예제 #1
        public Task <InvoiceCommonSetting> SaveAsync(InvoiceCommonSetting setting, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken))
            #region merge query
            var query = @"
MERGE INTO InvoiceCommonSetting target
    SELECT @CompanyId   [CompanyId]
) source
ON    (
        target.CompanyId    = source.CompanyId
         ExcludeAmountZero      = @ExcludeAmountZero
        ,ExcludeMinusAmount     = @ExcludeMinusAmount
        ,ExcludeMatchedData     = @ExcludeMatchedData
        ,ControlInputCharacter  = @ControlInputCharacter
        ,UpdateBy = @UpdateBy
        ,UpdateAt = GETDATE()
    INSERT (CompanyId, ExcludeAmountZero, ExcludeMinusAmount, ExcludeMatchedData, CreateBy, CreateAt, UpdateBy, UpdateAt, ControlInputCharacter) 
    VALUES (@CompanyId, @ExcludeAmountZero, @ExcludeMinusAmount, @ExcludeMatchedData, @UpdateBy, GETDATE(), @UpdateBy, GETDATE(), @ControlInputCharacter) 
OUTPUT inserted.*; ";

            return(dbHelper.ExecuteAsync <InvoiceCommonSetting>(query, setting, token));
예제 #2
 public Task <IEnumerable <BillingInvoiceDetailForExport> > GetDetailsForExportAsync(
     IEnumerable <long> BillingInputIds,
     InvoiceCommonSetting invoiceCommonSetting,
     CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken))
     return(dbHelper.GetItemsAsync <BillingInvoiceDetailForExport>(
                new { BillingInputIds = BillingInputIds.GetTableParameter() },
예제 #3
 private async Task InitializeInvoiceCommonAsync(CompanySource source, LoginUser loginUser, CancellationToken token)
     var invoiceCommonSetting = new InvoiceCommonSetting
         CompanyId          = source.Company.Id,
         ExcludeAmountZero  = 1,
         ExcludeMinusAmount = 1,
         ExcludeMatchedData = 1,
         CreateBy           = loginUser.Id,
         UpdateBy           = loginUser.Id,
     await invoiceCommonSettingProcessor.SaveAsync(invoiceCommonSetting, token);
예제 #4
 public Task <IEnumerable <BillingInvoiceDetailForPrint> > GetDetailsForPrintAsync(
     BillingInvoiceDetailSearch option,
     InvoiceCommonSetting invoiceCommonSetting, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken))
     return(dbHelper.GetItemsAsync <BillingInvoiceDetailForPrint>(
                GetQuerySelectBillingInvoiceDetailsForPrint(option, invoiceCommonSetting),
         BillingInputIds = option.BillingInputIds.GetTableParameter(),
         TemporaryBillingInputIds = option.TemporaryBillingInputIds.GetTableParameter(),
     }, token));
예제 #5
        public Task <IEnumerable <BillingInvoice> > GetAsync(BillingInvoiceSearch searchOption,
                                                             InvoiceCommonSetting invoiceCommonSetting,
                                                             CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken))
            return(dbHelper.ExecuteQueriesAsync(async connection =>
                await dbHelper.ExecuteAsync(connection,
                                            searchOption, token);

                return await dbHelper.QueryAsync <BillingInvoice>(connection,
                                                                  GetQuerySelectBillingInvoices(searchOption, invoiceCommonSetting),
예제 #6
 public async Task <ActionResult <InvoiceCommonSetting> > SaveInvoiceCommonSetting(InvoiceCommonSetting setting, CancellationToken token)
 => await invoiceCommonSettingProcessor.SaveAsync(setting);
예제 #7
 public async Task <InvoiceCommonSettingResult> SaveInvoiceCommonSettingAsync(string SessionKey, InvoiceCommonSetting InvoiceCommonSetting)
     return(await authorizationProcessor.DoAuthorizeAsync(SessionKey, async token =>
         var result = await invoiceCommonSettingProcessor.SaveAsync(InvoiceCommonSetting, token);
         return new InvoiceCommonSettingResult
             ProcessResult = new ProcessResult {
                 Result = true
             InvoiceCommonSetting = result,
     }, logger));
예제 #8
        private string GetQuerySelectBillingInvoiceDetailsForExport(InvoiceCommonSetting invoiceCommonSetting)
            var builder = new StringBuilder();

SELECT com.Code AS CompanyCode
     , b.BillingInputId
     , b.Id AS BillingId
     , b.BilledAt
     , b.ClosingAt
     , b.SalesAt
     , b.DueAt
     , b.BillingAmount
     , b.TaxAmount
     , b.Price
     , b.RemainAmount
     , b.InvoiceCode
     , b.Note1
     , b.Note2
     , b.Note3
     , b.Note4
     , b.Note5
     , b.Note6
     , b.Note7
     , b.Note8
     , bm.Memo
     , bdc.ContractNumber
     , b.Quantity
     , b.UnitSymbol
     , b.UnitPrice
     , bi.PublishAt
     , bi.PublishAt1st
     , b.AssignmentFlag
     , dp.Code AS DepartmentCode
     , dp.Name AS DepartmentName
     , bc.Code AS BillingCategoryCode
     , bc.Name AS BillingCategoryName
     , bc.ExternalCode AS BillingCategoryExternalCode
     , b.TaxClassId
     , tc.Name AS TaxClassName
     , cc.Code AS CollectCategoryCode
     , cc.Name AS CollectCategoryName
     , cc.ExternalCode AS CollectCategoryExternalCode
     , s.Code AS StaffCode
     , s.Name AS StaffName
     , cus.Code AS CustomerCode
     , cus.Name AS CustomerName
     , cus.ShareTransferFee
     , cus.PostalCode AS CustomerPostalCode
     , COALESCE(de.Address1, cus.Address1) AS CustomerAddress1
     , COALESCE(de.Address2, cus.Address2) AS CustomerAddress2
     , COALESCE(de.DepartmentName, cus.DestinationDepartmentName) AS CustomerDepartmentName
     , COALESCE(de.Addressee, cus.CustomerStaffName) AS CustomerAddressee
     , COALESCE(de.Honorific, cus.Honorific)         AS CustomerHonorific
     , cus.Note AS CustomerNote
     , cus.ExclusiveBankCode
     , cus.ExclusiveBankName
     , cus.ExclusiveBranchCode
     , LEFT(cus.ExclusiveAccountNumber, 3) AS VirtualBranchCode
     , cus.ExclusiveBranchName

     , RIGHT(cus.ExclusiveAccountNumber, 7) AS VirtualAccountNumber
     , cus.ExclusiveAccountTypeId
     , com.BankName1      AS CompanyBankName1
     , com.BranchName1    AS CompanyBranchName1
     , com.AccountType1   AS CompanyAccountType1
     , com.AccountNumber1 AS CompanyAccountNumber1
     , com.BankName2      AS CompanyBankName2
     , com.BranchName2    AS CompanyBranchName2
     , com.AccountType2   AS CompanyAccountType2
     , com.AccountNumber2 AS CompanyAccountNumber2
     , com.BankName3      AS CompanyBankName3
     , com.BranchName3    AS CompanyBranchName3
     , com.AccountType3   AS CompanyAccountType3
     , com.AccountNumber3 AS CompanyAccountNumber3
     , com.BankAccountName AS CompanyBankAccountName
     , com.Name       AS CompanyName
     , com.PostalCode AS CompanyPostalCode
     , com.Address1   AS CompanyAddress1
     , com.Address2   AS CompanyAddress2
     , com.Tel        AS CompanyTel
     , com.Fax        AS CompanyFax
 FROM Billing b
 LEFT JOIN Company com
   ON com.Id = b.CompanyId
 LEFT JOIN BillingMemo bm
   ON bm.BillingId = b.Id
 LEFT JOIN BillingDivisionContract bdc
   ON bdc.BillingId = b.Id
 LEFT JOIN BillingInput bi
   ON bi.Id = b.BillingInputId
 LEFT JOIN Department dp
   ON dp.Id = b.DepartmentId
 LEFT JOIN Category bc
   ON bc.Id = b.BillingCategoryId
 LEFT JOIN TaxClass tc
   ON tc.Id = b.TaxClassId
 LEFT JOIN Category cc
   ON cc.Id = b.CollectCategoryId
 LEFT JOIN Staff s
   ON s.Id = b.StaffId
 LEFT JOiN Customer cus
   ON cus.Id = b.CustomerId
 LEFT JOIN Destination de
   ON de.Id = b.DestinationId
WHERE b.BillingInputId IN (SELECT Id FROM @BillingInputIds)
            if (invoiceCommonSetting.ExcludeMatchedData != 0)
                builder.AppendLine("  AND b.AssignmentFlag <> 2");
            builder.AppendLine("  ORDER BY b.BillingInputId, b.SalesAt, b.Id");
예제 #9
        private string GetQuerySelectBillingInvoiceDetailsForPrint(
            BillingInvoiceDetailSearch billingInvoiceDetailSearch,
            InvoiceCommonSetting invoiceCommonSetting)
            var templateId = billingInvoiceDetailSearch.TemporaryBillingInputIds != null
                ? "@InvoiceTemplateId"
                : "bi.InvoiceTemplateId";

            var builder = new StringBuilder(@"
SELECT b.BillingInputId
     , b.InvoiceCode
     , b.BilledAt
     , b.ClosingAt
     , b.SalesAt
     , b.DueAt
     , b.BillingAmount
     , CASE b.TaxClassId WHEN 0 THEN b.TaxAmount
                         ELSE 0
       END AS TaxAmount
     , CASE b.TaxClassId WHEN 0 THEN (b.BillingAmount - b.TaxAmount)
                         ELSE b.BillingAmount
       END AS TaxExcludedPrice
     , b.RemainAmount
     , CASE b.TaxClassId WHEN 1 THEN '税込'
                         WHEN 0 THEN '税抜'
                         ELSE tc.Name
       END AS TaxClassName
     , b.Note1
     , b.Note2
     , CASE b.Quantity WHEN 0 THEN NULL
                       ELSE b.Quantity
       END AS Quantity
     , CASE b.UnitPrice WHEN 0 THEN NULL
                        ELSE b.UnitPrice
       END AS UnitPrice
     , b.UnitSymbol
     , s.Name AS StaffName
     , it.DisplayStaff
     , '' AS Tel
     , '' AS Fax
     , c.PostalCode        AS CustomerPostalCode
     , c.Address1          AS CustomerAddress1
     , c.Address2          AS CustomerAddress2
     , c.Code              AS CustomerCode
     , c.Name              AS CustomerName
     , c.DestinationDepartmentName AS CustomerDestinationDepartmentName
     , c.CustomerStaffName AS CustomerStaffName
     , c.Honorific         AS CustomerHonorific
     , c.ShareTransferFee

            if (billingInvoiceDetailSearch.DestinationId.HasValue)
                builder.AppendFormat(@"     , {0} AS DestinationId
", billingInvoiceDetailSearch.DestinationId.Value);
                builder.AppendLine("     , b.DestinationId");

     , des.Name           AS DestinationName
     , des.PostalCode     AS DestinationPostalCode
     , des.Address1       AS DestinationAddress1
     , des.Address2       AS DestinationAddress2
     , des.DepartmentName AS DestinationDepartmentName
     , des.Addressee      AS DestinationAddressee
     , des.Honorific      AS DestinationHonorific
     , it.Title
     , it.Greeting
     , it.DueDateComment
     , it.DueDateFormat
     , it.TransferFeeComment
     , c.ReceiveAccountId1
     , c.ReceiveAccountId2
     , c.ReceiveAccountId3
     , ('振込銀行:'
         + c.ExclusiveBankName
         + ' '
         + c.ExclusiveBranchName
         + ' '
         + at.Name
         + ' '
         + RIGHT(c.ExclusiveAccountNumber, 7)
       ) AS ExclusiveAccount
            if (billingInvoiceDetailSearch.TemporaryBillingInputIds != null)
      , (SELECT COUNT(*)
          FROM WorkBillingInvoice wbi2
         WHERE wbi2.ClientKey               = @ClientKey
           AND wbi2.TemporaryBillingInputId = wbi.TemporaryBillingInputId
       ) AS DetailCount
    FROM Billing b
      , (SELECT COUNT(*)
          FROM Billing b2
         WHERE b2.BillingInputId = b.BillingInputId
       ) AS DetailCount
    FROM Billing b

            if (billingInvoiceDetailSearch.TemporaryBillingInputIds != null)
INNER JOIN WorkBillingInvoice wbi
   ON wbi.ClientKey = @ClientKey
  AND wbi.BillingId = b.Id

 LEFT join Customer c
   ON c.Id = b.CustomerId
 LEFT JOIN TaxClass tc
   ON tc.Id = b.TaxClassId
 LEFT JOIN Staff s
   ON s.Id = b.StaffId
 LEFT JOIN BillingInput bi
   ON bi.Id = b.BillingInputId
 LEFT JOIN InvoiceTemplateSetting it
   ON it.Id = { templateId }
 LEFT JOIN BankAccountType at
   ON at.Id = c.ExclusiveAccountTypeId
 LEFT JOIN Destination des
            if (billingInvoiceDetailSearch.DestinationId.HasValue)
                builder.AppendFormat(@"            ON des.Id = {0}
", billingInvoiceDetailSearch.DestinationId.Value);
                builder.AppendLine("            ON des.Id = b.DestinationId");

            if (billingInvoiceDetailSearch.TemporaryBillingInputIds != null)
                builder.AppendLine("WHERE wbi.TemporaryBillingInputId IN (SELECT Id FROM @TemporaryBillingInputIds)");
                builder.AppendLine("WHERE b.BillingInputId IN (SELECT Id FROM @BillingInputIds)");
            if (invoiceCommonSetting.ExcludeMatchedData != 0)
                builder.AppendLine("  AND b.AssignmentFlag <> 2");
            builder.AppendLine("  ORDER BY b.BilledAt asc, c.Code asc, des.Code asc, b.BillingInputId asc");

예제 #10
        private string GetQuerySelectBillingInvoices(BillingInvoiceSearch option,
                                                     InvoiceCommonSetting invoiceCommonSetting)
            var select1 = option.IsPublished ?
               : "1";
            var select2 = option.IsPublished ?
                          "bi.InvoiceTemplateId AS InvoiceTemplateId"
                : "COALESCE(its.Id, 0) AS InvoiceTemplateId";

            var builder = new StringBuilder();

declare @CompanyCode nvarchar(20) = (SELECT Code From Company WHERE Id = @CompanyId)

SELECT inv.TemporaryBillingInputId
     , @CompanyCode AS CompanyCode
     , inv.BillingInputId
     , {select1} AS Checked
     , its.Code AS InvoiceTemplateCode
     , {select2}
     , inv.InvoiceCode
     , inv.DetailsCount
     , inv.CustomerId
     , cus.Code              AS CustomerCode
     , cus.Name              AS CustomerName
     , cus.PostalCode        AS CustomerPostalCode
     , cus.Address1          AS CustomerAddress1
     , cus.Address2          AS CustomerAddress2
     , cus.DestinationDepartmentName AS CustomerDestinationDepartmentName
     , cus.CustomerStaffName AS CustomerStaffName
     , cus.Honorific         AS CustomerHonorific
     , inv.AmountSum
     , inv.RemainAmountSum
     , (cat.code + ':' + cat.name) AS CollectCategoryCodeAndNeme
     , inv.ClosingAt
     , inv.BilledAt
     , dep.Code  AS DepartmentCode
     , dep.Name  AS DepartmentName
     , sta.code  AS StaffCode
     , sta.name  AS StaffName
     , inv.DestinationId
     , dest.code AS DestnationCode
     , dest.Name           AS DestinationName
     , dest.PostalCode     AS DestinationPostalCode
     , dest.Address1       AS DestinationAddress1
     , dest.Address2       AS DestinationAddress2
     , dest.DepartmentName AS DestinationDepartmentName
     , dest.Addressee      AS DestinationAddressee
     , dest.Honorific      AS DestinationHonorific
     , bi.PublishAt
     , bi.PublishAt1st
     , inv.UpdateAt

SELECT wbi.TemporaryBillingInputId
     , wbi.BillingInputId
     , b.CompanyId
     , b.CurrencyId
     , b.CustomerId
     , b.DepartmentId
     , b.StaffId
     , b.DestinationId
     , b.BilledAt
     , b.ClosingAt
     , b.DueAt
     , b.InvoiceCode
     , SUM(b.BillingAmount) AS AmountSum
     , SUM(b.RemainAmount)  AS RemainAmountSum
     , b.CollectCategoryId
     , COUNT(*) AS DetailsCount
     , CASE WHEN (MAX(b.AssignmentFlag) = MIN(b.AssignmentFlag) AND MAX(b.AssignmentFlag) = 0) THEN 0
            WHEN (MAX(b.AssignmentFlag) = MIN(b.AssignmentFlag) AND MAX(b.AssignmentFlag) = 2) THEN 2
            ELSE 1
       END AS AssignmentFlagForInvoice
     , MAX(b.UpdateAt) AS UpdateAt
FROM WorkBillingInvoice wbi
INNER JOIN Billing b
ON b.Id = wbi.BillingId
WHERE wbi.ClientKey = @ClientKey
GROUP BY wbi.TemporaryBillingInputId
       , wbi.BillingInputId
       , b.CompanyId
       , b.CurrencyId
       , b.CustomerId
       , b.DepartmentId
       , b.StaffId
       , b.DestinationId
       , b.BilledAt
       , b.ClosingAt
       , b.DueAt
       , b.InvoiceCode
       , b.CollectCategoryId
) AS inv

LEFT JOIN BillingInput bi
  ON bi.Id = inv.BillingInputId
LEFT JOIN Customer cus
  ON cus.Id = inv.CustomerId
LEFT JOIN Category cat
  ON cat.id = inv.CollectCategoryId
LEFT JOIN Department dep
  ON dep.id = inv.departmentId
LEFT JOIN Staff sta
  ON sta.Id = inv.StaffId
LEFT JOIN Destination dest
  ON dest.id = inv.DestinationId
LEFT JOIN InvoiceTemplateSetting its
  ON its.CollectCategoryId = inv.CollectCategoryId

WHERE 1 = 1
            if (option.IsPublished)
                var flags         = (AssignmentFlagChecked)option.AssignmentFlg;
                var selectedFlags = new List <int>();
                if (flags.HasFlag(AssignmentFlagChecked.NoAssignment))
                if (flags.HasFlag(AssignmentFlagChecked.PartAssignment))
                if (flags.HasFlag(AssignmentFlagChecked.FullAssignment))
                if (selectedFlags.Any() && !flags.HasFlag(AssignmentFlagChecked.All))
                    builder.AppendLine($" AND inv.AssignmentFlagForInvoice IN ({(string.Join(", ", selectedFlags))})");

                if (option.PublishAtFrom.HasValue)
                    builder.AppendLine("  AND bi.PublishAt >= @PublishAtFrom");
                if (option.PublishAtTo.HasValue)
                    builder.AppendLine("  AND bi.PublishAt <= @PublishAtTo");
                if (option.PublishAtFirstFrom.HasValue)
                    builder.AppendLine("  AND bi.PublishAt1st >= @PublishAtFirstFrom");
                if (option.PublishAtFirstTo.HasValue)
                    builder.AppendLine("  AND bi.PublishAt1st <= @PublishAtFirstTo");


            if (invoiceCommonSetting.ExcludeAmountZero == 1)
                if (option.ReportInvoiceAmount == 0)
                    builder.AppendLine("  AND inv.AmountSum <> 0");
                    builder.AppendLine("  AND inv.RemainAmountSum <> 0");
            if (invoiceCommonSetting.ExcludeMinusAmount == 1)
                if (option.ReportInvoiceAmount == 0)
                    builder.AppendLine("  AND inv.AmountSum >= 0");
                    builder.AppendLine("  AND inv.RemainAmountSum >= 0");
            if (invoiceCommonSetting.ExcludeMatchedData == 1)
                builder.AppendLine("  AND inv.AssignmentFlagForInvoice <> 2");
            builder.AppendLine("  ORDER BY inv.BilledAt asc, cus.Code asc, dest.code asc, inv.BillingInputId asc, inv.TemporaryBillingInputId asc");
예제 #11
 public async Task <InvoiceCommonSetting> SaveAsync(InvoiceCommonSetting seting, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken))
 => await addInvoiceCommonSettingQueryProcessor.SaveAsync(seting, token);