예제 #1
 // call the constructor of base class(Item) and set the variables
 public Equipment(string itemName_, string description_, ItemTpye itemType_, Quality quality_, string spriteNeutral_, string spriteHighlighted_, int maxSize_, int intellect_, int agility_, int stamina_, int strength_) : base(itemName_, description_, itemType_, quality_, spriteNeutral_, spriteHighlighted_, maxSize_)
     Intellect = intellect_;
     Agility   = agility_;
     Stamina   = stamina_;
     Strength  = strength_;
예제 #2
 public Item(string itemName_, string description_, ItemTpye itemType_, Quality quality_, string spriteNeutral_, string spriteHighlighted_, int maxSize_)
     // set the all the values from the parameter
     ItemName          = itemName_;
     Description       = description_;
     itemType          = itemType_;
     quality           = quality_;
     SpriteNeutral     = spriteNeutral_;
     SpriteHighlighted = spriteHighlighted_;
     MaxSize           = maxSize_;
예제 #3
 // call the constructor of base class(Item) and set the variables
 public Weapon(string itemName_, string description_, ItemTpye itemType_, Quality quality_, string spriteNeutral_, string spriteHighlighted_, int maxSize_, int intellect_, int agility_, int stamina_, int strength_, float attackSpeed_) :
     base(itemName_, description_, itemType_, quality_, spriteNeutral_, spriteHighlighted_, maxSize_, intellect_, agility_, stamina_, strength_)
     AttackSpeed = attackSpeed_;
예제 #4
    public void LoadInventory()
        int invNum = 0;

        foreach (Inventory inv in inventory)
            // load the content
            string content = PlayerPrefs.GetString("content" + invNum);

            // load the inventory data
            inv.slots           = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("slots" + invNum);
            inv.rows            = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("rows" + invNum);
            inv.slotPaddingLeft = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("slotPaddingLeft" + invNum);
            inv.slotPaddingTop  = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("slotPaddingTop" + invNum);
            inv.slotSize        = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("slotSize" + invNum);

            //inventoryRect.position = new Vector3(PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("xPos"), PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("yPos"), inventoryRect.position.z);

            // create the layout

            // put the content back into the inventory
            string[] splitContent = content.Split(";".ToCharArray()); // 0-Mana-3

            // loop through the split content
            for (int x = 0; x < splitContent.Length - 1; x++)
                // split the first value
                string[] splitValues = splitContent[x].Split("-".ToCharArray());

                // get the slot
                int index = Int32.Parse(splitValues[0]); //"0"

                // get the itemScript type
                ItemTpye type = (ItemTpye)Enum.Parse(typeof(ItemTpye), splitValues[1]);  // "mana"

                // get the amount of itemScript in the slot
                int amount = Int32.Parse(splitValues[2]); //"3"

                // place the itemScript in the slot
                for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
                    // add the itemScript into the slot of inventory
                    switch (type)
                        //case ItemTpye.Mana:
                        //    inv.allSlots[index].GetComponent<Slot>().AddItem(InventoryManager.Instance.Mana.GetComponent<ItemScript>());
                        //    break;
                        //case ItemTpye.Health:
                        //    inv.allSlots[index].GetComponent<Slot>().AddItem(InventoryManager.Instance.Health.GetComponent<ItemScript>());
                        //    break;
                        //case ItemTpye.Sword:
                        //    inv.allSlots[index].GetComponent<Slot>().AddItem(InventoryManager.Instance.Sword.GetComponent<ItemScript>());
                        //    break;
예제 #5
 // call the constructor of base class(Item) and set the variables
 public Consumable(string itemName_, string description_, ItemTpye itemType_, Quality quality_, string spriteNeutral_, string spriteHighlighted_, int maxSize_, int health_, int mana_) : base(itemName_, description_, itemType_, quality_, spriteNeutral_, spriteHighlighted_, maxSize_)
     Health = health_;
     Mana   = mana_;