void Start() { lexicon = new Lexiverse(prettyskinloseend, prettyskin); Lexiverse.Tvoid = Tvoid; Lexiverse.Twhite = Twhite; Lexiverse.Tsquareh = Tsquareh; staampcapture = -1; thelistofcaptures = new List<string>(); invsetting = 0; inventoryname = ""; MouseInvHeld = new Inventory.InvItem(); ischangingname = false; isinvopen = false; w = Screen.width; h = Screen.height; initgame = Time.time; he = h / 10f; we = 10 * he; hl = h / 20f; wl = 5 * he; ToolRect = new Rect((w - we) / 2f, h - he, we, he); HealthRect = new Rect((w - we) * 3 / 4f + we, h - he, (w - we) / 4f, he); LabelRect = new Rect((w - wl) / 2f,0, wl, hl); SmallerRect = new Rect(0,hl,w,h-hl-he); start = true; listofEnemy = new List<Stats>(); enemydamagestamp = new List<float>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { isonline = false; downpressmax = 0.67f; buttondown = false; aimedpoint = new Vector3(); seltoolbar = 0; toolbar = new Inventory.InvItem[10]; for (int k = 0; k < toolbar.Length; k++) { toolbar[k] = new Inventory.InvItem(); } isfightingmode = true; isonfloor = false; acc = -9.81f; blastz = 0; lastz = 1; isonfloor = false; }
void DrawM01Crafter(socketIG thesock) { bool crafting = false; float craftlevel = 0; if (thesock.asock.getcraft.vfloat != -1) { if (Time.time - thesock.asock.getcraft.vfloat < thesock.asock.getcraft.vfloat2) { //currentrecipe = thesock.asock.getcraft.vint; craftlevel = (Time.time - thesock.asock.getcraft.vfloat) / (1f * thesock.asock.getcraft.vfloat2); crafting = true; } else { foreach (Inventory.InvItem item in thesock.asock.getcraft.Result) { for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { if (thesock.asock.getinvs.aninv.inv[k].socket.asock.name == item.socket.asock.name) { thesock.asock.getinvs.aninv.inv[k].num += item.num; break; } else { if (thesock.asock.getinvs.aninv.inv[k].num == 0) { thesock.asock.getinvs.aninv.inv[k] = new Inventory.InvItem(item.socket, item.num); break; } } } } foreach (RawInv.rawlibitem item in thesock.asock.getcraft.ResultRaw) { thesock.asock.getrawinvs.aninv.add(item.id, item.kg); } thesock.asock.getcraft.vfloat = -1; } } GUIStyle MenuStyle = new GUIStyle(prettyskinloseend.label); guitools.SetStyle(MenuStyle, guitools.RGB(255, 255, 255, 255), Color.black, (int)Math.Round(18f)); Rect darect = guitools.GRectRelative(0.25f, 0f, 0.5f, 0.5f, SmallerRect); darect = guitools.GRectRelative(-0.125f, 0, 1.25f, 1, darect); //darect = guitools.GRectRelative(0.9f, darect); //darect = guitools.RectFromCenter(new Vector2(darect.x + darect.width/2f, darect.y + darect.height / 2f ), darect.height, darect.height); Rect rectA = guitools.GRectRelative(0, 0, 0.2f, 1, darect,0.9f); Rect rectB = guitools.GRectRelative(0.2f, 0, 0.4f, 1, darect, 0.9f); Rect rectC = guitools.GRectRelative(0.6f, 0.45f, 0.2f, 0.1f, darect, 0.9f); rectC = guitools.GRectRelative(0, -0.5f, 1, 1.5f, rectC); Rect rectD = guitools.GRectRelative(0.8f, 0, 0.2f, 1, darect, 0.9f); GUI.Label(rectA, "", MenuStyle); GUI.Label(rectB, "", MenuStyle); GUI.Label(guitools.GRectRelative(0,0,1,1.5f,rectC), "", MenuStyle); //GUI.Label(darect, "", MenuStyle); ///A Recipes guitools.SetStyle(MenuStyle, guitools.RGB(200, 200, 200, 255), Color.black, (int)Math.Round(8f)); List<Recipe> reciplist = thesock.asock.getcraft.Recipes; int numofpages = (((reciplist.Count) - (reciplist.Count % 9))/9); GUI.Label(guitools.GRectRelative(0.25f,0,0.5f,0.1f,rectA,0.95f), "PAGE "+(page+1)+"/"+(numofpages+1), MenuStyle); if (GUI.Button(guitools.GRectRelative(0, 0, 0.25f, 0.1f, rectA, 0.95f), "<<", MenuStyle)) { if (page > 0) { page--; } } if (GUI.Button(guitools.GRectRelative(0.75f, 0, 0.25f, 0.1f, rectA, 0.95f), ">>", MenuStyle)) { if (page < numofpages) { page++; } } for (int k = 0; k < 9; k++) { int rk = k + 9 * page; if (rk < reciplist.Count) { if (GUI.Button(guitools.GRectRelative(0, 0.1f * (k + 1), 0.8f, 0.1f, rectA, 0.95f), reciplist[rk].name, MenuStyle) && !crafting) { currentrecipe = rk; } int res = -1; foreach (int anint in thesock.asock.getcraft.autos) { if (rk == anint) { res = rk; break; } } if (res != -1) { guitools.SetStyle(MenuStyle, guitools.RGB(150, 250, 150, 255), Color.black, (int)Math.Round(8f)); if (GUI.Button(guitools.GRectRelative(0.8f, 0.1f * (k + 1), 0.2f, 0.1f, rectA, 0.95f), "A", MenuStyle) && !crafting) { thesock.asock.getcraft.autos.Remove(rk); } } else { guitools.SetStyle(MenuStyle, guitools.RGB(250, 150, 150, 255), Color.black, (int)Math.Round(8f)); if (GUI.Button(guitools.GRectRelative(0.8f, 0.1f * (k + 1), 0.2f, 0.1f, rectA, 0.95f), "A", MenuStyle) && !crafting) { thesock.asock.getcraft.autos.Add(rk); } } guitools.SetStyle(MenuStyle, guitools.RGB(200, 200, 200, 255), Color.black, (int)Math.Round(8f)); } } guitools.SetStyle(MenuStyle, guitools.RGB(200, 200, 200, 255), Color.black, (int)Math.Round(8f)); ///B if (currentrecipe < reciplist.Count) { GUI.Label(guitools.GRectRelative(0.25f, 0, 0.5f, 0.1f, rectB, 0.95f), reciplist[currentrecipe].name, MenuStyle); } else { GUI.Label(guitools.GRectRelative(0, 0, 1, 0.1f, rectB, 0.95f), "RECIPE:", MenuStyle); } GUI.Label(guitools.GRectRelative(0, 0.1f, 0.5f, 0.1f, rectB, 0.95f), "REQUIRES:", MenuStyle); GUI.Label(guitools.GRectRelative(0.5f, 0.1f, 0.5f, 0.1f, rectB, 0.95f), "CRAFTS:", MenuStyle); List<string> write = new List<string>(); foreach (Inventory.InvItem item in reciplist[currentrecipe].Items) { write.Add(item.socket.asock.disname + ": " + item.num); } foreach (RawInv.rawlibitem item in reciplist[currentrecipe].RawItems) { write.Add(item.raw.name + ": " + item.kg+"kg"); } MenuStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; if (write.Count != 0) { for (int k = 0; k < write.Count; k++) { GUI.Label(guitools.GRectRelative(0, 0.2f + (0.8f) / (write.Count * 1f) * k, 0.5f, (0.8f) / (write.Count * 1f), rectB, 0.95f), write[k], MenuStyle); } } write = new List<string>(); foreach (Inventory.InvItem item in reciplist[currentrecipe].Result) { write.Add(item.socket.asock.disname + ": " + item.num); } foreach (RawInv.rawlibitem item in reciplist[currentrecipe].ResultRaw) { write.Add(item.raw.name + ": " + item.kg + "kg"); } if (write.Count != 0) { for (int k = 0; k < write.Count; k++) { GUI.Label(guitools.GRectRelative(0.5f, 0.2f + (0.8f) / (write.Count * 1f) * k, 0.5f, (0.8f) / (write.Count * 1f), rectB, 0.95f), write[k], MenuStyle); } } MenuStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; ///C GUI.Label(guitools.GRectRelative(0, 0, 1, 0.5f, rectC, 0.8f), "COST: " + reciplist[currentrecipe].eleccost + "EU", MenuStyle); GUI.Label(guitools.GRectRelative(0, 1, 1, 0.5f, rectC, 0.8f), "TIME: " + reciplist[currentrecipe].time + "", MenuStyle); if (crafting) { guitools.TextureStyle(MenuStyle, Twhite); guitools.SetStyle(MenuStyle, guitools.RGB(180, 180, 180, 255), Color.black, (int)Math.Round(8f)); GUI.Label(guitools.GRectRelative(0, 0.5f, 1, 0.5f, rectC, 0.8f), "", MenuStyle); guitools.SetStyle(MenuStyle, guitools.RGB(120, 120, 120, 255), Color.black, (int)Math.Round(8f)); GUI.Label(guitools.GRectRelative(0, 0.5f, 1* craftlevel, 0.5f, rectC, 0.8f), "", MenuStyle); guitools.TextureStyle(MenuStyle, Tvoid); GUI.Label(guitools.GRectRelative(0, 0.5f, 1, 0.5f, rectC, 0.8f), "CRAFT", MenuStyle); MenuStyle = new GUIStyle(prettyskinloseend.label); } else { if (GUI.Button(guitools.GRectRelative(0, 0.5f, 1, 0.5f, rectC, 0.8f), "CRAFT", MenuStyle)) { bool candoit = true; if (thesock.asock.getelec.buffer < reciplist[currentrecipe].eleccost) { candoit = false; } foreach (Inventory.InvItem item in reciplist[currentrecipe].Items) { if (worldgen.maininfo.inv.getcount(item.socket.asock.name) < item.num) { candoit = false; } } foreach (RawInv.rawlibitem item in reciplist[currentrecipe].RawItems) { if (worldgen.maininfo.rawinv.getcount(item.id) < item.kg) { candoit = false; } } if (candoit) { thesock.asock.getelec.buffer -= reciplist[currentrecipe].eleccost; foreach (Inventory.InvItem item in reciplist[currentrecipe].Items) { worldgen.maininfo.inv.remamount(item.socket.asock.name, item.num); } foreach (RawInv.rawlibitem item in reciplist[currentrecipe].RawItems) { worldgen.maininfo.rawinv.rem(item.id, item.kg); } thesock.asock.getcraft.vfloat = Time.time; thesock.asock.getcraft.vfloat2 = reciplist[currentrecipe].time; thesock.asock.getcraft.Result = reciplist[currentrecipe].Result; thesock.asock.getcraft.ResultRaw = reciplist[currentrecipe].ResultRaw; controls.hissoundsyst.stoaudio("mclang").Play(); } } } ///D Inventory theinv = thesock.asock.getinvs.aninv; for (int k = 0; k < theinv.inv.Length; k++) { Rect therect = guitools.RectFromCenter(new Vector2(rectD.x + rectD.width / 2f, rectD.y + rectD.height / 2f), rectD.height / 4f,rectD.height); therect = guitools.GRectRelative(0.9f, therect); GUI.Label(therect, "", MenuStyle); guitools.SetStyle(MenuStyle, guitools.RGB(150, 150, 150, 255), Color.black, (int)Math.Round(18f)); guitools.TextureStyle(MenuStyle, Twhite); guitools.TextureStyle(MenuStyle, Tvoid); int mink = k; Rect currect = guitools.GRectRelative(0,mink / 4f, 1, 1 / 4f, therect,0.75f); Inventory.InvItem curritem = theinv.inv[k]; guitools.TextureStyle(MenuStyle, Twhite); guitools.SetStyle(MenuStyle, guitools.RGB(220, 220, 220, 255), Color.black, (int)Math.Round(18f)); GUI.Label(guitools.GRectRelative(0.9f, currect), "", MenuStyle); if (curritem.socket.asock.name != "") { Vector2 mousepos = Converters.MouseToScreen(Input.mousePosition); curritem.DrawItem(currect, MenuStyle, Tvoid); if (guitools.isinrect(mousepos, currect)) { inventoryname = curritem.socket.asock.disname; } } guitools.TextureStyle(MenuStyle, Tvoid); guitools.SetStyle(MenuStyle, guitools.RGB(255, 255, 255, 255), Color.black, (int)Math.Round(18f)); if (GUI.Button(guitools.GRectRelative(0.9f, currect), "", MenuStyle)) { MouseInvHeld = curritem.InteractItem(MouseInvHeld, theinv, k); } } }
void DrawSingleSloatChest(socketIG thesock) { GUIStyle MenuStyle = new GUIStyle(prettyskin.label); guitools.SetStyle(MenuStyle, guitools.RGB(255, 255, 255, 255), Color.black, (int)Math.Round(18f)); Rect darect = guitools.GRectRelative(0.25f, 0f, 0.5f, 0.5f, SmallerRect); darect = guitools.GRectRelative(0.9f, darect); darect = guitools.RectFromCenter(new Vector2(darect.x + darect.width / 2f, darect.y + darect.height / 2f), darect.height, darect.height); GUI.Label(darect, "", MenuStyle); darect = guitools.GRectRelative(0.25f, darect); Rect currect = darect; guitools.SetStyle(MenuStyle, guitools.RGB(150, 150, 150, 255), Color.black, (int)Math.Round(18f)); guitools.TextureStyle(MenuStyle, Twhite); guitools.TextureStyle(MenuStyle, Tvoid); Inventory theinv = thesock.asock.getinvs.aninv; currect = guitools.GRectRelative(0.9f, currect); Inventory.InvItem curritem = theinv.inv[0]; guitools.TextureStyle(MenuStyle, Twhite); guitools.SetStyle(MenuStyle, guitools.RGB(220, 220, 220, 255), Color.black, (int)Math.Round(18f)); GUI.Label(guitools.GRectRelative(0.9f, currect), "", MenuStyle); if (curritem.socket.asock.name != "") { Vector2 mousepos = Converters.MouseToScreen(Input.mousePosition); curritem.DrawItem(currect, MenuStyle, Tvoid); if (guitools.isinrect(mousepos, currect)) { inventoryname = curritem.socket.asock.disname; } } guitools.TextureStyle(MenuStyle, Tvoid); guitools.SetStyle(MenuStyle, guitools.RGB(255, 255, 255, 255), Color.black, (int)Math.Round(18f)); if (GUI.Button(guitools.GRectRelative(0.9f, currect), "", MenuStyle)) { MouseInvHeld = curritem.InteractItem(MouseInvHeld, theinv, 0); } }
void DrawChest01Menu(socketIG thesock) { GUIStyle MenuStyle = new GUIStyle(prettyskin.label); guitools.SetStyle(MenuStyle, guitools.RGB(255, 255, 255, 255), Color.black, (int)Math.Round(18f)); Rect darect = guitools.GRectRelative(0.25f, 0f, 0.5f, 0.5f, SmallerRect); darect = guitools.GRectRelative(0.9f, darect); darect = guitools.RectFromCenter(new Vector2(darect.x + darect.width/2f, darect.y + darect.height / 2f ), darect.height, darect.height); GUI.Label(darect, "", MenuStyle); darect = guitools.GRectRelative(0.8f, darect); Rect line1 = guitools.GRectRelative(0, 0, 1, 0.25f, darect); Rect line2 = guitools.GRectRelative(0, 0.25f, 1, 0.25f, darect); Rect line3 = guitools.GRectRelative(0, 0.5f, 1, 0.25f, darect); Rect line4 = guitools.GRectRelative(0, 0.75f, 1, 0.25f, darect); Rect currect = line1; guitools.SetStyle(MenuStyle, guitools.RGB(150, 150, 150, 255), Color.black, (int)Math.Round(18f)); guitools.TextureStyle(MenuStyle, Twhite); guitools.TextureStyle(MenuStyle, Tvoid); Inventory theinv = thesock.asock.getinvs.aninv; for (int k = 0; k < theinv.inv.Length; k++) { currect = line1; if (k > 3) { currect = line2; } if (k > 7) { currect = line3; } if (k > 11) { currect = line4; } int mink = k % 4; currect = guitools.GRectRelative(mink / 4f, 0, 1 / 4f, 1, currect); Inventory.InvItem curritem = theinv.inv[k]; guitools.TextureStyle(MenuStyle, Twhite); guitools.SetStyle(MenuStyle, guitools.RGB(220, 220, 220, 255), Color.black, (int)Math.Round(18f)); GUI.Label(guitools.GRectRelative(0.9f, currect), "", MenuStyle); if (curritem.socket.asock.name != "") { Vector2 mousepos = Converters.MouseToScreen(Input.mousePosition); curritem.DrawItem(currect, MenuStyle, Tvoid); if (guitools.isinrect(mousepos, currect)) { inventoryname = curritem.socket.asock.disname; } } guitools.TextureStyle(MenuStyle, Tvoid); guitools.SetStyle(MenuStyle, guitools.RGB(255, 255, 255, 255), Color.black, (int)Math.Round(18f)); if (GUI.Button(guitools.GRectRelative(0.9f, currect), "", MenuStyle)) { MouseInvHeld = curritem.InteractItem(MouseInvHeld, theinv, k); } } }
void DrawInventory(bool force = false) { if (isinvopen || force) { GUIStyle MenuStyle = new GUIStyle(prettyskinloseend.label); Rect darect = guitools.GRectRelative(0.25f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, SmallerRect); Rect line1 = guitools.GRectRelative(0, 0, 1, 0.15f, darect); Rect line2 = guitools.GRectRelative(0, 0.15f, 1, 0.2f, darect); Rect line3 = guitools.GRectRelative(0, 0.15f + 0.2f, 1, 0.2f, darect); Rect line4 = guitools.GRectRelative(0, 0.15f + 0.4f, 1, 0.2f, darect); Rect line5 = guitools.GRectRelative(0, 0.15f + 0.6f, 1, 0.05f, darect); Rect line6 = guitools.GRectRelative(0, 0.8f, 1, 0.2f, darect); Rect selectinv = guitools.GRectRelative(0, 0.1f, 0.25f, 0.8f, line1); guitools.SetStyle(MenuStyle, guitools.RGB(255, 255, 255, 255), Color.black, (int)Math.Round(18f)); GUI.Label(darect, "", MenuStyle); if(GUI.Button(guitools.GRectRelative(0,0,1/4f,1,selectinv),"I",MenuStyle)) { invsetting = 0; } if(GUI.Button(guitools.GRectRelative(1/4f,0,1/4f,1,selectinv),"R",MenuStyle)) { invsetting = 1; } if (invsetting == 0) { Rect currect = line2; guitools.SetStyle(MenuStyle, guitools.RGB(150, 150, 150, 255), Color.black, (int)Math.Round(18f)); guitools.TextureStyle(MenuStyle, Twhite); GUI.Label(guitools.GRectRelative(0.25f, 0.1f, 0.5f, 0.8f, line1), inventoryname, MenuStyle); GUI.Label(guitools.GRectRelative(0.8f, line5), "", MenuStyle); guitools.TextureStyle(MenuStyle, Tvoid); Inventory theinv = worldgen.maininfo.inv; Vector2 mousepos = Converters.MouseToScreen(Input.mousePosition); for (int k = 0; k < theinv.inv.Length; k++) { currect = line2; if (k > 9) { currect = line3; } if (k > 19) { currect = line4; } if (k > 29) { currect = line6; } int mink = k % 10; currect = guitools.GRectRelative(mink / 10f, 0, 1 / 10f, 1, currect); Inventory.InvItem curritem = theinv.inv[k]; if (curritem.num == 0) { theinv.inv[k].socket = new socketIG(); } if (k > 29) { controls.toolbar[mink] = theinv.inv[k]; } guitools.TextureStyle(MenuStyle, Twhite); guitools.SetStyle(MenuStyle, guitools.RGB(220, 220, 220, 255), Color.black, (int)Math.Round(18f)); GUI.Label(guitools.GRectRelative(0.9f, currect), "", MenuStyle); if (curritem.socket.asock.name != "") { curritem.DrawItem(currect, MenuStyle, Tvoid); if (guitools.isinrect(mousepos, currect)) { inventoryname = curritem.socket.asock.disname; } } guitools.TextureStyle(MenuStyle, Tvoid); guitools.SetStyle(MenuStyle, guitools.RGB(255, 255, 255, 255), Color.black, (int)Math.Round(18f)); if (GUI.Button(guitools.GRectRelative(0.9f, currect), "", MenuStyle)) { MouseInvHeld = curritem.InteractItem(MouseInvHeld, theinv, k); controls.toolbar[controls.seltoolbar] = theinv.inv[30 + controls.seltoolbar]; if (controls.toolbar[controls.seltoolbar].socket.asock.isgun) { NetworkerPhoton.RPCAnim(false, true, false, false, worldgen.maininfo.photonid); } else { NetworkerPhoton.RPCAnim(false, false, false, false, worldgen.maininfo.photonid); } } } } if (invsetting == 1) { RawInv theinv = worldgen.maininfo.rawinv; Rect lineend = guitools.GRectRelative(0, 0.85f, 1, 0.15f, darect); guitools.SetStyle(MenuStyle, guitools.RGB(150, 150, 150, 255), Color.black, (int)Math.Round(18f)); GUI.Label(guitools.GRectRelative(0.25f, 0.1f, 0.5f, 0.8f, line1), "Raw Ressource", MenuStyle); guitools.SetStyle(MenuStyle, guitools.RGB(150, 150, 150, 255), Color.black, (int)Math.Round(12f)); GUI.Label(guitools.GRectRelative(0, 0.1f, 1/3f, 0.8f, lineend, 0.9f), "MASS: " + theinv.readkg + "kg OF "+theinv.maxmass+"kg", MenuStyle); if (theinv.inv.Count < 30) { for (int k = 0; k < 30; k++) { Rect workingrect = guitools.GRectRelative(0, 0.15f, 1 / 3f, 0.7f, darect); if (k > 9) { workingrect = guitools.GRectRelative(1 / 3f, 0.15f, 1 / 3f, 0.7f, darect); } if (k > 19) { workingrect = guitools.GRectRelative(2 / 3f, 0.15f, 1 / 3f, 0.7f, darect); } int mink = k % 10; Rect slotrect = guitools.GRectRelative(0, mink / 10f, 1, 1 / 10f, workingrect,0.9f); guitools.SetStyle(MenuStyle, guitools.RGB(230, 230, 230, 255), Color.black, (int)Math.Round(10f)); GUI.Label(slotrect, "", MenuStyle); if(k < theinv.inv.Count) { guitools.SetStyle(MenuStyle, guitools.RGB(200, 200, 200, 255), Color.black, (int)Math.Round(8f)); GUI.Label(slotrect, "", MenuStyle); guitools.TextureStyle(MenuStyle, Tvoid); MenuStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; GUI.Label(guitools.GRectRelative(0, 0, 2 / 3f, 1, slotrect), theinv.inv[k].raw.name + ": ", MenuStyle); MenuStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleRight; GUI.Label(guitools.GRectRelative(0, 0, 2 / 3f, 1, slotrect),theinv.inv[k].readkg + "kg", MenuStyle); MenuStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; guitools.TextureStyle(MenuStyle, TArrowRight); guitools.SetStyle(MenuStyle, guitools.RGB(100, 100, 100, 255), Color.black, (int)Math.Round(10f)); GUI.Label(guitools.GRectRelative(0.2f,0,0.6f,1,guitools.GRectRelative(2 / 3f, 0, 1 / 6f, 1, slotrect, 0.9f)), "", MenuStyle); MenuStyle = new GUIStyle(prettyskinloseend.label); guitools.SetStyle(MenuStyle, guitools.RGB(175, 175, 175, 100), Color.black, (int)Math.Round(10f)); if (GUI.Button(guitools.GRectRelative(2 / 3f, 0, 1 / 6f, 1, slotrect), "", MenuStyle)) { if (isinteracting) { if (workingon.asock.israwinv) { float rest = workingon.asock.getrawinvs.aninv.add(theinv.inv[k].id, theinv.inv[k].kg); foreach (RawInv.rawlibitem item in theinv.inv) { if (item.id == theinv.inv[k].id) { item.kg = rest; } } reset: if (theinv.inv.Count > 0) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < theinv.inv.Count; k2++) { if (theinv.inv[k2].kg <= 0) { theinv.inv.RemoveAt(k2); goto reset; } } } } } } MenuStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; guitools.TextureStyle(MenuStyle, Twhite); } } } } if (MouseInvHeld.socket.asock.name != "") { Vector2 mousepos = Converters.MouseToScreen(Input.mousePosition); Rect arect = new Rect(mousepos.x, mousepos.y, line2.height, line2.height); MouseInvHeld.DrawItem(arect, MenuStyle, Tvoid); } } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (isonline) { isonfloor = (Mathf.Abs(blastz - lastz) == 0); Vector3 movedir = new Vector3(); ////Mouse if (cam.controlmouse) { if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") != 0) { if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") > 0) { seltoolbar += 1; seltoolbar = seltoolbar % 10; } else { seltoolbar += 9; seltoolbar = seltoolbar % 10; } if (selsock.isgun) { NetworkerPhoton.RPCAnim(false, true, false, false, worldgen.maininfo.photonid); } else { NetworkerPhoton.RPCAnim(false, false, false, false, worldgen.maininfo.photonid); } } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { if (aimedpoint.y > -800) { if (selsock.isobject) { } else { if (selsock.name != "" && toolbar[seltoolbar].num != 0) { Vector3 theangle = hiscam.eulerAngles; theangle = new Vector3(theangle.x / 90f, theangle.y / 90f, theangle.z / 90f); theangle = new Vector3(Mathf.RoundToInt(theangle.x), Mathf.RoundToInt(theangle.y), Mathf.RoundToInt(theangle.z)); theangle = 90 * theangle; if (PhotonNetwork.inRoom) { string thestring = fserial.saveasstring(selsock); NetworkerPhoton.RPCModTerrain(aimedpoint.x, aimedpoint.y, aimedpoint.z, thestring, theangle); } else { Environment.MarkBuild(aimedpoint, selsock, theangle); } toolbar[seltoolbar].num--; if (toolbar[seltoolbar].num == 0) { toolbar[seltoolbar] = new Inventory.InvItem(); } hissoundsyst.stoaudio(selsock.sound).Play(); } else { buttondown = true; downpresstime = Time.time; } } } } if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { buttondown = false; hissoundsyst.SWeld.Stop(); } if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { if (selsock.isgun) { if (Time.time - selsock.getgun.stamp > selsock.getgun.reset) { selsock.getgun.stamp = Time.time; NetworkerPhoton.RPCSound("shoot", worldgen.maininfo.photonid); NetworkerPhoton.RPCAnim(false, true, true, false, worldgen.maininfo.photonid); Vector3 pos = worldgen.maininfo.tinstance.transform.FindChild("camhook").FindChild("handskel").transform.position; Vector3 A = pos + worldgen.maininfo.tinstance.transform.FindChild("camhook").forward * 2; Vector3 B = pos + worldgen.maininfo.tinstance.transform.FindChild("camhook").forward * (2 + selsock.getgun.range); NetworkerPhoton.RPCPellet(A.x, A.y, A.z, B, 50, 150, "pellet", worldgen.maininfo.stats); } } if (aimedpoint.y > -800) { if (selsock.name != "") { } else { if (selsock.isobject) { } else { if (!hissoundsyst.SWeld.isPlaying) { hissoundsyst.SWeld.Play(); } if (Time.time - downpresstime > downpressmax) { ///SOLVE! if (Environment.getmapwmap(aimedpoint) != null) { if (Environment.getmapwmap(aimedpoint).asock.breakable) { if (PhotonNetwork.inRoom) { NetworkerPhoton.RPCAddDeath(aimedpoint.x, aimedpoint.y, aimedpoint.z); } else { Environment.MarkDead(aimedpoint); } if (Environment.getmapwmap(aimedpoint).asock.mineable) { gui.thelistofcaptures.Add("+1 " + Environment.getmapwmap(aimedpoint).asock.disname); int thenewint = -1; for (int k = 0; k < worldgen.maininfo.inv.inv.Length; k++) { if (worldgen.maininfo.inv.inv[k].socket.asock.name != "") { if (worldgen.maininfo.inv.inv[k].socket.asock.name == Environment.getmapwmap(aimedpoint).asock.name) { worldgen.maininfo.inv.inv[k].num += 1; thenewint = -2; break; } } else { if (thenewint < 0) { thenewint = k; } thenewint = k; } } if (thenewint >= 0) { worldgen.maininfo.inv.inv[thenewint] = new Inventory.InvItem(new socketIG(socket.copysocket(Environment.getmapwmap(aimedpoint).asock), new Vector3(), null), 1); if (thenewint > 29) { controls.toolbar[thenewint % 10] = worldgen.maininfo.inv.inv[thenewint]; } } } if (Environment.getmapwmap(aimedpoint).asock.isdrop) { foreach (RawInv.rawlibitem item in Environment.getmapwmap(aimedpoint).asock.getdrop.aninv.inv) { worldgen.maininfo.rawinv.add(item.id, item.kg); gui.thelistofcaptures.Add("+" + item.kg + "kg of " + item.raw.name); } } NetworkerPhoton.RPCDestroyBlock(aimedpoint.x, aimedpoint.y, aimedpoint.z); downpresstime = Time.time; } } } } } } else { hissoundsyst.SWeld.Stop(); } } } if (cam.controlkeys) { /// Keyboard if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.V)) { NetworkerPhoton.RPCLight(worldgen.maininfo.photonid); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R) && !isfightingmode) { if (!selsock.isgun) { NetworkerPhoton.RPCAnim(true, false, false, false, worldgen.maininfo.photonid); } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.U)) { socket[, ,] lib = new socket[16, 128, 16]; for (int k2 = lib.GetLength(1) - 1; k2 >= 0; k2--) { for (int k1 = 0; k1 <= 15; k1++) { for (int k3 = 0; k3 <= 15; k3++) { socketIG thenew = Environment.getmapwmap(new Vector3(k1, k2, k3)); if (thenew != null) { lib[k1, k2, k3] = socket.copysocket(thenew.asock); } } } } string astring = fserial.saveasstring(lib); socks = (socket[, ,])fserial.loadasobj(astring); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.J)) { StartCoroutine(UpdateChunks()); /// /// UpdateChunkss(); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.C)) { randforcolor = guitools.Colorific(); } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Z) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.UpArrow)) { movedir += hiscam.transform.forward * speed; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.DownArrow)) { movedir += hiscam.transform.forward * speed * -1f; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow)) { movedir += hiscam.transform.right * speed; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Q) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftArrow)) { movedir += hiscam.transform.right * speed * -1f; } bool spellcast = false; if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A) && isfightingmode) { if (worldgen.maininfo.askill.actmembers[0] != -1) { skill askill = worldgen.maininfo.askill.act0; if (Time.time - worldgen.maininfo.askill.actcool[0] > askill.cooldown) { worldgen.maininfo.askill.actcool[0] = Time.time; NetworkerPhoton.RPCAnim(false, false, false, true, worldgen.maininfo.photonid); NetworkerPhoton.RPCSkillSound(askill.dataname, worldgen.maininfo.photonid); askill.runmethod(); spellcast = true; } } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E) && isfightingmode) { if (worldgen.maininfo.askill.actmembers[1] != -1) { skill askill = worldgen.maininfo.askill.act1; if (Time.time - worldgen.maininfo.askill.actcool[1] > askill.cooldown) { worldgen.maininfo.askill.actcool[1] = Time.time; NetworkerPhoton.RPCAnim(false, false, false, true, worldgen.maininfo.photonid); NetworkerPhoton.RPCSkillSound(askill.dataname, worldgen.maininfo.photonid); askill.runmethod(); spellcast = true; } } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R) && isfightingmode) { if (worldgen.maininfo.askill.actmembers[2] != -1) { skill askill = worldgen.maininfo.askill.act2; if (Time.time - worldgen.maininfo.askill.actcool[2] > askill.cooldown) { worldgen.maininfo.askill.actcool[2] = Time.time; NetworkerPhoton.RPCAnim(false, false, false, true, worldgen.maininfo.photonid); NetworkerPhoton.RPCSkillSound(askill.dataname, worldgen.maininfo.photonid); askill.runmethod(); spellcast = true; } } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F) && isfightingmode) { if (worldgen.maininfo.askill.actmembers[3] != -1) { skill askill = worldgen.maininfo.askill.act3; if (Time.time - worldgen.maininfo.askill.actcool[3] > askill.cooldown) { worldgen.maininfo.askill.actcool[3] = Time.time; NetworkerPhoton.RPCAnim(false, false, false, true, worldgen.maininfo.photonid); NetworkerPhoton.RPCSkillSound(askill.dataname, worldgen.maininfo.photonid); askill.runmethod(); spellcast = true; } } } if (spellcast) { skill.getpasbystring("arcanemastery").anintval++; for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { if (worldgen.maininfo.askill.pasmembers[k] != -1) { if (skill.pas[worldgen.maininfo.askill.pasmembers[k]].dataname == "arcanemastery") { if (skill.getpasbystring("arcanemastery").anintval == 4) { skill.getpasbystring("arcanemastery").anintval = 0; worldgen.maininfo.askill.actcool[0] -= 4; worldgen.maininfo.askill.actcool[1] -= 4; worldgen.maininfo.askill.actcool[2] -= 4; worldgen.maininfo.askill.actcool[3] -= 4; } break; } } } } } if (cam.controlmove) { if(worldgen.maininfo.stats.dir != new Vector2(0,0)) { movedir = new Vector3(worldgen.maininfo.stats.dir.normalized.x,0,worldgen.maininfo.stats.dir.normalized.y) * speed; } movedir = movedir * Time.deltaTime; movedir *= worldgen.maininfo.stats.coefmouv; float jumpSpeed = 8.0F; float gravity = 10f; float max = -9.81f; max = -5; if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space)) { if ((worldgen.maininfo.oxg > 1f)) { worldgen.maininfo.oxg = worldgen.maininfo.oxg - Time.deltaTime * 0.158f * 40 * 4f; acc = 3 * 3f; if (!hissoundsyst.SJetPack.isPlaying) { hissoundsyst.SJetPack.Play(); } } else { if (isonfloor) { acc = 6; } worldgen.maininfo.oxg = 0f; } } else { if (hissoundsyst.SJetPack.isPlaying) { hissoundsyst.SJetPack.Stop(); } } if (isonfloor) { movedir.y = 0; } else { if (acc > max) { acc -= 15 * Time.deltaTime; } } if (Mathf.Abs(acc) < 0.1f) { acc = -1; } movedir.y = acc * Time.deltaTime; blastz = lastz; cont.Move(movedir); lastz = transform.position.y; } Vector3 mouseDelta = Input.mousePosition - lastMouseCoordinate; lastMouseCoordinate = Input.mousePosition; RaycastHit thehit = new RaycastHit(); if (selsock.isgun) { aimedpoint = new Vector3(0, -1000, 0); transcube.position = new Vector3(0, -1000, 0); } else { if (Physics.Raycast(new Ray(hiscam.transform.position, hiscam.transform.forward), out thehit, 5)) { if (selsock.name != "" && !selsock.isobject) { Vector3 pos = thehit.point - hiscam.transform.forward * 0.1f; pos = new Vector3(Mathf.RoundToInt(pos.x), Mathf.RoundToInt(pos.y), Mathf.RoundToInt(pos.z)); aimedpoint = pos; transcube.position = pos; } else { Vector3 pos = thehit.point + hiscam.transform.forward * 0.1f; pos = new Vector3(Mathf.RoundToInt(pos.x), Mathf.RoundToInt(pos.y), Mathf.RoundToInt(pos.z)); aimedpoint = pos; transcube.position = pos; } } else { aimedpoint = new Vector3(0, -1000, 0); transcube.position = new Vector3(0, -1000, 0); } } } }
public InvItem InteractItem(InvItem MouseInvHeld, Inventory theinv, int k) { if (Event.current.button == 1) { if (MouseInvHeld.num == 0) { if (socket.asock.name == "") { //nil } else { int taken = num / 2; MouseInvHeld = new Inventory.InvItem(socket, taken); theinv.inv[k] = new Inventory.InvItem(socket, num - taken); } } else { if (socket.asock.name == "") { int taken = MouseInvHeld.num / 2; theinv.inv[k] = new Inventory.InvItem(MouseInvHeld.socket, taken); MouseInvHeld = new Inventory.InvItem(MouseInvHeld.socket, MouseInvHeld.num - taken); } else { if (MouseInvHeld.socket.asock.name == socket.asock.name) { theinv.inv[k] = new Inventory.InvItem(MouseInvHeld.socket, num + MouseInvHeld.num); MouseInvHeld = new Inventory.InvItem(); } else { Inventory.InvItem BUFF = new Inventory.InvItem(MouseInvHeld.socket, MouseInvHeld.num); MouseInvHeld = new Inventory.InvItem(socket, num); theinv.inv[k] = new Inventory.InvItem(BUFF.socket, BUFF.num); } } } } else { if (MouseInvHeld.num == 0) { if (socket.asock.name == "") { //nil } else { MouseInvHeld = new Inventory.InvItem(socket, num); theinv.inv[k] = new Inventory.InvItem(); } } else { if (socket.asock.name == "") { theinv.inv[k] = new Inventory.InvItem(MouseInvHeld.socket, MouseInvHeld.num); MouseInvHeld = new Inventory.InvItem(); } else { if (MouseInvHeld.socket.asock.name == socket.asock.name) { theinv.inv[k] = new Inventory.InvItem(MouseInvHeld.socket, num + MouseInvHeld.num); MouseInvHeld = new Inventory.InvItem(); } else { Inventory.InvItem BUFF = new Inventory.InvItem(MouseInvHeld.socket, MouseInvHeld.num); MouseInvHeld = new Inventory.InvItem(socket, num); theinv.inv[k] = new Inventory.InvItem(BUFF.socket, BUFF.num); } } } } return MouseInvHeld; }