private void Import_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog(); dlg.DefaultExt = ".png"; dlg.Filter = "PNG files (.png)|*.png|All files|*"; if (!(dlg.ShowDialog() ?? false)) { return; } try { Bitmap image = TextureWorker.ReadImageFromFile(dlg.FileName); image.SetResolution(96.0F, 96.0F); (this.DataContext as UndertaleTexturePageItem).ReplaceTexture(image); // Refresh the image of "ItemDisplay" if (ItemDisplay.FindName("RenderAreaBorder") is not Border border) { return; } if (border.Background is not ImageBrush brush) { return; } BindingOperations.GetBindingExpression(brush, ImageBrush.ImageSourceProperty)?.UpdateTarget(); } catch (Exception ex) { mainWindow.ShowError(ex.Message, "Failed to import image"); } }
public void EnvironmentDamage() { if (strength <= 0) { MessageManager.ShowMessageWithImage(tileEnvironment.nameMaterial + " уже разрушен", tileEnvironment.spriteDestroyed); return; } if ( == 0) // Воздействие на неразрушаемый тайл "Черный камень" { MessageManager.ShowMessageWithImage(tileEnvironment.nameMaterial + " не возможно разрушить", tileEnvironment.spriteDefault); return; } else { _inHandsItemDisplay = _inventory.GetItemDInSlot(-1); if ( == 0) // Если в руках игрока ничего нет... { MessageManager.ShowMessageOnlyText("Для разрушения тайла необходим соответствующий предмет в руке"); // !! Добавить подсказку о том, какой Item эффективнее всего разрушает именно этот тайл. return; } _damageSize = tileEnvironment.DamageSize(; _inHandsItemDisplay.ItemDamage(this); if (_damageSize > 0) // Если тайл получил реальный урон... { strength -= _damageSize; _selfHighlighting.HighlightingDamage(); SetStateEnvironment(); } } }
public void SetValues(GameObject ItemDisplayObject, GodStats God) { if (God) { CheckItems(God); } if (ItemDisplayObject) { ItemDisplay ID = ItemDisplayObject.GetComponent <ItemDisplay>(); if (ID.iName) { ID.iName.text = name; } if (ID.iIcon) { ID.iIcon.sprite = icon; } if (ID.iGold) { ID.iGold.text = goldNeeded.ToString() + "g"; } if ( { = "Gold: " + God.GodGold.ToString(); } } }
public ItemDisplayCount(Item i, ItemDisplay display) { item = i; this.display = display; count = 1; display.Display(i, count); }
public void TakeInHands(ItemDisplay itemD) // Взять в руки выбранный мышью предмет. { if ( != 0) // Если руки заняты... { if (_numEmptySlots != 0) // ...а в инвентаре есть место... { for (int slot = 0; slot < _itemsDSlots.Count; slot++) { if (_itemsDSlots[slot] == 0) // ...находим пустой слот... { MessageManager.ShowMessageWithImage("Предмет в руках помещен в инвентарь", imgHands.sprite); SwapItemsInSlots(slot, -1); // Перекладываем предмет в руках в инвентарь break; } } } else // ...и в инвентаре нет места { MessageManager.ShowMessageOnlyText("Руки и инвентарь уже заняты"); MessageManager.ShowMessageOnlyText("Если хотите подобрать этот предмет, освободите руки или место в инвентаре"); return; } } _itemDHands = itemD; imgHands.sprite = _itemDHands.item.spriteInInventory; // VISUAL _itemDHands._NumSlotInInventory = -1; _itemDHands._WarningShown = false; _itemDHands._thisGamObj.SetActive(false); MessageManager.ShowMessageWithImage("Взяли в руки " + _itemDHands.item.nameItem, _itemDHands.item.spriteOnScene); }
public void UpdateItem(ItemDisplay item, int index) { item.index = index; item.size = size; item.width = width; item.height = height; }
public void DiscardItem(int idSlot) // Выбросить предмет из инвентаря. { if (idSlot == -1) // -1 означает слот рук { _itemDHands._thisGamObj.transform.position = _playerTransform.position; _itemDHands._NumSlotInInventory = -2; _itemDHands._thisGamObj.SetActive(true); MessageManager.ShowMessageWithImage("Выбросили из рук " + _itemDHands.item.nameItem, _itemDHands.item.spriteInInventory); _itemDHands = itemDEmpty; imgHands.sprite = sprEmptyHands; } else { _itemsDSlots[idSlot]._thisGamObj.transform.position = _playerTransform.position; _itemsDSlots[idSlot]._NumSlotInInventory = -2; _itemsDSlots[idSlot]._thisGamObj.SetActive(true); MessageManager.ShowMessageWithImage("Выбросили из инвентаря " + _itemsDSlots[idSlot].item.nameItem, _itemsDSlots[idSlot].item.spriteInInventory); _numEmptySlots++; _itemsDSlots[idSlot] = itemDEmpty; _imgSlots[idSlot].sprite = sprEmptySlot; } }
private void Awake() { _numEmptySlots = inventoryPanelT.childCount; _inventoryPanelGO = inventoryPanelT.gameObject; _playerTransform = transform; _itemDHands = itemDEmpty; _itemsDSlots = new List <ItemDisplay>(_numEmptySlots); for (int i = 0; i < _numEmptySlots; i++) { _itemsDSlots.Add(itemDEmpty); } _imgSlots = new Image[_numEmptySlots]; for (int i = 0; i < _numEmptySlots; i++) { _imgSlots[i] = inventoryPanelT.GetChild(i).GetComponent <Image>(); } _fltrItems.SetLayerMask(layerItems); _collidersItems = new Collider2D[_numEmptySlots]; OpenCloseInventory(); }
public void AddItemToInventory() { itemObj = transform.GetChild(0).gameObject; ItemDisplay display = itemObj.GetComponent <ItemDisplay>(); Inventory.instance.AddItem(display.item, slot); }
public void SetItemDisplay(int row, int column, ItemDisplay displayMode, int imageIndex) { LV_ITEM item = new LV_ITEM(); item.iItem = row; item.iSubItem = column; switch (displayMode) { case ItemDisplay.Text: item.mask = ( uint )LVIF.LVIF_TEXT; item.pszText = new StringBuilder(this.GetItemText(row, column)); break; case ItemDisplay.Image: item.mask = ( uint )LVIF.LVIF_IMAGE; break; case ItemDisplay.ImageAndText: item.mask = ( uint )(LVIF.LVIF_IMAGE | LVIF.LVIF_TEXT); item.pszText = new StringBuilder(this.GetItemText(row, column)); break; } item.iImage = imageIndex; SendMessage(this.Handle, ( int )LVM.LVM_SETITEM, 0, ref item); }
static private void TryDisplayStashAmount(ItemDisplay itemDisplay) { #region quit if (!_displayStashAmount || PlayerStash == null || !itemDisplay.m_lblQuantity.TryAssign(out var quantity) || !itemDisplay.RefItem.TryAssign(out var item) || item.OwnerCharacter == null && item.ParentContainer.IsNot <MerchantPouch>() && itemDisplay.IsNot <RecipeResultDisplay>()) { return; } #endregion int stashAmount = itemDisplay is CurrencyDisplay ? PlayerStash.ContainedSilver : PlayerStash.ItemStackCount(item.ItemID); if (stashAmount <= 0) { return; } if (itemDisplay.IsNot <RecipeResultDisplay>()) { quantity.text = itemDisplay.m_lastQuantity.ToString(); } else if (itemDisplay.m_dBarUses.TryAssign(out var dotBar) && dotBar.GOActive()) { quantity.text = "1"; } int fontSize = (quantity.fontSize * 0.75f).Round(); quantity.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperRight; quantity.lineSpacing = 0.75f; quantity.text += $"\n<color=#00FF00FF><size={fontSize}><b>+{stashAmount}</b></size></color>"; }
public static bool PreGetActionText(ItemDisplayOptionPanel __instance, int _actionID, ref string __result) { try { if (_actionID == (int)EnCustomInventoryActions.AssignQuickslotSet) { __result = "New QuickSlotSet"; ItemDisplay m_activatedItemDisplay = (ItemDisplay)AccessTools.Field(typeof(ItemDisplayOptionPanel), "m_activatedItemDisplay").GetValue(__instance); var ext = m_activatedItemDisplay?.RefItem?.gameObject?.GetComponent <QuickSlotSetExt>(); if (ext != null && ext.Slots.Count > 0) { __result = "Replace QuickSlotSet"; } return(false); } if (_actionID == (int)EnCustomInventoryActions.DeleteQuickslotSet) { __result = "Delete QuickSlotSet"; return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { DynamicQuickslots.Instance.MyLogger.LogError("PreGetActionText: " + ex.Message); } return(true); }
private void LegacyChestPanel_StartInit(On.LegacyChestPanel.orig_StartInit orig, LegacyChestPanel self) { orig(self); try { ItemDisplay m_itemInChest = (ItemDisplay)AccessTools.Field(typeof(LegacyChestPanel), "m_itemInChest").GetValue(self); ItemDetailsDisplay m_itemDetailDisplay = (ItemDetailsDisplay)AccessTools.Field(typeof(LegacyChestPanel), "m_itemDetailDisplay").GetValue(self); //AccessTools.Field(typeof(LegacyChestPanel), "m_itemInChest").SetValue(self, m_itemInChest); ItemDetailsPanelSpawner componentInChildren = self.GetComponentInChildren <ItemDetailsPanelSpawner>(); if ((bool)componentInChildren) { m_itemDetailDisplay = componentInChildren.DetailPanel; ItemDisplay item = (ItemDisplay)AccessTools.Field(typeof(ItemDetailsDisplay), "itemDisplay").GetValue(m_itemDetailDisplay); ItemGroupDisplay group = (ItemGroupDisplay)AccessTools.Field(typeof(ItemDetailsDisplay), "groupDisplay").GetValue(m_itemDetailDisplay); OLogger.Log($"item={item == null}"); OLogger.Log($"group={group == null}"); m_itemInChest = group; } ItemDisplay itemInChest = m_itemInChest; itemInChest.onSelectCallback = (UnityAction <ItemDisplay>)Delegate.Combine(itemInChest.onSelectCallback, new UnityAction <ItemDisplay>(self.OnItemSelected)); Transform transform = self.transform.Find("MiddlePanel/PlayerInventory/Header/lblTitle"); if ((bool)transform) { //m_lblInventoryTitle = transform.GetComponent<Text>(); } } catch (Exception ex) { OLogger.Error($"StartInit={ex.Message}"); } }
void InstancateSongs(List <Song> list) { for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { GameObject obj = Instantiate(prefabListItem, new Vector2(0, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform); ItemDisplay item = obj.GetComponent <ItemDisplay>(); item.SongInfo = list[i]; } }
private void Start() { _itemDisplay = FindObjectOfType <ItemDisplay>(); _coinDisplay = FindObjectOfType <CoinDisplay>(); _itemDisplay.UpdateContainers(_inventoryObject.GetItems().Count); _itemDisplay.UpdateSelectedItem(_selectedItem); _itemDisplay.UpdateItems(_inventoryObject.GetItems()); _coinDisplay.UpdateCoins(_inventoryObject.GetCoins()); }
public void AddNewSong(Song song) { GameObject obj = Instantiate(prefabListItem, new Vector2(0, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform); obj.transform.SetAsFirstSibling(); ItemDisplay item = obj.GetComponent <ItemDisplay>(); item.SongInfo = song; }
private void Awake() { _renderer = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); _selfTransform = GetComponent <Transform>(); _playerTransform = GameObject.Find("PlayerOLD").transform; _UI_Panel = GameObject.Find("TooltipPanelOLD").GetComponent <UI_Update>(); _itemDisplay = GetComponent <ItemDisplay>(); _inventory = _playerTransform.GetComponent <InventoryOLD>(); }
public void Update() { if (!body || !body.transform) { return; } if ( { if (target) { HealthComponent healthComponent = target.healthComponent; if (!target.HasBuff(buffDef) || !healthComponent || !healthComponent.alive) { ClearTarget(); } } } stopwatch += Time.deltaTime; waveY = Mathf.Sin(stopwatch * Mathf.PI * waveFrequency + waveOffset * Mathf.PI * 2) * waveAmplitude; if (target) { leash.leashOrigin = target.corePosition + offset * target.radius + Vector3.up * waveY; rotateToDirection.targetRotation = Util.QuaternionSafeLookRotation(target.corePosition - transform.position); } else { leash.leashOrigin = body.corePosition + offset * body.radius + Vector3.up * waveY; rotateToDirection.targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(body.inputBank.aimDirection); } ItemDisplay itemDisplay = follower.GetComponent <ItemDisplay>(); ModelLocator modelLocator = body.modelLocator; if (modelLocator) { Transform modelTransform = modelLocator.modelTransform; if (modelTransform) { CharacterModel characterModel = modelTransform.GetComponent <CharacterModel>(); if (characterModel) { itemDisplay.SetVisibilityLevel(characterModel.visibility); foreach (CharacterModel.RendererInfo rendererInfo in itemDisplay.rendererInfos) { Renderer renderer = rendererInfo.renderer; renderer.GetPropertyBlock(materialPropertyBlock); materialPropertyBlock.SetFloat("_Fade", target ? 1f : 1f / body.inventory.GetItemCount(MysticsItemsContent.Items.MysticsItems_Spotter)); renderer.SetPropertyBlock(materialPropertyBlock); } } } } }
public ItemDisplay GenItem(int index) { ItemDisplay newitem = Instantiate <ItemDisplay>(Prefab_item); newitem.transform.SetParent(this.transform); newitem.inventory = this.GetComponent <InventoryDisplay>(); UpdateItem(newitem, index); newitem.UpdateItemDisplay(); return(newitem); }
void Start() { playerControler = GetComponent <PlayerControler>(); itemDisplay = GetComponentInChildren <ItemDisplay>(); itemsPickUp = GetComponent <ItemsPickUp>(); riddleCanvas = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Riddle").GetComponent <Canvas>(); riddle = GameObject.Find("Riddles").GetComponent <RiddleAnswer>(); emergencyCard = GameObject.Find("UsableItems").GetComponent <EmergencyCard>(); generator = GameObject.Find("UsableItems").GetComponent <Generator>(); }
void CreateGhostItem(Item item) { GameObject itemObj = Instantiate(ghostItemPrefab, resultsParent); ItemDisplay display = itemObj.GetComponent <ItemDisplay>(); if (display != null) { display.Setup(item); } }
static private ItemDisplay FindItemInContainerDisplay(ItemDisplay item, List <ItemDisplay> otherContainerItems) { foreach (var otherItem in otherContainerItems) { if (otherItem.m_refItem.ItemID == item.m_refItem.ItemID) { return(otherItem); } } return(null); }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatch b) { if (BoxColor.HasValue) { IClickableMenu.drawTextureBox(b, ( int )Position.X, ( int )Position.Y, Width, Height, BoxColor.Value); } if (ItemDisplay != null) { ItemDisplay.drawInMenu(b, Position + new Vector2(16, 16), 1, TransparentItemDisplay ? 0.5f : 1, 1); } }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("item")) { itemInfos = other.gameObject.GetComponent <ItemDisplay>(); PickUpText.text = "Press F to pick up a <color=yellow>" + + "</color>!"; PickUpScreen.SetActive(true); canPickUp = true; itemSelected =; } }
public void AddItem(Item i) { if (displays.ContainsKey(i.item_name)) { displays[i.item_name].Increment(); } else { ItemDisplay new_item_display = Instantiate(item_display_prefab, items_grid.transform); displays[i.item_name] = new ItemDisplayCount(i, new_item_display); } }
/// <summary> /// Sub创建 /// </summary> protected override void onSubViewCreated( ItemDisplay <List <MapDisplay.Line> > sub, int index) { base.onSubViewCreated(sub, index); var painter = sub as MapLinePainter; if (painter == null) { return; } painter.mapDisplay = mapDisplay; }
public void AddItem(Item item, bool startItem) { Debug.Log("Add item: " +; AssignItem(item); GameObject itemObj = Instantiate(itemPrefab, itemPool); ItemDisplay display = itemObj.GetComponent <ItemDisplay>(); if (display != null) { display.Setup(item); } }
public bool CheckInventoryWeight(ItemDisplay itemWeight) { if ((weight.ParameterValue + itemWeight.item.weight) <= weight.MaxValue.ParameterValue) { Debug.Log("Weight check true"); return(true); } else { Debug.Log("Weight check false"); return(false); } }
private void search_for_display() { var foundObjects = FindObjectsOfType <ItemDisplay>(); if (foundObjects.Length == 1) { this.display = foundObjects.First(); } else { Debug.Log("not the right number of CombatantDisplay's"); } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { ItemDisplay itemDisplay = (ItemDisplay)target; DrawDefaultInspector(); if (GUILayout.Button("Load Item Display")) { itemDisplay.UpdateItemDisplay(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Unload Item Display")) { itemDisplay.ResetItemDisplay(); } }
public void SetItemDisplay( int row, int column, ItemDisplay displayMode, int imageIndex ) { LV_ITEM item = new LV_ITEM(); item.iItem = row; item.iSubItem = column; switch( displayMode ) { case ItemDisplay.Text: item.mask = ( uint )LVIF.LVIF_TEXT; item.pszText = new StringBuilder( this.GetItemText( row, column ) ); break; case ItemDisplay.Image: item.mask = ( uint )LVIF.LVIF_IMAGE; break; case ItemDisplay.ImageAndText: item.mask = ( uint )( LVIF.LVIF_IMAGE | LVIF.LVIF_TEXT ); item.pszText = new StringBuilder( this.GetItemText( row, column ) ); break; } item.iImage = imageIndex; SendMessage( this.Handle, ( int )LVM.LVM_SETITEM, 0, ref item ); }
private void RemoveItemDisplay(ItemDisplay id) { if (itemDisplays.Remove(id)) PlayerMessage.HideMessage(); isInteracting = false; }
public void SetItemDisplay( int row, int column, ItemDisplay displayMode ) { this.SetItemDisplay( row, column, displayMode, 0 ); }