//Generate items public void CreateItems(List <ItemInfos> infos) { //Reset values item.SetStatusTo(true); ClearAllSlides(); Transform parent = item.GetParent(); for (int gridIndex = 0; gridIndex < infos.Count; gridIndex++) { ItemInfos info = infos[gridIndex]; ItemInfo newItem = null; newItem = Instantiate(item, parent) as ItemInfo; //Set properties to item if (newItem != null) { newItem.SetStatusTo(true); newItem.name = info.itemName; newItem.SetItemDetails(info); allItems.Add(newItem); } } //Save all item info itemInfos = infos; //Disable sample item item.SetStatusTo(false); }
void Start() { resetAllSaves(); // LoadDatas(); buttonItems = new GameObject[shopItems.Length]; int number = 0; foreach (Item i in shopItems) { GameObject thingy = (GameObject)Instantiate(button); buttonItems [number] = thingy; ItemInfos scp = thingy.GetComponent <ItemInfos>(); scp.name.text = i.name; scp.cost.text = "Cost: " + i.cost.ToString("D"); scp.effect.text = i.effect.ToString("D"); scp.pieces.text = i.piece.ToString("D"); scp.icon.sprite = i.image; thingy.transform.SetParent(this.transform); Item thisItem = i; scp.thisButton.onClick.AddListener(() => Purchase(thisItem)); number++; } int n = 0; foreach (Item i in shopItems) { buttonItems [n].SetActive(false); n++; } }
void SetItemDetails(int itemCount, int categoryId) { int itemsCount = itemCount; if (itemsCount > 0) { for (int itemsIndex = 0; itemsIndex < itemsCount; itemsIndex++) { //Set item info ItemInfos info = new ItemInfos(); info.itemId = itemsIndex; info.itemName = categoryList[categoryId] + itemsIndex; info.itemCategory = categoryList[categoryId]; info.itemCategoryId = categoryId; //Assign random price info.itemPrice = Random.Range(minPriceList[categoryId], maxPriceList[categoryId]); info.itemDescription = commonDescriptionList[categoryId]; //Assign random gender int index = Random.Range(0, gender.Length); info.itemGender = gender[index]; info.itemRating = Random.Range(1f, 5f); itemInfos.Add(info); } } }
public SerializableDictionaryItem(ItemInfos item) { Id = item.Id ?? Guid.NewGuid(); Key = item.Key; Translations = item.Values.Select(x => new SerializableItemInfosTranslation(x.Key, x.Value)).ToArray(); ParentId = item.ParentId; }
//Set selected item details in UI public void SetItemDetails(ItemInfos info) { itemNameTxt.text = info.itemName; itemDescriptionTxt.text = info.itemDescription; itemRatingTxt.text = "Rating - " + String.Format("{0:0.0}", info.itemRating); itemPriceTxt.text = info.itemPrice.ToString() + " Rs"; itemGenderTxt.text = info.itemGender; }
public void TestMethodReadItemsInfo() { var ecf = new ConfigEcfAccess(); ecf.ReadConfigEcf(@"C:\steamcmd\empyrion\Content", null, null, null); var localization = new Localization(@"C:\steamcmd\empyrion\Content", null); var items = new ItemInfos(ecf, localization).ItemInfo; Assert.IsTrue(items.Count() > 0); }
void GenerateItems() { //Shuffle the info list - to generate items in different order - mix for (int infoIndex = 0; infoIndex < itemInfos.Count; infoIndex++) { ItemInfos temp = itemInfos[infoIndex]; int randomIndex = Random.Range(infoIndex, itemInfos.Count); itemInfos[infoIndex] = itemInfos[randomIndex]; itemInfos[randomIndex] = temp; } //Create Items itemsPanel.CreateItems(itemInfos); }
private void ImportItemWithChildren(ItemInfos importedDictionaryItem, List <ItemInfos> itemsToImport) { var childrens = itemsToImport.Where(x => x.ParentId == importedDictionaryItem.Id).ToList(); ItemInfosRepository.Save(importedDictionaryItem); foreach (var child in childrens) { child.ParentId = importedDictionaryItem.Id; } foreach (var child in childrens) { ImportItemWithChildren(child, itemsToImport); } }
void UpdateItem() { int number = 0; foreach (Item i in shopItems) { ItemInfos scp = buttonItems [number].GetComponent <ItemInfos> (); scp.cost.text = "Cost: " + i.cost.ToString("D"); scp.effect.text = i.effect.ToString("D"); scp.pieces.text = i.piece.ToString("D"); PlayerPrefs.SetInt(i.name + "piece", i.piece); PlayerPrefs.SetString(i.name + "cost", i.cost.ToString("D")); PlayerPrefs.SetString(i.name + "effect", i.effect.ToString("D")); number++; } }
public void SetItemDetails(ItemInfos info) { itemInfo = info; itemId = itemInfo.itemId; itemCategoryId = itemInfo.itemCategoryId; itemName = itemInfo.itemName; itemDescription = itemInfo.itemDescription; itemRating = itemInfo.itemRating; itemPrice = itemInfo.itemPrice; itemGender = itemInfo.itemGender; itemCategory = itemInfo.itemCategory; nameTxt.text = itemName; //Rating - Show one digit after decimal ratingTxt.text = String.Format("{0:0.0}", itemRating); priceTxt.text = itemPrice.ToString() + " Rs"; }
private void LoadItemDict(string path) { string json = (Resources.Load(path, typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset).text; itemDict = new Dictionary <string, Item>(); ItemInfos infos = JsonUtility.FromJson <ItemInfos>(json); foreach (var i in infos.itemData) { itemDict.Add(i.idName, i); } foreach (var i in infos.equipmentData) { itemDict.Add(i.idName, i); } // TODO: Hard coded itemDict.Add("", itemDict["SimpleSword"]); }
public void Save(ItemInfos dictionaryItem) { IDictionaryItem item = null; var isNew = dictionaryItem.IsNew; if (!dictionaryItem.IsNew) { item = LocalizationService.GetDictionaryItemByKey(dictionaryItem.Key); if (item == null) { item = LocalizationService.GetDictionaryItemById(dictionaryItem.Id.Value); } } if (item == null) { isNew = true; item = new DictionaryItem(dictionaryItem.ParentId, dictionaryItem.Key); //to be assured that the new item will have the same id as the imported one. if (dictionaryItem.Id != null && dictionaryItem.Id.HasValue) { item.Key = dictionaryItem.Id.Value; } } else { item.ItemKey = dictionaryItem.Key; if (dictionaryItem.ParentId != null) { item.ParentId = dictionaryItem.ParentId; } } UpdateLanguages(item, dictionaryItem.Values); LocalizationService.Save(item, CurrentUserId); if (isNew) { //update saved item to have the newly created dictionary item Id. dictionaryItem.Id = item.Key; } }
public void Save(ItemInfos dictionaryItem) { IDictionaryItem item; if (dictionaryItem.IsNew) { item = new DictionaryItem(dictionaryItem.ParentId, dictionaryItem.Key); } else { item = LocalizationService.GetDictionaryItemById(dictionaryItem.Id.Value); item.ItemKey = dictionaryItem.Key; if (dictionaryItem.ParentId != null) { item.ParentId = dictionaryItem.ParentId; } } UpdateLanguages(item, dictionaryItem.Values); LocalizationService.Save(item, CurrentUserId); }
private void LoadLookupReferences(Action <bool> resultCallback) { var datasourcestotal = 2; var datasourcescount = 0; UnitOfMeasureInfos.Get(new UnitOfMeasureInfos.Criteria(), (o, e) => { if (e.Error != null) { throw e.Error; } this.UnitOfMeasures = e.Object; datasourcescount += 1; if (datasourcescount == datasourcestotal) { resultCallback(true); } }); ItemInfos.Get(new ItemInfos.Criteria() { }, (o, e) => { if (e.Error != null) { throw e.Error; } this.Cargoes = e.Object; datasourcescount += 1; if (datasourcescount == datasourcestotal) { resultCallback(true); } }); }
public ItemInfos Save(ItemInfos dictionaryItem) { ItemInfosRepository.Save(dictionaryItem); return(dictionaryItem); }
public void TestMethodReadItemsInfo() { var localization = new Localization(@"C:\steamcmd\empyrion\Content"); var items = new ItemInfos(@"C:\steamcmd\empyrion\Content", localization).ItemInfo; }