//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldReadALongString() throws java.io.IOException //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: public virtual void ShouldReadALongString() { // given // build a string longer than 32k int stringSize = 32 * 1024 + 1; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < stringSize; i++) { sb.Append("x"); } string lengthyString = sb.ToString(); // we need 3 more bytes for writing the string length InMemoryClosableChannel channel = new InMemoryClosableChannel(stringSize + 3); IoPrimitiveUtils.write3bLengthAndString(channel, lengthyString); // when string stringFromChannel = IoPrimitiveUtils.read3bLengthAndString(channel); // then assertEquals(lengthyString, stringFromChannel); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: //ORIGINAL LINE: private System.Nullable<int> tryToReadVersion(java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel channel) throws java.io.IOException private int?TryToReadVersion(ReadableByteChannel channel) { sbyte[] array = IoPrimitiveUtils.readBytes(channel, new sbyte[_magic.Length]); if (!Arrays.Equals(_magic, array)) { return(null); } return(array != null?ReadNextInt(channel) : null); }
public override void RemoveRelationship(long entityId, string key, object value, long startNode, long endNode) { AssertValidKey(key); RelationshipData entity = new RelationshipData(entityId, startNode, endNode); foreach (object oneValue in IoPrimitiveUtils.asArray(value)) { oneValue = GetCorrectValue(oneValue); Transaction.remove(this, entity, key, oneValue); AddRemoveCommand(entityId, key, oneValue); } }
/// <summary> /// See <seealso cref="Index.remove(PropertyContainer, string, object)"/> for more /// generic documentation. /// /// Removes key/value to the {@code entity} in this index. Removed values /// are excluded within the transaction, but composite {@code AND} /// queries aren't guaranteed to exclude removed values correctly within /// that transaction. When the transaction has been committed all such /// queries are guaranteed to return correct results. /// </summary> /// <param name="entityId"> the entity (i.e <seealso cref="Node"/> or <seealso cref="Relationship"/>) /// to dissociate the key/value pair from. </param> /// <param name="key"> the key in the key/value pair to dissociate from the entity. </param> /// <param name="value"> the value in the key/value pair to dissociate from the /// entity. </param> public override void Remove(long entityId, string key, object value) { AssertValidKey(key); EntityId entity = new IdData(entityId); foreach (object oneValue in IoPrimitiveUtils.asArray(value)) { oneValue = GetCorrectValue(oneValue); Transaction.remove(this, entity, key, oneValue); AddRemoveCommand(entityId, key, oneValue); } }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: //ORIGINAL LINE: public void addRelationship(long entityId, String key, Object value, long startNode, long endNode) throws org.neo4j.internal.kernel.api.exceptions.explicitindex.ExplicitIndexNotFoundKernelException public override void AddRelationship(long entityId, string key, object value, long startNode, long endNode) { AssertValidKey(key); AssertValidValue(value); RelationshipData entity = new RelationshipData(entityId, startNode, endNode); foreach (object oneValue in IoPrimitiveUtils.asArray(value)) { oneValue = GetCorrectValue(oneValue); DataSource.assertValidType(key, oneValue, IdentifierConflict); Transaction.add(this, entity, key, oneValue); CommandFactory.addRelationship(IdentifierConflict.indexName, entityId, key, oneValue, startNode, endNode); } }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: //ORIGINAL LINE: private void writeMap(org.neo4j.io.fs.StoreChannel channel, java.util.Map<String, java.util.Map<String, String>> map) throws java.io.IOException private void WriteMap(StoreChannel channel, IDictionary <string, IDictionary <string, string> > map) { IoPrimitiveUtils.writeInt(channel, Buffer(4), map.Count); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IDictionary <string, string> > entry in map.SetOfKeyValuePairs()) { WriteString(channel, entry.Key); WriteInt(channel, entry.Value.size()); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> propertyEntry in entry.Value.entrySet()) { WriteString(channel, propertyEntry.Key); WriteString(channel, propertyEntry.Value); } } }
private void AddSingleProperty(long entityId, Document document, string key, object value) { foreach (object oneValue in IoPrimitiveUtils.asArray(value)) { bool isValueContext = oneValue is ValueContext; oneValue = isValueContext ? (( ValueContext )oneValue).CorrectValue : oneValue.ToString(); _type.addToDocument(document, key, oneValue); if (_createdNow) { // If we know that the index was created this session // then we can go ahead and add stuff to the cache directly // when adding to the index. AddToCache(entityId, key, oneValue); } } }
internal PropertiesRep(PropertyContainer entity, long id) { this.EntityId = id; this.EntityToString = entity.ToString(); foreach (string key in entity.PropertyKeys) { Serializable value = ( Serializable )entity.GetProperty(key, null); // We do this because the node may have changed since we did getPropertyKeys() if (value != null) { if (value.GetType().IsArray) { Props[key] = new List <>(Arrays.asList(IoPrimitiveUtils.asArray(value))); } else { Props[key] = value; } } } }
private void Write(File file) { StoreChannel channel = null; try { channel = _fileSystem.open(file, OpenMode.READ_WRITE); channel.WriteAll(ByteBuffer.wrap(_magic)); IoPrimitiveUtils.writeInt(channel, Buffer(4), VERSION); WriteMap(channel, _nodeConfig); WriteMap(channel, _relConfig); channel.Force(false); } catch (IOException e) { throw new Exception(e); } finally { Close(channel); } }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: //ORIGINAL LINE: private void writeString(org.neo4j.io.fs.StoreChannel channel, String value) throws java.io.IOException private void WriteString(StoreChannel channel, string value) { IoPrimitiveUtils.writeLengthAndString(channel, Buffer(200), value); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: //ORIGINAL LINE: private void writeInt(org.neo4j.io.fs.StoreChannel channel, int value) throws java.io.IOException private void WriteInt(StoreChannel channel, int value) { IoPrimitiveUtils.writeInt(channel, Buffer(4), value); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: //ORIGINAL LINE: private String readNextString(java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel channel) throws java.io.IOException private string ReadNextString(ReadableByteChannel channel) { return(IoPrimitiveUtils.readLengthAndString(channel, Buffer(100))); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: //ORIGINAL LINE: private System.Nullable<int> readNextInt(java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel channel) throws java.io.IOException private int?ReadNextInt(ReadableByteChannel channel) { return(IoPrimitiveUtils.readInt(channel, Buffer(4))); }