예제 #1
        public override bool MakeChange(Agent agent, Entity target, OutputChange outputChange, Mapping mapping, float actualAmount, out bool forceStop)
            forceStop = false;

            List <InventorySlot> inventorySlots = target.entityType.canBeInInventorySlots.Select(x => x.inventorySlot).ToList();

            // TODO: Just drop it for now - do better logic later
            List <InventorySlot> possibleSlots = inventorySlots.Intersect(agent.agentType.inventorySlots).ToList();

            if (possibleSlots.Count == 0)
                Debug.LogError(agent.name + ": ClearInventorySlotsOCT - unable to find a slot to clear.");

            // This will do nothing if the target doesn't have all of the amount
            // TODO: Add in options to handle not enough inventory
            InventoryType.Item item = target.inventoryType.Remove(target, possibleSlots[0]);
            if (item == null)

            item.entity.inventoryType.Dropped(item.entity, item.inventorySlot);
예제 #2
        public bool Check(Agent agent, InventoryType.Item item, ActionType actionType)
            if (!actionTypes.Contains(actionType))

            return(itemCondition.Check(agent, actionType, null, item.inventorySlot, 0, false, true, true));
예제 #3
        // Evaluates based on the current ActionType modifiers from each Entity
        // For example: MeleeAttack can use this to pick the weapon with the largest modifier
        public override float Evaluate(Agent agent, Entity entity, Mapping mapping, bool forInventory)
            ActionType actionType      = mapping.mappingType.actionType;
            ActionType otherActionType = null;

            if (mapping.target is Agent otherAgent && otherAgent.decider.CurrentMapping != null)
                otherActionType = otherAgent.decider.CurrentMapping.mappingType.actionType;

            float value = 0f;

            // The entity could already be in inventory or the Agent could be going to get it in a chained mapping
            if (entity.inEntityInventory == agent)
                // Does it match?
                value = agent.inventoryType.CalcOnActionAttributeTypeModifiers(agent, attributeType, actionType, otherActionType,
                                                                               entity, modifierType, isTarget);

                // TODO: If not if slots got switched could it match?  Possible to look for a switch mapping?
                // TODO: Should I know the slot by now?  I think it has to figure it out before getting here.
                //       Add InventoryTargetSlot to Mapping?
                agent.inventoryType.FindInventorySlotsToClear(agent, entity.entityType, out InventorySlot inventorySlot, 1, true);

                if (inventorySlot == null)
                    Debug.LogError(agent.name + ": ActionTypeModifierTF is unable to find a slot for a possible Entity = " + entity.name);

                InventoryType.Item item = new InventoryType.Item()
                    inventorySlot = inventorySlot,
                    entity        = entity

                value = agent.inventoryType.CalcOnActionAttributeTypeModifiers(agent, attributeType, actionType, otherActionType, item, modifierType, isTarget);
            // This min and max of the curve define the range of values for normalizing the value
            // For example if the value is 10 and the min is 0 and max is 50 - 1/5 = 0.2 would get input to curve
            // Curves are always 0-1 on input axis (x) and 0-1 on output axis (y)
            if (minMaxCurve == null)
                Debug.LogError("ActionTypeModifierTF is missing a Min Max Curve.  Please Fix.");
            //Debug.Log(agent.name + ": ActionTypeModifierTF - Entity = " + entity.name + " - value = " + value);
            return(minMaxCurve.NormAndEvalIgnoreMinMax(value, minMaxCurve.min, minMaxCurve.max));
예제 #4
        // TODO: Just handles moving to empty slot - need to handle swapping entities
        public void SwitchInventorySlots(InventoryType.Item itemToMove, InventorySlot newSlot)
            GameObject gameObjectToMove = itemToMove.entity.gameObject;

            gameObjectToMove.transform.parent        = GetSlotMapping(newSlot, out bool makeDisabled).transform;
            gameObjectToMove.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;

            if (newSlot.slotType != InventorySlot.SlotType.Invisible && !makeDisabled)
예제 #5
        public override bool MakeChange(Agent agent, Entity target, OutputChange outputChange, Mapping mapping, float actualAmount, out bool forceStop)
            forceStop = false;

            Entity projectileEntity;

            if (outputChange.valueType == OutputChange.ValueType.None)
                OutputChange previousOutputChange = outputChange.Previous(mapping.mappingType);
                projectileEntity = agent.inventoryType.GetFirstEntityofEntityType(agent, previousOutputChange.entityType);
                projectileEntity = mapping.inventoryTargets[(int)outputChange.floatValue];

            // Remove projectile from shooter's inventory
            InventoryType.Item projectileItem = agent.inventoryType.Remove(agent, projectileEntity);
            if (projectileItem == null)
                Debug.LogError(agent.name + ": ThrowProjectileOCT - No projectile WorldObject - " + projectileEntity.name);

            // TODO: This is strange here - Need a Throw method in InventoryType to handle this?
            projectileItem.entity.transform.parent  = null;
            projectileItem.entity.inEntityInventory = null;

            // Throw it
            Projectile projectile = projectileItem.entity.GetComponent <Projectile>();

            if (projectile == null)
                Debug.LogError(agent.name + ": ThrowProjectileOCT - No Projectile Component on the projectile WorldObject " + projectileEntity.name);
            projectile.target = target.gameObject;

예제 #6
        public override bool MakeChange(Agent agent, Entity target, OutputChange outputChange, Mapping mapping, float actualAmount, out bool forceStop)
            forceStop = false;

            if (agent.inEntityInventory == null)
                Debug.Log(agent.name + ": InventoryRemoveSelfOCT - Agent is not in any inventory.");
            Entity inEntity = agent.inEntityInventory;

            InventoryType.Item item = inEntity.inventoryType.Remove(inEntity, agent);

            if (item == null)
                Debug.LogError(agent.name + ": InventoryRemoveSelfOCT unable to find agent in " + inEntity.name);

            agent.inventoryType.Dropped(agent, item.inventorySlot);
예제 #7
        public override bool MakeChange(Agent agent, Entity target, OutputChange outputChange, Mapping mapping, float actualAmount, out bool forceStop)
            forceStop = false;

            // Make sure Agent is holding something that can shoot projectiles
            // These checks should be done by the ICs so maybe ckip them here?
            // TODO: Be nice to have the inventory entity target for this
            WorldObject shooter = agent.inventoryType.GetFirstEntityInSlot(agent, shooterSlot) as WorldObject;

            if (shooter == null)
                Debug.LogError(agent.name + ": ShootProjectileOCT - No ranged weapon equipped");

            // Remove projectile from shooter's inventory
            InventoryType.Item projectileItem = shooter.inventoryType.Remove(shooter, projectileSlot);
            if (projectileItem == null)
                Debug.LogError(agent.name + ": ShootProjectileOCT - No projectileWorldObject in " + shooter.name);

            projectileItem.entity.transform.parent = null;

            // Shoot it
            Projectile projectile = projectileItem.entity.GetComponent <Projectile>();

            if (projectile == null)
                Debug.LogError(agent.name + ": ShootProjectileOCT - No projectile Component on the projectileWorldObject " + projectileItem.entity.name);
            projectile.target = target.gameObject;

예제 #8
        public override bool MakeChange(Agent agent, Entity target, OutputChange outputChange, Mapping mapping, float actualAmount, out bool forceStop)
            forceStop = false;

            Entity entityToThrow = mapping.inventoryTargets[outputChange.inventoryTypeGroupMatchIndex];

            if (entityToThrow == null)
                Debug.LogError(agent.name + ": ThrowEntityOCT - No entity to throw found.");

            // Remove from inventory
            InventoryType.Item item = agent.inventoryType.Remove(agent, entityToThrow);
            if (item == null)
                Debug.LogError(agent.name + ": ThrowEntityOCT - No entity to throw found in agent's inventory.");

            Vector3 targetPosition = target.transform.position;

            if (outputChange.unityObject != null)
                // Move direction by random degrees
                MinMaxCurve minMaxCurve = outputChange.unityObject as MinMaxCurve;
                float       degrees     = minMaxCurve.EvalRandom();

                // Rotate targetPosition relative to agent.position by degrees
                Vector3 forceVector = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, degrees) * ((Vector2)(targetPosition - agent.transform.position)).normalized;
                Debug.DrawRay(agent.transform.position, forceVector, Color.white, 5f);
                targetPosition = forceVector + agent.transform.position;

            agent.inventoryType.Thrown(entityToThrow, agent, item.inventorySlot, targetPosition, outputChange.floatValue);