public bool employeeLogin(bool logout) { try { InventoryService inventoryService = new InventoryServiceImpl(); string choice; while (!logout) { Console.WriteLine("Hello employee. These are requests you must process. \n"); InventoryServiceImpl.printRequests(); Console.WriteLine(" - Back to login [b]"); choice = inputService.pickRequestsToProcessConsoleRead(); if (choice.Equals("b")) { logout = true; } else { Request request = InventoryService.requests[Int16.Parse(choice)]; inventoryService.updateRequest(request); } } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { return(false); } }
public bool userBookingSelectInterface(Boolean existingUser, Boolean logout, Boolean bookAgain, Boolean confirm, UserData employee, InventoryService inventoryService, TransactionService transactionService, NotificationService notificationService, Ticket ticket, Route newRoute, UserData newUser) { try { string choice = ""; while (!bookAgain) { Console.WriteLine("Hello, " + newUser.Name + " you may edit your current bookings:" + " \n"); // Print - Ticket Number , Source, Destination, Status InventoryServiceImpl.printAllTickets(); Console.WriteLine("Update which ticket?: "); choice = inputService.pickTicketListConsoleRead(); ticket =[Int16.Parse(choice)]; Console.WriteLine("Edit Ticket " + ticket.TicketNumber + "\n"); Console.WriteLine(" - Change Seating [1]"); Console.WriteLine(" - Cancel Ticket [2]"); Console.WriteLine(" - Back to Login [3]"); choice = inputService.pickRequestOptionConsoleRead(); switch (Int16.Parse(choice)) { case 1: // Create request to update the seating inventoryService.printAvaliableSeats(newRoute); choice = inputService.pickNewSeatingConsoleRead(); string oldSeat = ticket.Seat; ticket.Seat = newRoute.seats[Int16.Parse(choice)]; ticket.status = Ticket.Status.Pending; newRoute.seats.RemoveAt(Int16.Parse(choice)); newRoute.seats.Add(oldSeat); inventoryService.createRequest(new Request(ticket)); Console.WriteLine("Request to change seat created."); break; case 2: ticket.status = Ticket.Status.Canceled; inventoryService.createRequest(new Request(ticket)); Console.WriteLine("Request to Cancel ticket created."); break; case 3: bookAgain = true; logout = true; break; default: break; } } } catch (Exception e) { return(false); } return(logout); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string choice; while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Theta Airlines. Guess you'd like to go on a plane ride, huh? Well where would you like to go? \n"); Console.WriteLine("You can go to: \n"); // Should have a call that sees all available addresses // Then assumes city you're coming from? If new user ask for that? // Then pick avaliable route given destination. // Pick seat then payment information. InventoryServiceImpl.getAllAvaliableRoutes(); Console.WriteLine("Input: "); choice = Console.ReadLine(); Ticket ticket = new Ticket(); } }
public double transactionInterface(Boolean existingUser, Boolean logout, Boolean bookAgain, Boolean confirm, UserData employee, InventoryService inventoryService, TransactionService transactionService, NotificationService notificationService, Ticket ticket, Route newRoute, UserData newUser) { try { string choice = ""; if ((existingUser && Int16.Parse(choice) == 2) || !existingUser) { Console.WriteLine("\nYou can go to: \n"); // Print avaliable locations and object that holds them InventoryServiceImpl.printAllAvaliableLocations(); // Ask user for their address information Console.WriteLine("\nInput: \n"); choice = inputService.pickDestinationConsoleRead(); Location destination = InventoryServiceImpl.getAllAvaliableLocations()[Int16.Parse(choice)]; InventoryServiceImpl.getAllAvaliableLocations().RemoveAt(Int16.Parse(choice)); newRoute = new Route(destination); Console.WriteLine("Where are you coming from?"); Console.WriteLine("State: "); choice = inputService.pickUserStateConsoleRead(); Location source = new Location(choice); Console.WriteLine("City: "); choice = inputService.pickUserCityConsoleRead(); source.City = choice; // Initialize Ticket newRoute.Source = source; ticket.User = newUser; ticket.Route = newRoute; ticket.TicketNumber = ticketNumber++; // Seat Information // Say avaliable seats inventoryService.printAvaliableSeats(newRoute); choice = inputService.integerConsoleRead(); ticket.Seat = newRoute.seats[Int16.Parse(choice)]; newRoute.seats.RemoveAt(Int16.Parse(choice)); // Calculate Price given information ticket.Price = inventoryService.calculatePrice(ticket); // Tell user all Ticket information ticket.toString(); Console.WriteLine("\nIs this information correct? \n"); Console.WriteLine("- Confirm [1] "); Console.WriteLine("- Deny [2] \n"); choice = inputService.pickConfirmDenyConsoleRead(); switch (Int16.Parse(choice)) { case 1: Console.WriteLine("A transaction will be created for you to purchase this flight. \n"); confirm = true; break; case 2: break; default: Console.WriteLine("Neither are an option. \n"); break; } // User can now view their ticket so that they may edit it. if (confirm) { // Payment transactionService.createTransaction(ticket); inventoryService.addTicket(ticket); // Ask if want to book another flight notificationService.sendNotification(new Notification(ticket, "Ticket Needs Approval", employee)); inventoryService.createRequest(new Request(ticket)); Console.WriteLine("Would you like to book another flight? \n"); Console.WriteLine(" - Yes [1]"); Console.WriteLine(" - No [2] \n"); choice = inputService.pickBookAnotherConsoleRead(); if (Int16.Parse(choice) == 1) { bookAgain = true; } } } return(ticket.Price); } catch (Exception e) { return(0); } }