예제 #1
        // GET api/issues/id
        public IssueDTO GetById(int id)
            Issue someIssue = issueRepo.GetById(id);

            if (someIssue == null)
                throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
            IssueDTO someIssueDTO = new IssueDTO(someIssue);

예제 #2
        public void placeOrder(int issueID, Int16 quantity, int supplierID)
            Issue issue = new Issue();

            issue = issueRepo.GetById(issueID);
            var someissueID = issue.IssueID;
            //Check for supplier quote
            SupplierQuote theQuote    = supplierQuoteRepo.getSupplierQuote(issueID, supplierID);
            Supplier      theSupplier = supplierRepo.GetById(theQuote.SupplierID);
            Order         newOrder    = new Order();

            newOrder.IssueID    = issue.IssueID;
            newOrder.OrderDate  = DateTime.Now;
            newOrder.QtyOrdered = quantity;
            newOrder.Total      = quantity * theQuote.Price;
            newOrder.SupplierID = theSupplier.SupplierID;
            //These next few fields and their info must come from the supplier API
            newOrder.ShipmentRef    = null;
            newOrder.ShipmentDate   = null;
            newOrder.DeliveryStatus = "Pending Payment";