예제 #1
        public ItemsCountModel <T> GetLinqedList <T>(IEnumerable <T> completeList, Func <T, bool> predicate, string filterByProperty, string filterByValue, string orderBy, SortOrder sortOrder, int skip, int take)
            var result = new ItemsCountModel <T>();

            // 1. Search based on the query
            var matchQueryList = predicate == null
                ? completeList
                : GetMatchQueryList(completeList, predicate);

            // 2. Filter
            var filteredList = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filterByProperty) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filterByValue)
                ? matchQueryList
                : GetFilteredList(matchQueryList, filterByProperty, filterByValue);

            // 3. Set count
            result.Count = filteredList.Count();

            // 4. Order/Sort
            var ordedList = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orderBy) ? filteredList : GetSortedList(filteredList, orderBy, sortOrder);

            // 5. Skip
            var skipList = ordedList.Skip(skip);

            // 6. Take
            var takeList = take == int.MaxValue ? skipList : skipList.Take(take);

            result.Items = takeList;

예제 #2
 public ItemsCountModel GetItemsCount(int CustomerId, DateTime?fromReceiveDate, DateTime?toReceiveDate)
     using (var db = new EntityContext())
         var totalItemReceive = _item.GetAll(db).Where(i => i.Customer.Id == CustomerId && i.ReceiveDate != null).ToList();
         var totalItem        = _item.GetAll(db).Where(i => i.Customer.Id == CustomerId &&
                                                       (i.Status.Id == 6 || i.Status.Id == 8)).ToList();
         var totalSuccess = _item.GetAll(db).Where(i => i.Customer.Id == CustomerId &&
                                                   i.Status.Id == 6).ToList();
         var totalFailture = _item.GetAll(db).Where(i => i.Customer.Id == CustomerId &&
                                                    i.Status.Id == 8).ToList();
         if (fromReceiveDate != null)
             totalItemReceive = totalItemReceive.Where(i => i.ReceiveDate >= fromReceiveDate).ToList();
             totalItem        = totalItem.Where(i => i.ReceiveDate >= fromReceiveDate).ToList();
             totalSuccess     = totalSuccess.Where(i => i.ReceiveDate >= fromReceiveDate).ToList();
             totalFailture    = totalFailture.Where(i => i.ReceiveDate >= fromReceiveDate).ToList();
         if (toReceiveDate != null)
             totalItemReceive = totalItemReceive.Where(i => i.ReceiveDate <= toReceiveDate).ToList();
             totalItem        = totalItem.Where(i => i.ReceiveDate <= toReceiveDate).ToList();
             totalSuccess     = totalSuccess.Where(i => i.ReceiveDate <= toReceiveDate).ToList();
             totalFailture    = totalFailture.Where(i => i.ReceiveDate <= toReceiveDate).ToList();
         ItemsCountModel result = new ItemsCountModel
             totalItemReceive = totalItemReceive.Count(),
             totalItem        = totalItem.Count(),
             totalSuccess     = totalSuccess.Count(),
             totalSendBack    = totalFailture.Count()
예제 #3
        public async Task GetTranscriptUnmatchedForCurrentSchool_should_return_ok_with_result()
            // Arrange:
            var unmatchedTranscriptsBySchool = new List <TranscriptBaseModel> {
                new TranscriptBaseModel
                    TranscriptId    = 1000000,
                    StudentName     = "FirstName, LastName",
                    StudentNumber   = "1234",
                    DateOfBirth     = "30/05/2000",
                    ReceivedDateUtc = new DateTime()

            _mockTranscriptRepository.Setup(tr => tr.GetTranscriptUnmatchedBySchoolIdAsync(It.IsAny <int>())).ReturnsAsync(unmatchedTranscriptsBySchool);
            var unmatchedTranscriptsBySchoolLinqed = new ItemsCountModel <TranscriptBaseModel>
                Items = unmatchedTranscriptsBySchool,
                Count = 1

            _mockLinqWrapperService.Setup(ls => ls.GetLinqedList(
                                              It.IsAny <IEnumerable <TranscriptBaseModel> >(),
                                              It.IsAny <Func <TranscriptBaseModel, bool> >(),
                                              It.IsAny <string>(),
                                              It.IsAny <string>(),
                                              It.IsAny <string>(),
                                              It.IsAny <SortOrder>(),
                                              It.IsAny <int>(),
                                              It.IsAny <int>()
            var responseModel = unmatchedTranscriptsBySchool;

            _mockTranscriptService.Setup(ts => ts.GetTranscriptUnmatchedResponseModelAsync(It.IsAny <List <TranscriptBaseModel> >(), It.IsAny <int>())).ReturnsAsync(responseModel);

            // Act
            var actionResult = await CreateController().GetTranscriptUnmatchedForCurrentSchool();

            var contentResult = new OkObjectResult(actionResult);

            Assert.AreEqual(StatusCodes.Status200OK, contentResult.StatusCode);
            var response = Result <ItemsCountModel <TranscriptBaseModel> >(actionResult);

            var expected = new ItemsCountModel <TranscriptBaseModel>
                Items = responseModel,
                Count = 1

            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(expected.Items.ToList(), response.Items.ToList());
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Count, response.Count);
예제 #4
 public ItemsCountModel GetStatisticItemScanReturnCount(DateTime?fromDate, DateTime?toDate)
     using (var db = new EntityContext())
         var items = _item.GetAll(db).Where(i => i.SendingDate >= fromDate &&
                                            i.SendingDate <= toDate &&
                                            (i.Status.Id == 8 || i.Status.Id == 9)).ToList();
         double          all     = items.Count();
         double          success = items.Where(i => (i.Status.Id == 8) && i.SentDate != null).Count();
         ItemsCountModel result  = new ItemsCountModel
             totalItem        = all,
             totalSuccess     = success,
             totalItemReceive = 0,
             totalSendBack    = 0
예제 #5
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetTranscriptUnmatchedForCurrentSchool(string query = "", string filterByProperty = "", string filterByValue = "", string orderBy = "receivedDateUtc", SortOrder sortOrder = SortOrder.ASC, int skip = 0, int take = int.MaxValue)
            // @TODO: Check if the current user is an educator and has permission to view Transcripts => THERE IS ALREADY A CHECK IN FE, THIS IS NECESSARY ONLY TO PROTECT THE API FROM PEOPLE USING SOFTWARE LIKE POSTMAN
            // @TODO: The max number of records per school is 1k so It seems reasonable to assume the 1k records will fit in memory
            // and do all the manipulation (query, filter, sorting, skip, take) with LINQ (this will be cheaper and faster) instead of SQL.
            // Cache the list in Redis and make sure we update the cache when a new transcript is imported or deleted
            var educatorId    = GetClaim <int>(CcClaimType.EducatorId);
            var currentSchool = await _institutionRepository.GetDefaultInstitutionByEducatorIdAsync(educatorId);

            var transcriptUnmatchedCompleteList = await _transcriptRepository.GetTranscriptUnmatchedBySchoolIdAsync(currentSchool.Id);

            var transcriptUnmatchedSearchPredicate = _transcriptService.GetTranscriptUnmatchedSearchPredicate(query);
            var transcriptUnmatchedLinqedList      = _linqWrapperService.GetLinqedList(transcriptUnmatchedCompleteList, transcriptUnmatchedSearchPredicate, filterByProperty, filterByValue, orderBy, sortOrder, skip, take);
            var result = new ItemsCountModel <TranscriptBaseModel>
                Items = await _transcriptService.GetTranscriptUnmatchedResponseModelAsync(transcriptUnmatchedLinqedList.Items, currentSchool.Id),
                Count = transcriptUnmatchedLinqedList.Count

예제 #6
        public async Task GetTranscriptRequestProgressForCurrentSchool_should_return_ok_with_result()
            // Arrange:
            var currentSchool = new InstitutionModel
                Id = 1234,
                InstitutionName = "Institution Name",
                InstitutionType = InstitutionTypeEnum.School

            _mockInstitutionRepository.Setup(ir => ir.GetDefaultInstitutionByEducatorIdAsync(It.IsAny <int>())).ReturnsAsync(currentSchool);
            var requestsProgressBySchool = new List <TranscriptRequestProgressViewModel> {
                new TranscriptRequestProgressViewModel
                    Id     = 1234,
                    InunId = "1234",
                    ReceivingInstitutionCode = 1234,
                    UserAccountId            = 1234,
                    AvatarFileName           = "avatar.jpg",
                    SchoolCountryType        = CountryType.US,
                    StudentName                   = "FirstName, LastName",
                    DateOfBirth                   = new DateTime(2000, 5, 23),
                    GradeId                       = 11,
                    GradeKey                      = "GRADE_11",
                    StudentId                     = "1234",
                    TranscriptRequestId           = 12,
                    ReceivingInstitutionName      = "Institution Name",
                    ReceivingInstitutionCity      = "City",
                    ReceivingInstitutionStateCode = "SC",
                    RequestedDate                 = new DateTime(),
                    TranscriptStatus              = TranscriptRequestStatus.Submitted,
                    TranscriptStatusKey           = "SUBMITTED",
                    TranscriptStatusDate          = new DateTime()

            _mockTranscriptRequestRepository.Setup(rr => rr.GetTranscriptRequestProgressBySchoolIdAsync(It.IsAny <int>())).ReturnsAsync(requestsProgressBySchool);
            var requestsProgressBySchoolLinqed = new ItemsCountModel <TranscriptRequestProgressViewModel>
                Items = requestsProgressBySchool,
                Count = 1

            _mockLinqWrapperService.Setup(ls => ls.GetLinqedList(
                                              It.IsAny <IEnumerable <TranscriptRequestProgressViewModel> >(),
                                              It.IsAny <Func <TranscriptRequestProgressViewModel, bool> >(),
                                              It.IsAny <string>(),
                                              It.IsAny <string>(),
                                              It.IsAny <string>(),
                                              It.IsAny <SortOrder>(),
                                              It.IsAny <int>(),
                                              It.IsAny <int>()
            var responseModel = new List <TranscriptRequestProgressResponseModel>
                new TranscriptRequestProgressResponseModel
                    Id                            = 1234,
                    AvatarUrl                     = "http://www.avatar.com/avatar.jpg",
                    StudentName                   = "FirstName, LastName",
                    DateOfBirth                   = new DateTime(2000, 5, 23),
                    GradeId                       = 11,
                    GradeKey                      = "GRADE_11",
                    StudentId                     = "1234",
                    TranscriptRequestId           = 12,
                    InunId                        = "1234",
                    ReceivingInstitutionCode      = 1234,
                    ReceivingInstitutionName      = "Institution Name",
                    ReceivingInstitutionCity      = "City",
                    ReceivingInstitutionStateCode = "SC",
                    RequestedDate                 = new DateTime(),
                    TranscriptStatus              = TranscriptRequestStatus.Submitted,
                    TranscriptStatusKey           = "SUBMITTED",
                    TranscriptStatusDate          = new DateTime()

            _mockTranscriptRequestService.Setup(rs => rs.GetTranscriptRequestProgressResponseModelAsync(It.IsAny <List <TranscriptRequestProgressViewModel> >(), It.IsAny <int>())).ReturnsAsync(responseModel);

            // Act
            var actionResult = await CreateController().GetTranscriptRequestProgressForCurrentSchool();

            var contentResult = new OkObjectResult(actionResult);

            Assert.AreEqual(StatusCodes.Status200OK, contentResult.StatusCode);
            var response = Result <ItemsCountModel <TranscriptRequestProgressResponseModel> >(actionResult);

            var expected = new ItemsCountModel <TranscriptRequestProgressResponseModel>
                Items = responseModel,
                Count = 1

            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(expected.Items.ToList(), response.Items.ToList());
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Count, response.Count);
예제 #7
        public async Task GetStudentTranscriptForCurrentSchool_should_return_ok_with_result()
            // Arrange:
            var studentTranscriptsBySchool = new List <StudentTranscriptViewModel> {
                new StudentTranscriptViewModel
                    Id                = 1234,
                    UserAccountId     = 1234,
                    AvatarFileName    = "avatar.jpg",
                    SchoolCountryType = CountryType.US,
                    StudentName       = "FirstName, LastName",
                    DateOfBirth       = new DateTime(2000, 5, 23),
                    GradeId           = 11,
                    GradeKey          = "GRADE_11",
                    StudentId         = "1234",
                    TranscriptId      = 1000000,
                    ReceivedDateUtc   = new DateTime()

            _mockTranscriptRepository.Setup(tr => tr.GetStudentTranscriptBySchoolIdAsync(It.IsAny <int>())).ReturnsAsync(studentTranscriptsBySchool);
            var studentTranscriptsBySchoolLinqed = new ItemsCountModel <StudentTranscriptViewModel>
                Items = studentTranscriptsBySchool,
                Count = 1

            _mockLinqWrapperService.Setup(ls => ls.GetLinqedList(
                                              It.IsAny <IEnumerable <StudentTranscriptViewModel> >(),
                                              It.IsAny <Func <StudentTranscriptViewModel, bool> >(),
                                              It.IsAny <string>(),
                                              It.IsAny <string>(),
                                              It.IsAny <string>(),
                                              It.IsAny <SortOrder>(),
                                              It.IsAny <int>(),
                                              It.IsAny <int>()
            var responseModel = new List <StudentTranscriptResponseModel>
                new StudentTranscriptResponseModel
                    Id              = 1234,
                    AvatarUrl       = "http://www.avatar.com/avatar.jpg",
                    StudentName     = "FirstName, LastName",
                    DateOfBirth     = new DateTime(2000, 5, 23),
                    GradeId         = 11,
                    GradeKey        = "GRADE_11",
                    StudentId       = "1234",
                    TranscriptId    = 1000000,
                    ReceivedDateUtc = new DateTime()

            _mockTranscriptService.Setup(ts => ts.GetStudentTranscriptResponseModelAsync(It.IsAny <List <StudentTranscriptViewModel> >())).ReturnsAsync(responseModel);

            // Act
            var actionResult = await CreateController().GetStudentTranscriptForCurrentSchool();

            var contentResult = new OkObjectResult(actionResult);

            Assert.AreEqual(StatusCodes.Status200OK, contentResult.StatusCode);
            var response = Result <ItemsCountModel <StudentTranscriptResponseModel> >(actionResult);

            var expected = new ItemsCountModel <StudentTranscriptResponseModel>
                Items = responseModel,
                Count = 1

            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(expected.Items.ToList(), response.Items.ToList());
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Count, response.Count);