public InvoiceAdministrationModel GetInvoiceAdministrationDetail(InvoiceFilterModel filter) { InvoiceAdministrationModel model = new InvoiceAdministrationModel(filter); if (filter == null) { filter = new InvoiceFilterModel(); filter.Size = 1; } var invoices = GetInvoices(filter); if (invoices != null && invoices.Count > 0) { //falls back to first invoice if current page is off the end var currentId = GetCurrentInvoiceId(filter, invoices); model.InvoiceList = invoices.Select(i => i.Id).ToPagedList(filter.Page, filter.Size); model.CurrentInvoice = Mapper.Map <Data.Graph.Invoice, InvoiceModel>(InvoiceRepository.GetInvoice(currentId)); model.Filter = filter; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.CurrentInvoice.StockNumber)) { var history = InvoiceRepository.GetInvoiceHistory(model.CurrentInvoice.StockNumber); model.CurrentInvoice.History = Mapper.Map <IList <Data.Graph.StockNumberHistory>, List <HistoryModel> >(history); } } return(model); }
private IList <InvoiceViewModel> GetInvoices(InvoiceFilterModel filter) { var cacheKey = "invoice-admin"; var invoices = HttpRuntime.Cache[cacheKey] as IList <InvoiceViewModel>; if (invoices == null || invoices.Count == 0 || filter.DoEvaluate) { // load from database Logger.Info("Loading invoice administration from database"); var query = Mapper.Map <InvoiceFilterModel, Data.Query.InvoiceQuery>(filter); var result = InvoiceRepository.GetInvoices(query); invoices = Mapper.Map <IList <Data.Graph.InvoiceView>, IList <InvoiceViewModel> >(result); HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(cacheKey, invoices, null, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, TimeSpan.FromHours(1.0)); } else { Logger.Info("Returning invoice administration from cache"); } // load from cache unless told not to filter.DoEvaluate = false; return(invoices); }
public static string GetGridData(string sessionKey, string cond, out string order) { //cond = cond == string.Empty ? "" : " AND "; //cond += CatSalestaffContract.Columns[(int)CatSalestaffColumns.ID] + " = 1 "; cond = InvoiceFilterModel.getFilterCond(cond, sessionKey); order = "OrderNum DESC, Id DESC"; return(cond); }
public static string GetComboboxData(string sessionKey, out string columns, string cond, out string order) { //cond = cond == string.Empty ? "" : cond + " AND "; //cond += cond + CatSalestaffContract.Columns[(int)CatSalestaffColumns.ID] + " = 1 "; cond = InvoiceFilterModel.getFilterCond(cond, sessionKey); columns = "ID, Code"; order = "OrderNum DESC"; return(cond); }
public void InvoiceServiceSetup() { service = WindsorPersistenceFixture.Container.Resolve <InvoiceAdministrationService>(); filter = new InvoiceFilterModel(); filter.AccountName = "DOBBS FORD AT MT. MORIAH"; filter.ReceivedDateStart = DateTime.Parse("12/7/2011"); filter.ReceivedDateEnd = DateTime.Parse("12/10/2011"); }
public ReturnRefundFilterView(InvoiceFilterModel filter) { InitializeComponent(); NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, false); this.BindingContext = viewModel = new ReturnFilterViewModel(filter); viewModel.isFilterOneSelected = true; lstView.ItemTapped += LstView_ItemTapped; timeTypePicker.SelectedItem = Application.Current.Properties["TimePicker"]; orderTypePicker.SelectedItem = Application.Current.Properties["ordertypepicker"]; timeTypePicker.SelectedIndexChanged += TimeTypePicker_SelectedIndexChanged; orderTypePicker.SelectedIndexChanged += OrderTypePicker_SelectedIndexChanged; }
public async Task <List <InvoiceModel> > Filter(InvoiceFilterModel invoiceFilterModel) { var locale = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.Name; var memberId = User.Identity.Name.ToUpper().Trim(); var invoices = await _invoiceProvider.Filter(new GetInvoicesByFilter { InvoiceFilterModel = invoiceFilterModel, MemberId = memberId, Locale = locale }); return(invoices); }
private int GetCurrentInvoiceId(InvoiceFilterModel filter, IList <InvoiceViewModel> invoices) { //fall back to first invoice if current page is off the end int currentId; if (filter.Page - 1 >= invoices.Count) { currentId = invoices[0].Id; filter.Page = 1; } else { currentId = invoices[filter.Page - 1].Id; } return(currentId); }
// TODO: test? public ActionResult InvoiceDetail(InvoiceFilterModel filter) { var detail = AdministrationServices.GetInvoiceAdministrationDetail(filter); ViewBag.Filter = "InvoiceDetail"; ViewBag.Locations = LocationServices.GetLocationLookup(true, filter.LocationId); ViewBag.Paid = LookupServices.GetPaidOptions(filter.HasBeenPaid, true); if (detail.InvoiceList.Count == 0) { return(View("InvoiceDetailNoData", detail)); } else { return(View("InvoiceDetail", detail)); } }
// TODO: test? public ActionResult InvoiceListing(InvoiceFilterModel filter) { var listing = AdministrationServices.GetInvoiceListing(filter); ViewBag.Filter = "InvoiceListing"; ViewBag.Locations = LocationServices.GetLocationLookup(true, filter.LocationId); ViewBag.Paid = LookupServices.GetPaidOptions(filter.HasBeenPaid, true); ViewBag.Size = LookupServices.GetSizeOptions(filter.Size); if (listing.InvoiceList.Count == 0) { return(View("InvoiceListingNoData", listing)); } else { return(View("InvoiceListing", listing)); } }
public RefundReturnViewModel() { InvoiceFilter = new InvoiceFilterModel() { Amount = "", ArticleNo = "", CurrentPage = "1", FranchiseId = Application.Current.Properties["OtherId"].ToString(), FromDate = "", SearchBy = "", SortDirection = "", PageSize = "50", SortExpression = "FranchiseSellId", Status = "", ToDate = "" }; IAllDataServices_data = new AllDataServices(); InvoiceDataList = new ObservableCollection <InvoiceDataModel>(); }
public ReturnFilterViewModel(InvoiceFilterModel filter) { FromDate = ToDate = System.DateTime.Now; MinFromDate = MinToDate = System.DateTime.Now.AddYears(-5); if (filter == null) { filterModel = new InvoiceFilterModel() { Amount = "", ArticleNo = "", CurrentPage = "1", FranchiseId = Application.Current.Properties["OtherId"].ToString(), FromDate = "", SearchBy = "", SortDirection = "", PageSize = "", SortExpression = "FranchiseSellId", Status = "", ToDate = "" }; } else { filterModel = filter; } OrderTypes = new ObservableCollection <string>() { "RETURNED", "REFUNDED", "PARTIAL REFUNDED", "PARTIAL RETURNED", "SOLD" }; TimeOptions = new ObservableCollection <string>() { "Last 10 Days", "Last 30 Days", "Last 6 Months", System.DateTime.Today.Year.ToString(), (System.DateTime.Today.Year - 1).ToString(), "Custom" }; FilterOptions = new ObservableCollection <string> { "Article No.", "Amount", "Time", "Status" }; isCustomDate = false; }
public InvoiceListingModel GetInvoiceListing(InvoiceFilterModel filter) { if (filter == null) { filter = new InvoiceFilterModel(); } var invoices = GetInvoices(filter); InvoiceListingModel model = new InvoiceListingModel(); model.Filter = filter; model.InvoiceList = invoices.ToPagedList(filter.Page, filter.Size); for (int i = 0; i < model.InvoiceList.Count; i++) { model.InvoiceList[i].RowId = ((filter.Page - 1) * filter.Size) + i + 1; } return(model); }
public static RouteValueDictionary GenerateInvoiceRoute(this InvoiceFilterModel model, int?page = null, int?size = null) { var receiveDateString = string.Empty; if (model.ReceivedDateStart.HasValue) { receiveDateString = model.ReceivedDateStart.Value.ToShortDateString(); } return(new RouteValueDictionary() { { "Page", (page.HasValue) ? page.ToString() : model.Page.ToString() }, { "Size", (size.HasValue) ? size.Value.ToString() : model.Size.ToString() }, { "ReceivedDateStart", receiveDateString }, { "ReceivedDateEnd", model.ReceivedDateEnd.Value.ToShortDateString() }, { "LocationId", model.LocationId.Value.ToString() }, { "AccountName", model.AccountName }, { "ExcludeZeroTotal", model.ExcludeZeroTotal.ToString() }, { "HasBeenPaid", model.HasBeenPaid }, { "DoEvaluate", model.DoEvaluate.ToString() } }); }