예제 #1
        public override void SetDefaults(Item item)
            ItemEdits modItem = item.GetGlobalItem <ItemEdits>();

            if (item.accessory == true)
                modItem.isBasic = true;
            if (item.axe > 0 || item.pick > 0 || item.hammer > 0)
                modItem.isBasic = true;
            if (item.melee == false && item.thrown == false && item.ranged == false && item.magic == false && item.summon == false && modItem.chemical == false && item.defense == 0)
                modItem.isBasic = true;
            if (modItem.chemical == true)
                item.thrown = false;
                item.melee  = false;
                item.magic  = false;
                item.ranged = false;
                item.summon = false;
                item.crit   = 0;
            if (item.rare < ItemRarityID.LightRed || item.type == ItemID.SlimeStaff || item.type == ItemID.FlaskofPoison ||
                item.type == ItemID.FlaskofParty || item.type == ItemID.FlaskofFire ||
                item.type == ItemID.GoldenBugNet || item.type == ItemID.EoCShield)
                modItem.preHardmode = true;
            if (item.type == ItemID.CobaltBreastplate || item.type == ItemID.CobaltLeggings ||
                item.type == ItemID.PalladiumBreastplate || item.type == ItemID.PalladiumLeggings ||
                item.type == ItemID.MythrilChainmail || item.type == ItemID.MythrilGreaves ||
                item.type == ItemID.OrichalcumBreastplate || item.type == ItemID.OrichalcumLeggings ||
                item.type == ItemID.AdamantiteBreastplate || item.type == ItemID.AdamantiteLeggings ||
                item.type == ItemID.TitaniumBreastplate || item.type == ItemID.TitaniumLeggings ||
                item.type == ItemID.HallowedPlateMail || item.type == ItemID.HallowedGreaves ||
                item.type == ItemID.ChlorophytePlateMail || item.type == ItemID.ChlorophyteGreaves
                modItem.isBasic = true;
            if (item.type == ItemID.CobaltHelmet || item.type == ItemID.PalladiumMask || // Knight sets
                item.type == ItemID.MythrilHelmet || item.type == ItemID.OrichalcumMask ||
                item.type == ItemID.AdamantiteHelmet || item.type == ItemID.TitaniumMask ||
                item.type == ItemID.FrostHelmet || item.type == ItemID.FrostBreastplate ||
                item.type == ItemID.FrostLeggings || item.type == ItemID.HallowedMask ||
                item.type == ItemID.ChlorophyteMask || item.type == ItemID.TurtleHelmet ||
                item.type == ItemID.TurtleScaleMail || item.type == ItemID.TurtleLeggings ||
                item.type == ItemID.BeetleHelmet || item.type == ItemID.BeetleLeggings ||
                item.type == ItemID.BeetleShell ||
                item.type == ItemID.SolarFlareHelmet || item.type == ItemID.SolarFlareBreastplate ||
                item.type == ItemID.SolarFlareLeggings ||
                item.type == ItemID.SquireGreatHelm || item.type == ItemID.SquirePlating ||
                item.type == ItemID.SquireGreaves ||
                item.type == ItemID.SquireAltHead || item.type == ItemID.SquireAltPants ||
                item.type == ItemID.SquireAltShirt
                modItem.knightItem = true;
            if (item.type == ItemID.AnkhShield || item.type == ItemID.PaladinsShield)
                modItem.isBasic    = false;
                modItem.knightItem = true;
                item.defense      += 4;
            if (item.type == ItemID.PaladinsShield)
                item.defense += 2;
            if (item.type == ItemID.CobaltShield)
                item.defense += 3;
            if (item.type == ItemID.ObsidianShield)
                item.defense += 4;
            if (item.type == ItemID.CobaltMask || item.type == ItemID.PalladiumHelmet || // Ranger sets
                item.type == ItemID.MythrilHat || item.type == ItemID.OrichalcumHelmet ||
                item.type == ItemID.AdamantiteMask || item.type == ItemID.TitaniumHelmet ||
                item.type == ItemID.FrostHelmet || item.type == ItemID.FrostBreastplate ||
                item.type == ItemID.FrostLeggings || item.type == ItemID.HallowedHelmet ||
                item.type == ItemID.ChlorophyteHelmet || item.type == ItemID.ShroomiteBreastplate ||
                item.type == ItemID.ShroomiteHeadgear || item.type == ItemID.ShroomiteHelmet ||
                item.type == ItemID.ShroomiteMask || item.type == ItemID.ShroomiteLeggings ||
                item.type == ItemID.VortexBreastplate || item.type == ItemID.VortexHelmet ||
                item.type == ItemID.VortexLeggings || item.type == ItemID.HuntressWig ||
                item.type == ItemID.HuntressJerkin || item.type == ItemID.HuntressPants ||
                item.type == ItemID.HuntressAltHead || item.type == ItemID.HuntressAltPants ||
                item.type == ItemID.HuntressAltShirt
                modItem.rangerItem = true;
            if (item.type == ItemID.SpaceGun || item.type == ItemID.LaserRifle || item.type == ItemID.LeafBlower ||
                item.type == ItemID.HeatRay || item.type == ItemID.LaserMachinegun ||
                item.type == ItemID.ChargedBlasterCannon || item.type == ItemID.Razorpine
                item.magic     = false;
                item.ranged    = true;
                item.autoReuse = true;
            if (item.type == ItemID.CobaltHat || item.type == ItemID.PalladiumHeadgear || // Mage sets
                item.type == ItemID.MythrilHood || item.type == ItemID.OrichalcumHeadgear ||
                item.type == ItemID.AdamantiteHeadgear || item.type == ItemID.TitaniumHeadgear ||
                item.type == ItemID.AncientBattleArmorHat || item.type == ItemID.AncientBattleArmorShirt ||
                item.type == ItemID.AncientBattleArmorPants || item.type == ItemID.HallowedHeadgear ||
                item.type == ItemID.ChlorophyteHeadgear || item.type == ItemID.SpectreHood ||
                item.type == ItemID.SpectreMask || item.type == ItemID.SpectreRobe ||
                item.type == ItemID.SpectrePants || item.type == ItemID.NebulaBreastplate ||
                item.type == ItemID.NebulaHelmet || item.type == ItemID.NebulaLeggings ||
                item.type == ItemID.ApprenticeHat || item.type == ItemID.ApprenticeRobe ||
                item.type == ItemID.ApprenticeTrousers || item.type == ItemID.ApprenticeAltHead ||
                item.type == ItemID.ApprenticeAltPants || item.type == ItemID.ApprenticeAltShirt
                modItem.mageItem = true;
            if (item.type == ItemID.SpiderMask || item.type == ItemID.SpiderBreastplate || // Summoner sets
                item.type == ItemID.SpiderGreaves || item.type == ItemID.AncientBattleArmorHat ||
                item.type == ItemID.AncientArmorPants || item.type == ItemID.AncientArmorShirt ||
                item.type == ItemID.TikiMask || item.type == ItemID.TikiPants ||
                item.type == ItemID.TikiShirt || item.type == ItemID.SpookyHelmet ||
                item.type == ItemID.SpookyBreastplate || item.type == ItemID.SpookyLeggings ||
                item.type == ItemID.StardustBreastplate || item.type == ItemID.StardustHelmet ||
                item.type == ItemID.StardustLeggings || item.type == ItemID.ApprenticeHat ||
                item.type == ItemID.ApprenticeRobe || item.type == ItemID.ApprenticeTrousers ||
                item.type == ItemID.SquireGreatHelm || item.type == ItemID.SquirePlating ||
                item.type == ItemID.SquireGreaves || item.type == ItemID.HuntressWig ||
                item.type == ItemID.HuntressJerkin || item.type == ItemID.HuntressPants ||
                item.type == ItemID.MonkBrows || item.type == ItemID.MonkShirt ||
                item.type == ItemID.MonkPants || item.type == ItemID.ApprenticeAltHead ||
                item.type == ItemID.ApprenticeAltPants || item.type == ItemID.ApprenticeAltShirt ||
                item.type == ItemID.HuntressAltHead || item.type == ItemID.HuntressAltPants ||
                item.type == ItemID.HuntressAltShirt || item.type == ItemID.MonkAltHead ||
                item.type == ItemID.MonkAltPants || item.type == ItemID.MonkAltShirt ||
                item.type == ItemID.SquireAltHead || item.type == ItemID.SquireAltPants ||
                item.type == ItemID.SquireAltShirt
                modItem.summonerItem = true;
            if (item.type == ItemID.BeesKnees || item.type == ItemID.BeeGun ||
                item.type == ItemID.WaspGun || item.type == ItemID.SpectreStaff ||
                item.type == ItemID.BatScepter || item.type == ItemID.BookofSkulls ||
                item.type == ItemID.HellwingBow || item.type == ItemID.PiranhaGun ||
                item.type == ItemID.ScourgeoftheCorruptor
                item.ranged = false;
                item.melee  = false;
                item.magic  = false;
                item.summon = true;
            if (item.type == ItemID.BeetleScaleMail || item.type == ItemID.BeetleHelmet || //Rogue sets
                item.type == ItemID.BeetleLeggings || item.type == ItemID.FrostHelmet ||
                item.type == ItemID.FrostBreastplate || item.type == ItemID.FrostLeggings ||
                item.type == ItemID.MonkBrows || item.type == ItemID.MonkShirt ||
                item.type == ItemID.MonkPants || item.type == ItemID.MonkAltHead ||
                item.type == ItemID.MonkAltPants || item.type == ItemID.MonkAltShirt
                modItem.rogueItem = true;
            if (item.type == ItemID.WoodenBoomerang || item.type == ItemID.EnchantedBoomerang ||
                item.type == ItemID.IceBoomerang || item.type == ItemID.FruitcakeChakram ||
                item.type == ItemID.ThornChakram || item.type == ItemID.Flamarang ||
                item.type == ItemID.FlyingKnife || item.type == ItemID.LightDisc ||
                item.type == ItemID.Bananarang || item.type == ItemID.PossessedHatchet ||
                item.type == ItemID.ShadowFlameKnife || item.type == ItemID.VampireKnives ||
                item.type == ItemID.DayBreak || item.type == ItemID.Anchor ||
                item.type == ItemID.ChainGuillotines || item.type == ItemID.KOCannon ||
                item.type == ItemID.GolemFist || item.type == ItemID.ChainKnife ||
                item.type == ItemID.WoodYoyo || item.type == ItemID.Rally || item.type == ItemID.CorruptYoyo ||
                item.type == ItemID.CrimsonYoyo || item.type == ItemID.JungleYoyo ||
                item.type == ItemID.Code1 || item.type == ItemID.Valor ||
                item.type == ItemID.Cascade || item.type == ItemID.FormatC ||
                item.type == ItemID.Gradient || item.type == ItemID.Chik ||
                item.type == ItemID.HelFire || item.type == ItemID.Amarok ||
                item.type == ItemID.Code2 || item.type == ItemID.Yelets ||
                item.type == ItemID.RedsYoyo || item.type == ItemID.ValkyrieYoyo ||
                item.type == ItemID.Kraken || item.type == ItemID.TheEyeOfCthulhu ||
                item.type == ItemID.Terrarian
                item.melee  = false;
                item.magic  = false;
                item.thrown = true;

             * if (item.type == ItemID.ToxicFlask)
             * {
             *  item.magic = false;
             *  modItem.chemical = true;
             *  item.consumable = true;
             *  item.crit = 0;
             *  item.mana = 0;
             *  item.value = 5000;
             *  item.maxStack = 999;
             * }
            if (IsCOItem(item) || IsModItem(item) == false)
            if (item.type == ItemID.LightDisc || item.type == ItemID.Bananarang ||
                item.type == ItemID.PossessedHatchet || item.type == ItemID.ShadowFlameKnife ||
                item.type == ItemID.VampireKnives || item.type == ItemID.Anchor ||
                item.type == ItemID.ChainGuillotines || item.type == ItemID.KOCannon ||
                item.type == ItemID.GolemFist
                item.damage += 20;
            if (item.type == ItemID.FormatC || item.type == ItemID.DayBreak ||
                item.type == ItemID.Gradient || item.type == ItemID.Chik ||
                item.type == ItemID.HelFire || item.type == ItemID.Amarok ||
                item.type == ItemID.Code2 || item.type == ItemID.Yelets ||
                item.type == ItemID.RedsYoyo || item.type == ItemID.ValkyrieYoyo ||
                item.type == ItemID.Kraken || item.type == ItemID.TheEyeOfCthulhu ||
                item.type == ItemID.Terrarian
                item.damage -= 15;
            if (item.type == ItemID.CobaltHelmet || item.type == ItemID.PalladiumMask ||
                item.type == ItemID.MythrilHelmet || item.type == ItemID.OrichalcumMask ||
                item.type == ItemID.AdamantiteHelmet || item.type == ItemID.TitaniumMask ||
                item.type == ItemID.HallowedMask || item.type == ItemID.ChlorophyteMask ||
                item.type == ItemID.BeetleShell || item.type == ItemID.SolarFlareBreastplate ||
                item.type == ItemID.SquirePlating || item.type == ItemID.SquireAltShirt ||
                item.type == ItemID.TurtleScaleMail
                item.defense += 10 + (item.rare * 2);
            if (item.type == ItemID.FrostBreastplate)
                item.defense += 6;
            if (item.defense > 0 && IsCOItem(item) == false)
                if (modItem.mageItem || modItem.summonerItem)
                    modItem.magicDefense = item.defense * 3;
                if (modItem.knightItem)
                    modItem.magicDefense = item.defense - item.defense / 10;
                if (modItem.rangerItem || modItem.alchemistItem)
                    modItem.magicDefense = item.defense + item.defense / 4;
                if (modItem.rogueItem)
                    modItem.magicDefense = item.defense + item.defense / 6;
                if (modItem.summonerItem && (modItem.knightItem || modItem.rangerItem ||
                                             modItem.rogueItem || modItem.alchemistItem))
                    modItem.magicDefense = item.defense + item.defense / 2;
                if (!(modItem.mageItem && modItem.summonerItem && modItem.knightItem &&
                      modItem.rogueItem && modItem.rangerItem && modItem.alchemistItem))
                    modItem.magicDefense = item.defense;
            if (item.magic == true && IsCOItem(item) == false)
                item.damage += (10 + (item.mana / 2) + item.rare); if (item.crit > 4)
                    item.damage += item.crit - 4;
            if (item.magic == true && IsCOItem(item) == false)
                item.crit = 0;
            if (item.thrown == true && IsCOItem(item) == false)
                if (item.crit >= 4)
                    item.crit -= 4;
                    item.crit = 0;
            if (item.type == ItemID.BeesKnees)
                item.autoReuse = true;
                item.useAmmo   = 0;
                item.damage   += 5;
                item.mana      = 6;
            if (item.type == ItemID.HellwingBow)
                item.autoReuse = true;
                item.useAmmo   = 0;
                item.damage   += 5;
                item.mana      = 4;
            if (item.type == ItemID.PiranhaGun)
                item.useAmmo = 0;
                item.mana    = 8;
            if (item.type == ItemID.SpectreStaff)
                item.damage = 68;
            if (item.type == ItemID.SpaceGun)
                item.mana = 6;
            if (item.type == ItemID.LaserRifle)
                item.mana = 7;
            if (item.type == ItemID.ChargedBlasterCannon)
                item.mana = 10;
            if (item.type == ItemID.MeteorStaff)
                item.damage = 75;
            if (item.type == ItemID.ScourgeoftheCorruptor)
                item.mana = 12;
            if (item.type == ItemID.AnkhCharm)
                item.accessory = false;
            if (item.type == ItemID.BookofSkulls)
                item.mana = 12;
            //if (item.type == ItemID.ImpStaff)
            //    modItem.hasSummon = true;
            //    item.shoot = 0;
            //    modItem.summonNPC = mod.NPCType("Imp");
예제 #2
        public void FinalizarCompra()
            WebDriverWait      wait               = new WebDriverWait(Webdriver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(40));
            HomePageMethods    homePageMethods    = new HomePageMethods(Webdriver);
            ItemMethods        itemMethods        = new ItemMethods(Webdriver);
            CartPageMethods    cartPageMethods    = new CartPageMethods(Webdriver);
            FormPageMethods    formPageMethods    = new FormPageMethods(Webdriver);
            AddressPageMethods addressPageMethods = new AddressPageMethods(Webdriver);
            PaymentPageMethods paymentPageMethods = new PaymentPageMethods(Webdriver);
            string             productName        = "Faded Short Sleeve T-shirts";
            string             consumerEmail      = "*****@*****.**";
            string             consumerFirstName  = "Automation";
            string             consumerLastName   = "Test";
            string             password           = "******";
            string             birthDay           = "15";
            string             birthMonth         = "5";
            string             birthYear          = "1990";
            string             address            = "1784  Water Street";
            string             city               = "Los Angeles";
            string             country            = "United States";
            string             state              = "California";
            string             postalCode         = "90007";
            string             phone              = "925-280-1092";

            //select an item on homepage

            //add item to cart and proceed to checkout
            IWebElement element = wait.Until(SeleniumExtras.WaitHelpers.ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(ItemPageObjects.layerCart));

            Assert.IsTrue(cartPageMethods.GetBreadcrumb().Contains("Your shopping cart"));

            //assert that item previously selected is on the cart and go to sign in+
            //Assert.IsTrue(cartPageMethods.GetProductName().Contains(productName)); //esse assert não funciona
            formPageMethods.InsertCostumerName(consumerFirstName, consumerLastName);
            formPageMethods.InsertDateBirth(birthDay, birthMonth, birthYear);
            formPageMethods.InsertAddresstName(consumerFirstName, consumerLastName);
            //Assert.AreEqual(addressPageMethods.GetAddressName(), consumerFirstName + " " + consumerLastName);
            //Assert.AreEqual(addressPageMethods.GetAddres(), city + ", " + state + " " + postalCode);
            //Assert.AreEqual(addressPageMethods.GetCountryName(), country);
            //.AreEqual(addressPageMethods.GetAddressPhone(), phone);
            Assert.AreEqual(paymentPageMethods.GetTotalPrice(), paymentPageMethods.SumTotalPrice());