예제 #1
        public void Buffer_CursorTop_Test()
            var process = new Process {
                StartInfo = { FileName = "cmd.exe" }


            var buffer = JConsole.GetActiveScreenBuffer();

            Assert.That(buffer.CursorTop, Is.EqualTo(3));
            Assert.That(buffer.CursorLeft, Is.GreaterThan(0));

            var events = new List <EventArgs>();

            events.Add(new ConsoleKeyEventArgs {
                KeyDown = true, RepeatCount = 1, KeyChar = 'd'
            events.Add(new ConsoleKeyEventArgs {
                KeyDown = false, RepeatCount = 1, KeyChar = 'd'
            events.Add(new ConsoleKeyEventArgs {
                KeyDown = true, RepeatCount = 1, KeyChar = 'i'
            events.Add(new ConsoleKeyEventArgs {
                KeyDown = false, RepeatCount = 1, KeyChar = 'i'
            events.Add(new ConsoleKeyEventArgs {
                KeyDown = true, RepeatCount = 1, KeyChar = 'r'
            events.Add(new ConsoleKeyEventArgs {
                KeyDown = false, RepeatCount = 1, KeyChar = 'r'
            events.Add(new ConsoleKeyEventArgs {
                KeyDown = true, RepeatCount = 1, KeyChar = (char)13
            events.Add(new ConsoleKeyEventArgs {
                KeyDown = false, RepeatCount = 1, KeyChar = (char)13

            var inputBuffer = JConsole.GetInputBuffer();

            inputBuffer.WindowInput = true;
            inputBuffer.WriteEvents(events, events.Count());

예제 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.Title = "testo";
            sb            = JConsole.GetActiveScreenBuffer();
                using (ConsoleInputBuffer ib = JConsole.GetInputBuffer())
                    // Enable screen buffer window size events
                    ib.WindowInput = true;

                    // show the current input mode
                    ConsoleInputModeFlags mf = ib.InputMode;
                    sb.WriteLine(string.Format("Input mode = {0}, hex: {1:X}", mf, (int)mf));
                    sb.WriteLine(string.Format("Window Input = {0}", ib.WindowInput));

                    // set up the event handlers
                    ib.KeyDown          += new ConsoleKeyEventHandler(ib_KeyDown);
                    ib.KeyUp            += new ConsoleKeyEventHandler(ib_KeyUp);
                    ib.MouseButton      += new ConsoleMouseEventHandler(ib_MouseButton);
                    ib.MouseMove        += new ConsoleMouseEventHandler(ib_MouseMove);
                    ib.MouseDoubleClick += new ConsoleMouseEventHandler(ib_MouseDoubleClick);
                    ib.MouseScroll      += new ConsoleMouseEventHandler(ib_MouseScroll);
                    ib.BufferSizeChange += new ConsoleBufferSizeEventHandler(ib_BufferSizeChange);
                    ib.Focus            += new ConsoleFocusEventHandler(ib_Focus);
                    ib.Menu             += new ConsoleMenuEventHandler(ib_Menu);

                    // Change buffer size to test window sizing events.
                    sb.SetBufferSize(100, 300);

                    // Queue the thread
                    System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(ThreadProc));

                    // process events.  Control+C will exit the application.
                    while (true)
                        // Sleep at least 1 ms.  If you don't do this, your program
                        // will consume 100% of the processor time.
예제 #3
        public void Should_Send_Typed_Content_To_Console()
            var process = new Process {
                StartInfo = { FileName = "cmd.exe" }


            var buffer = JConsole.GetActiveScreenBuffer();

            Assert.That(buffer.CursorTop, Is.EqualTo(3));

            buffer.SetWindowPosition(0, 1);

            var events = new List <EventArgs>();

            events.Add(new ConsoleKeyEventArgs {
                KeyDown = true, RepeatCount = 1, KeyChar = 'd'
            events.Add(new ConsoleKeyEventArgs {
                KeyDown = false, RepeatCount = 1, KeyChar = 'd'
            events.Add(new ConsoleKeyEventArgs {
                KeyDown = true, RepeatCount = 1, KeyChar = 'i'
            events.Add(new ConsoleKeyEventArgs {
                KeyDown = false, RepeatCount = 1, KeyChar = 'i'
            events.Add(new ConsoleKeyEventArgs {
                KeyDown = true, RepeatCount = 1, KeyChar = 'r'
            events.Add(new ConsoleKeyEventArgs {
                KeyDown = false, RepeatCount = 1, KeyChar = 'r'
            events.Add(new ConsoleKeyEventArgs {
                KeyDown = true, RepeatCount = 1, KeyChar = (char)13
            events.Add(new ConsoleKeyEventArgs {
                KeyDown = false, RepeatCount = 1, KeyChar = (char)13

            var inputBuffer = JConsole.GetInputBuffer();

            inputBuffer.WindowInput = true;
            inputBuffer.WriteEvents(events, events.Count());
예제 #4
        public void Write_To_Buffer()
            var process = new Process {
                StartInfo = { FileName = "cmd.exe" }


            var buffer = JConsole.GetActiveScreenBuffer();


            var block = new ConsoleCharInfo[buffer.Height, buffer.Width];

            buffer.ReadBlock(block, 0, 0, 0, 0, buffer.Height, buffer.Width);
예제 #5
        public void Buffer_Scroll_Test()
            var process = new Process {
                StartInfo = { FileName = "cmd.exe" }


            var buffer = JConsole.GetActiveScreenBuffer();


            var chars = new ConsoleCharInfo[300, 120];

            buffer.ReadBlock(chars, 0, 0, 0, 0, 120, 299);

            //            for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
//            {
//                var chars = new ConsoleCharInfo[1, 120];
//                buffer.ReadBlock(chars, 0, 0, 0, i, 120, i);
//            }

//            for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++)
//            {
//                var events = new List<EventArgs>();
//                events.Add(new ConsoleKeyEventArgs { KeyDown = true, RepeatCount = 1, KeyChar = 'd' });
//                events.Add(new ConsoleKeyEventArgs { KeyDown = false, RepeatCount = 1, KeyChar = 'd' });
//                events.Add(new ConsoleKeyEventArgs { KeyDown = true, RepeatCount = 1, KeyChar = 'i' });
//                events.Add(new ConsoleKeyEventArgs { KeyDown = false, RepeatCount = 1, KeyChar = 'i' });
//                events.Add(new ConsoleKeyEventArgs { KeyDown = true, RepeatCount = 1, KeyChar = 'r' });
//                events.Add(new ConsoleKeyEventArgs { KeyDown = false, RepeatCount = 1, KeyChar = 'r' });
//                events.Add(new ConsoleKeyEventArgs { KeyDown = true, RepeatCount = 1, KeyChar = (char)13 });
//                events.Add(new ConsoleKeyEventArgs { KeyDown = false, RepeatCount = 1, KeyChar = (char)13 });
//                var inputBuffer = JConsole.GetInputBuffer();
//                inputBuffer.WindowInput = true;
//                inputBuffer.WriteEvents(events, events.Count());
//                Thread.Sleep(500);
//                buffer.WriteLine(buffer.WindowTop.ToString());
//            }
예제 #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (ConsoleScreenBuffer sb1 = JConsole.GetActiveScreenBuffer())
                sb1.WindowWidth = 50;
                sb1.Width       = sb1.WindowWidth;
                sb1.WriteLine("Window mode");
                sb1.WriteLine(String.Format("Size = {0},{1}", sb1.Width, sb1.Height));
                sb1.WriteLine(String.Format("Window = {0},{1}", sb1.WindowWidth, sb1.WindowHeight));

                sb1.WriteLine("Full screen mode!");
                sb1.WriteLine(String.Format("Size = {0},{1}", sb1.Width, sb1.Height));
                sb1.WriteLine(String.Format("Window = {0},{1}", sb1.WindowWidth, sb1.WindowHeight));
예제 #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            sb = JConsole.GetActiveScreenBuffer();
                sb.WriteLine("Write events...");
                EventArgs[] ea = new EventArgs[13];
                ea[0]  = new ConsoleWindowBufferSizeEventArgs(80, 100);
                ea[1]  = MakeKeyEvent('H', ConsoleKey.H, 35, true);
                ea[2]  = MakeKeyEvent('H', ConsoleKey.H, 35, false);
                ea[3]  = MakeKeyEvent('e', ConsoleKey.E, 18, true);
                ea[4]  = MakeKeyEvent('e', ConsoleKey.E, 18, false);
                ea[5]  = MakeKeyEvent('l', ConsoleKey.L, 38, true);
                ea[6]  = MakeKeyEvent('l', ConsoleKey.L, 38, false);
                ea[7]  = MakeKeyEvent('l', ConsoleKey.L, 38, true);
                ea[8]  = MakeKeyEvent('l', ConsoleKey.L, 38, false);
                ea[9]  = MakeKeyEvent('o', ConsoleKey.O, 24, true);
                ea[10] = MakeKeyEvent('o', ConsoleKey.O, 24, false);
                ea[11] = MakeKeyEvent(Convert.ToChar(13), ConsoleKey.Enter, 28, true);
                ea[12] = MakeKeyEvent(Convert.ToChar(13), ConsoleKey.Enter, 28, false);
                using (ConsoleInputBuffer ib = JConsole.GetInputBuffer())
                    ib.WindowInput       = true;
                    ib.BufferSizeChange += new ConsoleBufferSizeEventHandler(ib_BufferSizeChange);
                    ib.KeyDown          += new ConsoleKeyEventHandler(ib_KeyDown);
                    ib.KeyUp            += new ConsoleKeyEventHandler(ib_KeyUp);
//                    string s = ib.ReadLine();
//                    sb.WriteLine(String.Format("You said '{0}'", s));
                    sb.Write("Press any key to exit...");
예제 #8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // get the active screen buffer and write to it.
            using (ConsoleScreenBuffer sb1 = JConsole.GetActiveScreenBuffer())
                // Write some stuff...
                sb1.WriteLine("Default location is (0, 0), with gray on black as the colors.");
                sb1.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue;
                sb1.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                sb1.WriteLine("Next line is blue on yellow.");
                // position the cursor
                sb1.SetCursorPosition(40, 2);
                sb1.Write("Press any key...");
                // Use Console.ReadKey because we don't have ConsoleInputBuffer yet.

                // Clear the screen and reset the colors
                sb1.WriteLine("Colors remain blue on yellow");
                sb1.WriteLine("Until we reset the colors");

                // and do a positional write
                string msg = "Press any key...";
                sb1.WriteXY(msg, 40, 2);
                sb1.FillAttributeXY(ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.Red, msg.Length, 40, 2);

                // must set cursor position because WriteXY doesn't change it
                sb1.SetCursorPosition(40 + msg.Length, 2);

                // Create a new screen buffer
                using (ConsoleScreenBuffer sb2 = new ConsoleScreenBuffer())
                    sb2.WriteLine("Secondary screen buffer!");
                    sb2.Write("Press any key to return.");
                sb1.WriteLine("Back to original screen buffer.");
                sb1.Write("Press any key to exit");

                // Draw a text-mode button
                for (int y = 20; y < 23; y++)
                    sb1.FillCharXY(' ', 10, 20, y);
                    sb1.FillAttributeXY(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Red, 10, 20, y);
                sb1.WriteXY(" OK ", 23, 21);
                sb1.FillAttributeXY(ConsoleColor.Yellow, ConsoleColor.Black, 4, 23, 21);

                // Define a button
                ConsoleCharInfo[,] okButton =
                        new ConsoleCharInfo(' ', new ConsoleCharAttribute(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Red)),
                        new ConsoleCharInfo(' ', new ConsoleCharAttribute(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Red)),
                        new ConsoleCharInfo(' ', new ConsoleCharAttribute(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Red)),
                        new ConsoleCharInfo(' ', new ConsoleCharAttribute(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Red)),
                        new ConsoleCharInfo(' ', new ConsoleCharAttribute(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Red)),
                        new ConsoleCharInfo(' ', new ConsoleCharAttribute(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Red)),
                        new ConsoleCharInfo(' ', new ConsoleCharAttribute(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Red)),
                        new ConsoleCharInfo(' ', new ConsoleCharAttribute(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Red)),
                        new ConsoleCharInfo(' ', new ConsoleCharAttribute(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Red)),
                        new ConsoleCharInfo(' ', new ConsoleCharAttribute(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Red))
                        new ConsoleCharInfo(' ', new ConsoleCharAttribute(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Red)),
                        new ConsoleCharInfo(' ', new ConsoleCharAttribute(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Red)),
                        new ConsoleCharInfo(' ', new ConsoleCharAttribute(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Red)),
                        new ConsoleCharInfo(' ', new ConsoleCharAttribute(ConsoleColor.Yellow, ConsoleColor.Black)),
                        new ConsoleCharInfo('O', new ConsoleCharAttribute(ConsoleColor.Yellow, ConsoleColor.Black)),
                        new ConsoleCharInfo('K', new ConsoleCharAttribute(ConsoleColor.Yellow, ConsoleColor.Black)),
                        new ConsoleCharInfo(' ', new ConsoleCharAttribute(ConsoleColor.Yellow, ConsoleColor.Black)),
                        new ConsoleCharInfo(' ', new ConsoleCharAttribute(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Red)),
                        new ConsoleCharInfo(' ', new ConsoleCharAttribute(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Red)),
                        new ConsoleCharInfo(' ', new ConsoleCharAttribute(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Red))
                        new ConsoleCharInfo(' ', new ConsoleCharAttribute(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Red)),
                        new ConsoleCharInfo(' ', new ConsoleCharAttribute(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Red)),
                        new ConsoleCharInfo(' ', new ConsoleCharAttribute(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Red)),
                        new ConsoleCharInfo(' ', new ConsoleCharAttribute(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Red)),
                        new ConsoleCharInfo(' ', new ConsoleCharAttribute(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Red)),
                        new ConsoleCharInfo(' ', new ConsoleCharAttribute(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Red)),
                        new ConsoleCharInfo(' ', new ConsoleCharAttribute(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Red)),
                        new ConsoleCharInfo(' ', new ConsoleCharAttribute(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Red)),
                        new ConsoleCharInfo(' ', new ConsoleCharAttribute(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Red)),
                        new ConsoleCharInfo(' ', new ConsoleCharAttribute(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Red))

                // write the button to the screen buffer
                sb1.WriteBlock(okButton, 0, 0, 60, 20, 70, 22);

예제 #9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Random colors = new Random();

            using (ConsoleScreenBuffer sb1 = JConsole.GetActiveScreenBuffer())
                // Fill the screen buffer
                for (int row = 0; row < sb1.Height; row++)
                    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(sb1.Width);
                    string        text    = string.Format("Row {0} ", row);
                    while (builder.Length < sb1.Width)
                    sb1.WriteXY(builder.ToString(), 0, row);
                    ConsoleColor fg = (ConsoleColor)colors.Next(15);
                    ConsoleColor bg = (ConsoleColor)colors.Next(15);
                    sb1.FillAttributeXY(fg, bg, builder.Length, 0, row);

                // wait for a key press

                // Move a part of the buffer to the top
                sb1.MoveBufferArea(50, 200, 30, 50, 0, 0);

                // Position the window to show the area that was moved
                sb1.SetWindowPosition(20, 190);

                // Create a new screen buffer
                using (ConsoleScreenBuffer sb2 = new ConsoleScreenBuffer())
                    sb2.WriteLine("Second screen buffer");
                    // Change buffer size and window size
                    sb2.SetBufferSize(100, 100);
                    sb2.SetWindowSize(sb2.MaximumWindowWidth, sb2.MaximumWindowHeight);

                    // set new buffer as active -- changes console window size

                    // Show reading screen buffer...
                    sb2.WriteXY("Copied with ReadXY, ReadAttributesXY", 0, 1);
                    string chars = sb1.ReadXY(50, 0, 1);
                    sb2.WriteXY(chars, 0, 2);
                    ConsoleCharAttribute[] attrs = sb1.ReadAtrributesXY(50, 0, 1);
                    sb2.WriteAttributesXY(attrs, 50, 0, 2);

                    sb2.WriteXY("Copied with ReadBlock/WriteBlock", 0, 3);
                    ConsoleCharInfo[,] block = new ConsoleCharInfo[10, 20];
                    sb1.ReadBlock(block, 0, 0, 20, 100, 40, 110);
                    sb2.WriteBlock(block, 0, 0, 0, 4, 20, 14);

                    // reset active buffer