public static JSONElement OnConvertToJSONElement(object obj) { JSONBool jsonObj = new JSONBool(); jsonObj._value = (bool)obj; return(jsonObj); }
public void SaveLevel() { JSONObject levelJSON = new JSONObject(); //saving the current active charger to set spawn point JSONObject activeChargerJSON = new JSONObject(); activeChargerJSON["x"].AsFloat = currentActiveCharger.gameObject.transform.position.x; activeChargerJSON["y"].AsFloat = currentActiveCharger.gameObject.transform.position.y + .5f; levelJSON["playerSpawnPoint"] = activeChargerJSON; //saving what upgrades are currently obtained JSONBool dJumpJSON = new JSONBool(doubleJumpEnabled); JSONBool wJumpJSON = new JSONBool(wallJumpEnabled); JSONBool aDashJSON = new JSONBool(airDashEnabled); levelJSON["doubleJumpActive"] = dJumpJSON; levelJSON["wallJumpActive"] = wJumpJSON; levelJSON["airDashActive"] = aDashJSON; //saving smallMaxCharge JSONNumber chargeJSON = new JSONNumber(player.GetComponent <RigidbodyPlayer>().smallMaxCharge); levelJSON["currentlyAvailableCharge"] = chargeJSON; string levelJSONString = levelJSON.ToString(); string filename = Application.dataPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "currentGameState.json"; Debug.Log(levelJSONString); File.WriteAllText(filename, levelJSONString); }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { JSONNode n = new JSONObject(); n["test"] = new JSONNumber(1234); n["asdf"] = new JSONObject(); n["asd4"] = new JSONObject(); n["asdf"]["123"] = new JSONBool(true); ReceiveNode(n); }
// Bool /// <summary> /// Sets the value of the preferences identified by the key. /// </summary> public static void SetBool(string key, bool value) { if (Prefs[key] == null) { Prefs[key] = new JSONBool(value); } else { Prefs[key].AsBool = value; } Save(); }
private JSONElement ParseValue() { switch (lexer.LookAhead()) { case Lexer.Token.String: { JSONString jsonString = new JSONString(); jsonString._value = EvalLexer(lexer.ParseString()); return(jsonString); } case Lexer.Token.Number: { JSONNumber jsonNumber = new JSONNumber(); jsonNumber._value = EvalLexer(lexer.ParseDoubleNumber()); return(jsonNumber); } case Lexer.Token.CurlyOpen: return(ParseObject()); case Lexer.Token.SquaredOpen: return(ParseArray()); case Lexer.Token.True: { lexer.NextToken(); JSONBool jsonBool = new JSONBool(); jsonBool._value = true; return(jsonBool); } case Lexer.Token.False: { lexer.NextToken(); JSONBool jsonBool = new JSONBool(); jsonBool._value = false; return(jsonBool); } case Lexer.Token.Null: lexer.NextToken(); return(null); case Lexer.Token.None: break; } TriggerError("Unable to parse value"); return(null); }
private void SendToPrivateServer(string eventName, Dictionary <string, object> eventData) { WWWForm postData = new WWWForm(); postData.AddField("user_uuid", uuid); string timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("u"); postData.AddField("event_timestamp", timestamp); JSONObject data = new JSONObject(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> entry in eventData) { object valueObject = entry.Value; JSONNode node = null; if (valueObject is bool) { node = new JSONBool((bool)valueObject); } else if (valueObject is int) { node = new JSONNumber(valueObject.ToString()); } else if (valueObject is float) { node = new JSONNumber((float)valueObject); } else if (valueObject is string) { node = new JSONString((string)valueObject); } else { Debug.LogError("Unsupported type in analytics."); } if (node != null) { data.Add(entry.Key, node); } } postData.AddField("event_name", eventName); postData.AddField("event_data", data.ToString()); WWW httpRequest = new WWW("", postData); StartCoroutine(SendRequest(httpRequest)); }
public static bool GetBoolChild(this JSONArray array, int index) { JSONNode childNode = array[index]; if (childNode == null) { return(false); } JSONBool boolNode = childNode as JSONBool; if (boolNode == null) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("JSON deserialization: expected [{0}] to be Bool.", index); } return(boolNode); }
public static bool GetBoolChild(this JSONNode node, string key) { JSONNode childNode = node[key]; if (childNode == null) { return(false); } JSONBool boolNode = childNode as JSONBool; if (boolNode == null) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("JSON deserialization: expected '{0}' to be Bool.", key); } return(boolNode); }
public static JSONNode Copy(JSONNode node) { JSONNode result = null; if (node.IsBoolean) { result = new JSONBool(false); } if (node.IsNumber) { result = new JSONNumber(0); } if (node.IsString) { result = new JSONString(string.Empty); } if (node.IsNull) { result = JSONNull.CreateOrGet(); } if (node.IsArray) { result = new JSONArray(); foreach (var arrayItem in node) { result.Add(Copy(arrayItem)); } } if (node.IsObject) { result = new JSONObject(); foreach (var field in node) { result.Add(field.Key, Copy(field)); } } return(result); }
public void Execute(JSONNode args) { var uid = args["uid"].Value; var api = ApiManager.Instance; if (api.Agents.TryGetValue(uid, out GameObject obj)) { var bridge = obj.GetComponentInChildren <BridgeClient>(); if (bridge == null) { api.SendError($"Agent '{uid}' is missing bridge client"); } else { var result = new JSONBool(bridge.BridgeStatus == Status.Connected); api.SendResult(result); } } else { api.SendError($"Agent '{uid}' not found"); } }
public void Execute(JSONNode args) { var uid = args["uid"].Value; GameObject obj; if (ApiManager.Instance.Agents.TryGetValue(uid, out obj)) { var setup = obj.GetComponent <AgentSetup>(); if (setup == null) { ApiManager.Instance.SendError($"Agent '{uid}' is not an EGO vehicle"); } else { var result = new JSONBool(setup.Connector.Bridge.Status == Comm.BridgeStatus.Connected); ApiManager.Instance.SendResult(result); } } else { ApiManager.Instance.SendError($"Agent '{uid}' not found"); } }
public void TestValues() { int int_const = 1234; JSON int_json = int_const; int int_value = int_json; Assert.IsTrue(int_json.GetJSONType() == JSONType.Value); Assert.IsTrue(int_json.AsValue().GetValueType() == JSONValueType.Int); Assert.IsTrue(int_json.AsValue().ToInt() == int_const); Assert.IsTrue(int_json == int_const); Assert.IsTrue(int_json == int_value); long long_const = (long)int.MaxValue + 1; JSON long_json = long_const; long long_value = long_json; Assert.IsTrue(long_json.GetJSONType() == JSONType.Value); Assert.IsTrue(long_json.AsValue().GetValueType() == JSONValueType.Long); Assert.IsTrue(long_json.AsValue().ToLong() == long_const); Assert.IsTrue(long_json == long_const); Assert.IsTrue(long_json == long_value); float float_const = 0.0f; JSON float_json = float_const; float float_value = float_json; Assert.IsTrue(float_json.GetJSONType() == JSONType.Value); Assert.IsTrue(float_json.AsValue().GetValueType() == JSONValueType.Float); Assert.IsTrue(float_json.AsValue().ToFloat() == float_const); Assert.IsTrue(float_json == float_const); Assert.IsTrue(float_json == float_value); string string_const = "this is a string"; JSON string_json = string_const; string string_value = string_json; Assert.IsTrue(string_json.GetJSONType() == JSONType.Value); Assert.IsTrue(string_json.AsValue().GetValueType() == JSONValueType.String); Assert.IsTrue(string_json.AsValue().ToString() == string_const); Assert.IsTrue(string_json == string_const); Assert.IsTrue(string_json == string_value); bool bool_const = false; JSON bool_json = bool_const; bool bool_value = bool_json; Assert.IsTrue(bool_json.GetJSONType() == JSONType.Value); Assert.IsTrue(bool_json.AsValue().GetValueType() == JSONValueType.Bool); Assert.IsTrue(bool_json.AsValue().ToBool() == bool_const); Assert.IsTrue(bool_json == bool_const); Assert.IsTrue(bool_json == bool_value); var values = new JSONObject(); { JSON item = 1; JSONInt explicitItem = 1; JSONInt created = new JSONInt(1); var assignedInt = new JSONInt().SetInt(1); var assignedLong = new JSONInt().SetLong(1L); var assignedfloat = new JSONInt().SetFloat(1f); var assignedBool = new JSONInt().SetBool(true); var assignedString = new JSONInt().SetString("1"); JSON array = new JSONArray { 1, item, explicitItem, created, assignedInt, assignedLong, assignedfloat, assignedBool, assignedString }; values["Int"] = array; } { JSON item = 1L; JSONLong explicitItem = 1L; JSONLong created = new JSONLong(1L); var assignedInt = new JSONLong().SetInt(1); var assignedLong = new JSONLong().SetLong(1L); var assignedfloat = new JSONLong().SetFloat(1f); var assignedBool = new JSONLong().SetBool(true); var assignedString = new JSONLong().SetString("1"); JSON array = new JSONArray { 1L, item, explicitItem, created, assignedInt, assignedLong, assignedfloat, assignedBool, assignedString }; values["Long"] = array; } { JSON item = 1f; JSONFloat explicitItem = 1f; JSONFloat created = new JSONFloat(1f); var assignedInt = new JSONFloat().SetInt(1); var assignedLong = new JSONFloat().SetLong(1L); var assignedfloat = new JSONFloat().SetFloat(1f); var assignedBool = new JSONFloat().SetBool(true); var assignedString = new JSONFloat().SetString("1"); JSON array = new JSONArray { 1f, item, explicitItem, created, assignedInt, assignedLong, assignedfloat, assignedBool, assignedString }; values["Float"] = array; } { JSON item = true; JSONBool explicitItem = true; JSONBool created = new JSONBool(true); var assignedInt = new JSONBool().SetInt(1); var assignedLong = new JSONBool().SetLong(1L); var assignedfloat = new JSONBool().SetFloat(1f); var assignedBool = new JSONBool().SetBool(true); var assignedString = new JSONBool().SetString("true"); JSON array = new JSONArray { true, item, explicitItem, created, assignedInt, assignedLong, assignedfloat, assignedBool, assignedString }; values["Bool"] = array; } { JSON item = "1"; JSONString explicitItem = "1"; JSONString created = new JSONString("1"); var assignedInt = new JSONString().SetInt(1); var assignedLong = new JSONString().SetLong(1L); var assignedfloat = new JSONString().SetFloat(1f); var assignedBool = new JSONString().SetBool(true); var assignedString = new JSONString().SetString("1"); JSON array = new JSONArray { "1", item, explicitItem, created, assignedInt, assignedLong, assignedfloat, assignedBool, assignedString }; values["String"] = array; } foreach (var kvp in values) { for (int i = 0; i < kvp.Value.Count - 1; ++i) { var a = kvp.Value[i]; var b = kvp.Value[i + 1]; var equal = a == b; if (kvp.Key == "String") { if ((a == "true" && b == "1") || (a == "1" && b == "true")) { equal = true; } } Assert.IsTrue(equal); } } }
private void ChangeType(object sender, EventArgs e) { ComboBox c = (ComboBox)sender; JSONNode n = (JSONNode)c.Tag; TreeNode t = JSONFormUtil.FindTreeNode(tview_object.TopNode, n); JSONNode newnode; switch (c.SelectedIndex) { case 0: newnode = new JSONArray(); break; case 1: newnode = new JSONBool(true); break; case 2: newnode = new JSONNull(); break; case 3: newnode = new JSONNumber(0); break; case 4: newnode = new JSONObject(); break; case 5: newnode = new JSONString("type a string"); break; default: newnode = new JSONNull(); break; } t.Nodes.Clear(); t.Text = newnode.type.GetTypeString(); t.Tag = newnode; JSONNode pNode = n.parent; for (int i = 0; i < pNode.Count; ++i) { if (ReferenceEquals(pNode[i], n)) { pNode[i] = newnode; break; } } Panel p = (Panel)c.Parent; p.Tag = newnode; Control keybox = FindControl(p, "keybox"); string original_key = keybox.Text; bool original_fixed = keybox.Enabled; p.Controls.Clear(); p.Controls.Add(CreateKeyBox(newnode, original_key, original_fixed)); p.Controls.Add(CreateComboBox(newnode)); p.Controls.Add(CreateDeleteButton(newnode)); if (newnode.type == JSONType.Object || newnode.type == JSONType.Array) { p.Controls.Add(CreateValueLabel()); p.Controls.Add(CreateModifyButton(newnode)); Panel g = CreateJSONNodeGroupBox(newnode, p); p.Controls.Add(CreateNewNodeButton(newnode)); g.BackColor = FormConstValue.baseColor; g.Location = new Point(FormConstValue.stepX, FormConstValue.stepY); p.Controls.Add(g); } else { p.Controls.Add(CreateValueTextBox(newnode)); } PanelReSort(p); }
private static JSONNode DoObject2JSONNode(string key, object obj, JSONNode parent) { if (obj == null) { JSONNode jnull = new JSONNull(); if (!DoObject2JSONNode_AddToParent(parent, key, jnull)) { return(jnull); } } else if (obj is IDictionary) { JSONObject jobject = Johny.JSONNodePool.Claim(typeof(Johny.JSONObject)).AsObject; var it = (obj as IDictionary).GetEnumerator(); while (it.MoveNext()) { DoObject2JSONNode(it.Key as string, it.Value, jobject); } if (!DoObject2JSONNode_AddToParent(parent, key, jobject)) { return(jobject); } } else if (obj is ICollection) { JSONArray jarray = Johny.JSONNodePool.Claim(typeof(Johny.JSONArray)).AsArray; var it = (obj as ICollection).GetEnumerator(); while (it.MoveNext()) { DoObject2JSONNode(string.Empty, it.Current, jarray); } if (!DoObject2JSONNode_AddToParent(parent, key, jarray)) { return(jarray); } } else if (obj is string) { JSONString jstring = Johny.JSONNodePool.Claim(typeof(Johny.JSONString)) as JSONString; jstring.InitString(obj as string); if (!DoObject2JSONNode_AddToParent(parent, key, jstring)) { return(jstring); } } else if (obj is bool) { JSONBool jbool = new JSONBool((bool)obj); if (!DoObject2JSONNode_AddToParent(parent, key, jbool)) { return(jbool); } } else if (obj is System.Enum) { JSONNumber jnum = new JSONNumber((int)obj); if (!DoObject2JSONNode_AddToParent(parent, key, jnum)) { return(jnum); } } else if (IsNumeric(obj)) { double dd = Convert.ToDouble(obj); JSONNumber jnum = new JSONNumber(dd); if (!DoObject2JSONNode_AddToParent(parent, key, jnum)) { return(jnum); } } else { EB.Debug.LogError($"此类型JSON无法解析,请自行转换成基本类型!==> {obj.GetType().FullName}"); } return(null); }
public static string ToString(JSONBool jsonBool) { return(jsonBool._value ? "true" : "false"); }