예제 #1
 public void Start(MyModel model, MyLine line, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.DIRECT_TRIANGLES)
     result = null;
     m_model = model;
     m_line = line;
     m_flags = flags;
예제 #2
        //  Calculates intersection of line with any triangleVertexes in this model instance. Closest intersection and intersected triangleVertexes will be returned.
        internal override bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref LineD line, out MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? t, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
            t = null;
            return false;

            //Matrix invWorld = Matrix.Invert(WorldMatrix);
            //Vector3 from = Vector3.Transform(line.From, invWorld);
            //Vector3 to = Vector3.Transform(line.To, invWorld);

            //Line lineLocal = new Line(from, to);

            //bool res = base.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line, out t, flags);

            //if (res)
            //    var definition = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetCubeBlockDefinition(new MyDefinitionId(MyObjectBuilderTypeEnum.Ladder));
            //    if (definition.ExcludedAreaForCamera != null)
            //    {
            //        foreach (var b in definition.ExcludedAreaForCamera)
            //        {
            //            if (b.Contains(t.Value.IntersectionPointInObjectSpace) == ContainmentType.Contains)
            //            {
            //                t = null;
            //                return false;
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }

            //return res;
예제 #3
        public Sandbox.Common.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? GetIntersectionWithLine(IMyEntity physObject, ref LineD line, ref MatrixD customInvMatrix, IntersectionFlags flags)
            LineD lineInModelSpace = new LineD(Vector3D.Transform(line.From, ref customInvMatrix), Vector3D.Transform(line.To, ref customInvMatrix));

            MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? ret = m_rootNode.GetIntersectionWithLine(physObject, m_model, ref lineInModelSpace, null, flags);

            return ret;
예제 #4
        public MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? GetIntersectionWithLine(MyEntity physObject, ref MyLine line, ref Matrix customInvMatrix, IntersectionFlags flags)
            MyLine lineInModelSpace = new MyLine(MyUtils.GetTransform(line.From, ref customInvMatrix), MyUtils.GetTransform(line.To, ref customInvMatrix), true);

            MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? ret = m_rootNode.GetIntersectionWithLine(physObject, m_model, ref lineInModelSpace, null, flags);

            return ret;
예제 #5
        //  Calculates intersection of line with any triangleVertexes in this model. Closest intersection and intersected triangleVertexes will be returned.
        //  This method is fast, it uses octree.
        public Sandbox.Common.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? GetIntersectionWithLine(IMyEntity physObject, ref LineD line, IntersectionFlags flags)
            BoundingSphereD vol = physObject.WorldVolume;
            //  Check if line intersects phys object's current bounding sphere, and if not, return 'no intersection'
            if (MyUtils.IsLineIntersectingBoundingSphere(ref line, ref vol) == false) return null;

            //  Transform line into 'model instance' local/object space. Bounding box of a line is needed!!
            MatrixD worldInv = physObject.GetWorldMatrixNormalizedInv();

            return GetIntersectionWithLine(physObject, ref line, ref worldInv, flags);
예제 #6
        //  Difference between GetIntersectionWithLine and GetIntersectionWithLineRecursive is that the later doesn't calculate
        //  final result, but is better suited for recursive nature of octree. Don't call GetIntersectionWithLineRecursive() from
        //  the outisde of this class, it's private method.
        public MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? GetIntersectionWithLine(MyEntity physObject, MyModel model, ref MyLine line, float? minDistanceUntilNow, IntersectionFlags flags)
            MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle? foundTriangle = GetIntersectionWithLineRecursive(model, ref line, minDistanceUntilNow);

            if (foundTriangle != null)
                return new MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx(foundTriangle.Value, physObject, ref line);
                return null;
        public MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? GetIntersectionWithLine(MyEntity physObject, ref MyLine line, ref Matrix customInvMatrix, IntersectionFlags flags)
            MyLine lineInModelSpace = new MyLine(MyUtils.GetTransform(line.From, ref customInvMatrix), MyUtils.GetTransform(line.To, ref customInvMatrix), true);

            //MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle? result = null;

            m_result.Start(m_model, lineInModelSpace, flags);

            var dir = new IndexedVector3(lineInModelSpace.Direction);
            var from = new IndexedVector3(lineInModelSpace.From);

            m_bvh.RayQueryClosest(ref dir, ref from, m_result.ProcessTriangleHandler);

            if (m_result.Result.HasValue)
                return new MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx(m_result.Result.Value, physObject, ref lineInModelSpace);
                return null;
예제 #8
 //  Calculates intersection of line with any triangleVertexes in this model instance. Closest intersection and intersected triangleVertexes will be returned.
 internal override bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref LineD line, out MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?t, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
     t = null;
 public void GetTrianglesIntersectingLine(IMyEntity entity, ref LineD line, IntersectionFlags flags, List<MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx> result)
     MatrixD worldInv = entity.PositionComp.WorldMatrixNormalizedInv;
     GetTrianglesIntersectingLine(entity, ref line, ref worldInv, flags, result);
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates intersected block with all models replaced by final models. Useful for construction/deconstruction when models are made from wooden construction.
        /// </summary>
        public bool GetIntersectionWithLine_FullyBuiltProgressModels(ref LineD line, out VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? t, out ushort blockId, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES, bool checkZFight = false, bool ignoreGenerated = false)
            t = null;
            blockId = 0;

            double distanceSquaredInCompound = double.MaxValue;

            bool foundIntersection = false;

            foreach (var blockPair in m_mapIdToBlock)
                MySlimBlock cmpSlimBlock = blockPair.Value;

                if (ignoreGenerated && cmpSlimBlock.BlockDefinition.IsGeneratedBlock)

                MyModel collisionModel = MyModels.GetModelOnlyData(cmpSlimBlock.BlockDefinition.Model);
                if (collisionModel != null)
                    VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? intersectionTriResult = collisionModel.GetTrianglePruningStructure().GetIntersectionWithLine(
                        cmpSlimBlock.FatBlock, ref line, flags);

                    if (intersectionTriResult != null)
                        Vector3D startToIntersection = intersectionTriResult.Value.IntersectionPointInWorldSpace - line.From;
                        double instrDistanceSq = startToIntersection.LengthSquared();
                        if (instrDistanceSq < distanceSquaredInCompound)
                            if (checkZFight && distanceSquaredInCompound < instrDistanceSq + 0.001f)

                            distanceSquaredInCompound = instrDistanceSq;
                            t = intersectionTriResult;
                            blockId = blockPair.Key;
                            foundIntersection = true;

            return foundIntersection;
예제 #11
        public void GetTrianglesIntersectingLine(IMyEntity entity, ref LineD line, IntersectionFlags flags, List <MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx> result)
            MatrixD worldInv = entity.PositionComp.WorldMatrixNormalizedInv;

            GetTrianglesIntersectingLine(entity, ref line, ref worldInv, flags, result);
예제 #12
 public override bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref LineD worldLine, out Vector3D? v, bool useCollisionModel = true, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
     MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? result;
     GetIntersectionWithLine(ref worldLine, out result);
     v = null;
     if (result != null)
         v = result.Value.IntersectionPointInWorldSpace;
         return true;
     return false;
예제 #13
        public override bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref MyLine line, out Vector3?v, bool useCollisionModel = true, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
            v = null;
            Ray   ray = new Ray(line.From, line.Direction);
            float?ds  = null;

            if (EntityDetectorType == MyEntityDetectorType.Box)
                ds = ray.Intersects(this.WorldAABB);
            else if (EntityDetectorType == MyEntityDetectorType.Sphere)
                ds = ray.Intersects(new BoundingSphere(WorldMatrix.Translation, m_radius));

            if (ds == null)
            v = line.From + line.Direction * ds;
예제 #14
 //  Calculates intersection of line with any triangleVertexes in this model instance. Closest intersection and intersected triangleVertexes will be returned.
 public override bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref LineD line, out VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?t, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
     t = null;
예제 #15
        public bool Intersect(ref Line localLine, out VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle result, IntersectionFlags flags)

            ProfilerShort.Begin("VoxelMap.LineIntersection AABB sweep");
                new Vector3I(0, 0, 0),
                m_cellsCount - 1

            ProfilerShort.Begin("VoxelMap.LineIntersection test AABBs");
            float?      minDistanceUntilNow = null;
            BoundingBox cellBoundingBox;
            MyCellCoord cell = new MyCellCoord();

            VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle?tmpResult = null;
            for (int index = 0; index < m_sweepResultCache.Count; index++)
                cell.CoordInLod = m_sweepResultCache[index];

                MyVoxelCoordSystems.GeometryCellCoordToLocalAABB(ref cell.CoordInLod, out cellBoundingBox);

                float?distanceToBoundingBox = MyUtils.GetLineBoundingBoxIntersection(ref localLine, ref cellBoundingBox);

                // Sweep results are sorted; when we get far enough, make an early exit
                const float earlyOutDistance = 1.948557f * MyVoxelConstants.GEOMETRY_CELL_SIZE_IN_METRES;  // = sqrt(3) * 9/8 * cell_side
                if (minDistanceUntilNow != null && distanceToBoundingBox != null && minDistanceUntilNow + earlyOutDistance < distanceToBoundingBox.Value)

                //  Get cell from cache. If not there, precalc it and store in the cache.
                //  If null is returned, we know that cell doesn't contain any triangleVertexes so we don't need to do intersections.
                CellData cachedDataCell = GetCell(ref cell);

                if (cachedDataCell == null || cachedDataCell.VoxelTrianglesCount == 0)

                GetCellLineIntersectionOctree(ref tmpResult, ref localLine, ref minDistanceUntilNow, cachedDataCell, flags);


            result = tmpResult ?? default(VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle);
예제 #16
        public override bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref MyLine line, out Vector3?v, bool useCollisionModel = true, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
            v = null;
            BoundingBox box = BoundingBox.CreateFromSphere(new BoundingSphere(GetPosition(), m_selectionBox.Size().X));
            float?      dt  = MyUtils.GetLineBoundingBoxIntersection(ref line, ref box);

            if (dt == null)

            v = line.From + line.Direction * dt;
예제 #17
        //  Method finds intersection with line and any voxel triangleVertexes in this voxel map. Closes intersection is returned.
        internal override bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref Line worldLine, out MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?t, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
            t = null;

            float intersectionDistance;

            if (!m_worldAABB.Intersects(worldLine, out intersectionDistance))

                return(Geometry.Intersect(ref worldLine, out t, flags));
예제 #18
        public override bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref MyLine line, out MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?t, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
            t = null;
            foreach (MyPrefabBase prefab in m_prefabs)
                MyEntity entity = prefab as MyEntity;
                entity.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line, out prefabIntersectionResult);
                t = MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx.GetCloserIntersection(ref t, ref prefabIntersectionResult);

            return(t != null);
예제 #19
        public VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?GetIntersectionWithLine(IMyEntity entity, ref LineD line, IntersectionFlags flags)
            BoundingSphereD vol = entity.PositionComp.WorldVolume;

            //  Check if line intersects phys object's current bounding sphere, and if not, return 'no intersection'
            if (MyUtils.IsLineIntersectingBoundingSphere(ref line, ref vol) == false)

            //  Transform line into 'model instance' local/object space. Bounding box of a line is needed!!
            MatrixD worldInv = entity.PositionComp.WorldMatrixInvScaled;

            return(GetIntersectionWithLine(entity, ref line, ref worldInv, flags));
예제 #20
        public void GetTrianglesIntersectingLine(IMyEntity entity, ref LineD line, ref MatrixD customInvMatrix, IntersectionFlags flags, List <MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx> result)
            LineD lineInModelSpace = new LineD(Vector3D.Transform(line.From, ref customInvMatrix), Vector3D.Transform(line.To, ref customInvMatrix));

            m_resultAll.Start(m_model, lineInModelSpace, flags);

            var dir  = lineInModelSpace.Direction.ToBullet();
            var from = lineInModelSpace.From.ToBullet();

            m_bvh.RayQuery(ref dir, ref from, m_resultAll.ProcessTriangleHandler);


            foreach (var intersection in m_resultAll.Result)
                result.Add(new VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx(intersection, entity, ref lineInModelSpace));
예제 #21
        public VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? GetIntersectionWithLine(IMyEntity entity, ref LineD line, IntersectionFlags flags)
            BoundingSphereD vol = entity.PositionComp.WorldVolume;
            //  Check if line intersects phys object's current bounding sphere, and if not, return 'no intersection'
            if (MyUtils.IsLineIntersectingBoundingSphere(ref line, ref vol) == false) return null;

            //  Transform line into 'model instance' local/object space. Bounding box of a line is needed!!
            MatrixD worldInv = entity.PositionComp.WorldMatrixInvScaled;

            return GetIntersectionWithLine(entity, ref line, ref worldInv, flags);
예제 #22
         * protected override void Explode()
         * {
         *  MyExplosion newExplosion = MyExplosions.AddExplosion();
         *  if (newExplosion != null)
         *  {
         * BoundingSphere explosionSphere = WorldVolumeHr;
         * explosionSphere.Radius *= m_config.ExplosionRadiusMultiplier;
         * MyVoxelMap voxelMap = MyVoxelMaps.GetOverlappingWithSphere(ref explosionSphere);
         * MyExplosionDebrisModel.CreateExplosionDebris(ref explosionSphere, MyGroupMask.Empty, this, voxelMap);
         * newExplosion.Start(0, MyPrefabConstants.VOLUME_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER * m_config.ExplosionDamageMultiplier * WorldVolumeHr.Radius, 0, m_config.ExplosionType, explosionSphere, MyExplosionsConstants.EXPLOSION_LIFESPAN);
         *  }
         * }               */

        public override bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref MyLine line, out MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?t, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
            return(m_gun.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line, out t));
예제 #23
        //  Difference between GetIntersectionWithLine and GetIntersectionWithLineRecursive is that the later doesn't calculate
        //  final result, but is better suited for recursive nature of octree. Don't call GetIntersectionWithLineRecursive() from
        //  the outisde of this class, it's private method.
        public MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?GetIntersectionWithLine(IMyEntity physObject, MyModel model, ref LineD line, double?minDistanceUntilNow, IntersectionFlags flags)
            MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle?foundTriangle = GetIntersectionWithLineRecursive(model, ref line, minDistanceUntilNow);

            if (foundTriangle != null)
                return(new MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx(foundTriangle.Value, physObject, ref line));
예제 #24
 public override bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref MyLine line, out Vector3?v, bool useCollisionModel = true, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
     return(m_gun.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line, out v, useCollisionModel));
예제 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns closest hit from line start position.
        /// </summary>
        public bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref LineD line, ref MyCharacterHitInfo info, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
            // TODO: This now uses caspule of physics rigid body on the character, it needs to be changed to ragdoll
            //       Currently this approach will be used to support Characters with different skeleton than humanoid
            if (info == null)
                info = new MyCharacterHitInfo();


            bool capsulesReady = UpdateCapsuleBones();
            if (!capsulesReady)
                return false;

            double closestDistanceToHit = double.MaxValue;

            Vector3D hitPosition = Vector3D.Zero;
            Vector3D hitPosition2 = Vector3D.Zero;
            Vector3 hitNormal = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 hitNormal2 = Vector3.Zero;

            int capsuleIndex = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < m_bodyCapsules.Length; i++)
                CapsuleD capsule = m_bodyCapsules[i];
                if (capsule.Intersect(line, ref hitPosition, ref hitPosition2, ref hitNormal, ref hitNormal2))
                    double distanceToHit = Vector3.Distance(hitPosition, line.From);
                    if (distanceToHit >= closestDistanceToHit)

                    closestDistanceToHit = distanceToHit;
                    capsuleIndex = i;

            if (capsuleIndex != -1)
                Matrix worldMatrix = PositionComp.WorldMatrix;
                int boneIndex = FindBestBone(capsuleIndex, ref hitPosition, ref worldMatrix);

                // Transform line to model static position and compute accurate collision there
                // 1. Transform line in local coordinates (used later)
                Matrix worldMatrixInv = PositionComp.WorldMatrixNormalizedInv;
                Vector3 fromTrans = Vector3.Transform(line.From, ref worldMatrixInv);
                Vector3 toTrans = Vector3.Transform(line.To, ref worldMatrixInv);
                LineD lineLocal = new LineD(fromTrans, toTrans);

                // 2. Transform line to to bone pose in binding position
                var bone = AnimationController.CharacterBones[boneIndex];
                Matrix boneAbsTrans = bone.AbsoluteTransform;
                Matrix skinTransform = bone.SkinTransform;
                Matrix boneTrans = skinTransform * boneAbsTrans;
                Matrix invBoneTrans = Matrix.Invert(boneTrans);
                fromTrans = Vector3.Transform(fromTrans, ref invBoneTrans);
                toTrans = Vector3.Transform(toTrans, ref invBoneTrans);

                // 3. Move back line to world coordinates
                LineD lineTransWorld = new LineD(Vector3.Transform(fromTrans, ref worldMatrix), Vector3.Transform(toTrans, ref worldMatrix));
                MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? triangle_;
                bool success = base.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref lineTransWorld, out triangle_, flags);
                if (success)
                    MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx triangle = triangle_.Value;

                    info.CapsuleIndex = capsuleIndex;
                    info.BoneIndex = boneIndex;
                    info.Capsule = m_bodyCapsules[info.CapsuleIndex];
                    info.HitHead = info.CapsuleIndex == 0 && m_bodyCapsules.Length > 1;
                    info.HitPositionBindingPose = triangle.IntersectionPointInObjectSpace;
                    info.HitNormalBindingPose = triangle.NormalInObjectSpace;

                    // 4. Move intersection from binding to dynamic pose
                    MyTriangle_Vertexes vertices = new MyTriangle_Vertexes();
                    vertices.Vertex0 = Vector3.Transform(triangle.Triangle.InputTriangle.Vertex0, ref boneTrans);
                    vertices.Vertex1 = Vector3.Transform(triangle.Triangle.InputTriangle.Vertex1, ref boneTrans);
                    vertices.Vertex2 = Vector3.Transform(triangle.Triangle.InputTriangle.Vertex2, ref boneTrans);
                    Vector3 triangleNormal = Vector3.TransformNormal(triangle.Triangle.InputTriangleNormal, boneTrans);
                    MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle triraw = new MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle(ref vertices, ref triangleNormal, triangle.Triangle.Distance);

                    Vector3 intersectionLocal = Vector3.Transform(triangle.IntersectionPointInObjectSpace, ref boneTrans);
                    Vector3 normalLocal = Vector3.TransformNormal(triangle.NormalInObjectSpace, boneTrans);

                    // 5. Store results
                    triangle = new MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx();
                    triangle.Triangle = triraw;
                    triangle.IntersectionPointInObjectSpace = intersectionLocal;
                    triangle.NormalInObjectSpace = normalLocal;
                    triangle.IntersectionPointInWorldSpace = Vector3.Transform(intersectionLocal, ref worldMatrix);
                    triangle.NormalInWorldSpace = Vector3.TransformNormal(normalLocal, worldMatrix);
                    triangle.InputLineInObjectSpace = lineLocal;

                    info.Triangle = triangle;

                    if (MyDebugDrawSettings.ENABLE_DEBUG_DRAW)
                        MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawCapsule(info.Capsule.P0, info.Capsule.P1, info.Capsule.Radius, Color.Aqua, false, persistent: true);

                        Vector3 p0Local = Vector3.Transform(info.Capsule.P0, ref worldMatrixInv);
                        Vector3 p1Local = Vector3.Transform(info.Capsule.P1, ref worldMatrixInv);
                        Vector3 p0LocalTrans = Vector3.Transform(p0Local, ref invBoneTrans);
                        Vector3 p1LocalTrans = Vector3.Transform(p1Local, ref invBoneTrans);
                        MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawCapsule(Vector3.Transform(p0LocalTrans, ref worldMatrix), Vector3.Transform(p1LocalTrans, ref worldMatrix), info.Capsule.Radius, Color.Brown, false, persistent: true);

                        MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawLine3D(line.From, line.To, Color.Blue, Color.Red, false, true);
                        MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawLine3D(lineTransWorld.From, lineTransWorld.To, Color.Green, Color.Yellow, false, true);
                        MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawSphere(triangle.IntersectionPointInWorldSpace, 0.02f, Color.Red, 1, false, persistent: true);
                        MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawAxis((MatrixD)boneTrans * WorldMatrix, 0.1f, false, true, true);

                    return true;

            return false;
예제 #26
        internal bool Intersect(ref Line worldLine, out MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?result, IntersectionFlags flags)
            Line localLine = new Line(worldLine.From - m_voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner,
                                      worldLine.To - m_voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner, true);

            Profiler.Begin("VoxelMap.LineIntersection AABB sweep");
                new Vector3I(0, 0, 0),
                m_cellsCount - 1

            Profiler.Begin("VoxelMap.LineIntersection test AABBs");
            float?      minDistanceUntilNow = null;
            BoundingBox cellBoundingBox;
            Vector3I    cellCoord;
            MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle?tmpResult = null;

            for (int index = 0; index < m_sweepResultCache.Count; index++)
                var coord = m_sweepResultCache[index];
                cellCoord = coord;

                GetDataCellBoundingBox(ref cellCoord, out cellBoundingBox);

                float?distanceToBoundingBox = MyUtils.GetLineBoundingBoxIntersection(ref worldLine, ref cellBoundingBox);

                // Sweep results are sorted; when we get far enough, make an early exit
                const float earlyOutDistance = 1.948557f * MyVoxelConstants.GEOMETRY_CELL_SIZE_IN_METRES;  // = sqrt(3) * 9/8 * cell_side
                if (minDistanceUntilNow != null && distanceToBoundingBox != null && minDistanceUntilNow + earlyOutDistance < distanceToBoundingBox.Value)

                //  Get cell from cache. If not there, precalc it and store in the cache.
                //  If null is returned, we know that cell doesn't contain any triangleVertexes so we don't need to do intersections.
                CellData cachedDataCell = GetCell(MyLodTypeEnum.LOD0, ref cellCoord);

                if (cachedDataCell == null || cachedDataCell.VoxelTrianglesCount == 0)

                GetCellLineIntersectionOctree(ref tmpResult, ref localLine, ref minDistanceUntilNow, cachedDataCell, flags);


            if (tmpResult.HasValue)
                result = new MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx(tmpResult.Value, m_voxelMap, ref worldLine);
                result = null;
예제 #27
        //  Calculates intersection of line with any triangleVertexes in this model instance. Closest intersection and intersected triangleVertexes will be returned.
        public virtual bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref LineD line, out VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? t, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
            bool ret = false;

            t = null;
            MyModel collisionModel = Model;

            if (collisionModel != null)
                VRageRender.MyRenderProxy.GetRenderProfiler().StartProfilingBlock("MyEntity.GetIntersectionWithLine on model");
                VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? result = collisionModel.GetTrianglePruningStructure().GetIntersectionWithLine(this, ref line, flags);
                if (result != null)
                    t = result.Value;
                    ret = true;

            return ret;

예제 #28
        public bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref LineD line, out MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? t, out ushort blockId, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES, bool checkZFight = false, bool ignoreGenerated = false)
            t = null;
            blockId = 0;

            double distanceSquaredInCompound = double.MaxValue;

            bool foundIntersection = false;

            foreach (var blockPair in m_blocks)
                MySlimBlock cmpSlimBlock = blockPair.Value;

				if (ignoreGenerated && cmpSlimBlock.BlockDefinition.IsGeneratedBlock)

                MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? intersectionTriResult;
                if (cmpSlimBlock.FatBlock.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line, out intersectionTriResult) && intersectionTriResult != null)
                    Vector3D startToIntersection = intersectionTriResult.Value.IntersectionPointInWorldSpace - line.From;
                    double instrDistanceSq = startToIntersection.LengthSquared();
                    if (instrDistanceSq < distanceSquaredInCompound)
						if (checkZFight && distanceSquaredInCompound < instrDistanceSq + 0.001f)

                        distanceSquaredInCompound = instrDistanceSq;
                        t = intersectionTriResult;
                        blockId = blockPair.Key;
                        foundIntersection = true;

            return foundIntersection;
예제 #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the intersection with line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line">The line.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref MyLine line, out MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? t, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
            t = null;
            //  First check bounding sphere of whole physic object. We must trust that all his childs are inside of default model bounding sphere.
            Matrix worldMatrix = this.WorldMatrix;
            BoundingSphere boundingSphere = new BoundingSphere(MyUtils.GetTransform(ModelLod0.BoundingSphere.Center, ref worldMatrix), ModelLod0.BoundingSphere.Radius);
            if (MyUtils.IsLineIntersectingBoundingSphere(ref line, ref boundingSphere) == false)
                return false;

            //  Test against default object model
            MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? intersectionWithBase;
            base.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line, out intersectionWithBase);

            //  Test against childs of this phys object (in this case guns)
            MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? intersectionWithWeapons = Weapons != null ? Weapons.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line) : null;

            //  Find closer intersection of these two
            MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? result = MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx.GetCloserIntersection(ref intersectionWithBase, ref intersectionWithWeapons);

            //  Only if this is "player's ship" - thus someone is siting in inside (this is an optimization - enemy ships don't render glass decals, they don't need this code)
            if (this == MySession.PlayerShip)
                //  Intersection with ideal glass
                if (GetShipCockpitGlass() != null && GetShipCockpitGlass().ModelLod0 != null && GetShipCockpitGlass().ModelLod0.GetTrianglePruningStructure() != null)
                    var intersectionGlass =
                            GetShipCockpitGlass(), ref line, IntersectionFlags.FLIPPED_TRIANGLES);

                    const float GLASS_DISTANCE_TOLERANCE = 3 * MySmallShipConstants.ALL_SMALL_SHIP_MODEL_SCALE;
                    if (MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx.IsDistanceLessThanTolerance(ref result, ref intersectionGlass, GLASS_DISTANCE_TOLERANCE))
                        result = intersectionGlass;
            t = result;

            return result != null;
예제 #30
 public override bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref MyLine line, out Vector3? v, bool useCollisionModel = true, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
     return m_gun.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line, out v, useCollisionModel);
예제 #31
        private void GetCellLineIntersectionOctree(ref MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle?result, ref Line modelSpaceLine, ref float?minDistanceUntilNow, CellData cachedDataCell, IntersectionFlags flags)
            if (cachedDataCell.Octree != null)
                Vector3 packedStart;
                cachedDataCell.GetPackedPosition(ref modelSpaceLine.From, out packedStart);
                var ray = new Ray(packedStart, modelSpaceLine.Direction);
                cachedDataCell.Octree.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref ray, m_overlapElementCache);

            for (int j = 0; j < m_overlapElementCache.Count; j++)
                var i = m_overlapElementCache[j];

                if (cachedDataCell.VoxelTriangles == null) //probably not calculated yet

                // this should never happen
                if (i >= cachedDataCell.VoxelTriangles.Length)
                    Debug.Assert(i < cachedDataCell.VoxelTriangles.Length);

                MyVoxelTriangle voxelTriangle = cachedDataCell.VoxelTriangles[i];

                MyTriangle_Vertexes triangleVertices;
                cachedDataCell.GetUnpackedPosition(voxelTriangle.VertexIndex0, out triangleVertices.Vertex0);
                cachedDataCell.GetUnpackedPosition(voxelTriangle.VertexIndex1, out triangleVertices.Vertex1);
                cachedDataCell.GetUnpackedPosition(voxelTriangle.VertexIndex2, out triangleVertices.Vertex2);

                Vector3 calculatedTriangleNormal = MyUtils.GetNormalVectorFromTriangle(ref triangleVertices);

                //We dont want backside intersections
                if (((int)(flags & IntersectionFlags.FLIPPED_TRIANGLES) == 0) &&
                    Vector3.Dot(modelSpaceLine.Direction, calculatedTriangleNormal) > 0)

                // AABB intersection test removed, AABB is tested inside BVH
                float?distance = MyUtils.GetLineTriangleIntersection(ref modelSpaceLine, ref triangleVertices);

                //  If intersection occured and if distance to intersection is closer to origin than any previous intersection
                if ((distance != null) && ((result == null) || (distance.Value < result.Value.Distance)))
                    minDistanceUntilNow = distance.Value;
                    result = new MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle(ref triangleVertices, ref calculatedTriangleNormal, distance.Value);
예제 #32
        public VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?GetIntersectionWithLine(IMyEntity entity, ref LineD line, ref MatrixD customInvMatrix, IntersectionFlags flags)
            LineD lineInModelSpace = new LineD(Vector3D.Transform(line.From, ref customInvMatrix), Vector3D.Transform(line.To, ref customInvMatrix));

            //MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle? result = null;

            m_result.Start(m_model, lineInModelSpace, flags);

            var dir  = lineInModelSpace.Direction.ToBullet();
            var from = lineInModelSpace.From.ToBullet();

            m_bvh.RayQueryClosest(ref dir, ref from, m_result.ProcessTriangleHandler);

            if (m_result.Result.HasValue)
                return(new VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx(m_result.Result.Value, entity, ref lineInModelSpace));
예제 #33
        protected override void Explode()
            MyExplosion newExplosion = MyExplosions.AddExplosion();
            if (newExplosion != null)
                BoundingSphere explosionSphere = WorldVolumeHr;
                explosionSphere.Radius *= m_config.ExplosionRadiusMultiplier;
                MyVoxelMap voxelMap = MyVoxelMaps.GetOverlappingWithSphere(ref explosionSphere);
                MyExplosionDebrisModel.CreateExplosionDebris(ref explosionSphere, MyGroupMask.Empty, this, voxelMap);
                newExplosion.Start(0, MyPrefabConstants.VOLUME_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER * m_config.ExplosionDamageMultiplier * WorldVolumeHr.Radius, 0, m_config.ExplosionType, explosionSphere, MyExplosionsConstants.EXPLOSION_LIFESPAN);
        }               */

        public override bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref MyLine line, out MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? t, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
            return m_gun.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line, out t);
예제 #34
        public bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref LineD line, out MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?t, out ushort blockId, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES, bool checkZFight = false, bool ignoreGenerated = false)
            t       = null;
            blockId = 0;

            double distanceSquaredInCompound = double.MaxValue;

            bool foundIntersection = false;

            foreach (var blockPair in m_blocks)
                MySlimBlock cmpSlimBlock = blockPair.Value;

                if (ignoreGenerated && cmpSlimBlock.BlockDefinition.IsGeneratedBlock)

                if (cmpSlimBlock.FatBlock.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line, out intersectionTriResult) && intersectionTriResult != null)
                    Vector3D startToIntersection = intersectionTriResult.Value.IntersectionPointInWorldSpace - line.From;
                    double   instrDistanceSq     = startToIntersection.LengthSquared();
                    if (instrDistanceSq < distanceSquaredInCompound)
                        if (checkZFight && distanceSquaredInCompound < instrDistanceSq + 0.001f)

                        distanceSquaredInCompound = instrDistanceSq;
                        t                 = intersectionTriResult;
                        blockId           = blockPair.Key;
                        foundIntersection = true;

예제 #35
        public override bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref MyLine line, out Vector3? v, bool useCollisionModel = true, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
            BoundingSphere boundingSphere = new BoundingSphere(GetPosition(), BoundingSphereRadius);
            Ray ray = new Ray(line.From, line.Direction);

            float? result = ray.Intersects(boundingSphere);
            v = result.HasValue ? ray.Position + ray.Direction * result.Value : (Vector3?)null;

            return result.HasValue;
예제 #36
        //  Method finds intersection with line and any voxel triangleVertexes in this voxel map. Closes intersection is returned.
        internal override bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref LineD worldLine, out MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?t, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
            t = null;

            double intersectionDistance;
            LineD  line = (LineD)worldLine;

            if (!PositionComp.WorldAABB.Intersects(line, out intersectionDistance))

                Line localLine = new Line(worldLine.From - PositionLeftBottomCorner,
                                          worldLine.To - PositionLeftBottomCorner, true);
                MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle tmpResult;
                if (Storage.Geometry.Intersect(ref localLine, out tmpResult, flags))
                    t = new MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx(tmpResult, this, ref worldLine);
                    var tmp = t.Value.IntersectionPointInWorldSpace;
                    t = null;
예제 #37
        public VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? GetIntersectionWithLine(IMyEntity entity, ref LineD line, ref MatrixD customInvMatrix, IntersectionFlags flags)
            LineD lineInModelSpace = new LineD(Vector3D.Transform(line.From, ref customInvMatrix), Vector3D.Transform(line.To, ref customInvMatrix));

            //MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle? result = null;

            m_result.Start(m_model, lineInModelSpace, flags);

            var dir = lineInModelSpace.Direction.ToBullet();
            var from = lineInModelSpace.From.ToBullet();

            m_bvh.RayQueryClosest(ref dir, ref from, m_result.ProcessTriangleHandler);

            if (m_result.Result.HasValue)
                return new VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx(m_result.Result.Value, entity, ref lineInModelSpace);
                return null;
예제 #38
        public override bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref LineD worldLine, out Vector3D?v, bool useCollisionModel = true, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)

            GetIntersectionWithLine(ref worldLine, out result);
            v = null;
            if (result != null)
                v = result.Value.IntersectionPointInWorldSpace;
예제 #39
        public void GetTrianglesIntersectingLine(IMyEntity entity, ref LineD line, ref MatrixD customInvMatrix, IntersectionFlags flags, List<MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx> result)
            LineD lineInModelSpace = new LineD(Vector3D.Transform(line.From, ref customInvMatrix), Vector3D.Transform(line.To, ref customInvMatrix));

            m_resultAll.Start(m_model, lineInModelSpace, flags);

            var dir = lineInModelSpace.Direction.ToBullet();
            var from = lineInModelSpace.From.ToBullet();

            m_bvh.RayQuery(ref dir, ref from, m_resultAll.ProcessTriangleHandler);


            foreach (var intersection in m_resultAll.Result)
                result.Add(new VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx(intersection, entity, ref lineInModelSpace));
예제 #40
 public void GetTrianglesIntersectingLine(IMyEntity entity, ref LineD line, IntersectionFlags flags, List<Sandbox.Common.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx> result)
     MatrixD worldInv = entity.GetWorldMatrixNormalizedInv();
     GetTrianglesIntersectingLine(entity, ref line, ref worldInv, flags, result);
예제 #41
        //  Difference between GetIntersectionWithLine and GetIntersectionWithLineRecursive is that the later doesn't calculate
        //  final result, but is better suited for recursive nature of octree. Don't call GetIntersectionWithLineRecursive() from
        //  the outisde of this class, it's private method.
        public VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? GetIntersectionWithLine(IMyEntity physObject, MyModel model, ref LineD line, double? minDistanceUntilNow, IntersectionFlags flags)
            VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle? foundTriangle = GetIntersectionWithLineRecursive(model, ref line, minDistanceUntilNow);

            if (foundTriangle != null)
                return new VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx(foundTriangle.Value, physObject, ref line);
                return null;
        private void GetCellLineIntersectionOctree(ref VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle? result, ref Line modelSpaceLine, ref float? minDistanceUntilNow, CellData cachedDataCell, IntersectionFlags flags)
            if (cachedDataCell.Octree != null)
                Vector3 packedStart, packedEnd;
                cachedDataCell.GetPackedPosition(ref modelSpaceLine.From, out packedStart);
                cachedDataCell.GetPackedPosition(ref modelSpaceLine.To, out packedEnd);
                var ray = new Ray(packedStart, packedEnd - packedStart);
                cachedDataCell.Octree.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref ray, m_overlapElementCache);

            for (int j = 0; j < m_overlapElementCache.Count; j++)
                var i = m_overlapElementCache[j];

                if (cachedDataCell.VoxelTriangles == null) //probably not calculated yet

                // this should never happen
                if (i >= cachedDataCell.VoxelTriangles.Length)
                    Debug.Assert(i < cachedDataCell.VoxelTriangles.Length);

                MyVoxelTriangle voxelTriangle = cachedDataCell.VoxelTriangles[i];

                MyTriangle_Vertexes triangleVertices;
                cachedDataCell.GetUnpackedPosition(voxelTriangle.VertexIndex0, out triangleVertices.Vertex0);
                cachedDataCell.GetUnpackedPosition(voxelTriangle.VertexIndex1, out triangleVertices.Vertex1);
                cachedDataCell.GetUnpackedPosition(voxelTriangle.VertexIndex2, out triangleVertices.Vertex2);

                Vector3 calculatedTriangleNormal = MyUtils.GetNormalVectorFromTriangle(ref triangleVertices);
                if (!calculatedTriangleNormal.IsValid())
                //We dont want backside intersections
                if (((int)(flags & IntersectionFlags.FLIPPED_TRIANGLES) == 0) &&
                    Vector3.Dot(modelSpaceLine.Direction, calculatedTriangleNormal) > 0)

                // AABB intersection test removed, AABB is tested inside BVH
                float? distance = MyUtils.GetLineTriangleIntersection(ref modelSpaceLine, ref triangleVertices);

                //  If intersection occured and if distance to intersection is closer to origin than any previous intersection
                if ((distance != null) && ((result == null) || (distance.Value < result.Value.Distance)))
                    minDistanceUntilNow = distance.Value;
                    result = new VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle(ref triangleVertices, ref calculatedTriangleNormal, distance.Value);
예제 #43
        //  Calculates intersection of line with object.
        public virtual bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref LineD line, out Vector3D?v, bool useCollisionModel = true, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
            v = null;
            MyModel collisionModel = Model;

            if (useCollisionModel)
                collisionModel = ModelCollision;

            if (collisionModel != null)
                MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?result = collisionModel.GetTrianglePruningStructure().GetIntersectionWithLine(this, ref line, flags);
                if (result != null)
                    v = result.Value.IntersectionPointInWorldSpace;
                Debug.Assert(false);//this should be overriden by child class if object has no model by default
예제 #44
        //  Calculates intersection of line with any triangleVertexes in this model instance. Closest intersection and intersected triangleVertexes will be returned.
        internal override bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref LineD line, out MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?t, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
            t = null;

            //Matrix invWorld = Matrix.Invert(WorldMatrix);
            //Vector3 from = Vector3.Transform(line.From, invWorld);
            //Vector3 to = Vector3.Transform(line.To, invWorld);

            //Line lineLocal = new Line(from, to);

            //bool res = base.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line, out t, flags);

            //if (res)
            //    var definition = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetCubeBlockDefinition(new MyDefinitionId(MyObjectBuilderTypeEnum.Ladder));
            //    if (definition.ExcludedAreaForCamera != null)
            //    {
            //        foreach (var b in definition.ExcludedAreaForCamera)
            //        {
            //            if (b.Contains(t.Value.IntersectionPointInObjectSpace) == ContainmentType.Contains)
            //            {
            //                t = null;
            //                return false;
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }

            //return res;
예제 #45
 public void GetTrianglesIntersectingLine(IMyEntity entity, ref LineD line, ref MatrixD customInvMatrix, IntersectionFlags flags, List<MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx> result)
     System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "Not implemented");
예제 #46
        //  Calculates intersection of line with any triangleVertexes in this model instance. Closest intersection and intersected triangleVertexes will be returned.
        internal virtual bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref LineD line, out MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?t, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
            bool ret = false;

            t = null;
            MyModel collisionModel = Model;

            if (collisionModel != null)
                VRageRender.MyRenderProxy.GetRenderProfiler().StartProfilingBlock("MyEntity.GetIntersectionWithLine on model");
                MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?result = collisionModel.GetTrianglePruningStructure().GetIntersectionWithLine(this, ref line, flags);
                if (result != null)
                    t   = result.Value;
                    ret = true;

        public bool Intersect(ref Line localLine, out VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle result, IntersectionFlags flags)

            ProfilerShort.Begin("VoxelMap.LineIntersection AABB sweep");
                new Vector3I(0, 0, 0),
                m_cellsCount - 1

            ProfilerShort.Begin("VoxelMap.LineIntersection test AABBs");
            float? minDistanceUntilNow = null;
            BoundingBox cellBoundingBox;
            MyCellCoord cell = new MyCellCoord();
            VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle? tmpResult = null;
            for (int index = 0; index < m_sweepResultCache.Count; index++)
                cell.CoordInLod = m_sweepResultCache[index];

                MyVoxelCoordSystems.GeometryCellCoordToLocalAABB(ref cell.CoordInLod, out cellBoundingBox);

                float? distanceToBoundingBox = MyUtils.GetLineBoundingBoxIntersection(ref localLine, ref cellBoundingBox);

                // Sweep results are sorted; when we get far enough, make an early exit
                const float earlyOutDistance = 1.948557f * MyVoxelConstants.GEOMETRY_CELL_SIZE_IN_METRES;  // = sqrt(3) * 9/8 * cell_side
                if (minDistanceUntilNow != null && distanceToBoundingBox != null && minDistanceUntilNow + earlyOutDistance < distanceToBoundingBox.Value)

                //  Get cell from cache. If not there, precalc it and store in the cache.
                //  If null is returned, we know that cell doesn't contain any triangleVertexes so we don't need to do intersections.
                CellData cachedDataCell = GetCell(ref cell);

                if (cachedDataCell == null || cachedDataCell.VoxelTrianglesCount == 0) continue;

                GetCellLineIntersectionOctree(ref tmpResult, ref localLine, ref minDistanceUntilNow, cachedDataCell, flags);


            result = tmpResult ?? default(VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle);
            return tmpResult.HasValue;
예제 #48
        //  Calculates intersection of line with any triangleVertexes in this model instance. All intersections and intersected triangleVertexes will be returned.
        internal virtual bool GetIntersectionsWithLine(ref LineD line, List <MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx> result, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
            MyModel collisionModel = Model;

            if (collisionModel != null)
                VRageRender.MyRenderProxy.GetRenderProfiler().StartProfilingBlock("MyEntity.GetIntersectionWithLine on model");
                collisionModel.GetTrianglePruningStructure().GetTrianglesIntersectingLine(this, ref line, flags, result);

            return(result.Count > 0);
예제 #49
 public override bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref LineD line, out VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? tri, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
     bool ret = GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line, ref m_hitInfoTmp, flags);
     tri = m_hitInfoTmp.Triangle;
     return ret;
예제 #50
        public bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref LineD line, out MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?t, out ushort blockId, IntersectionFlags flags = 3, bool checkZFight = false, bool ignoreGenerated = false)
            t       = 0;
            blockId = 0;
            double maxValue = double.MaxValue;
            bool   flag     = false;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <ushort, MySlimBlock> pair in this.m_mapIdToBlock)
                MySlimBlock block = pair.Value;
                if ((!ignoreGenerated || !block.BlockDefinition.IsGeneratedBlock) && (block.FatBlock.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line, out nullable, IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES) && (nullable != null)))
                    double num2 = (nullable.Value.IntersectionPointInWorldSpace - line.From).LengthSquared();
                    if ((num2 < maxValue) && (!checkZFight || (maxValue >= (num2 + 0.0010000000474974513))))
                        maxValue = num2;
                        t        = nullable;
                        blockId  = pair.Key;
                        flag     = true;
예제 #51
        //  Method finds intersection with line and any voxel triangleVertexes in this voxel map. Closes intersection is returned.
        internal override bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref LineD worldLine, out MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? t, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
            t = null;

            double intersectionDistance;
            LineD line = (LineD)worldLine;
            if (!PositionComp.WorldAABB.Intersects(line, out intersectionDistance))
                return false;

                Line localLine = new Line(worldLine.From - PositionLeftBottomCorner,
                                          worldLine.To - PositionLeftBottomCorner, true);
                MyIntersectionResultLineTriangle tmpResult;
                if (Storage.Geometry.Intersect(ref localLine, out tmpResult, flags))
                    t = new MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx(tmpResult, this, ref worldLine);
                    var tmp = t.Value.IntersectionPointInWorldSpace;
                    return true;
                    t = null;
                    return false;
예제 #52
        public bool GetIntersectionWithLine_FullyBuiltProgressModels(ref LineD line, out MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?t, out ushort blockId, IntersectionFlags flags = 3, bool checkZFight = false, bool ignoreGenerated = false)
            t       = 0;
            blockId = 0;
            double maxValue = double.MaxValue;
            bool   flag     = false;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <ushort, MySlimBlock> pair in this.m_mapIdToBlock)
                MySlimBlock block = pair.Value;
                if (!ignoreGenerated || !block.BlockDefinition.IsGeneratedBlock)
                    MyModel modelOnlyData = MyModels.GetModelOnlyData(block.BlockDefinition.Model);
                    if (modelOnlyData != null)
                        MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?nullable = modelOnlyData.GetTrianglePruningStructure().GetIntersectionWithLine(block.FatBlock, ref line, flags);
                        if (nullable != null)
                            double num2 = (nullable.Value.IntersectionPointInWorldSpace - line.From).LengthSquared();
                            if ((num2 < maxValue) && (!checkZFight || (maxValue >= (num2 + 0.0010000000474974513))))
                                maxValue = num2;
                                t        = nullable;
                                blockId  = pair.Key;
                                flag     = true;
예제 #53
        //  Calculates intersection of line with object.
        public virtual bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref LineD line, out Vector3D? v, bool useCollisionModel = true, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
            v = null;
            MyModel collisionModel = Model;
            if (useCollisionModel)
                collisionModel = ModelCollision;

            if (collisionModel != null)
                VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? result = collisionModel.GetTrianglePruningStructure().GetIntersectionWithLine(this, ref line, flags);
                if (result != null)
                    v = result.Value.IntersectionPointInWorldSpace;
                    return true;
                Debug.Assert(false);//this should be overriden by child class if object has no model by default
            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates intersected block with all models replaced by final models. Useful for construction/deconstruction when models are made from wooden construction.
        /// </summary>
        public bool GetIntersectionWithLine_FullyBuiltProgressModels(ref LineD line, out VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?t, out ushort blockId, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES, bool checkZFight = false, bool ignoreGenerated = false)
            t       = null;
            blockId = 0;

            double distanceSquaredInCompound = double.MaxValue;

            bool foundIntersection = false;

            foreach (var blockPair in m_mapIdToBlock)
                MySlimBlock cmpSlimBlock = blockPair.Value;

                if (ignoreGenerated && cmpSlimBlock.BlockDefinition.IsGeneratedBlock)

                MyModel collisionModel = MyModels.GetModelOnlyData(cmpSlimBlock.BlockDefinition.Model);
                if (collisionModel != null)
                    VRage.Game.Models.MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?intersectionTriResult = collisionModel.GetTrianglePruningStructure().GetIntersectionWithLine(
                        cmpSlimBlock.FatBlock, ref line, flags);

                    if (intersectionTriResult != null)
                        Vector3D startToIntersection = intersectionTriResult.Value.IntersectionPointInWorldSpace - line.From;
                        double   instrDistanceSq     = startToIntersection.LengthSquared();
                        if (instrDistanceSq < distanceSquaredInCompound)
                            if (checkZFight && distanceSquaredInCompound < instrDistanceSq + 0.001f)

                            distanceSquaredInCompound = instrDistanceSq;
                            t                 = intersectionTriResult;
                            blockId           = blockPair.Key;
                            foundIntersection = true;

예제 #55
        //  Calculates intersection of line with any triangleVertexes in this model instance. All intersections and intersected triangleVertexes will be returned.
        internal virtual bool GetIntersectionsWithLine(ref LineD line, List<MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx> result, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
            MyModel collisionModel = Model;

            if (collisionModel != null)
                VRageRender.MyRenderProxy.GetRenderProfiler().StartProfilingBlock("MyEntity.GetIntersectionWithLine on model");
                collisionModel.GetTrianglePruningStructure().GetTrianglesIntersectingLine(this, ref line, flags, result);

            return result.Count > 0;
예제 #56
        public override bool GetIntersectionWithLine(ref MyLine line, out Vector3? v, bool useCollisionModel = true, IntersectionFlags flags = IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES)
            v = null;
            Ray ray = new Ray(line.From, line.Direction);
            float? ds = null;
            BoundingBox boundingBox = new BoundingBox(WorldMatrix.Translation - Size / 2f, WorldMatrix.Translation + Size / 2f);
            ds = ray.Intersects(boundingBox);            

            if (ds == null)
                return false;

            v = line.From + line.Direction * ds;
            return true;