public Context() { try { var serialization = IsolatedStorage.ReadFromIsolatedStorage("Connections", string.Empty); var array = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <XbmcConnection[]>(serialization); Connections = new ObservableCollection <XbmcConnection>(array); } catch (Exception) { Connections = new ObservableCollection <XbmcConnection>(); } #if DEBUG if (!Connections.Any()) { var cnx = new XbmcConnection { IsDefault = true, Xbmc = new KodiRemote.Core.Connection("123", "80", "xbmc", "") }; Connections.Add(cnx); } #endif }
/// <summary> /// The get access token. /// </summary> /// <param name="authorizationCode"> /// The web auth result response data. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The <see cref="Task"/>. /// </returns> private async Task GetAccessToken(string authorizationCode) { var authCode = authorizationCode.Split('=')[1]; using (var httpClient = new HttpClient()) { httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(Constants.GitterBaseAddress); httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new[] { new KeyValuePair <string, string>("client_id", Constants.ClientKey), new KeyValuePair <string, string>("client_secret", Constants.OauthSecret), new KeyValuePair <string, string>("code", authCode), new KeyValuePair <string, string>("redirect_uri", Constants.RedirectUrl), new KeyValuePair <string, string>("grant_type", "authorization_code") }); var result = await httpClient.PostAsync(Constants.TokenEndpoint, content); string resultContent = result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; JsonObject value = JsonValue.Parse(resultContent).GetObject(); string accessToken = value.GetNamedString("access_token"); Debug.WriteLine("Access Token = " + accessToken); await IsolatedStorage.SaveToken(string.Format("Bearer {0}", accessToken)); } Frame.Navigate(typeof(RoomsPage)); }
/// <summary> /// Load the saved favorites from a file in isolated storage. /// Perform culture conversion if needed /// </summary> /// <returns>Deserialized object</returns> internal static FavoriteCollection LoadFromFile() { IsolatedStorage <FavoriteCollection> f = new IsolatedStorage <FavoriteCollection>(); FavoriteCollection loadedFile = f.LoadFromFile(FavoriteData.FavoriteFileName); if (loadedFile == null) { loadedFile = new FavoriteCollection(); } /* In the case where the favorites were stored in one language, but we have * switched to another language, check to see if the first item category matches * the current locale. If it does, then break out. Othewise, convert all of the * unit information into the current locale */ foreach (FavoriteData d in loadedFile) { if (string.Compare(d.Category, Resources.Strings.ResourceManager.GetString(d.CategoryResource), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { break; } d.Category = Resources.Strings.ResourceManager.GetString(d.CategoryResource); d.SourceUnitName = Resources.Strings.ResourceManager.GetString(d.SourceUnitNameResource); d.TargetUnitName = Resources.Strings.ResourceManager.GetString(d.TargetUnitNameResource); d.LabelName = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, UnitConverter.Resources.Strings.FavoriteItemLabel, d.SourceUnitName, d.TargetUnitName); } return(loadedFile); }
public static void SaveFile(string filename, string contents) { lock (typeof(Cache)) { IsolatedStorage.WriteAllText(CacheFolder + "/" + filename, contents); } }
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { string url; if (NavigationContext.QueryString.TryGetValue("url", out url)) { mediaPlayer.Source = new Uri(url); } else { var filename = NavigationContext.QueryString["filename"]; stateFile = DownloadInfo.GetStateFile(filename); mediaPlayer.SetSource(IsolatedStorage.OpenFileToRead(filename)); } // only restore position for downloaded videos if (stateFile != null) { if (!position.HasValue && IsolatedStorage.FileExists(stateFile)) { position = TimeSpan.FromTicks(long.Parse(IsolatedStorage.ReadAllText(stateFile), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } if (position.HasValue) { mediaPlayer.RestoreMediaState(new MediaState { IsPlaying = true, IsStarted = true, Position = position.Value, }); } } }
/// <summary> /// Writes the Blob to Isolated Storage /// </summary> /// <param name="data"></param> public void SetLocalFileBytes(Byte[] data) { string filePath = IsolatedStorage.GetFileNameTypeFromMediaType(Id, _blobMediaType); IsolatedStorage.SaveFile(filePath, data); //new MediaLibrary().SavePicture(filePath, data); }
public static void SaveObject(this IsolatedStorage isoStorage, object obj, string fileName) { using (IsolatedStorageFileStream writeStream = new IsolatedStorageFileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create)) { BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); formatter.Serialize(writeStream, obj); } }
public void UpdateTest() { IsolatedStorage storage = new IsolatedStorage(); storage.AddItem("String", "test"); storage.UpdateItem("String", "test1"); Assert.AreEqual(storage.GetItem<string>("String"), "test1"); }
public void UpdateTest() { IsolatedStorage storage = new IsolatedStorage(); storage.AddItem("String", "test"); storage.UpdateItem("String", "test1"); Assert.AreEqual(storage.GetItem <string>("String"), "test1"); }
public void DeleteVideo() { IsolatedStorage.Delete(GetBaseFilename() + DoneSuffix); IsolatedStorage.Delete(GetBaseFilename() + CourseTopicNameSuffix); IsolatedStorage.Delete(GetBaseFilename() + LectureTitleSuffix); IsolatedStorage.Delete(GetBaseFilename() + IndexSuffix); IsolatedStorage.Delete(GetBaseFilename() + StateSuffix); RefreshStatus(); }
/// <summary> /// Saves file on a thread pool thread /// </summary> /// <param name="data">Data to save</param> /// <param name="completed">Delegate to call on completed</param> /// <param name="handleException">Exception handler delegate</param> internal static void BeginSaveToFile( FavoriteCollection data, Action completed, Action <Exception> handleException) { IsolatedStorage <FavoriteCollection> f = new IsolatedStorage <FavoriteCollection>(); f.BeginSave(FavoriteData.FavoriteFileName, data, completed, handleException); }
public Applications Restore() { var deserializer = new XmlSerializer(_applications.GetType()); var file = IsolatedStorage.OpenFile(DataFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); var result = deserializer.Deserialize(file); file.Close(); return((Applications)result); }
public void AddObjectTest() { IsolatedStorage storage = new IsolatedStorage(); object value = "test"; string key = "Object"; storage.AddItem(key, value); object result = storage.GetItem<object>(key); Assert.AreEqual(value, result); }
public static void DeleteAllFiles() { lock (typeof(Cache)) { foreach (var filename in IsolatedStorage.GetFiles(CacheFolder)) { IsolatedStorage.Delete(filename); } } }
public void Save() { var file = IsolatedStorage.CreateFile(DataFile); var serializer = new XmlSerializer(_applications.GetType()); serializer.Serialize(file, _applications); file.Close(); }
public void AddStringTest() { IsolatedStorage storage = new IsolatedStorage(); string value = "test"; string key = "String"; storage.AddItem(key, value); string result = storage.GetItem<string>(key); Assert.AreEqual(value, result); }
public void AddClassTest() { IsolatedStorage storage = new IsolatedStorage(); var value = new StorageModel() { Name = "name", Value = "default" }; string key = "Class"; storage.AddItem(key, value); StorageModel result = storage.GetItem<StorageModel>(key); Assert.AreEqual(value, result); }
// this might be called more than once private void OnCompletion(BackgroundTransferRequest request) { lock (typeof(DownloadInfo)) { Monitor = null; IsolatedStorage.Move(GetBaseFilename(), GetBaseFilename() + DoneSuffix); RefreshStatus(); SafeRemoveRequest(request); } }
public void RemoveTest() { IsolatedStorage storage = new IsolatedStorage(); string value = "test"; string key = "String"; storage.AddItem(key, value); Assert.IsTrue(storage.ContainItem(key)); storage.RemoveItem(key); Assert.IsFalse(storage.ContainItem(key)); }
public static T LoadObject <T>(this IsolatedStorage isoStorage, string fileName) { IsolatedStorageFileStream readStream = new IsolatedStorageFileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open); BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); T readData = (T)formatter.Deserialize(readStream); readStream.Flush(); readStream.Close(); return(readData); }
public void AddStringTest() { IsolatedStorage storage = new IsolatedStorage(); string value = "test"; string key = "String"; storage.AddItem(key, value); string result = storage.GetItem <string>(key); Assert.AreEqual(value, result); }
public void AddObjectTest() { IsolatedStorage storage = new IsolatedStorage(); object value = "test"; string key = "Object"; storage.AddItem(key, value); object result = storage.GetItem <object>(key); Assert.AreEqual(value, result); }
public static IDictionary <string, string> GetFiles() { lock (typeof(Cache)) { var files = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (var filename in IsolatedStorage.GetFiles(CacheFolder)) { files.Add(Path.GetFileName(filename), IsolatedStorage.ReadAllText(filename)); } return(files); } }
// this might be called more than once private void OnFailure(BackgroundTransferRequest request) { lock (typeof(DownloadInfo)) { Monitor = null; IsolatedStorage.Delete(GetBaseFilename()); IsolatedStorage.Delete(GetBaseFilename() + CourseTopicNameSuffix); IsolatedStorage.Delete(GetBaseFilename() + LectureTitleSuffix); IsolatedStorage.Delete(GetBaseFilename() + IndexSuffix); SafeRemoveRequest(request); } }
private static IDownloadInfo Get(string filename, IDictionary <string, BackgroundTransferRequest> backgroundTransferRequests) { var parts = filename.Replace(DoneSuffix, null).Substring(filename.LastIndexOf('/') + 1).Split('_'); var courseId = int.Parse(parts[0]); var lectureId = int.Parse(parts[1]); var courseTopicName = IsolatedStorage.ReadAllText(GetBaseFilename(courseId, lectureId) + CourseTopicNameSuffix) ?? "<Unknown Course>"; var lectureTitle = IsolatedStorage.ReadAllText(GetBaseFilename(courseId, lectureId) + LectureTitleSuffix) ?? "<Unknown Lecture>"; var indexStr = IsolatedStorage.ReadAllText(GetBaseFilename(courseId, lectureId) + IndexSuffix); int index; int.TryParse(indexStr, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out index); return(new DownloadInfo(courseId, courseTopicName, lectureId, lectureTitle, index, backgroundTransferRequests)); }
public void AddClassTest() { IsolatedStorage storage = new IsolatedStorage(); var value = new StorageModel() { Name = "name", Value = "default" }; string key = "Class"; storage.AddItem(key, value); StorageModel result = storage.GetItem <StorageModel>(key); Assert.AreEqual(value, result); }
public static async Task <Firmware> LoadAsync() { var folder = await Package.Current.InstalledLocation.GetFolderAsync("Assets"); var file = await folder.GetFileAsync(DataFile); Firmware data = await IsolatedStorage <Firmware> .LoadFromFile(file); if (data == null) { data = new Firmware(); } return(data); }
protected override void OnNavigatedFrom(NavigationEventArgs e) { position = mediaPlayer.Position; if (stateFile != null) { if (mediaPlayer.NaturalDuration.HasTimeSpan && (mediaPlayer.NaturalDuration.TimeSpan - position.Value).TotalSeconds < 5) { IsolatedStorage.Delete(stateFile); } else { IsolatedStorage.WriteAllText(stateFile, position.Value.Ticks.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } } }
public void FlushTest() { IsolatedStorage storage = new IsolatedStorage(); storage.AddItem("String1", "test"); storage.AddItem("String2", "test"); storage.AddItem("String3", "test"); storage.AddItem("String4", "test"); storage.FlushAll(); Assert.IsFalse(storage.ContainItem("String1")); Assert.IsFalse(storage.ContainItem("String2")); Assert.IsFalse(storage.ContainItem("String3")); Assert.IsFalse(storage.ContainItem("String4")); }
public void Save() { var store = new IsolatedStorage <Settings>(); if (!saving) { saving = true; try { store.SaveToFile(SettingsFileName, this); } finally { saving = false; } } }
public async Task SaveAsync() { var store = new IsolatedStorage <Settings>(); if (!saving) { saving = true; try { Debug.WriteLine("Saving settings to : " + SettingsFolder); await store.SaveToFileAsync(SettingsFolder, SettingsFileName, this); } finally { saving = false; } } }
public static Settings Load() { var store = new IsolatedStorage <Settings>(); Settings result = null; try { result = store.LoadFromFile(SettingsFileName); } catch { } if (result == null) { result = new Settings(); result.Save(); } return(result); }
public static Settings Load() { var store = new IsolatedStorage <Settings>(); Settings result = null; try { Debug.WriteLine("Loading settings from : " + SettingsFolder); result = store.LoadFromFile(SettingsFolder, SettingsFileName); } catch { } if (result == null) { result = new Settings(); } return(result); }
public static IEnumerable <IDownloadInfo> GetAll() { var backgroundTransferRequests = GetBackgroundTransferRequests(); foreach (var request in backgroundTransferRequests.Values) { var downloadInfo = Get(request.Tag, backgroundTransferRequests); if (downloadInfo.Downloading && !downloadInfo.Downloaded) { // if it is already downloaded, the Get removed it from the BackgroundTransferService, // but this time it's still present as a duplicate yield return(downloadInfo); } } foreach (var filename in IsolatedStorage.GetFiles(TransfersFolder, DoneSuffix)) { yield return(Get(filename, backgroundTransferRequests)); } }
public static void save(IsolatedStorage storage) { settings[storageKey] = storage; settings.Save(); }
public static IsolatedStorage load() { //IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings.Clear(); //MessageBox.Show("Data will be erased!", "Metroist", MessageBoxButton.OK); IsolatedStorage storage; settings.TryGetValue<IsolatedStorage>(storageKey, out storage); if (storage == null) { storage = new IsolatedStorage(); } if(storage.LocalLoginInfo == null) storage.LocalLoginInfo = new LocalLogin() { isRecorded = false }; //if (storage.LoginInfo == null) // storage.LoginInfo = new Login(); if (storage.Projects == null) storage.Projects = new List<Project>(); if (storage.Items == null) storage.Items = new List<Item>(); if (storage.StartPageTasks == null) storage.StartPageTasks = new List<Item>(); if (storage.Notes == null) storage.Notes = new List<Note>(); //if (storage.ActualLanguage == null) // storage.ActualLanguage = new English(); if (storage.Settings == null) storage.Settings = new Settings() { DateStringHome = FilterOption.TodayFilterOption }; if (storage.ItemsToSync == null) storage.ItemsToSync = new ObservableCollection<Dictionary<string, object>>(); return storage; }
public async Task SaveAsync() { var store = new IsolatedStorage<Settings>(); if (!saving) { saving = true; try { Debug.WriteLine("Saving settings to : " + SettingsFolder); await store.SaveToFileAsync(SettingsFolder, SettingsFileName, this); } finally { saving = false; } } }
public static async Task<Settings> LoadAsync() { var store = new IsolatedStorage<Settings>(); Settings result = null; try { Debug.WriteLine("Loading settings from : " + SettingsFolder); result = await store.LoadFromFileAsync(SettingsFolder, SettingsFileName); } catch { } if (result == null) { result = new Settings(); await result.SaveAsync(); } return result; }