예제 #1
        private void ConfigureControls()
            imgGspLogo.ImageUrl = Util.GetUrl("/images/gsp_logo_313x75.png");
            hlHome.NavigateUrl  = Util.GetCurrentPageUrl();

            // The global error handler in Gallery.cs should have, just prior to transferring to this page, the original
            // InvalidLicenseException instance. Grab this instance and display its message.
            InvalidLicenseException ex = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items["CurrentException"] as InvalidLicenseException;

            if (ex != null)
                litErrorInfo.Text = Util.HtmlEncode(ex.Message);
                litErrorInfo.Text = Util.HtmlEncode(new InvalidLicenseException().Message);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle all unhandled exceptions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The object that generated the event.</param>
        /// <param name="dispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventArgs">Information about the exception event.</param>
        void OnDispatcherUnhandledException(Object sender, DispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventArgs dispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventArgs)
            // A certain class of errors should kill the application, others will just mortally wound it.  This is used to euthanize the application when the right
            // conditions arise.
            Boolean isFatal = false;

            // This string will collect the error message that is eventually displayed to the user after the exceptions are examined in order of importance to the
            // user.  The more generic exceptions are examined first and then, if more specific information is available, it will overwrite the generic message.
            String errorMessage = null;

            // This handler will try to extract the most specific error message and work its way up to the least specific.  As a general rule, if a specific error
            // message can be made more friendly for the user, the effort is made to provide a less technical description and a more action-oriented message.
            if (dispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventArgs.Exception.InnerException != null)
                // The inner exception has the real reason for this exception.
                Exception innerException = dispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventArgs.Exception.InnerException;

                // This will determine if the invalid period for a license has expired and provide detailed instructions about how to correct the error
                // including the product name and manufacturer.
                InvalidLicenseException invalidlicenseException = innerException as InvalidLicenseException;
                if (invalidlicenseException != null)
                    IProductId iProductId = invalidlicenseException.Instance as IProductId;
                    errorMessage = ExceptionMessage.Format(
                    isFatal = true;

                // This will determine if the evaluation period for a license has expired and provide detailed instructions about how to correct the error
                // including the product name and manufacturer.
                EvaluationLicenseException evaluationlicenseException = innerException as EvaluationLicenseException;
                if (evaluationlicenseException != null)
                    IProductId iProductId = evaluationlicenseException.Instance as IProductId;
                    errorMessage = ExceptionMessage.Format(
                    isFatal = true;

                // This will determine if the a valid license has expired and provide detailed instructions about how to correct the error including the product
                // name and manufacturer.
                ExpiredLicenseException expiredlicenseException = innerException as ExpiredLicenseException;
                if (expiredlicenseException != null)
                    IProductId iProductId = expiredlicenseException.Instance as IProductId;
                    errorMessage = ExceptionMessage.Format(
                    isFatal = true;

                // If a message wasn't extracted for a specific purpose above then use the general message associated with the inner exception as the text that the
                // user will see.
                if (errorMessage == null)
                    errorMessage = dispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventArgs.Exception.InnerException.Message;

            // The handling of this event works from the most specific error message to the least specific.  If no error message has been extracted by this point
            // the message associated with the exception that generated this event is used as the most general message.
            if (errorMessage == null)
                errorMessage = dispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventArgs.Exception.Message;

            // Display the message associated with the exception to the user.
            MessageBox.Show(errorMessage, Teraque.ExplorerChromeExample.Properties.Resources.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);

            // If the error was fatal then shut down the application.
            if (isFatal)

            // The exceptions will not kill the program.
            dispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventArgs.Handled = true;