예제 #1
    public void SellItem(House house, int item, ItemType type, int amountStored)
        ItemOrder willBuy = house.WillBuy(item, type, amountStored);

        if (willBuy == null)

        //subtract from house's savings, earn revenue
        house.Savings -= willBuy.ExchangeValue();
        money.GainFromLocalSales(willBuy.ExchangeValue(), willBuy.type);

        //add to house's inventory, subtract from market's inventory
예제 #2
    public float ValueAddedToProduction(int stockpile)
        int materialAmount = GetDeteriorationPerCycle(stockpile);
        int fuelAmount     = (int)((float)stockpile * fuelPer100 / 100f);

        ItemOrder f = new ItemOrder(materialAmount, (int)material, ItemType.Resource);
        ItemOrder c = new ItemOrder(fuelAmount, (int)fuel, ItemType.Resource);

        Debug.Log(f.ExchangeValue() + " " + f);

        float value = f.ExchangeValue();

        if (fuel != ResourceType.END)           //only add value for fuel if it exists
            value += c.ExchangeValue();
예제 #3
    private void Update()
        float baseDays           = ResourcesDatabase.GetBaseDays(ItemName);
        float localProductivity  = ProductivityController.GetAverageProductivityHere(ItemName);
        float globalProductivity = ProductivityController.GetAverageProductivityEverywhere(ItemName);

        daysWorldWide.text = Mathf.RoundToInt(baseDays / globalProductivity) + " days";
        daysLocal.text     = localProductivity > 0 ? "(" + Mathf.RoundToInt(baseDays / localProductivity) + " days here)" : "(??? days here)";

        ItemOrder io = new ItemOrder(100, ItemName);

        valueLabel.text = MoneyController.symbol + io.ExchangeValue().ToString("n2");
예제 #4
    public ItemOrder WillBuyMeal(int item, int amountStored)
        //if you don't want anything, stop
        if (foodQualWant == Quality.None)

        //if this food is not high enough quality and we're not desperate enough, don't buy

        if (!WillAcceptFoodTypes(ResourcesDatabase.GetQuality(Enums.GetItemName(item, ItemType.Meal))))

        int delta = Hunger;

        //if we don't have that much food, sell as much as we can
        if (amountStored < delta)
            delta = amountStored;

        ItemOrder io = new ItemOrder(delta, item, ItemType.Meal);

        //if house cannot afford, find the largest amount it can buy for the smallest price
        if (io.ExchangeValue() > Savings)
            float priceOfOne              = ResourcesDatabase.GetBasePrice(new ItemOrder(1, item, ItemType.Meal));
            int   smallestAmount          = (int)(Savings / priceOfOne);
            int   smallestAmountWantToBuy = (int)(0.25f * delta);

            if (smallestAmount <= smallestAmountWantToBuy)

            io.amount = smallestAmount;

예제 #5
    private void Start()
        string itemName = order.GetItemDisplayName();

        desc.text = order.amount + " " + itemName + " for " + MoneyController.symbol + order.ExchangeValue().ToString("n2");
        Sprite spr = ResourcesDatabase.GetSprite(itemName);

        if (spr != null)
            image.sprite = spr;

예제 #6
    public ItemOrder WillBuyGood(int item, int amountStored)
        bool wantsToBuy = false;

        //check the wanted good first if there is one
        if (goodWanted != GoodType.END)
            //only proceed if the good considered is the good that this house wants
            if ((int)goodWanted == item)
                wantsToBuy = true;

        //now we're going to check the same for each good that we need if we don't want it to evolve
        //	if we don't need this good, don't proceed
        if (!wantsToBuy)
            foreach (GoodType good in goodsNeeded)
                if ((int)good == item)
                    wantsToBuy = true;

        //if we don't want this good, return null
        if (!wantsToBuy)

        //the smallest amount we want to buy is 1 unit, and the most we can have is 2 * houseSize
        //	if the vendor has less goods than we want, match that
        int delta = GoodsMax - Goods[item];

        if (amountStored < delta)
            delta = amountStored;

        ItemOrder io = new ItemOrder(delta, item, ItemType.Good);

        //if house cannot afford, find the largest amount it can buy for the smallest price
        if (io.ExchangeValue() > Savings)
            float priceOfOne              = ResourcesDatabase.GetBasePrice(new ItemOrder(1, item, ItemType.Good));
            int   smallestAmount          = (int)(Savings / priceOfOne);
            int   smallestAmountWantToBuy = (int)(0.25f * delta);

            if (smallestAmount <= smallestAmountWantToBuy)

            io.amount = smallestAmount;
