예제 #1
        /** Builds a Push Interpreter suitable for interpreting the Program given in getProgram(). */
        public Interpreter GetInterpreter(IEvolutionState state, GPIndividual ind, int threadnum)
            // create an Interpreter with an IMersenneTwister RNG
            Interpreter interpreter = new Interpreter(state.Random[threadnum]);

            // Find the function set
            GPFunctionSet set = ind.Trees[0].Constraints((GPInitializer)(state.Initializer)).FunctionSet;

            GPNode[] terminals = set.Terminals[0]; // only one type we assume

            // dump the additional instructions into the interpreter
            foreach (GPNode t in terminals)
                if (t is Terminal) // maybe has some instructions?
                    // This code is here rather than (more appropriately) in Terminal so that we can
                    // free up Terminal from being reliant on the underlying library.
                    Terminal          op = (Terminal)(t);
                    PushInstruction[] customInstructions = op.CustomInstructions;
                    int[]             indices            = op.Indices;
                    String[]          instructions       = op.Instructions;
                    for (int j = 0; j < customInstructions.Length; j++)
                                                   (PushInstruction)customInstructions[j].Clone()); // or should this be DefineInstruction?

            // all done