public void WriteMessage(string _nick, string _msg) { if (_msg.Contains(ContextCollection.Server.Client.Nickname)) { _msg = RTF.ColourString(_msg, IrcColor.Black, IrcColor.Yellow); } if (_msg.Length > 5 && _msg.Substring(0, 7) == "\u0001ACTION") { content += DateTime.Now.ToString("[HH:mm:ss] ") + RTF.ColourString(" * " + _nick + _msg.Substring(7), IrcColor.LightRed) + @"\line"; } else { IrcColor c = (_nick == ContextCollection.Server.Client.Nickname) ? IrcColor.LightRed : IrcColor.Blue; content += DateTime.Now.ToString("[HH:mm:ss] ") + "<" + RTF.ColourString(_nick, c) + "> " + _msg + @"\line"; } if (ContextCollection.Current == this) { Program.MainWindow.UpdateContent(); } else { ContextCollection.ActiveContexts.Add(; Program.MainWindow.UpdateChannelsList(); } }
public static string ColourString(string _text, IrcColor color, IrcColor back = IrcColor.White) { string text = _text; if (char.IsDigit(_text[0])) { text = " " + _text; } return("{" + RTF.Colors[(int)color] + RTF.BackgroundColors[(int)back] + text + "}"); }
/// <summary> /// Outputs colored IRC-formatted text /// </summary> /// <param name="text">The text</param> /// <returns>IRC-formatted text</returns> /// <param name="foreground">The foreground color</param> /// <param name="background">The background color</param> public static string ColorText(string text, IrcColor foreground, IrcColor background = IrcColor.Reset) { return IRCColor + GetColorCode2Digits(foreground) + (background != IrcColor.Reset ? "," + GetColorCode2Digits(foreground) : "" ) + text + IRCColor + GetColorCode2Digits(IrcColor.Reset); }
public static void LoadGlobalOptions() { if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(General.SavePath, "GlobalOptions.bin"))) return; using (FileStream bin = new FileStream(Path.Combine(General.SavePath, "GlobalOptions.bin"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) { GenericReader reader = new BinaryFileReader(new BinaryReader(bin)); int version = reader.ReadInt(); if (version >= 2) s_MultiPort = reader.ReadInt(); if (version >= 2) s_MultiServer = reader.ReadString(); int count = 0; if (version >= 1) { count = reader.ReadInt(); Notification not = null; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { not = new Notification(); not.Load(reader); } } count = reader.ReadInt(); string txt = ""; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { txt = reader.ReadString(); if(!s_Filters.Contains(txt)) s_Filters.Add(txt); } s_FilterPenalty = (FilterPenalty)reader.ReadInt(); if(version >= 1) s_MacroPenalty = (MacroPenalty)reader.ReadInt(); s_MaxMsgs = reader.ReadInt(); s_ChatSpam = reader.ReadInt(); s_MsgSpam = reader.ReadInt(); s_RequestSpam = reader.ReadInt(); s_FilterBanLength = reader.ReadInt(); s_FilterWarnings = reader.ReadInt(); if (version >= 1) s_AntiMacroDelay = reader.ReadInt(); s_IrcPort = reader.ReadInt(); s_IrcMaxAttempts = reader.ReadInt(); s_IrcEnabled = reader.ReadBool(); s_IrcAutoConnect = reader.ReadBool(); s_IrcAutoReconnect = reader.ReadBool(); s_FilterSpeech = reader.ReadBool(); s_FilterMsg = reader.ReadBool(); s_Debug = reader.ReadBool(); s_LogChat = reader.ReadBool(); s_LogPms = reader.ReadBool(); s_IrcStaffColor = (IrcColor)reader.ReadInt(); s_IrcServer = reader.ReadString(); s_IrcRoom = reader.ReadString(); s_IrcNick = reader.ReadString(); s_TotalChats = reader.ReadULong() - 1; } }
/// <summary> /// Control character for settings the foreground and background color /// </summary> /// <param name="foreground">The color to set as foreground color</param> /// <param name="background">The color to set as background color</param> /// <returns>A string representing ^CM,N where M and N are color IDs</returns> public static string Color(IrcColor foreground, IrcColor background) { if (!Enabled) return ""; return Color(foreground) + "," + ((int)background).ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// Control character for setting the foreground color /// </summary> /// <param name="foreground">The color to set as foreground color</param> /// <returns>A string representing ^CM, where M is a color ID</returns> public static string Color(IrcColor foreground) { if (!Enabled) return ""; return ColorRestore() + ((int)foreground).ToString(); }
protected internal static string FormatColor(string s, IrcColor foreground, IrcColor background) { return "\u0003" + ((int)foreground).ToString() + "," + ((int)background).ToString() + s + "\u0003" + ((int)foreground).ToString() + "," + ((int)background).ToString(); }
protected internal static string FormatColor(string s, IrcColor foreground, IrcColor background) { return("\u0003" + ((int)foreground).ToString() + "," + ((int)background).ToString() + s + "\u0003" + ((int)foreground).ToString() + "," + ((int)background).ToString()); }
private static void OnLoad() { try{ if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine("Saves/Chat/", "Chat.bin"))) { return; } using (FileStream bin = new FileStream(Path.Combine("Saves/Chat/", "Chat.bin"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) { GenericReader reader = new BinaryFileReader(new BinaryReader(bin)); int version = reader.ReadInt(); if (version >= 12) { s_PublicPlusIRC = reader.ReadBool(); } if (version >= 11) { s_FilterPenalty = (FilterPenalty)reader.ReadInt(); } if (version >= 10) { s_AllianceChat = reader.ReadBool(); } if (version >= 9) { s_AllowFaction = reader.ReadBool(); } if (version >= 8) { s_GuildMenuAccess = reader.ReadBool(); } if (version >= 7) { s_MaxPmHistory = reader.ReadInt(); } if (version >= 6) { s_IrcAutoReconnect = reader.ReadBool(); } if (version >= 5) { s_IrcMaxAttempts = reader.ReadInt(); } if (version >= 4) { s_IrcAutoConnect = reader.ReadBool(); } if (version >= 3) { s_IrcStaffColor = (IrcColor)reader.ReadInt(); } if (version >= 2) { s_IrcNick = reader.ReadString(); } if (version >= 1) { s_IrcEnabled = reader.ReadBool(); s_IrcServer = reader.ReadString(); s_IrcRoom = reader.ReadString(); s_IrcPort = reader.ReadInt(); } if (version >= 0) { int count = reader.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { s_Filters.Add(reader.ReadString()); } s_SpamLimiter = reader.ReadDouble(); s_FilterBanLength = reader.ReadDouble(); if (version < 11) { reader.ReadBool(); // FilterBan removed } s_ShowLocation = reader.ReadBool(); s_ShowStaff = reader.ReadBool(); s_PublicStyle = (PublicStyle)reader.ReadInt(); count = reader.ReadInt(); ChatInfo info; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { info = new ChatInfo(reader.ReadMobile()); if (!info.Load(reader)) { return; } } } reader.End(); } if (s_IrcAutoConnect) { IrcConnection.Connection.Connect(); } }catch { Errors.Report("ChatInfo-> OnLoad"); } }
private static string GetColorCodeName(IrcColor color) { return color.ToString(); }
private static int GetColorCodeInt(IrcColor color) { return (int)color; }
/// <summary> /// Returns the 2-digit code of the color /// </summary> /// <param name="color"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static string GetColorCode2Digits(IrcColor color) { string n = GetColorCodeInt(color).ToString(); while (n.Length < 2) n = "0" + n; return n; }
private static void OnLoad() { try{ if ( !File.Exists( Path.Combine( "Saves/Chat/", "Chat.bin" ) ) ) return; using ( FileStream bin = new FileStream( Path.Combine( "Saves/Chat/", "Chat.bin" ), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read ) ) { GenericReader reader = new BinaryFileReader( new BinaryReader( bin ) ); int version = reader.ReadInt(); if ( version >= 12 ) s_PublicPlusIRC = reader.ReadBool(); if ( version >= 11 ) s_FilterPenalty = (FilterPenalty)reader.ReadInt(); if ( version >= 10 ) s_AllianceChat = reader.ReadBool(); if ( version >= 9 ) s_AllowFaction = reader.ReadBool(); if ( version >= 8 ) s_GuildMenuAccess = reader.ReadBool(); if ( version >= 7 ) s_MaxPmHistory = reader.ReadInt(); if ( version >= 6 ) s_IrcAutoReconnect = reader.ReadBool(); if ( version >= 5 ) s_IrcMaxAttempts = reader.ReadInt(); if ( version >= 4 ) s_IrcAutoConnect = reader.ReadBool(); if ( version >= 3 ) s_IrcStaffColor = (IrcColor)reader.ReadInt(); if ( version >= 2 ) s_IrcNick = reader.ReadString(); if ( version >= 1 ) { s_IrcEnabled = reader.ReadBool(); s_IrcServer = reader.ReadString(); s_IrcRoom = reader.ReadString(); s_IrcPort = reader.ReadInt(); } if ( version >= 0 ) { int count = reader.ReadInt(); for( int i = 0; i < count; ++i ) s_Filters.Add( reader.ReadString() ); s_SpamLimiter = reader.ReadDouble(); s_FilterBanLength = reader.ReadDouble(); if ( version < 11 ) reader.ReadBool(); // FilterBan removed s_ShowLocation = reader.ReadBool(); s_ShowStaff = reader.ReadBool(); s_PublicStyle = (PublicStyle)reader.ReadInt(); count = reader.ReadInt(); ChatInfo info; for( int i = 0; i < count; ++i ) { info = new ChatInfo( reader.ReadMobile() ); if ( !info.Load( reader ) ) return; } } reader.End(); } if ( s_IrcAutoConnect ) IrcConnection.Connection.Connect(); }catch{ Errors.Report( "ChatInfo-> OnLoad" ); } }