protected void BtnSendReq_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { statusMessage.Visible = false; InventoryLogic il = new InventoryLogic(); string clerkName = HttpContext.Current.Profile.GetPropertyValue("fullname").ToString(); int avRId = InventoryLogic.CreateAdjustmentVoucherRequest(clerkName, DateTime.Now.Date); bool isAbove250 = false; try { foreach (GridViewRow r in GridViewAdjV.Rows) { string itemID = (r.FindControl("TxtItemCode") as TextBox).Text; string itemName = (r.FindControl("LblDesc") as Label).Text; string type = (r.FindControl("DdlAdjType") as DropDownList).SelectedValue; int quantity = int.Parse((r.FindControl("TxtAdjQty") as TextBox).Text); string uom = (r.FindControl("LblUOM") as Label).Text; string reason = (r.FindControl("TxtReason") as TextBox).Text; double unitPrice = InventoryLogic.GetInventoryPrice(itemID); if (!InventoryLogic.IsUnitsInStock(itemID, quantity) && type == "Minus") { statusMessage.Text = "Error! Insufficient stock for adjustment. " + itemName; statusMessage.ForeColor = Color.Red; statusMessage.Visible = true; return; } InventoryLogic.CreateAdjustmentVoucherRequestDetails(avRId, itemID, type, quantity, uom, reason, unitPrice); isAbove250 = (quantity * unitPrice > 250 ? true : false); InventoryLogic.SendAdjRequentEmail(avRId, isAbove250, clerkName); } }catch (Exception ex) { statusMessage.Text = "Error! Invalid Submission Request."; statusMessage.ForeColor = Color.Red; statusMessage.Visible = true; Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); return; } string successMsg = "Request Sent. Inventory Adjustment Voucher Request ID: " + avRId.ToString() + " has been created"; Session["AdjustVID"] = avRId; Session["AdjVSuccess"] = successMsg; Response.Redirect("~/StoreClerk/ViewAdjustmentVoucherDetails.aspx"); BtnSendReq.Enabled = true; }
public string CreateAdjustmentRequest(WCF_AVRequestDetail avrDetail, string token) { string result = "Faliure"; //Check if user is authorizated to use this method. If is not authorized, it will return a json with -1 in the primary key if (!IsAuthanticateUser(token)) { result = "Invalid User"; return(result); } string fullName = GetUserFullName(token); try { int AVRID = InventoryLogic.CreateAdjustmentVoucherRequest(fullName, DateTime.Now.Date); if (!InventoryLogic.IsUnitsInStock(avrDetail.ItemID, avrDetail.Quantity) && avrDetail.Type == "Minus") { return(result); } double unitPrice = InventoryLogic.GetInventoryPrice(avrDetail.ItemID); InventoryLogic.CreateAdjustmentVoucherRequestDetails (AVRID, avrDetail.ItemID, avrDetail.Type, avrDetail.Quantity, avrDetail.UOM, avrDetail.Reason, unitPrice); bool isAbove250 = (avrDetail.Quantity * unitPrice > 250 ? true : false); InventoryLogic.SendAdjRequentEmail(AVRID, isAbove250, fullName); result = "Success"; return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ex.ToString()); } }