예제 #1
 private void Awake()
     FindObjectOfType <PlayerInputBroadcaster>().Subscribe(gameObject);
     IC  = FindObjectOfType <ItemCollection>();
     ICU = GetComponent <ItemCollectionUI>();
     ICU.OnItemUIClick += (x) => OnItemUse(x);
예제 #2
        public override void Load(Call call, TabModel model)
            model.Items = _items = new ItemCollectionUI <TestItem>();

            model.Actions = new List <TaskCreator>()
                new TaskAction("Add 100 Entries", () => AddEntries(100)),
                new TaskAction("Add 1,000 Entries", () => AddEntries(1000)),
                new TaskAction("Add 10,000 Entries", () => AddEntries(10000)),
예제 #3
        public override void Load(Call call, TabModel model)
            _items      = new ItemCollectionUI <ListItem>();
            model.Items = _items;

            model.Actions = new List <TaskCreator>()
                new TaskDelegate("Serialize 1 object", Serialize, true, true),
                new TaskDelegate("Deserialize 1 object", Deserialize, true, true),
                new TaskDelegate("Serialize 1 million objects", SerializeOneMillionObjects, true, true),
                new TaskDelegate("Deserialize 1 million objects", DeserializeOneMillionObjects, true, true),
예제 #4
 private void Awake()
     IC  = FindObjectOfType <ItemCollection>();
     ICU = GetComponent <ItemCollectionUI>();
     ICU.OnItemUIClick += (x) => OnItemSelect(x);
     PW              = FindObjectOfType <EntityManager>().Player.GetComponent <EntityWeapon>();
     OnItemSelected += RefreshSelectionMarker;
     FindObjectOfType <PlayerInputBroadcaster>().Subscribe(gameObject);
     ItemUIs = new List <SelectableItemUI>(GetComponentsInChildren <SelectableItemUI>());
     GetComponentInParent <PanelUI>().OnVisibilityChange += (b) => { if (!b)
예제 #5
        public void RPC_ShowUI(Guid collectionGuid)
            var col = PUN2ActionsBridge.collectionFinder.GetClientCollection(collectionGuid);

            if (col != null)
                var uis = FindObjectsOfType <UI.ItemCollectionUI>();
                foreach (var ui in uis)
                    if (ui.collectionName == col.collectionName)
                        _currentItemCollectionUI = ui;

                        _currentItemCollectionUI.collection = (ICollection <IItemInstance>)col;

                new UnityLogger("[Collection] ").Warning("Couldn't find ItemCollectionUI that repaints collection for collection with name: " + col.ToString());
        public void OnTriggerUsed(Character character, TriggerEventData data)
            var uis = FindObjectsOfType <ItemCollectionUI>();
            var col = CollectionRegistry.byID.Get(_guid.guid) as ICollection <IItemInstance>;

            if (col != null)
                foreach (var ui in uis)
                    if (ui.collectionName == col.ToString())
                        _activeUI = ui;

                        _activeUI.collection = col;

                new UnityLogger("[Collection] ").Warning("Couldn't find ItemCollectionUI that repaints collection for collection with name: " + col.ToString());

            new UnityLogger("[Collection] ").Warning("Couldn't find ItemCollectionUI that repaints collection for collection: " + _guid.guid);