예제 #1
    private void PrintInterventionAll(int SOID)
            string html = "";
            Interventions inter = new Interventions();
            Collection<Interventions> _list = new Collection<Interventions>();
            _list = inter.GetInterventionByStudentOID(SOID);

            //if (inter != null)
            if (_list.Count != 0)
                foreach (Interventions iv in _list)
                    Student stdnt = new Student();
                    // stdnt = stdnt.GetStudentByOID(inter.StudentOID);
                    stdnt = stdnt.GetStudentByOID(SOID);
                    if (stdnt != null)

                        //Create Html
                        html += "<table width='100%' ><tr><td><img alt='Logo' src='../../images/chippewavtc_logo.jpg' /></td><td style='text-align:center;'><span style='font-size:medium;font-weight:bold;'> Steps to Success: CVTC's commitment to helping YOU succeed!</span><br/><span style='text-align:center;'> Inventory of Student Success: Personalized Success Plan </span></td></tr></table>";
                        html += "<table width='100%'><tr><td style='width:45%;'>Success Steps For:<br />First:" + stdnt.FirstName + "  Last: " + stdnt.LastName + "</td><td> <div style='background-color: #C0C0C0;float:left;width:20%;'>Program&nbsp;&nbsp;</div><div style='padding-left:10px;border:solid 1px black;width:75%; float:left;'>" + stdnt.MajorProgramEnrollment + "</div></td></tr></table>";
                        // html += "<table width='100%'><tr><td>Success Steps For:<br />First: Abdul Last: Karim</td><td>                                <div style=' background-color: #C0C0C0;float:left;width:20%; '>Program&nbsp;&nbsp;</div><div style='padding-left:10px;border:solid 1px black;width:78%; float:left;'>Information Technology </div></td></tr></table>";
                        html += "<table width='100%'><tr><td style='border:solid 1px black;'>Inventory of Student Success results provide comparsions of your attitudes and confidence with other<br />    entering CVTC students in key focus areas that could affect your academic performance and program<br /> persistance:     </td></tr></table>";
                        html += "<table style='width: 100%;'>";

                        //Get Sectionwise Student Rank
                        StudentRank studentRank = new StudentRank();
                        //Collection<StudentRank> srLIST = studentRank.GetStudentRankBySOIDandAOID(SOID,22);
                        Collection<StudentRank> srLIST = studentRank.GetStudentRankByOID(SOID);
                        //for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                        foreach (StudentRank stRank in srLIST)

                            html += "<tr>";
                            html += "<td style='border:solid 1px black;background-color:#727272;width:200px;'>" + stRank.SectionName + "</td>";
                            html += "<td style='border:solid 1px black;width:50px;text-align:center;'>" + stRank.Rank.ToString() + "</td>";
                            html += "<td style='border:solid 1px black;'>" + stRank.Comment + "</td>";
                            html += "</tr>";
                        html += "</table>";

                        html += "<table style='width: 100%; border:solid 1px black;'>    <tr  >    <td>COMPASS test scores measure your academic readiness for college coursework in four broad areas:</td>    </tr>        </table>";

                        html += " <table style='width: 60%; '>    <tr><td style='background-color:#727272;width:200px;'>COMPASS Pre-Algebra</td><td style='width:100px; border:solid 1px black;'>" + stdnt.PrealgebraTestScore + "</td><td style='background-color:#727272;width:200px;'>COMPASS Writing</td><td style='width:100px; border:solid 1px black;'>" + stdnt.CompassWrittingTestScore + "</td></tr>   <tr><td style='background-color:#727272;width:200px;'>COMPASS Algebra</td><td style='width:100px; border:solid 1px black;'>" + stdnt.CompassalgebraTestScore + "</td><td style='background-color:#727272;width:200px;'>COMPASS Reading</td><td style='width:100px; border:solid 1px black;'>" + stdnt.CompassReadingTestScore + "</td></tr> </table>";
                        html += "<br/>";
                        //Last Part Intervention
                        html += "<table style='width: 100%; '>";
                        html += "<tr><td style='width:60px;font-size:medium;font-weight:bold;'>Step 1</td><td style='background-color:#727272;width:100px;'> Plan Target</td><td>" + inter.DomainName + "</td><td></td></tr>";
                        html += "<tr><td >&nbsp;</td><td style='background-color:#727272;width:100px;'> Intervention</td><td>" + inter.InterventionName + "</td><td></td></tr>";
                        html += "<tr><td >&nbsp;</td><td > &nbsp;</td><td style='background-color:#727272; width:150px;'>CVTC Advocate </td><td>" + inter.UserName + "</td></tr>";
                        html += "<tr><td >&nbsp;</td><td > &nbsp;</td><td style='background-color:#727272; width:100px;'>Action Date </td><td>" + inter.LatestActionDate;
                        html += "&nbsp;&nbsp;Prescribed&nbsp;";
                        if (inter.Prescribed == 1)
                            html += "<img alt='' src='../../images/tic-pic.png' />";
                            html += "<img alt='' src='../../images/nonetic-pic.png' />";

                        html += "&nbsp;Participating&nbsp;";
                        if (inter.Participating == 1)
                            html += "<img alt='' src='../../images/tic-pic.png' />";
                            html += "<img alt='' src='../../images/nonetic-pic.png' />";

                        html += "&nbsp;Internal&nbsp;";
                        if (inter.Internal == 1)
                            html += "<img alt='' src='../../images/tic-pic.png' />";
                            html += "<img alt='' src='../../images/nonetic-pic.png' />";

                        html += "&nbsp;Urgent&nbsp;";
                        if (inter.Urgent == 1)
                            html += "<img alt='' src='../../images/tic-pic.png' />";
                            html += "<img alt='' src='../../images/nonetic-pic.png' />";

                        html += "&nbsp;Completed&nbsp;";
                        if (inter.Completed == 1)
                            html += "<img alt='' src='../../images/tic-pic.png' />";
                            html += "<img alt='' src='../../images/nonetic-pic.png' />";

                        html += "</td></tr>";
                        html += "<tr><td >&nbsp;</td><td > &nbsp;</td><td style='background-color:#727272; width:100px;'>Contact Date </td><td>" + inter.LatestContact;
                        html += "&nbsp;&nbsp;Email&nbsp;";
                        if (inter.Email == 1)
                            html += "<img alt='' src='../../images/tic-pic.png' />";
                            html += "<img alt='' src='../../images/nonetic-pic.png' />";
                        html += "&nbsp;&nbsp;Telephone&nbsp;";
                        if (inter.Telephone == 1)
                            html += "<img alt='' src='../../images/tic-pic.png' />";
                            html += "<img alt='' src='../../images/nonetic-pic.png' />";
                        html += "&nbsp;&nbsp;In Person&nbsp;";
                        if (inter.InPerson == 1)
                            html += "<img alt='' src='../../images/tic-pic.png' />";
                            html += "<img alt='' src='../../images/nonetic-pic.png' />";
                        html += "&nbsp;&nbsp;Hand-Off&nbsp;";
                        if (inter.HandOff == 1)
                            html += "<img alt='' src='../../images/tic-pic.png' />";
                            html += "<img alt='' src='../../images/nonetic-pic.png' />";
                        html += "&nbsp;&nbsp;Testing&nbsp;";
                        if (inter.Testing == 1)
                            html += "<img alt='' src='../../images/tic-pic.png' />";
                            html += "<img alt='' src='../../images/nonetic-pic.png' />";

                        html += "</td></tr>";
                        html += "</table>";


                html += "<script type =\"text/javascript\">";
                html += "printDiv();";
                html += "</script>";
                print_div1.InnerHtml = html;
        catch (Exception ex)
        { }
예제 #2
    private void PopulateGridIntervention(int RISKOID)
        int UserOID = 0;
        User user = new User();
        user = Session["CurrentUser"] as User;
        if (user != null)
            UserOID = user.UserOID;
        Interventions inv = null;// new Interventions();
        Student stu = new Student();
        Collection<Interventions> IntListStd = new Collection<Interventions>();
        Collection<Interventions> IntListRisk = new Collection<Interventions>();
        int i = stu.GetStudentOIDByStudentBannerID(lblID.Text.ToString());
        if (i > 0)
            inv = new Interventions();
            IntListStd = inv.GetInterventionByStudentOID(i, "1", "10", UserOID);
            //GridViewIntervention.DataSource = inv.GetInterventionByStudentOID(i, "1", "10");

        if (RISKOID > 0)

            inv = new Interventions();
            inv = inv.GetInterventionByRiskOID(RISKOID, lblID.Text.ToString(), "1", "10", UserOID);
            if (inv != null)


        GridViewIntervention.DataSource = IntListStd;