예제 #1
 private static StatusTransition AsStatusTransition(IssueChangeLog changeLog) => new StatusTransition
     Date = changeLog.CreatedDate,
     User = changeLog.Author.DisplayName,
     From = changeLog.Items.Single().FromValue,
     To   = changeLog.Items.Single().ToValue,
예제 #2
 public JIssueChangeLog(IssueChangeLog changeLog)
     _changeLog = changeLog;
예제 #3
 public void AddChangeLog(IssueChangeLog changeLog)
     ChangeLogs.Add(new JIssueChangeLog(changeLog));
예제 #4
        /* Aufbau einer Tabelle: pro gefundenem Issue aufsummiert alle Zeiten pro Status in Minuten.
         * e.g.   To Do  | In Progress | In Test
         *     500    |   876       |  456
         * gezählt werden Verstreichminuten (Progress Time), NICHT action Time (echte Arbeitszeit)
         * 24 h / 7 Tage Woche
        private void Button_IssuesFromJson(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string jsonString = "";
            int    counter    = 0; // Verlaufsbalken Zähler

            int issuesCount;       // wieviele Issues insgesamt issuecount/20 == anzahl abrufe notwendig

            String            csvFileContent = "";
            WorkflowExtraxtor wfex           = new WorkflowExtraxtor();
            IssueChangeLog    issueChangelog = new IssueChangeLog();
            List <String>     notFoundStep   = new List <String>();

            if (true)
                // get json & deserialize

                jsonString = File.ReadAllText(TextBlock_FilePathJson.Text);

                TextBox_JsonPath.Text = TextBlock_FilePathJson.Text;

                IssuesPOCO JsonContent = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <IssuesPOCO>(jsonString);

                csvFileContent = "";

                csvFileContent += "Group,Key,Issuetype,Status,Created Date,Component,Resolution,";

                List <WorkflowStep> statuses = wfex.getWorkflowFromFile(TextBlock_WorkflowFilePath.Text);

                List <string> doneStatesList = new List <string>();

                foreach (WorkflowStep status in statuses)
                    csvFileContent += status.Name + ",";
                    if (status.DoneState)

                csvFileContent += "First Date,Closed Date";

                csvFileContent += System.Environment.NewLine;

                // baue dictionary mit status/zeitpaaren
                issuesCount = JsonContent.issues.Count;

                foreach (IssuePOCO issue in JsonContent.issues)
                    String  resultLine = "";
                    string  lastName   = "";
                    string  firstName  = "";
                    string  group      = "";
                    Boolean foundDate  = false;
                    // json convert anpassen auf issuetype "Fields hinzufügen"

                    resultLine += group + "," + issue.key + "," + issue.fields.issuetype.name + "," + issue.fields.status.name + "," + issue.fields.created.ToString() + ",";

                    if (issue.fields.components != null)
                        foreach (IssueComponentsItemPOCO item in issue.fields.components)
                            resultLine += item.name + "|";
                    resultLine += ",";

                    if (issue.fields.resolution != null)
                        resultLine += issue.fields.resolution.name;
                    resultLine += ",";

                    Dictionary <string, int> dict = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                    foreach (WorkflowStep status in statuses)
                        dict[status.Name] = 0;
                        if (status.Last)
                            lastName = status.Name;
                        if (status.First)
                            firstName = status.Name;

                    List <StatusRich> statusRichList = new List <StatusRich>();

                    foreach (IssueHistoryPOCO history in issue.changelog.histories)
                        foreach (IssueChangeLogItem item in history.items)
                            if (item.FieldName.Equals("status"))
                                StatusRich statusTransformation = new StatusRich(item.ToValue, DateTime.Parse(history.created.ToString()));

                    DateTime CloseDate = new DateTime();
                    DateTime FirstDate = new DateTime();
                    DateTime DoneDate  = new DateTime();
                    // umsortieren letzter zuerst, desc
                    statusRichList.Sort((x, y) => y.TimeStamp.CompareTo(x.TimeStamp));
                    DateTime currentDate = (DateTime)DatePicker_DateOfFile.SelectedDate;
                    // kein Statuswechsel in History ==> immer noch im initialen Status
                    if (statusRichList.Count < 1)
                        //DateTime currentDate = new DateTime(2020, 12, 17, 12, 29, 00);

                        TimeSpan ts      = currentDate - issue.fields.created;
                        int      minutes = (int)ts.TotalMinutes;

                        resultLine += minutes + ",,,,,,,,";
                    // sonst Status gefunden, wenn  nicht: immer noch open
                        DateTime last;

                        // wenn es einen Donestatus gibt ist der letzte das Ende Date
                        //if (statusRichList.Any(p => p.Name == "Done") || statusRichList.Any(p => p.Name == "Abgebrochen"))
                        if (statusRichList.Any(p => p.Name.Equals(lastName)))
                            CloseDate = statusRichList.Max(obj => obj.TimeStamp);

                        if (statusRichList.Any(p => p.Name.Equals(firstName)))
                            FirstDate = statusRichList.Min(obj => obj.TimeStamp);

                        // Erster Zeitpunkt: Erstelldatum des Datenabzugs (aka "heute")
                        last = currentDate;
                        // Dauer eines statusverbleibs: Startdate des nachfolgers - Startdate des betrachteten Status
                        foreach (StatusRich statusTrans in statusRichList)
                            TimeSpan ts = last - statusTrans.TimeStamp;
                            statusTrans.Minutes = (int)ts.TotalMinutes;
                            last = statusTrans.TimeStamp;
                            string statusName = "";
                            if (!(dict.ContainsKey(statusTrans.Name)))
                                statusName = statusTrans.Name;
                                foreach (WorkflowStep step in statuses)
                                    if (step.Aliases.Contains(statusTrans.Name))
                                        statusName = step.Name;
                                statusName = statusTrans.Name;
                            if (doneStatesList.Contains(statusName))
                                DoneDate  = statusTrans.TimeStamp;
                                foundDate = true;
                            if (!dict.ContainsKey(statusName))
                                dict.Add(statusName, 0);
                                if (!notFoundStep.Contains(statusName))
                            dict[statusName] += statusTrans.Minutes;
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> pair in dict)
                            resultLine += pair.Value + ",";

                    if (FirstDate.Equals(new DateTime()))
                        resultLine += ",";
                        resultLine += FirstDate.ToString() + ",";

                    if (CloseDate.Equals(new DateTime()))
                        if (foundDate)
                            resultLine += DoneDate.ToString() + ",";
                        /*resultLine += ",";*/
                        resultLine += CloseDate.ToString();

                    csvFileContent += resultLine + System.Environment.NewLine;

                    ProgressBar_Historie.Value = 100 / issuesCount * counter;

            TextBox_Errors.Text += "\n<< additional Statuses found >> \n";
            foreach (String s in notFoundStep)
                TextBox_Errors.Text += s + " \n";

            File.WriteAllText(TextBlock_Filepath.Text, csvFileContent);
예제 #5
        private static string GetDevAssignee(List <JiraUser> devs, Issue issue, List <IssueChangeLog> featureLogStatuses, IssueChangeLog inDevelopEntry)
            // если оно в разработки сразу берем асайни, т.к. есть странные переходы (дев передал другому деву без смены статуса)
            if (issue.Status == "Разработка")
                return(GetCurrentIssueAssignee(devs, issue));

            // берем assignee последнего статуса перевода в разработку
            var inDevelopAssignee = inDevelopEntry.Items.SingleOrDefault(o => o.FieldName == "assignee")?.ToValue;

            // если не нашли - берем ближайшего предыдущего assignee, т.к. при переводе статуса он не всегда меняется
            if (inDevelopAssignee == null)
                // идем назад ищем assignee
                string prevAssigneeFound = null;
                var    index             = featureLogStatuses.IndexOf(inDevelopEntry);
                while (index >= 0)
                    prevAssigneeFound = featureLogStatuses[index].Items.SingleOrDefault(o => o.FieldName == "assignee")?.ToValue;
                    if (prevAssigneeFound != null)

                inDevelopAssignee = prevAssigneeFound;

                // если не нашли, идем вперед и ищем момент когда разработчик сменился на тестеровщика
                if (prevAssigneeFound == null)
                    string nextAssigneeFound = null;
                    var    ind = featureLogStatuses.IndexOf(inDevelopEntry);
                    while (ind < featureLogStatuses.Count)
                        nextAssigneeFound = featureLogStatuses[ind].Items.SingleOrDefault(o => o.FieldName == "assignee")?.FromValue;
                        if (nextAssigneeFound != null)

                    inDevelopAssignee = nextAssigneeFound;

            // assignee не менялся в истории, берем указанного при создании задачи
            if (inDevelopAssignee == null)
                inDevelopAssignee = GetCurrentIssueAssignee(devs, issue);

            if (inDevelopAssignee == null)
                Console.WriteLine(issue.Key + " assignee not found");

예제 #6
 private static bool IsStatusChange(IssueChangeLog changeLog) =>
 changeLog.Items.Any(i => i.FieldName == "status");
예제 #7
        public void buildCFDDataFile(string workflowPath, string jsonPath, DateTime timeStamp)
                String jsonString     = "";
                String csvFileContent = "";

                WorkflowExtraxtor wfex = new WorkflowExtraxtor();
                //int counter = 0; // Verlaufsbalken Zähler

                //int issuesCount; // wieviele Issues insgesamt issuecount/20 == anzahl abrufe notwendig

                IssueChangeLog issueChangelog = new IssueChangeLog();

                // get json & deserialize

                jsonString = File.ReadAllText(jsonPath);

                IssuesPOCO JsonContent = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <IssuesPOCO>(jsonString);

                csvFileContent = "";

                csvFileContent += "Key,Issuetype,Current Status,Created Date,";

                List <WorkflowStep> s = wfex.getWorkflowFromFile(workflowPath);

                foreach (WorkflowStep item in s)
                    csvFileContent += item.Name + ",";
                csvFileContent += System.Environment.NewLine;

                //    // baue dictionary mit status/zeitpaaren

                //issuesCount = JsonContent.issues.Count;
                List <StatusCounts> DatesStatusCounts = new List <StatusCounts>();

                foreach (IssuePOCO issue in JsonContent.issues)
                    foreach (IssueHistoryPOCO history in issue.changelog.histories)
                        foreach (IssueChangeLogItem item in history.items)
                            if (item.FieldName.Equals("status"))
                                //dict[item.] = history.created.ToString();

                String resultLine = "";

                //resultLine += issue.key + "," + issue.fields.issuetype.name + "," + issue.fields.status.name + "," + issue.fields.created.ToString() + ",";

                //Dictionary<WorkflowStep, string> dict = new Dictionary<WorkflowStep, string>();
                //        foreach (WorkflowStep issueStatus in s)
                //        {
                //            dict.Add(issueStatus, "");
                //        }

                //foreach (IssueHistoryPOCO history in issue.changelog.histories)
                //    foreach (IssueChangeLogItem item in history.items)
                //    {
                //        if (item.FieldName.Equals("status"))
                //        {
                //            dict[item.] = history.created.ToString();

                //        }
                //    }

                //foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> pair in dict)
                //    resultLine += pair.Value + ",";

                //csvFileContent += resultLine + System.Environment.NewLine;
                //ProgressBar_Historie.Value = 100 / issuesCount * counter;

                //Console.WriteLine("Ausgabe:    " +jsonString);
                //File.WriteAllText(TextBlock_Filepath.Text, csvFileContent);