예제 #1
        public void PastStartingFixedRateLoanDepo()
            var bd         = DateTime.Today;
            var pillars    = new[] { bd, bd.AddDays(1000) };
            var flatRate   = 0.05;
            var rates      = pillars.Select(p => flatRate).ToArray();
            var usd        = TestProviderHelper.CurrencyProvider["USD"];
            var discoCurve = new IrCurve(pillars, rates, bd, "USD.BLAH", Interpolator1DType.Linear, usd);
            var fModel     = new FundingModel(bd, new[] { discoCurve }, TestProviderHelper.CurrencyProvider, TestProviderHelper.CalendarProvider);

            var start    = bd.AddDays(-10);
            var maturity = bd.AddDays(365);
            var notional = 100e6;
            var iRate    = 0.07;

            var depo = new FixedRateLoanDeposit(start, maturity, iRate, usd, DayCountBasis.ACT360, notional, "USD.BLAH");

            var pv = depo.Pv(fModel, false);

            var dfEnd      = discoCurve.GetDf(bd, maturity);
            var t          = start.CalculateYearFraction(maturity, DayCountBasis.ACT360);
            var expectedPv = 0.0;                          //initial notional is in the past

            expectedPv += -notional * dfEnd;               //final notional
            expectedPv += -notional * (iRate * t) * dfEnd; //final notional
            Assert.Equal(expectedPv, pv, 8);

            var loan = new FixedRateLoanDeposit(start, maturity, iRate, usd, DayCountBasis.ACT360, -notional, "USD.BLAH");

            pv = loan.Pv(fModel, false);

            expectedPv  = 0.0;                            //initial notional is in the past
            expectedPv += notional * dfEnd;               //final notional
            expectedPv += notional * (iRate * t) * dfEnd; //final notional
            Assert.Equal(expectedPv, pv, 8);
예제 #2
        public void AsianCompoSwap()
            ParallelUtils.Instance.MultiThreaded = false;

            var startDate = new DateTime(2018, 07, 28);
            var cal       = TestProviderHelper.CalendarProvider.Collection["LON"];
            var xaf       = TestProviderHelper.CurrencyProvider["XAF"];
            var usd       = TestProviderHelper.CurrencyProvider["USD"];

            var curvePillars     = new[] { "1W", "1M", "3M", "6M", "1Y" };
            var curvePillarDates = curvePillars.Select(l => startDate.AddPeriod(RollType.F, cal, new Frequency(l))).ToArray();
            var curvePoints      = new[] { 100.0, 100, 100, 100, 100 };
            var curve            = new BasicPriceCurve(startDate, curvePillarDates, curvePoints, PriceCurveType.LME, TestProviderHelper.CurrencyProvider, curvePillars)
                Currency       = usd,
                CollateralSpec = "CURVE",
                Name           = "Coconuts",
                AssetId        = "Coconuts"

            var fxMatrix = new FxMatrix(TestProviderHelper.CurrencyProvider);
            var fxSpot   = 7;
            var rates    = new Dictionary <Currency, double> {
                { xaf, fxSpot }
            var discoMap = new Dictionary <Currency, string> {
                { xaf, "XAF.CURVE" }, { usd, "USD.CURVE" }
            var fxPair = new FxPair()
                Domestic        = usd,
                Foreign         = xaf,
                PrimaryCalendar = cal,
                SpotLag         = new Frequency("2b")

            fxMatrix.Init(usd, startDate, rates, new List <FxPair> {
            }, discoMap);

            var irPillars = new[] { startDate, startDate.AddYears(10) };
            var xafRates  = new[] { 0.1, 0.1 };
            var usdRates  = new[] { 0.01, 0.01 };
            var xafCurve  = new IrCurve(irPillars, xafRates, startDate, "XAF.CURVE", Interpolator1DType.Linear, xaf, "CURVE");
            var usdCurve  = new IrCurve(irPillars, usdRates, startDate, "USD.CURVE", Interpolator1DType.Linear, usd, "CURVE");

            var fModel = new FundingModel(startDate, new[] { xafCurve, usdCurve }, TestProviderHelper.CurrencyProvider, TestProviderHelper.CalendarProvider);


            var aModel = new AssetFxModel(startDate, fModel);

            aModel.AddPriceCurve("Coconuts", curve);

            var periodCode = "SEP-18";

            var(Start, End) = periodCode.ParsePeriod();
            var fixingDates = Start.BusinessDaysInPeriod(End, cal).ToArray();
            var settleDate  = fixingDates.Last().AddPeriod(RollType.F, cal, new Frequency("5b"));
            var fxFwd       = aModel.FundingModel.GetFxAverage(fixingDates, usd, xaf);
            var assetFwd    = curve.GetAveragePriceForDates(fixingDates);
            var fairStrike  = fxFwd * assetFwd;

            var asianSwap = AssetProductFactory.CreateMonthlyAsianSwap(periodCode, fairStrike, "Coconuts", cal, cal, new Frequency("5b"), xaf, TradeDirection.Long, new Frequency("0b"), 1000, DateGenerationType.BusinessDays);

            asianSwap.TradeId = "aLovelyBunch";
            foreach (var sw in asianSwap.Swaplets)
                sw.DiscountCurve    = "XAF.CURVE";
                sw.FxConversionType = FxConversionType.AverageThenConvert;
            var pv = asianSwap.PV(aModel, false);

            Assert.Equal(0, pv, 8);

            var portfolio = new Portfolio()
                Instruments = new List <IInstrument> {
            var pfPvCube = portfolio.PV(aModel);
            var pfPv     = (double)pfPvCube.GetAllRows().First().Value;

            Assert.Equal(0.0, pfPv, 8);

            var deltaCube = portfolio.AssetDelta(aModel);
            var dAgg      = deltaCube.Pivot("TradeId", AggregationAction.Sum);
            var delta     = (double)dAgg.GetAllRows().First().Value;
            var t0Spot    = aModel.FundingModel.GetFxRate(startDate, usd, xaf);
            var df        = xafCurve.GetDf(startDate, settleDate);

            Assert.Equal(995.361065482776, delta, 7);

            var fxDeltaCube = portfolio.FxDelta(aModel, usd, TestProviderHelper.CurrencyProvider);
            var dfxAgg      = fxDeltaCube.Pivot("TradeId", AggregationAction.Sum);
            var fxDelta     = (double)dfxAgg.GetAllRows().First().Value;

            Assert.Equal(-1000 * df * fxFwd * 100 / (t0Spot / fxSpot) / usdCurve.GetDf(startDate, fxPair.SpotDate(startDate)), fxDelta, 4);
예제 #3
        public void ContangoSwap()
            var bd          = new DateTime(2019, 06, 14);
            var pillars     = new[] { bd, bd.AddDays(1000) };
            var flatRateUsd = 0.05;
            var flatRateXau = 0.01;
            var spotRate    = 1200;
            var ratesUsd    = pillars.Select(p => flatRateUsd).ToArray();
            var ratesXau    = pillars.Select(p => flatRateXau).ToArray();

            var usd = TestProviderHelper.CurrencyProvider["USD"];
            var xau = TestProviderHelper.CurrencyProvider["XAU"];

            CalendarProvider.Collection.TryGetCalendar("LON", out var cal);
            var pair = new FxPair()
                Domestic = xau, Foreign = usd, SettlementCalendar = cal, SpotLag = 2.Bd()

            var discoCurveUsd = new IrCurve(pillars, ratesUsd, bd, "USD.BLAH", Interpolator1DType.Linear, usd);
            var discoCurveXau = new IrCurve(pillars, ratesXau, bd, "XAU.BLAH", Interpolator1DType.Linear, xau);

            var fxMatrix = new FxMatrix(TestProviderHelper.CurrencyProvider);

            fxMatrix.Init(usd, bd, new Dictionary <Currency, double> {
                { xau, 1.0 / spotRate }
            }, new List <FxPair> {
            }, new Dictionary <Currency, string> {
                { usd, "USD.BLAH" }, { xau, "XAU.BLAH" }
            var fModel = new FundingModel(bd, new[] { discoCurveUsd, discoCurveXau }, TestProviderHelper.CurrencyProvider, TestProviderHelper.CalendarProvider);


            var maturity = bd.AddDays(365);
            var spot     = bd.SpotDate(2.Bd(), cal, cal);
            var c        = 0.022;
            var b        = new ContangoSwap
                CashCCY           = usd,
                MetalCCY          = xau,
                CashDiscountCurve = "USD.BLAH",
                DeliveryDate      = maturity,
                ContangoRate      = c,
                MetalQuantity     = 1,
                SpotDate          = spot

            var t = spot.CalculateYearFraction(maturity, DayCountBasis.Act360);

            var pv = b.Pv(fModel, false);

            var fwdA       = (1.0 + c * t) * spotRate;
            var fwdB       = fModel.GetFxRate(maturity, xau, usd);
            var df         = discoCurveUsd.GetDf(bd, maturity);
            var expectedPv = (fwdB - fwdA) * b.MetalQuantity;

            expectedPv *= df;
            Assert.Equal(expectedPv, pv, 10);
            Assert.Equal(maturity, b.LastSensitivityDate);
            Assert.Equal(usd, b.Currency);

            var s = b.Sensitivities(fModel);

            Assert.True(s.Count == 2 && s.Keys.Contains("USD.BLAH") && s.Keys.Contains("XAU.BLAH"));

            var s2 = b.Dependencies(fModel.FxMatrix);

            Assert.True(s2.Count == 2 && s2.Contains("USD.BLAH") && s2.Contains("XAU.BLAH"));

            Assert.Equal(0.0402428426839156, b.CalculateParRate(fModel), 8);

            var b2 = (ContangoSwap)b.SetParRate(0.05);

            Assert.Equal(0.05, b2.ContangoRate);
예제 #4
        public void FixedRateLoanDepo()
            var bd         = DateTime.Today;
            var pillars    = new[] { bd, bd.AddDays(1000) };
            var flatRate   = 0.05;
            var rates      = pillars.Select(p => flatRate).ToArray();
            var usd        = TestProviderHelper.CurrencyProvider["USD"];
            var discoCurve = new IrCurve(pillars, rates, bd, "USD.BLAH", Interpolator1DType.Linear, usd);
            var fModel     = new FundingModel(bd, new[] { discoCurve }, TestProviderHelper.CurrencyProvider, TestProviderHelper.CalendarProvider);

            var maturity = bd.AddDays(365);
            var notional = 100e6;
            var iRate    = 0.07;
            var depo     = new FixedRateLoanDeposit(bd, maturity, iRate, usd, DayCountBasis.ACT360, notional, "USD.BLAH");

            var pv = depo.Pv(fModel, false);

            var dfEnd      = discoCurve.GetDf(bd, maturity);
            var t          = bd.CalculateYearFraction(maturity, DayCountBasis.ACT360);
            var expectedPv = notional;                     //initial notional

            expectedPv += -notional * dfEnd;               //final notional
            expectedPv += -notional * (iRate * t) * dfEnd; //final notional
            Assert.Equal(expectedPv, pv, 8);
            Assert.Equal(maturity, depo.LastSensitivityDate);
            Assert.Equal(usd, depo.PaymentCurrency);
            Assert.Equal(0.0, depo.CalculateParRate(fModel));

            Assert.Equal(notional, depo.FlowsT0(fModel));
            var fm2 = fModel.DeepClone(maturity);

            Assert.Equal(-notional * (1 + (iRate * t)), depo.FlowsT0(fm2));
            fm2 = fModel.DeepClone(maturity.AddDays(1));
            Assert.Equal(0.0, depo.FlowsT0(fm2));

            var flows = depo.ExpectedCashFlows(new AssetFxModel(bd, fModel));

            Assert.Equal(3, flows.Count);

            var loan = new FixedRateLoanDeposit(bd, maturity, iRate, usd, DayCountBasis.ACT360, -notional, "USD.BLAH");

            pv = loan.Pv(fModel, false);

            expectedPv  = -notional;                      //initial notional
            expectedPv += notional * dfEnd;               //final notional
            expectedPv += notional * (iRate * t) * dfEnd; //final notional
            Assert.Equal(expectedPv, pv, 8);

            Assert.Throws <NotImplementedException>(() => depo.Sensitivities(fModel));
            Assert.Throws <NotImplementedException>(() => depo.SetStrike(0.0));

            Assert.Equal("USD.BLAH", depo.Dependencies(fModel.FxMatrix)[0]);
            Assert.Equal(FxConversionType.None, depo.FxType(null));
            Assert.Equal(string.Empty, depo.FxPair(null));

            var depo2 = depo.Clone();

            var depo3 = depo.SetParRate(0.333);
