예제 #1
		private void TwoLeafTest(CompositeNameInstance root)
			var result = inferrer.Match(root).ToList();
			Contract.Assert(result.Count == 1);
			var names = result[0].Select(match => match.Binding.Name).ToList();
			var leafIndices = result[0].Select(match => match.Binding.Index).ToList();
			var expectedNames = new[] { Notations.a, Notations.b };
			var expectedLeafIndices = new[] { (LeafIndex)0, (LeafIndex)1 };

			Contract.Assert(Enumerable.SequenceEqual(names, expectedNames, GloballyScopedMethods.ReferenceEqualityComparer));
			Contract.Assert(Enumerable.SequenceEqual(leafIndices, expectedLeafIndices));
예제 #2
		private void LeafTwoIdenticalNamesTest(CompositeNameInstance root)
			var result = inferrer.Match(root).ToList();
			Contract.Assert(result.Count == 4);

			var expectation1 = new[] { new Expectation(Notations.d1, 0), new Expectation(Notations.d1, 1) };
			var expectation2 = new[] { new Expectation(Notations.d1, 0), new Expectation(Notations.d2, 1) };
			var expectation3 = new[] { new Expectation(Notations.d2, 0), new Expectation(Notations.d1, 1) };
			var expectation4 = new[] { new Expectation(Notations.d2, 0), new Expectation(Notations.d2, 1) };

			Assert(result, expectation1, expectation2, expectation3, expectation4);
예제 #3
파일: Signature.cs 프로젝트: JeroenBos/ASDE
		/// <summary> Gets the canonical signature (the constant set containing all elements allowed by the parameters) designated by the specified parameters, or created it if necessary. </summary>
		/// <param name="parameter"> The set of elements acceptable as argument. </param>
		/// <param name="result"> The set of returnable elements. </param>
		/// <param name="debuggingDescription"> A debugging-purpose description of this set. Specifiy null to use the default form. </param>
		public static Signature From(ISet parameter, ISet result, string debuggingDescription = null)
			Contract.Requires(parameter != null);
			Contract.Requires(result != null);
			Contract.Requires(new[] { parameter, result }.Select(element => element.Workspace).AreEqual(ReferenceEqualityComparer));

			Func<ISet, Signature> create;
			if (parameter as Set == null || result as Set == null)
				//TODO: return signature definition if both result and parameter are unconstrained variable sets
				create = _ =>
							 var potentialParameters = new[] { parameter as VariableSet, result as VariableSet };
							 ReadOnlyCollection<VariableSet> newParameters = potentialParameters.Where(NotNull).ToReadOnlyList();
							 ReadOnlyCollection<Variance> newVariances = potentialParameters.ZipWhere(signatureVariances, (p, variance) => p != null, (p, variance) => variance).ToReadOnlyList(2);
							 return new Signature(new[] { parameter, result }.ToReadOnlyList(), newParameters, newVariances, debuggingDescription);
				create = _ => new Signature(new[] { parameter, result }.ToReadOnlyList(), debuggingDescription);

			return signatures.GetOrAdd(parameter, _ => new Dictionary<ISet, Signature>(interningEqualityComparer))
							 .GetOrAdd(result, create);