예제 #1
        // -----------------------------
        // ---- PAL layer ends here ----
        // -----------------------------

        private static ProcessInfo CreateProcessInfo(int pid)
            // Negative PIDs aren't valid
            if (pid < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(pid));

            ProcessInfo procInfo = new ProcessInfo()
                ProcessId = pid

            // Try to get the task info. This can fail if the user permissions don't permit
            // this user context to query the specified process
            Interop.libproc.proc_taskallinfo?info = Interop.libproc.GetProcessInfoById(pid);
            if (info.HasValue)
                // Set the values we have; all the other values don't have meaning or don't exist on OSX
                Interop.libproc.proc_taskallinfo temp = info.Value;
                unsafe { procInfo.ProcessName = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(new IntPtr(temp.pbsd.pbi_comm)); }
                procInfo.BasePriority = temp.pbsd.pbi_nice;
                procInfo.VirtualBytes = (long)temp.ptinfo.pti_virtual_size;
                procInfo.WorkingSet   = (long)temp.ptinfo.pti_resident_size;

            // Get the sessionId for the given pid, getsid returns -1 on error
            int sessionId = Interop.Sys.GetSid(pid);

            if (sessionId != -1)
                procInfo.SessionId = sessionId;

            // Create a threadinfo for each thread in the process
            List <KeyValuePair <ulong, Interop.libproc.proc_threadinfo?> > lstThreads = Interop.libproc.GetAllThreadsInProcess(pid);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <ulong, Interop.libproc.proc_threadinfo?> t in lstThreads)
                var ti = new ThreadInfo()
                    _processId    = pid,
                    _threadId     = t.Key,
                    _basePriority = procInfo.BasePriority,
                    _startAddress = IntPtr.Zero

                // Fill in additional info if we were able to retrieve such data about the thread
                if (t.Value.HasValue)
                    ti._currentPriority  = t.Value.Value.pth_curpri;
                    ti._threadState      = ConvertOsxThreadRunStateToThreadState((Interop.libproc.ThreadRunState)t.Value.Value.pth_run_state);
                    ti._threadWaitReason = ConvertOsxThreadFlagsToWaitReason((Interop.libproc.ThreadFlags)t.Value.Value.pth_flags);


예제 #2
        // -----------------------------
        // ---- PAL layer ends here ----
        // -----------------------------

        private static ProcessInfo CreateProcessInfo(int pid)
            // Negative PIDs aren't valid
            if (pid < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("pid");

            ProcessInfo procInfo = new ProcessInfo()
                ProcessId = pid

            // Try to get the task info. This can fail if the user permissions don't permit
            // this user context to query the specified process
            Interop.libproc.proc_taskallinfo?info = Interop.libproc.GetProcessInfoById(pid);
            if (info.HasValue)
                // Set the values we have; all the other values don't have meaning or don't exist on OSX
                Interop.libproc.proc_taskallinfo temp = info.Value;
                unsafe { procInfo.ProcessName = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(new IntPtr(temp.pbsd.pbi_comm)); }
                procInfo.BasePriority = temp.ptinfo.pti_priority;
                procInfo.HandleCount  = Interop.libproc.GetFileDescriptorCountForPid(pid);
                procInfo.VirtualBytes = (long)temp.ptinfo.pti_virtual_size;
                procInfo.WorkingSet   = (long)temp.ptinfo.pti_resident_size;

            // Create a threadinfo for each thread in the process
            List <KeyValuePair <ulong, Interop.libproc.proc_threadinfo?> > lstThreads = Interop.libproc.GetAllThreadsInProcess(pid);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <ulong, Interop.libproc.proc_threadinfo?> t in lstThreads)
                var ti = new ThreadInfo()
                    _processId    = pid,
                    _threadId     = (int)t.Key, // The OS X thread ID is 64-bits, but we're forced to truncate due to the public API signature
                    _basePriority = 0,
                    _startAddress = IntPtr.Zero

                // Fill in additional info if we were able to retrieve such data about the thread
                if (t.Value.HasValue)
                    ti._currentPriority  = t.Value.Value.pth_curpri;
                    ti._threadState      = ConvertOsxThreadRunStateToThreadState((Interop.libproc.ThreadRunState)t.Value.Value.pth_run_state);
                    ti._threadWaitReason = ConvertOsxThreadFlagsToWaitReason((Interop.libproc.ThreadFlags)t.Value.Value.pth_flags);


예제 #3
        // -----------------------------
        // ---- PAL layer ends here ----
        // -----------------------------

        private unsafe static ProcessInfo CreateProcessInfo(int pid)
            // Negative PIDs aren't valid
            if (pid < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("pid");

            ProcessInfo procInfo = new ProcessInfo();

            // Try to get the task info. This can fail if the user permissions don't permit
            // this user context to query the specified process
            Interop.libproc.proc_taskallinfo? info = Interop.libproc.GetProcessInfoById(pid);
            if (info.HasValue)
                // We need to convert the byte pointer to an IntPtr 
                // that we can pass to the Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi call
                // but the nullable struct type makes it difficult to inline,
                // so make a temp variable to remove the nullable and get the pointer 
                Interop.libproc.proc_taskallinfo temp = info.Value;
                IntPtr ptrString = new IntPtr(temp.pbsd.pbi_comm);

                // Set the values we have; all the other values don't have meaning or don't exist on OSX
                procInfo.BasePriority = temp.ptinfo.pti_priority;
                procInfo.HandleCount = Interop.libproc.GetFileDescriptorCountForPid(pid);
                procInfo.ProcessId = pid;
                procInfo.ProcessName = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(ptrString);
                procInfo.VirtualBytes = (long)temp.ptinfo.pti_virtual_size;
                procInfo.WorkingSet = (long)temp.ptinfo.pti_resident_size;

            // Create a threadinfo for each thread in the process
            List<KeyValuePair<ulong, Interop.libproc.proc_threadinfo?>> lstThreads = Interop.libproc.GetAllThreadsInProcess(pid);
            foreach (KeyValuePair<ulong, Interop.libproc.proc_threadinfo?> t in lstThreads)
                if (t.Value.HasValue)
                    procInfo._threadInfoList.Add(new ThreadInfo()
                        _basePriority = 0,
                        _currentPriority = t.Value.Value.pth_curpri,
                        _processId = pid,
                        _startAddress = IntPtr.Zero, // We don't have this info
                        _threadId = Convert.ToInt32(t.Key),
                        _threadState = ConvertOsxThreadRunStateToThreadState((Interop.libproc.ThreadRunState)t.Value.Value.pth_run_state),
                        _threadWaitReason = ConvertOsxThreadFlagsToWaitReason((Interop.libproc.ThreadFlags)t.Value.Value.pth_flags)

            return procInfo;
예제 #4
        internal static ProcessInfo?CreateProcessInfo(int pid, string?processNameFilter = null)
            // Negative PIDs aren't valid
            if (pid < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(pid));

            ProcessInfo procInfo;

            // Try to get the task info. This can fail if the user permissions don't permit
            // this user context to query the specified process
            Interop.libproc.proc_taskallinfo?info = Interop.libproc.GetProcessInfoById(pid);
            if (info.HasValue)
                // Set the values we have; all the other values don't have meaning or don't exist on OSX
                Interop.libproc.proc_taskallinfo temp = info.Value;
                string processName;
                unsafe { processName = Marshal.PtrToStringUTF8(new IntPtr(temp.pbsd.pbi_comm)) !; }
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(processNameFilter) && !string.Equals(processName, processNameFilter, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                procInfo = new ProcessInfo()
                    ProcessId    = pid,
                    ProcessName  = processName,
                    BasePriority = temp.pbsd.pbi_nice,
                    VirtualBytes = (long)temp.ptinfo.pti_virtual_size,
                    WorkingSet   = (long)temp.ptinfo.pti_resident_size,
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(processNameFilter))
                procInfo = new ProcessInfo()
                    ProcessId = pid,
                // We couldn't get process information but we only want to return a process that
                // matches the specified name, so consider this process not a match.

            // Get the sessionId for the given pid, getsid returns -1 on error
            int sessionId = Interop.Sys.GetSid(pid);

            if (sessionId != -1)
                procInfo.SessionId = sessionId;

            // Create a threadinfo for each thread in the process
            List <KeyValuePair <ulong, Interop.libproc.proc_threadinfo?> > lstThreads = Interop.libproc.GetAllThreadsInProcess(pid);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <ulong, Interop.libproc.proc_threadinfo?> t in lstThreads)
                var ti = new ThreadInfo()
                    _processId    = pid,
                    _threadId     = t.Key,
                    _basePriority = procInfo.BasePriority,
                    _startAddress = IntPtr.Zero

                // Fill in additional info if we were able to retrieve such data about the thread
                if (t.Value.HasValue)
                    ti._currentPriority  = t.Value.Value.pth_curpri;
                    ti._threadState      = ConvertOsxThreadRunStateToThreadState((Interop.libproc.ThreadRunState)t.Value.Value.pth_run_state);
                    ti._threadWaitReason = ConvertOsxThreadFlagsToWaitReason((Interop.libproc.ThreadFlags)t.Value.Value.pth_flags);

