예제 #1
 internal Object GetHoveredItem()
     if (IsJojaMember)
         if (HoveredBundleItem != null)
             if (ItemPlaceholders.TryGetValue(HoveredBundleItem, out Object IncompleteItem))
예제 #2
        public void DrawToolTips(SpriteBatch b)
            if (!IsJojaMember)
                if (HoveredBundleItem != null)
                    Object HoveredItem = GetHoveredItem();
                    if (HoveredItem != null)
                        Rectangle Location;
                        if (IsNavigatingWithGamepad)
                            Location = ItemSlotPositions[HoveredBundleItem].GetOffseted(TopLeftScreenPosition);
                            Location = new Rectangle(Game1.getMouseX() - 8, Game1.getMouseY() + 36, 8 + 36, 1);
                        DrawHelpers.DrawToolTipInfo(b, Location, HoveredItem, true, true, true, true, true, true,
                                                    HoveredBundleItem.Quantity, !HoveredBundleItem.IsCompleted, Color.White);

                if (HoveredBundleTask != null)
                    Rectangle ToolTipAnchorPoint = TaskHeaderPositions[HoveredBundleTask].GetOffseted(TopLeftScreenPosition);

                    int Padding        = 20;
                    int TaskImageSize  = 96;
                    int RewardIconSize = 48;
                    int RewardWidth    = RewardIconSize + 12 + RewardIconSize;

                    //  Compute header
                    SpriteFont HeaderFont  = Game1.dialogueFont;
                    float      HeaderScale = 1f;
                    string     HeaderText  = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(HoveredBundleTask.TranslatedName) ? HoveredBundleTask.TranslatedName : HoveredBundleTask.Name + " Bundle";
                    Vector2    HeaderSize  = HeaderFont.MeasureString(HeaderText) * HeaderScale;

                    //  Compute description
                    int ReadyToComplete = 0;
                    foreach (BundleItem BI in HoveredBundleTask.Items)
                        if (!BI.IsCompleted && ItemPlaceholders.TryGetValue(BI, out Object Placeholder) && Placeholder.Stack >= BI.Quantity)
                    SpriteFont BodyFont  = Game1.smallFont;
                    float      BodyScale = 1.0f;
                    string     BodyText  = HoveredBundleTask.IsCompleted ? ItemBagsMod.Translate("BundleTaskCompletedToolTip") :
                                           ItemBagsMod.Translate("BundleTaskIncompleteToolTip", new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "CompletedCount", HoveredBundleTask.Items.Count(x => x.IsCompleted).ToString() },
                        { "TotalCount", HoveredBundleTask.Items.Count.ToString() },
                        { "ReadyToCompleteCount", ReadyToComplete.ToString() },
                        { "RequiredCount", HoveredBundleTask.RequiredItemCount.ToString() }
                    Vector2 BodySize = BodyFont.MeasureString(BodyText) * BodyScale;

                    int ToolTipWidth = (int)new List <float>()
                        TaskImageSize, HeaderSize.X, BodySize.X, RewardWidth
                    }.Max() + Padding * 2;
                    int ToolTipHeight = Padding + TaskImageSize + 16 + (int)HeaderSize.Y + 12 + (int)BodySize.Y + 12 + RewardIconSize + Padding;

                    //  Ensure tooltip is fully visible on screen
                    Rectangle Position = new Rectangle(ToolTipAnchorPoint.Right, ToolTipAnchorPoint.Top, ToolTipWidth, ToolTipHeight);
                    if (Position.Right > Game1.viewport.Size.Width)
                        Position = new Rectangle(ToolTipAnchorPoint.Left - ToolTipWidth, Position.Top, Position.Width, Position.Height);
                    if (Position.Bottom > Game1.viewport.Size.Height)
                        Position = new Rectangle(Position.X, ToolTipAnchorPoint.Bottom - ToolTipHeight, Position.Width, Position.Height);

                    DrawHelpers.DrawBox(b, Position);

                    int CurrentY = Position.Y + Padding;

                    //  Draw image associated with this task
                    Rectangle TaskImagePosition = new Rectangle(Position.X + (Position.Width - TaskImageSize) / 2, CurrentY, TaskImageSize, TaskImageSize);
                    DrawHelpers.DrawBorder(b, new Rectangle(TaskImagePosition.Left - 4, TaskImagePosition.Top - 4, TaskImagePosition.Width + 8, TaskImagePosition.Height + 8), 4, Color.Black);
                    b.Draw(HoveredBundleTask.ActualLargeIconTexture, TaskImagePosition, HoveredBundleTask.ActualLargeIconPosition, Color.White);
                    CurrentY += TaskImageSize + 16;

                    //  Draw header text (Task's name)
                    Vector2 HeaderPosition = new Vector2(Position.X + (Position.Width - HeaderSize.X) / 2, CurrentY);
                    b.DrawString(HeaderFont, HeaderText, HeaderPosition, Color.Black, 0f, Vector2.Zero, HeaderScale, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
                    CurrentY += (int)(HeaderSize.Y + 12);

                    //  Draw description text
                    Vector2 BodyPosition = new Vector2(Position.X + (Position.Width - BodySize.X) / 2, CurrentY);
                    b.DrawString(BodyFont, BodyText, BodyPosition, Color.SlateGray, 0f, Vector2.Zero, BodyScale, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
                    CurrentY += (int)(BodySize.Y + 12);

                    //  Draw reward item
                    Rectangle RewardPosition = new Rectangle(Position.X + (Position.Width - RewardWidth) / 2, CurrentY, RewardWidth, RewardIconSize);
                    b.Draw(TextureHelpers.JunimoNoteTexture, new Rectangle(RewardPosition.X, RewardPosition.Y, RewardIconSize, RewardIconSize), new Rectangle(548, 264, 18, 18), Color.White);
                    if (HoveredBundleTask.Reward != null)
                        DrawHelpers.DrawItem(b, new Rectangle(RewardPosition.Right - RewardIconSize, RewardPosition.Y, RewardIconSize, RewardIconSize), HoveredBundleTask.Reward.ToItem(), true, true, 1f, 1f, Color.White, Color.White);
예제 #3
        public void Draw(SpriteBatch b)
            if (IsJojaMember)
                Rectangle BackgroundDestination = new Rectangle(Padding, Padding, RelativeBounds.Width - Padding * 2, RelativeBounds.Height - Padding * 2).GetOffseted(TopLeftScreenPosition);
                b.Draw(TextureHelpers.JojaCDForm, BackgroundDestination, new Rectangle(0, 0, TextureHelpers.JojaCDForm.Width, TextureHelpers.JojaCDForm.Height - 16), Color.White);

                string     Text     = "You Traitor!";
                SpriteFont Font     = Game1.smallFont;
                Vector2    TextSize = Font.MeasureString(Text) * 2;

                int JojaSuxDestinationSize = 128;

                int BoxPadding = 32;
                int BoxWidth   = Math.Max((int)TextSize.X, JojaSuxDestinationSize) + BoxPadding * 2;
                int BoxHeight  = (int)TextSize.Y + BoxPadding * 2 + JojaSuxDestinationSize - JojaSuxDestinationSize / 8;

                Rectangle BoxDestination = new Rectangle((RelativeBounds.Width - BoxWidth) / 2, (RelativeBounds.Height - BoxHeight) / 2,
                                                         BoxWidth, BoxHeight).GetOffseted(TopLeftScreenPosition);
                DrawHelpers.DrawBox(b, BoxDestination);

                Vector2 TextDestination = new Vector2(BoxDestination.X + (BoxDestination.Width - TextSize.X) / 2, BoxDestination.Y + BoxPadding);
                b.DrawString(Font, Text, TextDestination, Color.Black, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 2f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);

                Rectangle JojaSuxSourcePosition = new Rectangle(258, 640, 32, 32);
                Rectangle JojaSuxDestination    = new Rectangle(BoxDestination.X + (BoxDestination.Width - JojaSuxDestinationSize) / 2, BoxDestination.Bottom - BoxPadding - JojaSuxDestinationSize, JojaSuxDestinationSize, JojaSuxDestinationSize);
                b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, JojaSuxDestination, JojaSuxSourcePosition, Color.White);
                //  Draw room names
                foreach (KeyValuePair <BundleRoom, Rectangle> RoomHeader in RoomHeaderPositions)
                    bool      IsCompleted = RoomHeader.Key.IsCompleted;
                    Rectangle Position    = RoomHeader.Value.GetOffseted(TopLeftScreenPosition);
                    DrawHelpers.DrawBox(b, Position);

                    string  Text = RoomHeader.Key.DisplayName;
                    Vector2 Size = RoomHeaderFont.MeasureString(Text) * RoomHeaderScale;
                    b.DrawString(RoomHeaderFont, Text, new Vector2(Position.X + (Position.Width - Size.X) / 2, Position.Y + (Position.Height - Size.Y) / 2),
                                 IsCompleted ? Color.Green : Color.Black, 0f, Vector2.Zero, RoomHeaderScale, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);

                    if (IsCompleted)
                        Rectangle CheckMarkDestination = new Rectangle(Position.Right - SlotSize / 6 - CheckMark.Width * CheckMarkScale, Position.Bottom - SlotSize / 6 - CheckMark.Height * CheckMarkScale,
                                                                       CheckMark.Width * CheckMarkScale, CheckMark.Height * CheckMarkScale);
                        b.Draw(TextureHelpers.PlayerStatusList, CheckMarkDestination, CheckMark, Color.White);

                //  Draw the backgrounds of each slot
                foreach (Rectangle LockedSlot in LockedSlotPositions)
                    b.Draw(Game1.menuTexture, LockedSlot.GetOffseted(TopLeftScreenPosition), new Rectangle(64, 896, 64, 64), Color.White);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <BundleItem, Rectangle> ItemSlot in ItemSlotPositions)
                    Rectangle TexturePosition;
                    if (ItemSlot.Key.IsCompleted)
                        TexturePosition = SlotDarkBackground;
                        Object Item = ItemPlaceholders[ItemSlot.Key];
                        if (Item.Stack == 0)
                            TexturePosition = SlotLightBackground;
                        else if (Item.Stack == ItemSlot.Key.Quantity)
                            TexturePosition = SlotDarkBackground;
                            TexturePosition = SlotMediumBackground;

                    b.Draw(TextureHelpers.JunimoNoteTexture, ItemSlot.Value.GetOffseted(TopLeftScreenPosition), TexturePosition, Color.White);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <BundleTask, Rectangle> TaskHeader in TaskHeaderPositions)
                    Rectangle TexturePosition = SlotMediumBackground;
                    if (TaskHeader.Key.IsCompleted)
                        TexturePosition = SlotDarkBackground;
                    b.Draw(TextureHelpers.JunimoNoteTexture, TaskHeader.Value.GetOffseted(TopLeftScreenPosition), TexturePosition, Color.White);

                //  Draw the Task headers
                foreach (KeyValuePair <BundleTask, Rectangle> TaskHeader in TaskHeaderPositions)
                    bool IsCompleted = TaskHeader.Key.IsCompleted;

                    //  Draw a thin yellow border if mouse is hovering this slot
                    bool IsHovered = TaskHeader.Key == HoveredBundleTask;
                    if (IsHovered)
                        Rectangle Destination = TaskHeader.Value.GetOffseted(TopLeftScreenPosition);

                        Color     HighlightColor = Color.Yellow;
                        Texture2D Highlight      = TextureHelpers.GetSolidColorTexture(Game1.graphics.GraphicsDevice, HighlightColor);
                        b.Draw(Highlight, Destination, Color.White * 0.25f);

                        int BorderThickness = Destination.Width / 16;
                        DrawHelpers.DrawBorder(b, Destination, BorderThickness, HighlightColor);

                    Rectangle Slot               = TaskHeader.Value;
                    Rectangle ScaledSlot         = new Rectangle(Slot.X + Slot.Width / 6, Slot.Y + Slot.Height / 6, Slot.Width - Slot.Width / 3, Slot.Height - Slot.Height / 3);
                    Rectangle SourceIconPosition = IsCompleted ? TaskHeader.Key.SpriteSmallIconOpenedPosition : TaskHeader.Key.SpriteSmallIconClosedPosition;
                    b.Draw(TextureHelpers.JunimoNoteTexture, ScaledSlot.GetOffseted(TopLeftScreenPosition), SourceIconPosition, Color.White);

                    if (IsCompleted)
                        Rectangle CheckMarkDestination = new Rectangle(Slot.Right - 1 - CheckMark.Width * CheckMarkScale, Slot.Bottom - 1 - CheckMark.Height * CheckMarkScale,
                                                                       CheckMark.Width * CheckMarkScale, CheckMark.Height * CheckMarkScale).GetOffseted(TopLeftScreenPosition);
                        b.Draw(TextureHelpers.PlayerStatusList, CheckMarkDestination, CheckMark, Color.White);

                //  Draw the items of each slot
                foreach (KeyValuePair <BundleItem, Rectangle> ItemSlot in ItemSlotPositions)
                    Rectangle Destination = ItemSlot.Value.GetOffseted(TopLeftScreenPosition);
                    Object    CurrentItem;
                    if (!ItemPlaceholders.TryGetValue(ItemSlot.Key, out CurrentItem))
                        CurrentItem = ItemSlot.Key.ToObject();

                    bool IsCompleted = ItemSlot.Key.IsCompleted;

                    //  Draw a thin yellow border if mouse is hovering this slot
                    bool IsHovered = ItemSlot.Key == HoveredBundleItem;
                    if (IsHovered)
                        Color     HighlightColor = Color.Yellow;
                        Texture2D Highlight      = TextureHelpers.GetSolidColorTexture(Game1.graphics.GraphicsDevice, HighlightColor);
                        b.Draw(Highlight, Destination, Color.White * 0.25f);

                        int BorderThickness = Destination.Width / 16;
                        DrawHelpers.DrawBorder(b, Destination, BorderThickness, HighlightColor);

                    float IconScale    = IsHovered ? 1.25f : 1.0f;
                    Color Overlay      = CurrentItem.Stack == 0 || IsCompleted ? Color.White * 0.30f : Color.White;
                    bool  DrawQuantity = CurrentItem.Stack > 0 && !IsCompleted && ItemSlot.Key.Quantity > 1;
                    DrawHelpers.DrawItem(b, Destination, CurrentItem, DrawQuantity, true, IconScale, 1.0f, Overlay,
                                         CurrentItem.Stack >= ItemSlot.Key.Quantity ? Color.Green : Color.White);

                    if (IsCompleted)
                        Rectangle CheckMarkDestination = new Rectangle(Destination.Right - 1 - CheckMark.Width * CheckMarkScale, Destination.Bottom - 1 - CheckMark.Height * CheckMarkScale,
                                                                       CheckMark.Width * CheckMarkScale, CheckMark.Height * CheckMarkScale);
                        b.Draw(TextureHelpers.PlayerStatusList, CheckMarkDestination, CheckMark, Color.White);