBracesComputedPosition); JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject = createJsonObject(jsonObject, jsonElement); if (json.type == JSONObject.Type.ARRAY) { json.Add(jsonObject); } else { if (propName != "") { json.SetField(propName, jsonObject); } else { json = jsonObject; } } inValue = false; } } else if (c == '[' && openingCurlyBraces == 0) { if (openingBrackets == 0) { firstBracketsPosition = charPosition; } openingBrackets++; } else if (c == ']' && openingCurlyBraces == 0) { openingBrackets--; if (openingBrackets == 0) { endingBracketsPosition = charPosition + 1; if ((firstBracketsPosition + 2) != endingBracketsPosition) { endingBracketsComputedPosition = endingBracketsPosition - firstBracketsPosition; jsonElement = jsonStr.Substring(firstBracketsPosition, endingBracketsComputedPosition); JSONObject jsonObjectArray = JSONObject.arr; inBrackets = true; inValue = true; jsonElement = jsonElement.TrimStart('['); jsonElement = jsonElement.TrimEnd(']'); jsonObjectArray = createJsonObject(jsonObjectArray, jsonElement); if (json.type == JSONObject.Type.ARRAY) { json.Add(jsonObjectArray); } else { json.SetField(propName, jsonObjectArray); } inBrackets = false; inValue = false; } else { JSONObject jsonObjectArray = JSONObject.arr; json.SetField(propName, jsonObjectArray); } inValue = false; } } else if (!openQuote && !inProp && inValue && openingCurlyBraces == 0 && openingBrackets == 0) { tempValue += c; jsonMode = JsonType.NotSet; } charPosition++; } if (inValue) { if (jsonMode == JsonType.Int) { intValue = Convert.ToInt32(tempValue.Trim()); if (json.type == JSONObject.Type.ARRAY) { json.Add(intValue); } else { json.SetField(propName, intValue); } } else if (jsonMode == JsonType.Float) { floatValue = Convert.ToSingle(tempValue.Trim()); //floatValue = float.Parse (tempValue.Trim (), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (json.type == JSONObject.Type.ARRAY) { json.Add(floatValue); } else { json.SetField(propName, floatValue); } } else if (jsonMode == JsonType.String) { if (json.type == JSONObject.Type.ARRAY) { json.Add(strValue); } else { json.SetField(propName, strValue); } strValue = ""; } else if (jsonMode == JsonType.NotSet) { inValue = false; if (tempValue.Trim().ToLower().Equals("null")) { if (json.type == JSONObject.Type.ARRAY) { json.Add("null"); } else { json.SetField(propName, "null"); } } else if (tempValue.Trim().ToLower().Equals("false") || tempValue.Trim().ToLower().Equals("true")) { boolValue = Convert.ToBoolean(tempValue.Trim()); { if (json.type == JSONObject.Type.ARRAY) { json.Add(boolValue); } else { json.SetField(propName, boolValue); } } } } inValue = false; } return(json); }
/// <summary> /// Merge object right into left recursively /// </summary> /// <param name="left">The left (base) object</param> /// <param name="right">The right (new) object</param> static void MergeRecur(JSONObject left, JSONObject right) { if (left.type == Type.NULL) { left.Absorb(right); } else if (left.type == Type.OBJECT && right.type == Type.OBJECT) { for (int i = 0; i < right.list.Count; i++) { string key = right.keys[i]; if (right[i].isContainer) { if (left.HasField(key)) { MergeRecur(left[key], right[i]); } else { left.AddField(key, right[i]); } } else { if (left.HasField(key)) { left.SetField(key, right[i]); } else { left.AddField(key, right[i]); } } } } else if (left.type == Type.ARRAY && right.type == Type.ARRAY) { if (right.Count > left.Count) { #if UNITY_2 || UNITY_3 || UNITY_4 || UNITY_5 UnityEngine.Debug.LogError #else Debug.WriteLine #endif ("Cannot merge arrays when right object has more elements"); return; } for (int i = 0; i < right.list.Count; i++) { if (left[i].type == right[i].type) //Only overwrite with the same type { if (left[i].isContainer) { MergeRecur(left[i], right[i]); } else { left[i] = right[i]; } } } } }
public ConfigCollector() { Json = JSONObject.obj; m_jsonCfg = JSONObject.obj; Json.SetField("Config", m_jsonCfg); }
public JSONObject jsonFromCS() { JSONObject j = new JSONObject("{\"method\":\"hogemethod\"}"); Debug.Log( "j:" + j ); j.SetField( "params", new JSONObject( "[1,2,\"hoge\"]") ); Debug.Log( "j:" + j ); return j; }
JSONObject ToJson() { var json = new JSONObject(); json.SetField("code", code); json.SetField("lv", lv); json.SetField("name", name); json.SetField("strong", strong); json.SetField("intelligence", intelligence); json.SetField("mystery", mystery); json.SetField("agile", agile); json.SetField("vital", vital); json.SetField("luck", luck); json.SetField("attribute", attribute.ToString()); json.SetField("regist_tribe_1", regist_tribe_1.ToString()); json.SetField("regist_tribe_2", regist_tribe_2.ToString()); json.SetField("regist_tribe_3", regist_tribe_3.ToString()); return(json); }
public static void SetTotalCoins(float totalNum) { // set TotalCoins number saveData.SetField("totalCoins", totalNum); }
JSONObject getPropObject(Type type, object value, RangeAttribute range = null, bool debug = false) { JSONObject po = new JSONObject(); po.SetField("ACCESS", 3); JSONObject vo = new JSONObject(); JSONObject ro = new JSONObject(); JSONObject ro0 = new JSONObject(); if (range != null) { ro0.SetField("MIN", range.min); ro0.SetField("MAX", range.max); } string typeString = type.ToString(); string poType = ""; switch (typeString) { case "System.String": case "System.Char": vo.Add(value.ToString()); poType = "s"; break; case "System.Boolean": vo.Add((bool)value); poType = "T"; break; case "System.Int32": case "System.Int64": case "System.Int16": case "System.UInt16": case "System.Byte": case "System.SByte": { //add range vo.Add((int)value); poType = "i"; } break; case "System.Double": case "System.Single": { //add range vo.Add((float)value); poType = "f"; } break; case "UnityEngine.Vector2": { Vector2 v = (Vector2)value; vo.Add(v.x); vo.Add(v.y); poType = "ff"; } break; case "UnityEngine.Vector3": { Vector3 v = (Vector3)value; vo.Add(v.x); vo.Add(v.y); vo.Add(v.z); poType = "fff"; } break; case "UnityEngine.Quaternion": { Vector3 v = ((Quaternion)value).eulerAngles; vo.Add(v.x); vo.Add(v.y); vo.Add(v.z); poType = "fff"; } break; case "UnityEngine.Color": { Color c = (Color)value; vo.Add(ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(c)); poType = "r"; } break; case "UnityEngine.Vector4": { Color c = (Color)(Vector4)value; vo.Add(ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA(c)); poType = "r"; } break; /* * case "UnityEngine.Material": * { * Material m = (Material)value; * if(m != null) * { * int numProps = m.shader.GetPropertyCount(); * for(int i=0;i<numProps;i++) * { * m.shader.GetPropertyAttributes(i); * } * } * } * break; */ default: if (type.IsEnum) { JSONObject enumO = new JSONObject(); FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(); foreach (var field in fields) { if (field.Name.Equals("value__")) { continue; } enumO.Add(field.Name); } ro0.SetField("VALS", enumO); vo.Add(value.ToString()); poType = "s"; } else { // Debug.LogWarning("Field type not supported " + typeString); return(null); } break; } if (ro0 != null) { ro.Add(ro0); } po.SetField("VALUE", vo); po.SetField("TYPE", poType); po.SetField("RANGE", ro); return(po); }
JSONObject getObjectData(GameObject go, string baseAddress = "") { JSONObject o = new JSONObject(); o.SetField("ACCESS", 0); JSONObject co = new JSONObject(); for (int i = 0; i < go.transform.childCount; i++) { GameObject cgo = go.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject; if (!checkFilteredObject(cgo)) { continue; } string cgoName = SanitizeName(; co.SetField(cgoName, getObjectData(cgo, baseAddress + "/" + cgoName)); } Component[] comps = go.GetComponents <Component>(); foreach (Component comp in comps) { int dotIndex = comp.GetType().ToString().LastIndexOf("."); string compType = comp.GetType().ToString().Substring(Mathf.Max(dotIndex + 1, 0)); //Debug.Log(" > Comp : " + compType); if (!checkFilteredComp(compType)) { continue; } string compAddress = baseAddress + "/" + compType; JSONObject cco = new JSONObject(); cco.SetField("ACCESS", 0); JSONObject ccco = new JSONObject(); FieldInfo[] fields = comp.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public); foreach (FieldInfo info in fields) { RangeAttribute rangeAttribute = info.GetCustomAttribute <RangeAttribute>(); //Debug.Log(" > Info field type : " +info.FieldType.ToString() +" /" +compType); JSONObject io = getPropObject(info.FieldType, info.GetValue(comp), rangeAttribute, info.Name == "mainColor"); if (io != null) { string ioName = SanitizeName(info.Name); string fullPath = compAddress + "/" + ioName; io.SetField("FULL_PATH", fullPath); ccco.SetField(ioName, io); compInfoMap.Add(fullPath, new CompInfo(comp, info)); } } PropertyInfo[] props = comp.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.SetProperty); foreach (PropertyInfo info in props) { if (!info.CanWrite) { continue; } string propType = info.PropertyType.ToString(); if (!acceptedParamTypes.Contains(propType)) { continue; // } //if (propType == "UnityEngine.Component") continue; //fix deprecation error //if (propType == "UnityEngine.GameObject") continue; //fix deprecation error //if (propType == "UnityEngine.Matrix4x4") continue; //fix deprecation error //if (propType == "UnityEngine.Transform") continue; //fix deprecation error //if (propType == "UnityEngine.Mesh") continue; //fix deprecation error if (excludeInternalUnityParams) { if (internalUnityParamsNames.Contains(info.Name)) { continue; } if (compType == "Transform" && internalUnityTransformNames.Contains(info.Name)) { continue; } } RangeAttribute rangeAttribute = info.GetCustomAttribute <RangeAttribute>(); JSONObject io = getPropObject(info.PropertyType, info.GetValue(comp), rangeAttribute, false); if (io != null) { string ioName = SanitizeName(info.Name); string fullPath = compAddress + "/" + ioName; io.SetField("FULL_PATH", fullPath); ccco.SetField(SanitizeName(info.Name), io); compInfoMap.Add(fullPath, new CompInfo(comp, info)); } } if (compType == "VisualEffect") { VisualEffect vfx = comp as VisualEffect; List <VFXExposedProperty> vfxProps = new List <VFXExposedProperty>(); vfx.visualEffectAsset.GetExposedProperties(vfxProps); foreach (var p in vfxProps) { //Debug.Log("Here " +" / "+p.type.ToString()); JSONObject io = getPropObject(p.type, getVFXPropValue(vfx, p.type,; if (io != null) { string sName = SanitizeName(; string fullPath = compAddress + "/" + sName; io.SetField("FULL_PATH", fullPath); ccco.SetField(SanitizeName(sName), io); compInfoMap.Add(fullPath, new CompInfo(comp as VisualEffect,, p.type)); } } } else if (compType == "Volume") { //Volume v = comp as Volume; } else if (compType != "Transform") //Avoid methods of internal components { MethodInfo[] methods = comp.GetType().GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly); foreach (MethodInfo info in methods) { if (info.IsSpecialName && (info.Name.StartsWith("set_") || info.Name.StartsWith("get_"))) { continue; //do not care for accessors } ParameterInfo[] paramInfos = info.GetParameters(); bool requiresArguments = false; foreach (ParameterInfo paramInfo in paramInfos) { if (!paramInfo.HasDefaultValue) { requiresArguments = true; break; } } if (!requiresArguments) { JSONObject mo = new JSONObject(); mo.SetField("ACCESS", 3); String ioName = SanitizeName(info.Name); string fullPath = compAddress + "/" + ioName; mo.SetField("TYPE", "N"); mo.SetField("FULL_PATH", fullPath); ccco.SetField(ioName, mo); compInfoMap.Add(fullPath, new CompInfo(comp, info)); //Debug.Log("Added method : " + ioName); } else { // Debug.Log("Method : " + info.Name + " requires arguments, not exposing"); } } } cco.SetField("CONTENTS", ccco); co.SetField(SanitizeName(compType), cco); } o.SetField("CONTENTS", co); return(o); }
JSONObject ToJson() { var json = new JSONObject(); json.SetField("id", Id); json.SetField("description", Description); json.SetField("sell_price", SellPrice); json.SetField("code", Code); json.SetField("lv", Lv); json.SetField("name", Name); json.SetField("not_found_name", NotFoundName); json.SetField("power", Power); json.SetField("deffense", Deffense); json.SetField("avoidance", Avoidance); json.SetField("hit", Hit); json.SetField("attribute", Attribute.ToString()); json.SetField("regist_tribe", RegistTribe.ToString()); return(json); }
static void PutHighScore(JSONObject playerObject, int playerScore) { playerObject.SetField(FIELD_SCORE, playerScore); }
static void MergeRecur(JSONObject left, JSONObject right) { if(right.type == JSONObject.Type.OBJECT) { for(int i = 0; i < right.list.Count; i++) { if(right.keys[i] != null) { string key = (string)right.keys[i]; JSONObject val = (JSONObject)right.list[i]; if(val.type == JSONObject.Type.ARRAY || val.type == JSONObject.Type.OBJECT) { if(left.HasField(key)) MergeRecur(left[key], val); else left.AddField(key, val); } else { if(left.HasField(key)) left.SetField(key, val); else left.AddField(key, val); } } } }// else left.list.Add(right.list); }
/// <summary> /// Merge object right into left recursively /// </summary> /// <param name="left">The left (base) object</param> /// <param name="right">The right (new) object</param> static void MergeRecur(JSONObject left, JSONObject right) { if (left.type == Type.NULL) { left.Absorb(right); } else if (left.type == Type.OBJECT && right.type == Type.OBJECT) { for (int i = 0; i < right.list.Count; i++) { string key = right.keys[i]; if (right[i].isContainer) { if (left.HasField(key)) { MergeRecur(left[key], right[i]); } else { left.AddField(key, right[i]); } } else { if (left.HasField(key)) { left.SetField(key, right[i]); } else { left.AddField(key, right[i]); } } } } else if (left.type == Type.ARRAY && right.type == Type.ARRAY) { if (right.Count > left.Count) { if (GLog.IsLogErrorEnabled) { GLog.LogError("Cannot merge arrays when right object has more elements"); } return; } for (int i = 0; i < right.list.Count; i++) { if (left[i].type == right[i].type) //Only overwrite with the same type { if (left[i].isContainer) { MergeRecur(left[i], right[i]); } else { left[i] = right[i]; } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Merge object right into left recursively /// </summary> /// <param name="left">The left (base) object</param> /// <param name="right">The right (new) object</param> static void MergeRecur(JSONObject left, JSONObject right) { if(left.type == JSONObject.Type.NULL) left.Absorb(right); else if(left.type == Type.OBJECT && right.type == Type.OBJECT) { for(int i = 0; i < right.list.Count; i++) { string key = (string)right.keys[i]; if(right[i].isContainer){ if(left.HasField(key)) MergeRecur(left[key], right[i]); else left.AddField(key, right[i]); } else { if(left.HasField(key)) left.SetField(key, right[i]); else left.AddField(key, right[i]); } } } else if(left.type == Type.ARRAY && right.type == Type.ARRAY) { if(right.Count > left.Count){ Debug.LogError("Cannot merge arrays when right object has more elements"); return; } for(int i = 0; i < right.list.Count; i++) { if(left[i].type == right[i].type) { //Only overwrite with the same type if(left[i].isContainer) MergeRecur(left[i], right[i]); else{ left[i] = right[i]; } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Merge object right into left recursively /// </summary> /// <param name="left">The left (base) object</param> /// <param name="right">The right (new) object</param> static void MergeRecur(JSONObject left, JSONObject right) { if(left.type == Type.NULL) left.Absorb(right); else if(left.type == Type.OBJECT && right.type == Type.OBJECT) { for(int i = 0; i < right.list.Count; i++) { string key = right.keys[i]; if(right[i].isContainer) { if(left.HasField(key)) MergeRecur(left[key], right[i]); else left.AddField(key, right[i]); } else { if(left.HasField(key)) left.SetField(key, right[i]); else left.AddField(key, right[i]); } } } else if(left.type == Type.ARRAY && right.type == Type.ARRAY) { if(right.Count > left.Count) { return; } for(int i = 0; i < right.list.Count; i++) { if(left[i].type == right[i].type) { //Only overwrite with the same type if(left[i].isContainer) MergeRecur(left[i], right[i]); else { left[i] = right[i]; } } } } }