public void TestEncodingMailboxWithArabicName() { var mailbox = new MailboxAddress ("هل تتكلم اللغة الإنجليزية /العربية؟", "*****@*****.**"); var list = new InternetAddressList (); list.Add (mailbox); var expected = "=?utf-8?b?2YfZhCDYqtiq2YPZhNmFINin2YTZhNi62Kk=?=\n =?utf-8?b?INin2YTYpdmG2KzZhNmK2LLZitipIC/Yp9mE2LnYsdio2YrYqdif?=\n\t<*****@*****.**>"; var actual = list.ToString (UnixFormatOptions, true); Assert.AreEqual (expected, actual, "Encoding arabic mailbox did not match expected result: {0}", expected); Assert.IsTrue (InternetAddressList.TryParse (actual, out list), "Failed to parse arabic mailbox"); Assert.AreEqual (mailbox.Name, list[0].Name); }
public void TestSimpleAddrSpec () { var expected = new InternetAddressList (); var mailbox = new MailboxAddress ("", ""); InternetAddressList result; string text; expected.Add (mailbox); text = "*****@*****.**"; mailbox.Address = "*****@*****.**"; Assert.IsTrue (InternetAddressList.TryParse (text, out result), "Failed to parse: {0}", text); AssertInternetAddressListsEqual (text, expected, result); result = InternetAddressList.Parse (text); AssertInternetAddressListsEqual (text, expected, result); text = "fejj"; mailbox.Address = "fejj"; Assert.IsTrue (InternetAddressList.TryParse (text, out result), "Failed to parse: {0}", text); AssertInternetAddressListsEqual (text, expected, result); result = InternetAddressList.Parse (text); AssertInternetAddressListsEqual (text, expected, result); }
internal MimeMessage (ParserOptions options, IEnumerable<Header> headers) { addresses = new Dictionary<string, InternetAddressList> (icase); Headers = new HeaderList (options); // initialize our address lists foreach (var name in StandardAddressHeaders) { var list = new InternetAddressList (); list.Changed += InternetAddressListChanged; addresses.Add (name, list); } references = new MessageIdList (); references.Changed += ReferencesChanged; inreplyto = null; Headers.Changed += HeadersChanged; // add all of our message headers... foreach (var header in headers) { if (header.Field.StartsWith ("Content-", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) continue; Headers.Add (header); } }
static void AssertParse (string text, string encoded, InternetAddressList expected) { var buffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (text); InternetAddressList result = null; try { result = InternetAddressList.Parse (text); } catch { Assert.Fail ("Parse(string): {0}", text); } AssertInternetAddressListsEqual (encoded, expected, result); try { result = InternetAddressList.Parse (buffer); } catch { Assert.Fail ("Parse(byte[]): {0}", text); } AssertInternetAddressListsEqual (encoded, expected, result); try { result = InternetAddressList.Parse (buffer, 0); } catch { Assert.Fail ("Parse(byte[], int): {0}", text); } AssertInternetAddressListsEqual (encoded, expected, result); try { result = InternetAddressList.Parse (buffer, 0, buffer.Length); } catch { Assert.Fail ("Parse(byte[], int, int): {0}", text); } AssertInternetAddressListsEqual (encoded, expected, result); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MailKit.Envelope"/> class. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Creates a new <see cref="Envelope"/>. /// </remarks> public Envelope () { From = new InternetAddressList (); Sender = new InternetAddressList (); ReplyTo = new InternetAddressList (); To = new InternetAddressList (); Cc = new InternetAddressList (); Bcc = new InternetAddressList (); }
static void AssertInternetAddressListsEqual (string text, InternetAddressList expected, InternetAddressList result) { Assert.AreEqual (expected.Count, result.Count, "Unexpected number of addresses: {0}", text); for (int i = 0; i < expected.Count; i++) { Assert.AreEqual (expected.GetType (), result.GetType (), "Address #{0} differs in type: {1}", i, text); Assert.AreEqual (expected[i].ToString (), result[i].ToString (), "Display strings differ for {0}", text); } }
public void TestDecodedMailboxHasCorrectCharsetEncoding() { var latin1 = Encoding.GetEncoding ("iso-8859-1"); var mailbox = new MailboxAddress (latin1, "Kristoffer Brånemyr", "*****@*****.**"); var list = new InternetAddressList (); list.Add (mailbox); var encoded = list.ToString (UnixFormatOptions, true); InternetAddressList parsed; Assert.IsTrue (InternetAddressList.TryParse (encoded, out parsed), "Failed to parse address"); Assert.AreEqual (latin1.HeaderName, parsed[0].Encoding.HeaderName, "Parsed charset does not match"); }
static void AssertTryParse (string text, string encoded, InternetAddressList expected) { var buffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (text); InternetAddressList result; Assert.IsTrue (InternetAddressList.TryParse (text, out result), "TryParse(string): {0}", text); AssertInternetAddressListsEqual (encoded, expected, result); Assert.IsTrue (InternetAddressList.TryParse (buffer, out result), "TryParse(byte[]): {0}", text); AssertInternetAddressListsEqual (encoded, expected, result); Assert.IsTrue (InternetAddressList.TryParse (buffer, 0, out result), "TryParse(byte[], int): {0}", text); AssertInternetAddressListsEqual (encoded, expected, result); Assert.IsTrue (InternetAddressList.TryParse (buffer, 0, buffer.Length, out result), "TryParse(byte[] int, int): {0}", text); AssertInternetAddressListsEqual (encoded, expected, result); }
public void TestArgumentExceptions () { var mailbox = new MailboxAddress ("MimeKit Unit Tests", "*****@*****.**"); var list = new InternetAddressList (); list.Add (new MailboxAddress ("Example User", "*****@*****.**")); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => new InternetAddressList (null)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => list.Add (null)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => list.AddRange (null)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => list.CompareTo (null)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => list.Contains (null)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => list.CopyTo (null, 0)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException> (() => list.CopyTo (new InternetAddress[0], -1)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => list.IndexOf (null)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException> (() => list.Insert (-1, mailbox)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => list.Insert (0, null)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => list.Remove (null)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException> (() => list.RemoveAt (-1)); Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException> (() => list[-1] = mailbox); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => list[0] = null); }
public void TestObsoleteMailboxRoutingSyntax () { const string text = "Routed Address <@route:[email protected]>"; var expected = new InternetAddressList (); expected.Add (new MailboxAddress ("Routed Address", new [] { "route" }, "*****@*****.**")); AssertParseAndTryParse (text, text, expected); }
public void TestMailboxWithDotsInTheName () { const string encoded = "\"Nathaniel S. Borenstein\" <*****@*****.**>"; const string text = "Nathaniel S. Borenstein <*****@*****.**>"; var expected = new InternetAddressList (); expected.Add (new MailboxAddress ("Nathaniel S. Borenstein", "*****@*****.**")); AssertParseAndTryParse (text, encoded, expected); }
public void TestLocalGroupWithoutSemicolon () { const string text = "Local recipients: phil, joe, alex, bob"; const string encoded = "Local recipients: phil, joe, alex, bob;"; var expected = new InternetAddressList (); expected.Add (new GroupAddress ("Local recipients", new InternetAddress[] { new MailboxAddress ("", "phil"), new MailboxAddress ("", "joe"), new MailboxAddress ("", "alex"), new MailboxAddress ("", "bob"), })); AssertTryParse (text, encoded, expected); //Assert.Throws<ParseException> (() => InternetAddressList.Parse (text), "Parsing should have failed."); }
public void TestMailboxesWithRfc2047EncodedNames () { var expected = new InternetAddressList (); var mailbox = new MailboxAddress ("", ""); string text; expected.Add (mailbox); mailbox.Name = "Kristoffer Brånemyr"; mailbox.Address = "*****@*****.**"; text = "=?iso-8859-1?q?Kristoffer_Br=E5nemyr?= <*****@*****.**>"; AssertParseAndTryParse (text, "Kristoffer =?iso-8859-1?q?Br=E5nemyr?= <*****@*****.**>", expected); mailbox.Name = "François Pons"; mailbox.Address = "*****@*****.**"; text = "=?iso-8859-1?q?Fran=E7ois?= Pons <*****@*****.**>"; AssertParseAndTryParse (text, text, expected); }
static void ExtractRecipientTable(TnefReader reader, MimeMessage message) { var prop = reader.TnefPropertyReader; var chars = new char[1024]; var buf = new byte[1024]; // Note: The RecipientTable uses rows of properties... while (prop.ReadNextRow()) { InternetAddressList list = null; string name = null, addr = null; while (prop.ReadNextProperty()) { var type = prop.ValueType; object value; switch (prop.PropertyTag.Id) { case TnefPropertyId.RecipientType: int recipientType = prop.ReadValueAsInt32(); switch (recipientType) { case 1: list = message.To; break; case 2: list = message.Cc; break; case 3: list = message.Bcc; break; default: Assert.Fail("Invalid recipient type."); break; } //Console.WriteLine ("RecipientTable Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, recipientType); break; case TnefPropertyId.TransmitableDisplayName: if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { name = prop.ReadValueAsString(); //Console.WriteLine ("RecipientTable Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, name); } else { //Console.WriteLine ("RecipientTable Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, prop.ReadValueAsString ()); } break; case TnefPropertyId.DisplayName: name = prop.ReadValueAsString(); //Console.WriteLine ("RecipientTable Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, name); break; case TnefPropertyId.EmailAddress: if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(addr)) { addr = prop.ReadValueAsString(); //Console.WriteLine ("RecipientTable Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, addr); } else { //Console.WriteLine ("RecipientTable Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, prop.ReadValueAsString ()); } break; case TnefPropertyId.SmtpAddress: // The SmtpAddress, if it exists, should take precedence over the EmailAddress // (since the SmtpAddress is meant to be used in the RCPT TO command). addr = prop.ReadValueAsString(); //Console.WriteLine ("RecipientTable Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, addr); break; case TnefPropertyId.Addrtype: Assert.AreEqual(typeof(string), type); value = prop.ReadValueAsString(); break; case TnefPropertyId.Rowid: Assert.AreEqual(typeof(int), type); value = prop.ReadValueAsInt64(); break; case TnefPropertyId.SearchKey: Assert.AreEqual(typeof(byte[]), type); value = prop.ReadValueAsBytes(); break; case TnefPropertyId.SendRichInfo: Assert.AreEqual(typeof(bool), type); value = prop.ReadValueAsBoolean(); break; case TnefPropertyId.DisplayType: Assert.AreEqual(typeof(int), type); value = prop.ReadValueAsInt16(); break; case TnefPropertyId.SendInternetEncoding: Assert.AreEqual(typeof(int), type); value = prop.ReadValueAsBoolean(); break; default: Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException> (() => prop.ReadTextValue(null, 0, chars.Length)); Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException> (() => prop.ReadTextValue(chars, -1, chars.Length)); Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException> (() => prop.ReadTextValue(chars, 0, -1)); Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException> (() => prop.ReadRawValue(null, 0, buf.Length)); Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException> (() => prop.ReadRawValue(buf, -1, buf.Length)); Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException> (() => prop.ReadRawValue(buf, 0, -1)); if (type == typeof(int) || type == typeof(long) || type == typeof(bool) || type == typeof(double) || type == typeof(float)) { Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException> (() => prop.ReadValueAsString()); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException> (() => prop.ReadValueAsGuid()); } else if (type == typeof(string)) { Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException> (() => prop.ReadValueAsBoolean()); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException> (() => prop.ReadValueAsDouble()); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException> (() => prop.ReadValueAsFloat()); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException> (() => prop.ReadValueAsInt16()); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException> (() => prop.ReadValueAsInt32()); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException> (() => prop.ReadValueAsInt64()); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException> (() => prop.ReadValueAsGuid()); } value = prop.ReadValue(); //Console.WriteLine ("RecipientTable Property (unhandled): {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, value); Assert.AreEqual(type, value.GetType(), "Unexpected value type for {0}: {1}", prop.PropertyTag, value.GetType().Name); break; } } Assert.IsNotNull(list, "The recipient type was never specified."); Assert.IsNotNull(addr, "The address was never specified."); if (list != null) { list.Add(new MailboxAddress(name, addr)); } } }
protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context) { string username = Email.Get(context); //发送端账号 string password = Password.Get(context); //发送端密码(这个客户端重置后的密码) string server = Server.Get(context); //邮件服务器 Int32 port = Port.Get(context); //端口号 Int32 counts = Counts.Get(context); List <object> configList = new List <object>(); Pop3Client emailClient = new Pop3Client(); List <MimeMessage> emails = new List <MimeMessage>(); string mailTopicKey = MailTopicKey.Get(context); string mailSenderKey = MailSenderKey.Get(context); string mailTextBodyKey = MailTextBodyKey.Get(context); try { emailClient.Connect(server, port, SecureConnection); emailClient.Authenticate(username, password); for (int i = emailClient.Count - 1, j = 0; i >= 0 && j < counts; i--, j++) { MimeMessage message = emailClient.GetMessage(i); InternetAddressList Sender = message.From; string SenderStr = Sender[0].Name; string Topic = message.Subject; if (mailTopicKey != null && mailTopicKey != "") { if (Topic == null || Topic == "") { j--; continue; } if (!Topic.Contains(mailTopicKey)) { j--; continue; } } if (mailSenderKey != null && mailSenderKey != "") { if (SenderStr == null || SenderStr == "") { j--; continue; } if (!SenderStr.Contains(mailSenderKey)) { j--; continue; } } if (mailTextBodyKey != null && mailTextBodyKey != "") { if (message.TextBody == null || message.TextBody == "") { j--; continue; } if (!message.TextBody.Contains(mailTextBodyKey)) { j--; continue; } } emails.Add(message); if (DeleteMessages) { emailClient.DeleteMessage(i); } } MailMsgList.Set(context, emails); emailClient.Disconnect(true); } catch (Exception e) { SharedObject.Instance.Output(SharedObject.enOutputType.Error, "获取POP3邮件失败", e.Message); emailClient.Disconnect(true); } configList.Add(server); configList.Add(port); configList.Add(SecureConnection); configList.Add(username); configList.Add(password); configList.Add(""); if (Body != null) { object[] buff = configList.ToArray(); context.ScheduleAction(Body, emails, emailClient, buff); } }
public void TestEncodingMailboxWithJapaneseName () { const string expected = "=?utf-8?b?54uC44Gj44Gf44GT44Gu5LiW44Gn54uC44GG44Gq44KJ5rCX44Gv56K644GL44Gg?=\n =?utf-8?b?44CC?= <*****@*****.**>"; var mailbox = new MailboxAddress ("狂ったこの世で狂うなら気は確かだ。", "*****@*****.**"); var list = new InternetAddressList (); list.Add (mailbox); var actual = list.ToString (UnixFormatOptions, true); Assert.AreEqual (expected, actual, "Encoding japanese mailbox did not match expected result: {0}", expected); Assert.IsTrue (InternetAddressList.TryParse (actual, out list), "Failed to parse japanese mailbox"); Assert.AreEqual (mailbox.Name, list[0].Name); }
static void ExtractRecipientTable(TnefReader reader, MimeMessage message) { var prop = reader.TnefPropertyReader; // Note: The RecipientTable uses rows of properties... while (prop.ReadNextRow()) { InternetAddressList list = null; string name = null, addr = null; while (prop.ReadNextProperty()) { switch (prop.PropertyTag.Id) { case TnefPropertyId.RecipientType: int recipientType = prop.ReadValueAsInt32(); switch (recipientType) { case 1: list = message.To; break; case 2: list = message.Cc; break; case 3: list = message.Bcc; break; default: Assert.Fail("Invalid recipient type."); break; } //Console.WriteLine ("RecipientTable Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, recipientType); break; case TnefPropertyId.TransmitableDisplayName: if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { name = prop.ReadValueAsString(); //Console.WriteLine ("RecipientTable Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, name); } else { //Console.WriteLine ("RecipientTable Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, prop.ReadValueAsString ()); } break; case TnefPropertyId.DisplayName: name = prop.ReadValueAsString(); //Console.WriteLine ("RecipientTable Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, name); break; case TnefPropertyId.EmailAddress: if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(addr)) { addr = prop.ReadValueAsString(); //Console.WriteLine ("RecipientTable Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, addr); } else { //Console.WriteLine ("RecipientTable Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, prop.ReadValueAsString ()); } break; case TnefPropertyId.SmtpAddress: // The SmtpAddress, if it exists, should take precedence over the EmailAddress // (since the SmtpAddress is meant to be used in the RCPT TO command). addr = prop.ReadValueAsString(); //Console.WriteLine ("RecipientTable Property: {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, addr); break; default: //Console.WriteLine ("RecipientTable Property (unhandled): {0} = {1}", prop.PropertyTag.Id, prop.ReadValue ()); break; } } Assert.IsNotNull(list, "The recipient type was never specified."); Assert.IsNotNull(addr, "The address was never specified."); if (list != null) { list.Add(new MailboxAddress(name, addr)); } } }
private void CopyRecips(List <EmailRecipient> recips, EmailRecipientType type, InternetAddressList outputList) { foreach (var recip in recips.Where(x => x.Type == type)) { outputList.Add(new MailboxAddress(Encoding.UTF8, recip.Name, recip.Address)); } }
static bool TryParse(string text, ref int index, out InternetAddressList list) { MailboxAddress mailbox; list = null; while (index < text.Length && text[index] == ' ') { index++; } if (index >= text.Length) { return(false); } if (text[index] != '(') { if (index + 3 <= text.Length && text.Substring(index, 3) == "NIL") { list = new InternetAddressList(); index += 3; return(true); } return(false); } index++; if (index >= text.Length) { return(false); } list = new InternetAddressList(); do { if (text[index] == ')') { break; } if (!TryParse(text, ref index, out mailbox)) { return(false); } list.Add(mailbox); while (index < text.Length && text[index] == ' ') { index++; } } while (index < text.Length); if (index >= text.Length) { return(false); } index++; return(true); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public override string SendMail(MailInfo mailInfo, SmtpInfo smtpInfo = null) { // validate smtp server if (smtpInfo == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(smtpInfo.Server)) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Host.SMTPServer)) { return("SMTP Server not configured"); } smtpInfo = new SmtpInfo { Server = Host.SMTPServer, Authentication = Host.SMTPAuthentication, Username = Host.SMTPUsername, Password = Host.SMTPPassword, EnableSSL = Host.EnableSMTPSSL, }; } var mailMessage = new MimeMessage(); mailMessage.From.Add(ParseAddressWithDisplayName(displayName: mailInfo.FromName, address: mailInfo.From)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mailInfo.Sender)) { mailMessage.Sender = MailboxAddress.Parse(mailInfo.Sender); } // translate semi-colon delimiters to commas as ASP.NET 2.0 does not support semi-colons if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mailInfo.To)) { mailInfo.To = mailInfo.To.Replace(";", ","); mailMessage.To.AddRange(InternetAddressList.Parse(mailInfo.To)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mailInfo.CC)) { mailInfo.CC = mailInfo.CC.Replace(";", ","); mailMessage.Cc.AddRange(InternetAddressList.Parse(mailInfo.CC)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mailInfo.BCC)) { mailInfo.BCC = mailInfo.BCC.Replace(";", ","); mailMessage.Bcc.AddRange(InternetAddressList.Parse(mailInfo.BCC)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mailInfo.ReplyTo)) { mailInfo.ReplyTo = mailInfo.ReplyTo.Replace(";", ","); mailMessage.ReplyTo.AddRange(InternetAddressList.Parse(mailInfo.ReplyTo)); } mailMessage.Priority = (MessagePriority)mailInfo.Priority; // Only modify senderAddress if smtpAuthentication is enabled // Can be "0", empty or Null - anonymous, "1" - basic, "2" - NTLM. if (smtpInfo.Authentication == "1" || smtpInfo.Authentication == "2") { // if the senderAddress is the email address of the Host then switch it smtpUsername if different // if display name of senderAddress is empty, then use Host.HostTitle for it if (mailMessage.Sender != null) { var senderAddress = mailInfo.Sender; var senderDisplayName = mailInfo.FromName; var needUpdateSender = false; if (smtpInfo.Username.Contains("@") && senderAddress == Host.HostEmail && !senderAddress.Equals(smtpInfo.Username, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { senderAddress = smtpInfo.Username; needUpdateSender = true; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(senderDisplayName)) { senderDisplayName = Host.SMTPPortalEnabled ? PortalSettings.Current.PortalName : Host.HostTitle; needUpdateSender = true; } if (needUpdateSender) { mailMessage.Sender = ParseAddressWithDisplayName(displayName: senderDisplayName, address: senderAddress); } } else if (smtpInfo.Username.Contains("@")) { mailMessage.Sender = ParseAddressWithDisplayName( displayName: Host.SMTPPortalEnabled ? PortalSettings.Current.PortalName : Host.HostTitle, address: smtpInfo.Username); } } var builder = new BodyBuilder { TextBody = Mail.ConvertToText(mailInfo.Body), }; if (mailInfo.BodyFormat == MailFormat.Html) { builder.HtmlBody = mailInfo.Body; } // attachments if (mailInfo.Attachments != null) { foreach (var attachment in mailInfo.Attachments.Where(attachment => attachment.Content != null)) { builder.Attachments.Add(attachment.Filename, attachment.Content, ContentType.Parse(attachment.ContentType)); } } // message mailMessage.Subject = HtmlUtils.StripWhiteSpace(mailInfo.Subject, true); mailMessage.Body = builder.ToMessageBody(); smtpInfo.Server = smtpInfo.Server.Trim(); if (!SmtpServerRegex.IsMatch(smtpInfo.Server)) { return(Localize.GetString("SMTPConfigurationProblem")); } try { var smtpHostParts = smtpInfo.Server.Split(':'); var host = smtpHostParts[0]; var port = 25; if (smtpHostParts.Length > 1) { // port is guaranteed to be of max 5 digits numeric by the RegEx check port = int.Parse(smtpHostParts[1]); if (port < 1 || port > 65535) { return(Localize.GetString("SmtpInvalidPort")); } } // to workaround problem in 4.0 need to specify host name using (var smtpClient = new SmtpClient()) { smtpClient.Connect(host, port, SecureSocketOptions.Auto); switch (smtpInfo.Authentication) { case "": case "0": // anonymous break; case "1": // basic if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(smtpInfo.Username) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(smtpInfo.Password)) { smtpClient.Authenticate(smtpInfo.Username, smtpInfo.Password); } break; case "2": // NTLM (Not Supported by MailKit) throw new NotSupportedException("NTLM authentication is not supported by MailKit provider"); } smtpClient.Send(mailMessage); smtpClient.Disconnect(true); } return(string.Empty); } catch (Exception exc) { var retValue = Localize.GetString("SMTPConfigurationProblem") + " "; // mail configuration problem if (exc.InnerException != null) { retValue += string.Concat(exc.Message, Environment.NewLine, exc.InnerException.Message); Exceptions.Exceptions.LogException(exc.InnerException); } else { retValue += exc.Message; Exceptions.Exceptions.LogException(exc); } return(retValue); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> ConfirmOrderAsync(CheckoutViewModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User); var cart = _repository.GetCartByUserId(user.Id); var cartItem = _repository.GetCartItemByCartId(cart.Id); var countries = _repository.GetCountries(); model.Country = countries; cart.CartItem = cartItem; MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(); MailboxAddress from = new MailboxAddress("DevitoAnonymo porudžbina", _configuration["from"]); message.From.Add(from); InternetAddressList list = new InternetAddressList(); list.Add(new MailboxAddress(user.FirstName + " " + user.LastName, user.Email)); //user email list.Add(new MailboxAddress("MKOClothing", "*****@*****.**")); //MKOClothing email list.Add(new MailboxAddress("DevitoAnonytmo office", "*****@*****.**")); //davidov email message.To.AddRange(list); //-------------------------------------------- message.Subject = "Nova porudžbina"; var epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); var order = new Order { Orderdate = DateTime.Now, User = user, PaymentMethod = model.PaymentMethod, OrderNumber = cart.Id + user.PhoneNumber + cart.CartItem.FirstOrDefault().Id + Math.Round((DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime() - epoch).TotalSeconds) }; var mailHtmlBody = "<h1>Porudžbina -</h1><br/><hr/><table><tbody>" + "<tr><th>Broj porudžbine</th><td style='width: 200px'>" + order.OrderNumber + "</td></tr>" + "<tr><th>Ime</th><td style='width: 200px'>" + model.FirstName + "</td></tr>" + "<tr><th>Prezime</th><td style='width: 200px'>" + model.LastName + "</td></tr>" + "<tr><th>Adresa</th><td style='width: 200px'>" + model.Address + "</td></tr>" + "<tr><th>Poštanski broj</th><td style='width: 200px'>" + model.PostalNumber + "</td></tr>" + "<tr><th>Grad</th><td style='width: 200px'>" + model.City + "</td></tr>" + "<tr><th>Država</th><td style='width: 200px'>" + model.Country.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Id == model.CountryId).Title + "</td></tr>" + "<tr><th>Broj telefona</th><td style='width: 200px'>" + model.PhoneNumber + "</td></tr>"; if (model.PaymentMethod == PaymentMethod.Pouzećem) { mailHtmlBody += "<tr><th>Ukupna cena za naplatu: </th><td style='width: 200px'>" + cart.TotalPrice + " RSD</td></tr>"; } else { if (model.PaymentMethod == PaymentMethod.Paypal) { mailHtmlBody += "<tr><th>Ukupna cena za naplatu: </th><td style='width: 400px;color:green'>" + cart.TotalPrice + " RSD<strong> - PLAĆENO PUTEM PAYPAL-A</strong></td></tr>"; } } var orderItems = new List <OrderItem>(); mailHtmlBody += "</tbody></table><hr/>" + "<h3>Naručeni artikli: </h3><hr/>"; foreach (var c in cart.CartItem) { mailHtmlBody += "<table><tbody>" + "<tr><th>Broj artikla: </th><td style='width: 200px'>" + c.Product.ItemNumber + "</td></tr>" + "<tr><th>Naziv: </th><td style='width: 200px'>" + c.Product.Title + "</td></tr>" + "<tr><th>Veličina: </th><td style='width: 200px'>" + c.Size + "</td></tr>" + "<tr><th>Količina: </th><td style='width: 200px'>" + c.Quantity + "</td></tr>" + "</tbody></table><hr/>"; var orderItem = new OrderItem { Product = c.Product, Quantity = c.Quantity, Size = c.Size, UnitPrice = c.Product.Price }; orderItems.Add(orderItem); } mailHtmlBody += "<br/><p><strong>Ukoliko postoji problem sa porudžbinom, javite se na email: [email protected]</strong></p>"; order.OrderItems = orderItems; BodyBuilder bodyBuilder = new BodyBuilder(); bodyBuilder.HtmlBody = mailHtmlBody; message.Body = bodyBuilder.ToMessageBody(); SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(); await client.ConnectAsync(_configuration["mailHost"], 465, true); await client.AuthenticateAsync(_configuration["from"], _configuration["appPass"]); await client.SendAsync(message); await client.DisconnectAsync(true); client.Dispose(); _repository.AddEntity(order); _repository.RemoveEntity(cart); if (_repository.SaveAll()) { _flashMessage.Confirmation("Uspešno ste poručili artikle. Na email vam je poslata priznanica sa detaljima porudžbine. "); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } else { _flashMessage.Warning("Greška pri obradi vašeg zahteva. "); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } } else { return(View(model)); } }
async Task ForUsersAsync(IQueryable <AppUser> qry, string subj, string body, string from, InternetAddressList replyTo, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var page = 0; PagedList <AppUser> users; do { users = await qry.GetPageAsync(page ++, PAGE_SIZE); CreateDispatch(users, subj, body, from, replyTo, cancellationToken); } while (users.MorePages); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync() { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { //Console.WriteLine("Testing"+ _emailHelper.SenderEmail); return(Page()); } var userMessage = new BodyBuilder(); var recipients = COMPANY_EMAIL + ";" + FeedbackForm.UserEmailAddress; var emailSubject = "Pluto BV Website Feedback"; InternetAddressList recipientList = new InternetAddressList(); recipientList.Add(new MailboxAddress(FeedbackForm.UserEmailAddress)); recipientList.Add(new MailboxAddress(COMPANY_EMAIL)); var mimeMessage = new MimeMessage(); mimeMessage.From.Add(new MailboxAddress(_emailHelper.SenderName, _emailHelper.SenderEmail)); //mimeMessage.To.Add(new MailboxAddress(FeedbackForm.UserEmailAddress)); mimeMessage.To.AddRange(recipientList); mimeMessage.Subject = emailSubject; StringBuilder sbEmailBody = new StringBuilder(); try { if (_emailHelper.IsEmailEnabled == "YES") { //To revisit this as this a feedback from website and not //Append the collections from the form userMessage.TextBody = $@"Dear {FeedbackForm.UserName} The following details were submitted successfully. A member of our team will be in touch soon: Name: {FeedbackForm.UserName}; Postcode: {FeedbackForm.UserPostcode} Email: {FeedbackForm.UserEmailAddress} Phone: {FeedbackForm.UserPhoneNumber} Message: {FeedbackForm.UserMessage} Thanks for the feedback... Kind Regards PlutoBvServices Ltd"; mimeMessage.Body = userMessage.ToMessageBody(); using (var client = new SmtpClient()) { //for demo purposes, accept all the ssl certificates (incase server supports STARTTLS) client.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (s, c, h, e) => true; // The third parameter is useSSL (true if the client should make an SSL-wrapped // connection to the server; otherwise, false). await client.ConnectAsync(_emailHelper.Server, _emailHelper.Port); // Note: only needed if the SMTP server requires authentication await client.AuthenticateAsync(_emailHelper.SenderEmail, _emailHelper.Password); await client.SendAsync(mimeMessage); await client.DisconnectAsync(true); } } else { System.Console.WriteLine("NOt ENABLED"); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } ModelState.Clear(); return(RedirectToPage("/Index")); // return Page(); }
public void TestEncodingSimpleMailboxWithQuotedName () { const string expected = "\"Stedfast, Jeffrey\" <*****@*****.**>"; var mailbox = new MailboxAddress ("Stedfast, Jeffrey", "*****@*****.**"); var list = new InternetAddressList (); list.Add (mailbox); var actual = list.ToString (UnixFormatOptions, true); Assert.AreEqual (expected, actual, "Encoding quoted mailbox did not match expected result: {0}", expected); }
public void TestEncodingSimpleMailboxWithLatin1Name () { var latin1 = Encoding.GetEncoding ("iso-8859-1"); var mailbox = new MailboxAddress (latin1, "Kristoffer Brånemyr", "*****@*****.**"); var list = new InternetAddressList (); list.Add (mailbox); var expected = "Kristoffer =?iso-8859-1?q?Br=E5nemyr?= <*****@*****.**>"; var actual = list.ToString (UnixFormatOptions, true); Assert.AreEqual (expected, actual, "Encoding latin1 mailbox did not match expected result: {0}", expected); mailbox = new MailboxAddress (latin1, "Tõivo Leedjärv", "*****@*****.**"); list = new InternetAddressList (); list.Add (mailbox); expected = "=?iso-8859-1?b?VIH1aXZvIExlZWRqgeRydg==?= <*****@*****.**>"; actual = list.ToString (UnixFormatOptions, true); Assert.AreEqual (expected, actual, "Encoding latin1 mailbox did not match expected result: {0}", expected); }
internal MailMessageBuilder WithToAddress(string email) { _inner.To.AddRange(InternetAddressList.Parse(email)); return(this); }
public void TestUnsupportedCharsetExceptionNotThrown () { var mailbox = new MailboxAddress (Encoding.UTF8, "狂ったこの世で狂うなら気は確かだ。", "*****@*****.**"); var list = new InternetAddressList (); list.Add (mailbox); var encoded = list.ToString (true); encoded = encoded.Replace ("utf-8", "x-unknown"); InternetAddressList parsed; try { Assert.IsTrue (InternetAddressList.TryParse (encoded, out parsed), "Failed to parse address"); } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail ("Exception thrown parsing address with unsupported charset: {0}", ex); } }
static void EncodeAddressList(StringBuilder builder, InternetAddressList list) { builder.Append('('); EncodeInternetAddressListAddresses(builder, list); builder.Append(')'); }
protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context) { string username = Email.Get(context); //发送端账号 string password = Password.Get(context); //发送端密码(这个客户端重置后的密码) string server = Server.Get(context); //邮件服务器 Int32 port = Port.Get(context); //端口号 Int32 counts = Counts.Get(context); //检索邮件数 string mainFolder = MainFolder.Get(context); //邮件文件夹 string mailTopicKey = MailTopicKey.Get(context); string mailSenderKey = MailSenderKey.Get(context); string mailTextBodyKey = MailTextBodyKey.Get(context); List <object> configList = new List <object>(); List <MimeMessage> emails = new List <MimeMessage>(); ImapClient client = new ImapClient(); SearchQuery query; IList <UniqueId> uidss; try { client.CheckCertificateRevocation = false; client.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (s, c, h, e) => true; client.Connect(server, port, SecureConnection); client.Authenticate(username, password); if (OnlyUnreadMessages || _AllUnreadMessages) { query = SearchQuery.NotSeen; } else { query = SearchQuery.All; } List <IMailFolder> mailFolderList = client.GetFolders(client.PersonalNamespaces[0]).ToList(); IMailFolder folder = client.GetFolder(mainFolder); folder.Open(FolderAccess.ReadWrite); emails = new List <MimeMessage>(); if (_AllUnreadMessages) { query = SearchQuery.NotSeen; uidss = folder.Search(query); for (int i = uidss.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { MimeMessage message = folder.GetMessage(new UniqueId(uidss[i].Id)); emails.Add(message); if (MarkAsRead) { folder.AddFlags(new UniqueId(uidss[i].Id), MessageFlags.Seen, true);//如果设置为true,则不会发出MessageFlagsChanged事件 } if (DeleteMessages) { folder.AddFlags(new UniqueId(uidss[i].Id), MessageFlags.Deleted, true);//如果设置为true,则不会发出MessageFlagsChanged事件 } } } else { uidss = folder.Search(query); for (int i = uidss.Count - 1, j = 0; i >= 0 && j < counts; i--, j++) { MimeMessage message = folder.GetMessage(new UniqueId(uidss[i].Id)); InternetAddressList Sender = message.From; string SenderStr = Sender.Mailboxes.First().Address; string Topic = message.Subject; if (mailTopicKey != null && mailTopicKey != "") { if (Topic == null || Topic == "") { j--; continue; } if (!Topic.Contains(mailTopicKey)) { j--; continue; } } if (mailSenderKey != null && mailSenderKey != "") { if (SenderStr == null || SenderStr == "") { j--; continue; } if (!SenderStr.Contains(mailSenderKey)) { j--; continue; } } if (mailTextBodyKey != null && mailTextBodyKey != "") { if (message.TextBody == null || message.TextBody == "") { j--; continue; } if (!message.TextBody.Contains(mailTextBodyKey)) { j--; continue; } } emails.Add(message); if (MarkAsRead) { folder.AddFlags(new UniqueId(uidss[i].Id), MessageFlags.Seen, true);//如果设置为true,则不会发出MessageFlagsChanged事件 } if (DeleteMessages) { folder.AddFlags(new UniqueId(uidss[i].Id), MessageFlags.Deleted, true);//如果设置为true,则不会发出MessageFlagsChanged事件 } } } //获取搜索结果的摘要信息(我们需要UID和BODYSTRUCTURE每条消息,以便我们可以提取文本正文和附件)(获取全部邮件) //var items = folder.Fetch(uidss, MessageSummaryItems.UniqueId | MessageSummaryItems.BodyStructure); MailMsgList.Set(context, emails); client.Disconnect(true); configList.Add(server); configList.Add(port); configList.Add(SecureConnection); configList.Add(username); configList.Add(password); configList.Add(mainFolder); } catch (Exception e) { client.Disconnect(true); SharedObject.Instance.Output(SharedObject.enOutputType.Error, "获取IMAP邮件失败", e.Message); } if (Body != null) { object[] buff = configList.ToArray(); context.ScheduleAction(Body, emails, client, buff); } }
static bool TryParse(string text, ref int index, out InternetAddressList list) { list = null; while (index < text.Length && text[index] == ' ') { index++; } if (index >= text.Length) { return(false); } if (text[index] != '(') { if (index + 3 <= text.Length && text.Substring(index, 3) == "NIL") { list = new InternetAddressList(); index += 3; return(true); } return(false); } index++; if (index >= text.Length) { return(false); } list = new InternetAddressList(); var stack = new List <InternetAddressList> (); int sp = 0; stack.Add(list); do { if (text[index] == ')') { break; } if (!TryParse(text, ref index, out InternetAddress addr)) { return(false); } if (addr != null) { var group = addr as GroupAddress; stack[sp].Add(addr); if (group != null) { stack.Add(group.Members); sp++; } } else if (sp > 0) { stack.RemoveAt(sp); sp--; } while (index < text.Length && text[index] == ' ') { index++; } } while (index < text.Length); // Note: technically, we should check that sp == 0 as well, since all groups should // be popped off the stack, but in the interest of being liberal in what we accept, // we'll ignore that. if (index >= text.Length) { return(false); } index++; return(true); }
public void TestSimpleMailboxes () { var expected = new InternetAddressList (); var mailbox = new MailboxAddress ("", ""); string text; expected.Add (mailbox); mailbox.Name = "Jeffrey Stedfast"; mailbox.Address = "*****@*****.**"; text = "Jeffrey Stedfast <*****@*****.**>"; AssertParseAndTryParse (text, text, expected); mailbox.Name = "this is a folded name"; mailbox.Address = "*****@*****.**"; text = "this is\n\ta folded name <*****@*****.**>"; AssertParseAndTryParse (text, "this is a folded name <*****@*****.**>", expected); mailbox.Name = "Jeffrey fejj Stedfast"; mailbox.Address = "*****@*****.**"; text = "Jeffrey \"fejj\" Stedfast <*****@*****.**>"; AssertParseAndTryParse (text, "Jeffrey fejj Stedfast <*****@*****.**>", expected); mailbox.Name = "Jeffrey \"fejj\" Stedfast"; mailbox.Address = "*****@*****.**"; text = "\"Jeffrey \\\"fejj\\\" Stedfast\" <*****@*****.**>"; AssertParseAndTryParse (text, text, expected); mailbox.Name = "Stedfast, Jeffrey"; mailbox.Address = "*****@*****.**"; text = "\"Stedfast, Jeffrey\" <*****@*****.**>"; AssertParseAndTryParse (text, text, expected); mailbox.Name = "Jeffrey Stedfast"; mailbox.Address = "*****@*****.**"; text = "[email protected] (Jeffrey Stedfast)"; AssertParseAndTryParse (text, "Jeffrey Stedfast <*****@*****.**>", expected); mailbox.Name = "Jeffrey Stedfast"; mailbox.Address = "*****@*****.**"; text = "Jeffrey Stedfast <fejj(recursive (comment) block)@helixcode.(and a comment here)com>"; AssertParseAndTryParse (text, "Jeffrey Stedfast <*****@*****.**>", expected); mailbox.Name = "Jeffrey Stedfast"; mailbox.Address = "*****@*****.**"; text = "Jeffrey Stedfast <[email protected].>"; AssertParseAndTryParse (text, "Jeffrey Stedfast <*****@*****.**>", expected); }
static void AssertParseAndTryParse(string text, string encoded, InternetAddressList expected) { AssertTryParse(text, encoded, expected); AssertParse(text, encoded, expected); }
public void TestListWithGroupAndAddrspec () { const string text = "GNOME Hackers: Miguel de Icaza <*****@*****.**>, Havoc Pennington <*****@*****.**>;, [email protected]"; const string encoded = "GNOME Hackers: Miguel de Icaza <*****@*****.**>, Havoc Pennington\n\t<*****@*****.**>;, [email protected]"; var expected = new InternetAddressList (); expected.Add (new GroupAddress ("GNOME Hackers", new InternetAddress[] { new MailboxAddress ("Miguel de Icaza", "*****@*****.**"), new MailboxAddress ("Havoc Pennington", "*****@*****.**") })); expected.Add (new MailboxAddress ("", "*****@*****.**")); AssertParseAndTryParse (text, encoded, expected); }
public void TestSimpleMailboxes() { var expected = new InternetAddressList(); var mailbox = new MailboxAddress("", ""); InternetAddressList result; string text; expected.Add(mailbox); mailbox.Name = "Jeffrey Stedfast"; mailbox.Address = "*****@*****.**"; text = "Jeffrey Stedfast <*****@*****.**>"; Assert.IsTrue(InternetAddressList.TryParse(text, out result), "Failed to parse: {0}", text); AssertInternetAddressListsEqual(text, expected, result); result = InternetAddressList.Parse(text); AssertInternetAddressListsEqual(text, expected, result); mailbox.Name = "this is a folded name"; mailbox.Address = "*****@*****.**"; text = "this is\n\ta folded name <*****@*****.**>"; Assert.IsTrue(InternetAddressList.TryParse(text, out result), "Failed to parse: {0}", text); AssertInternetAddressListsEqual(text, expected, result); result = InternetAddressList.Parse(text); AssertInternetAddressListsEqual(text, expected, result); mailbox.Name = "Jeffrey fejj Stedfast"; mailbox.Address = "*****@*****.**"; text = "Jeffrey \"fejj\" Stedfast <*****@*****.**>"; Assert.IsTrue(InternetAddressList.TryParse(text, out result), "Failed to parse: {0}", text); AssertInternetAddressListsEqual(text, expected, result); result = InternetAddressList.Parse(text); AssertInternetAddressListsEqual(text, expected, result); mailbox.Name = "Jeffrey \"fejj\" Stedfast"; mailbox.Address = "*****@*****.**"; text = "\"Jeffrey \\\"fejj\\\" Stedfast\" <*****@*****.**>"; Assert.IsTrue(InternetAddressList.TryParse(text, out result), "Failed to parse: {0}", text); AssertInternetAddressListsEqual(text, expected, result); result = InternetAddressList.Parse(text); AssertInternetAddressListsEqual(text, expected, result); mailbox.Name = "Stedfast, Jeffrey"; mailbox.Address = "*****@*****.**"; text = "\"Stedfast, Jeffrey\" <*****@*****.**>"; Assert.IsTrue(InternetAddressList.TryParse(text, out result), "Failed to parse: {0}", text); AssertInternetAddressListsEqual(text, expected, result); result = InternetAddressList.Parse(text); AssertInternetAddressListsEqual(text, expected, result); mailbox.Name = "Jeffrey Stedfast"; mailbox.Address = "*****@*****.**"; text = "[email protected] (Jeffrey Stedfast)"; Assert.IsTrue(InternetAddressList.TryParse(text, out result), "Failed to parse: {0}", text); AssertInternetAddressListsEqual(text, expected, result); result = InternetAddressList.Parse(text); AssertInternetAddressListsEqual(text, expected, result); mailbox.Name = "Jeffrey Stedfast"; mailbox.Address = "*****@*****.**"; text = "Jeffrey Stedfast <fejj(recursive (comment) block)@helixcode.(and a comment here)com>"; Assert.IsTrue(InternetAddressList.TryParse(text, out result), "Failed to parse: {0}", text); AssertInternetAddressListsEqual(text, expected, result); result = InternetAddressList.Parse(text); AssertInternetAddressListsEqual(text, expected, result); mailbox.Name = "Jeffrey Stedfast"; mailbox.Address = "*****@*****.**"; text = "Jeffrey Stedfast <[email protected].>"; Assert.IsTrue(InternetAddressList.TryParse(text, out result), "Failed to parse: {0}", text); AssertInternetAddressListsEqual(text, expected, result); result = InternetAddressList.Parse(text); AssertInternetAddressListsEqual(text, expected, result); }
public void TestExampleGroupWithCommentsFromRfc5322 () { const string text = "A Group(Some people):Chris Jones <c@(Chris's host.)public.example>, [email protected], John <*****@*****.**> (my dear friend); (the end of the group)"; const string encoded = "A Group: Chris Jones <*****@*****.**>, [email protected], John <*****@*****.**>;"; var expected = new InternetAddressList (); expected.Add (new GroupAddress ("A Group", new InternetAddress[] { new MailboxAddress ("Chris Jones", "*****@*****.**"), new MailboxAddress ("", "*****@*****.**"), new MailboxAddress ("John", "*****@*****.**") })); AssertParseAndTryParse (text, encoded, expected); }
static void AssertInternetAddressListsEqual(string text, InternetAddressList expected, InternetAddressList result) { Assert.AreEqual(expected.Count, result.Count, "Unexpected number of addresses: {0}", text); for (int i = 0; i < expected.Count; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(expected.GetType(), result.GetType(), "Address #{0} differs in type: {1}", i, text); Assert.AreEqual(expected[i].ToString(), result[i].ToString(), "Display strings differ for {0}", text); } }
public void TestMailboxWith8bitName () { const string encoded = "Patrik =?iso-8859-1?b?RqVkbHRzdHKldm0=?= <*****@*****.**>"; const string text = "Patrik F¥dltstr¥vm <*****@*****.**>"; var expected = new InternetAddressList (); expected.Add (new MailboxAddress ("Patrik F¥dltstr¥vm", "*****@*****.**")); AssertParseAndTryParse (text, encoded, expected); }
public void TestSorting() { var messages = new List <MessageSummary> (); IList <MessageSummary> sorted; MessageSummary summary; summary = new MessageSummary(0); summary.Envelope = new Envelope(); summary.Envelope.Date = DateTimeOffset.Now; summary.Envelope.Subject = "aaaa"; summary.Envelope.From = InternetAddressList.Parse("Jeffrey Stedfast <*****@*****.**>"); summary.Envelope.To = InternetAddressList.Parse("Jeffrey Stedfast <*****@*****.**>"); summary.Envelope.Cc = new InternetAddressList(); summary.MessageSize = 520; messages.Add(summary); summary = new MessageSummary(1); summary.Envelope = new Envelope(); summary.Envelope.Date = DateTimeOffset.Now; summary.Envelope.Subject = "bbbb"; summary.Envelope.From = InternetAddressList.Parse("Jeffrey Stedfast <*****@*****.**>"); summary.Envelope.To = InternetAddressList.Parse("Jeffrey Stedfast <*****@*****.**>"); summary.Envelope.Cc = new InternetAddressList(); summary.MessageSize = 265; messages.Add(summary); summary = new MessageSummary(2); summary.Envelope = new Envelope(); summary.Envelope.Date = DateTimeOffset.Now; summary.Envelope.Subject = "cccc"; summary.Envelope.From = InternetAddressList.Parse("Jeffrey Stedfast <*****@*****.**>"); summary.Envelope.To = InternetAddressList.Parse("Jeffrey Stedfast <*****@*****.**>"); summary.Envelope.Cc = new InternetAddressList(); summary.MessageSize = 520; messages.Add(summary); sorted = MessageSorter.Sort(messages, new [] { OrderBy.Arrival }); Assert.AreEqual(0, sorted[0].Index, "Sorting by arrival failed."); Assert.AreEqual(1, sorted[1].Index, "Sorting by arrival failed."); Assert.AreEqual(2, sorted[2].Index, "Sorting by arrival failed."); sorted = MessageSorter.Sort(messages, new [] { OrderBy.ReverseArrival }); Assert.AreEqual(2, sorted[0].Index, "Sorting by reverse arrival failed."); Assert.AreEqual(1, sorted[1].Index, "Sorting by reverse arrival failed."); Assert.AreEqual(0, sorted[2].Index, "Sorting by reverse arrival failed."); sorted = MessageSorter.Sort(messages, new [] { OrderBy.Subject }); Assert.AreEqual(0, sorted[0].Index, "Sorting by subject failed."); Assert.AreEqual(1, sorted[1].Index, "Sorting by subject failed."); Assert.AreEqual(2, sorted[2].Index, "Sorting by subject failed."); sorted = MessageSorter.Sort(messages, new [] { OrderBy.ReverseSubject }); Assert.AreEqual(2, sorted[0].Index, "Sorting by reverse subject failed."); Assert.AreEqual(1, sorted[1].Index, "Sorting by reverse subject failed."); Assert.AreEqual(0, sorted[2].Index, "Sorting by reverse subject failed."); sorted = MessageSorter.Sort(messages, new [] { OrderBy.Size }); Assert.AreEqual(1, sorted[0].Index, "Sorting by size failed."); sorted = MessageSorter.Sort(messages, new [] { OrderBy.Size, OrderBy.Subject }); Assert.AreEqual(1, sorted[0].Index, "Sorting by size+subject failed."); Assert.AreEqual(0, sorted[1].Index, "Sorting by size+subject failed."); Assert.AreEqual(2, sorted[2].Index, "Sorting by size+subject failed."); sorted = MessageSorter.Sort(messages, new [] { OrderBy.ReverseSize, OrderBy.ReverseSubject }); Assert.AreEqual(2, sorted[0].Index, "Sorting by size+subject failed."); Assert.AreEqual(0, sorted[1].Index, "Sorting by size+subject failed."); Assert.AreEqual(1, sorted[2].Index, "Sorting by size+subject failed."); }
public void TestObsoleteMailboxRoutingSyntaxWithEmptyDomains () { const string text = "Routed Address <@route1,,@route2,,,@route3:[email protected]>"; const string encoded = "Routed Address <@route1,@route2,@route3:[email protected]>"; var expected = new InternetAddressList (); expected.Add (new MailboxAddress ("Routed Address", new [] { "route1", "route2", "route3" }, "*****@*****.**")); AssertParseAndTryParse (text, encoded, expected); }
public async Task Send(string from, string fromEmail, string toEmail, string subject, string body, SmtpSettings smtpSettings, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var msg = new MimeMessage(InternetAddressList.Parse($"{from} <{fromEmail}>"), InternetAddressList.Parse(toEmail), subject, new TextPart("html") { Text = body }); using var client = new SmtpClient(); using (var depTrack = _telemetryLogger.TrackDependency("Email", nameof(EmailSender), nameof(client.ConnectAsync))) { await client.ConnectAsync(smtpSettings.Server, smtpSettings.Port, smtpSettings.SecureSocketOptions, cancellationToken); depTrack.Success(); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(smtpSettings.User)) { using var depTrack = _telemetryLogger.TrackDependency("Email", nameof(EmailSender), nameof(client.AuthenticateAsync)); await client.AuthenticateAsync(smtpSettings.User, smtpSettings.Password, cancellationToken); depTrack.Success(); } using (var depTrack = _telemetryLogger.TrackDependency("Email", nameof(EmailSender), nameof(client.SendAsync))) { await client.SendAsync(msg, cancellationToken); depTrack.Success(); } using (var depTrack = _telemetryLogger.TrackDependency("Email", nameof(EmailSender), nameof(client.DisconnectAsync))) { await client.DisconnectAsync(true, cancellationToken); depTrack.Success(); } }
public void TestCompareTo () { var list1 = new InternetAddressList (); list1.Add (new GroupAddress ("Local recipients", new InternetAddress[] { new MailboxAddress ("", "phil"), new MailboxAddress ("", "joe"), new MailboxAddress ("", "alex"), new MailboxAddress ("", "bob"), })); list1.Add (new MailboxAddress ("Joey", "*****@*****.**")); list1.Add (new MailboxAddress ("Chandler", "*****@*****.**")); var list2 = new InternetAddressList (); list2.Add (new MailboxAddress ("Chandler", "*****@*****.**")); list2.Add (new GroupAddress ("Local recipients", new InternetAddress[] { new MailboxAddress ("", "phil"), new MailboxAddress ("", "joe"), new MailboxAddress ("", "alex"), new MailboxAddress ("", "bob"), })); list2.Add (new MailboxAddress ("Joey", "*****@*****.**")); Assert.IsTrue (list1.CompareTo (list2) > 0, "CompareTo() should return < 0."); Assert.IsTrue (list2.CompareTo (list1) < 0, "CompareTo() should return > 0."); }
internal MimeMessage (ParserOptions options) { addresses = new Dictionary<string, InternetAddressList> (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); Headers = new HeaderList (options); // initialize our address lists foreach (var name in StandardAddressHeaders) { var list = new InternetAddressList (); list.Changed += InternetAddressListChanged; addresses.Add (name, list); } references = new MessageIdList (); references.Changed += ReferencesChanged; inreplyto = null; Headers.Changed += HeadersChanged; }
public void TestEncodingMailboxWithReallyLongWord () { const string expected = "=?us-ascii?q?reeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllll?=\n =?us-ascii?q?llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly?= long word\n\t<*****@*****.**>"; const string name = "reeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly long word"; var mailbox = new MailboxAddress (name, "*****@*****.**"); var list = new InternetAddressList (); list.Add (mailbox); var actual = list.ToString (UnixFormatOptions, true); Assert.AreEqual (expected, actual, "Encoding really long mailbox did not match expected result: {0}", expected); Assert.IsTrue (InternetAddressList.TryParse (actual, out list), "Failed to parse really long mailbox"); Assert.AreEqual (mailbox.Name, list[0].Name); }
static void ExtractRecipientTable(TnefReader reader, MimeMessage message) { var prop = reader.TnefPropertyReader; // Note: The RecipientTable uses rows of properties... while (prop.ReadNextRow()) { string transmitableDisplayName = null; string recipientDisplayName = null; string displayName = string.Empty; InternetAddressList list = null; string addr = null; while (prop.ReadNextProperty()) { switch (prop.PropertyTag.Id) { case TnefPropertyId.RecipientType: int recipientType = prop.ReadValueAsInt32(); switch (recipientType) { case 1: list = message.To; break; case 2: list = message.Cc; break; case 3: list = message.Bcc; break; } break; case TnefPropertyId.TransmitableDisplayName: transmitableDisplayName = prop.ReadValueAsString(); break; case TnefPropertyId.RecipientDisplayName: recipientDisplayName = prop.ReadValueAsString(); break; case TnefPropertyId.DisplayName: displayName = prop.ReadValueAsString(); break; case TnefPropertyId.EmailAddress: if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(addr)) { addr = prop.ReadValueAsString(); } break; case TnefPropertyId.SmtpAddress: // The SmtpAddress, if it exists, should take precedence over the EmailAddress // (since the SmtpAddress is meant to be used in the RCPT TO command). addr = prop.ReadValueAsString(); break; } } if (list != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(addr)) { var name = recipientDisplayName ?? transmitableDisplayName ?? displayName; list.Add(new MailboxAddress(name, addr)); } } }
public void TestEncodingSimpleAddressList () { const string expectedEncoded = "Kristoffer =?iso-8859-1?q?Br=E5nemyr?= <*****@*****.**>, Jeffrey Stedfast\n\t<*****@*****.**>"; const string expectedDisplay = "\"Kristoffer Brånemyr\" <*****@*****.**>, \"Jeffrey Stedfast\" <*****@*****.**>"; var latin1 = Encoding.GetEncoding ("iso-8859-1"); var options = FormatOptions.Default.Clone (); var list = new InternetAddressList (); list.Add (new MailboxAddress (latin1, "Kristoffer Brånemyr", "*****@*****.**")); list.Add (new MailboxAddress ("Jeffrey Stedfast", "*****@*****.**")); options.NewLineFormat = NewLineFormat.Unix; var display = list.ToString (options, false); Assert.AreEqual (expectedDisplay, display, "Display value does not match the expected result: {0}", display); var encoded = list.ToString (options, true); Assert.AreEqual (expectedEncoded, encoded, "Encoded value does not match the expected result: {0}", display); }
public async Task <bool> Send(Dictionary <string, string> argsMap) { bool result = false; string[] to = argsMap["-to"].Split(';'); string[] from = argsMap["-from"].Split(','); string subject = argsMap["-subject"]; string body = argsMap["-body"]; string[] smtp = argsMap["-smtp"].Split(':'); string[] user = argsMap["-user"].Split('/'); string[] att = null; if (argsMap.TryGetValue("-att", out string valueAtt)) { att = valueAtt.Split(';'); } if (smtp?.Length != 2) { Console.WriteLine("Send Error: -smtp格式有误!"); return(result); } if (user?.Length != 2) { Console.WriteLine("Send Error: -user格式有误!"); return(result); } #region 发邮件 _smtp.ConnectAsync(smtp[0], Convert.ToInt32(smtp[1]), SecureSocketOptions.StartTls).Wait(); _smtp.AuthenticateAsync(user[0], user[1]).Wait(); _smtp.MessageSent += (sender, args) => { Console.WriteLine($"Send Message: {args.Response}"); }; var message = new MimeMessage(); InternetAddressList list = new InternetAddressList(); foreach (var p in to) { list.Add(new MailboxAddress(p, p)); } message.To.AddRange(list); if (from.Length > 1) { message.From.Add(new MailboxAddress(from[0], from[1])); } else { message.From.Add(new MailboxAddress(from[0], from[0])); } message.Subject = subject; var builder = new BodyBuilder(); if (att != null) { foreach (var p in att) { if (File.Exists(p)) { builder.Attachments.Add(p); } else { Console.WriteLine($"提示: 附件文件 {p} 不存在。"); } } } builder.TextBody = body; message.Body = builder.ToMessageBody(); await _smtp.SendAsync(message); #endregion 发邮件 return(result); }
public void TestEquality () { var list1 = new InternetAddressList (); list1.Add (new GroupAddress ("Local recipients", new InternetAddress[] { new MailboxAddress ("", "phil"), new MailboxAddress ("", "joe"), new MailboxAddress ("", "alex"), new MailboxAddress ("", "bob"), })); list1.Add (new MailboxAddress ("Joey", "*****@*****.**")); list1.Add (new MailboxAddress ("Chandler", "*****@*****.**")); var list2 = new InternetAddressList (); list2.Add (new MailboxAddress ("Chandler", "*****@*****.**")); list2.Add (new GroupAddress ("Local recipients", new InternetAddress[] { new MailboxAddress ("", "phil"), new MailboxAddress ("", "joe"), new MailboxAddress ("", "alex"), new MailboxAddress ("", "bob"), })); list2.Add (new MailboxAddress ("Joey", "*****@*****.**")); Assert.IsTrue (list1.Equals (list2), "The 2 lists should be equal."); }
/// <summary> /// Asynchronously produces e-mails and notification messages for all intended recipients based on the specified event type. /// </summary> /// <param name="args">An object that holds issue-related event data.</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">The token used to cancel an ongoing async operation.</param> /// <returns></returns> public override async Task ProcessAsync(SysEventArgs args, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { // give a chance to the base message producer to process the event await base.ProcessAsync(args, cancellationToken); if (!(args is SysEventArgs <Issue> e)) { throw new ArgumentException($"Must be of type {nameof(SysEventArgs<Issue>)}.", nameof(args)); } var issue = e.Data ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("Data"); var user = (e.User as AppUser) ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("User"); var settings = e.ObjectState as EmailSettingsViewModel ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("ObjectState", $"ObjectState must be of type {nameof(EmailSettingsViewModel)}"); var notifs = settings.Notifications; _emailNotificationsEnabled = notifs.Enabled ?? false; try { if (issue.User == null && e.EventType != SysEventType.IssueDeleted) { issue = await _issueRepo.All(q => q.QueryIssues(id: issue.Id, withIncludes: true)).SingleOrDefaultAsync(); } var fullName = user.FullName(); var userName = user.UserName; var notify = false; var outgoing = settings.Outgoing; var from = outgoing.FromDisplay; var useFromNameForAll = outgoing.UseFromNameForAll ?? false; var replyToAddrList = new InternetAddressList(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(outgoing.ReplyTo)) { replyToAddrList.AddRange(outgoing.ReplyTo); } EmailTemplate temp; var templates = settings.Templates; switch (e.EventType) { case SysEventType.IssueCreated: { // Sent to technicians when a new ticket arrives. All technicians that have permissions to the category get one of these. // Ticket confirmation notification (the one users get after submitting a new ticket)? notify = notifs.TicketConfirmationNotification ?? false; if (notify && user.SendEmail && user.EmailConfirmed) { // "Ticket confirmation" email template: Sent to the ticket-submitter after the app received his ticket. temp = templates.TicketConfirmation; var m = CreateMessage( temp.ReplaceSubject(issue.Subject).ToString(), temp.ReplaceBody(issue.Body, issue.Subject) .Replace("#Numero_ticket#", $"{issue.Id}") .Replace("#Articles_Base_Connaissances#", string.Empty) //.Replace("#Suggested_KB_articles#", string.Empty) .ToString(), from, to: user.Email ); m.ReplyTo.AddRange(replyToAddrList); Enqueue(WrapMessage(m, user.Id)); } temp = templates.NewTicket; var subj = temp.ReplaceSubject(issue.Subject).ToString(); var body = temp.ReplaceBody(issue.Body, issue.Subject).Replace("#Numero_ticket#", $"{issue.Id}").ToString(); from = user.GetEmailAddress(); // notify all admins? if (notifs.NotifyAllAdmins ?? false) { var qry = _userRepo.All(q => q.NotDisabled().Admins().Not(user.Id).CanReceiveEmails()); await ForUsersAsync(qry, subj, body, from, replyToAddrList, cancellationToken); } // notify techs in their categories? if (notifs.NotifyTechs ?? false) { var qry = _userRepo.All(q => q.NotDisabled().Techs().Not(user.Id).CanReceiveEmails()); await ForUsersAsync(qry, subj, body, from, replyToAddrList, cancellationToken); } } break; case SysEventType.IssueAssigned: { // Notify ALL technicians in a category when another technician TAKES a ticket temp = await TemplateForUpdate($"{fullName} a pris en charge la résolution du ticket #{issue.Id}."); if (user.IsTech && (notifs.NotifyAllTechsOnTechTakeOver ?? false)) { await NotifyTechs(temp); } // notify ticket owner NotifyOwner(temp); } break; case SysEventType.IssueUpdated: { // Sent to both technicians and ticket-submitter (and all ticket-subscribers if any) when a new reply is added to the ticket temp = await TemplateForUpdate($"Le ticket #{issue.Id} a été mis à jour par {fullName}."); if (issue.UpdatedByUser) { from = user.GetEmailAddress(); var techsNotified = false; // Notify ALL technicians in a category when a customer updates a ticket // (not just the ticket-technician and ticket-subscribers)? if (issue.UpdatedForTechView || (notifs.NotifyAllTechsOnCustomerUpdate ?? false)) { await NotifyTechs(temp); techsNotified = true; } await NotifyAssignee(temp); // send to all subscribers but the submitter var qry = _subsRepo.All(q => q.QueryIssueSubscribers(issue.Id).But(user.Id)); if (techsNotified) { qry = qry.NotTechs(); // exclude the techs who've been notified previously } await ForSubscribersAsync(qry, temp.Subject, temp.Body, from, replyToAddrList, cancellationToken); } else { // send to submitter NotifyOwner(temp); // send to subscribers except the owner and updater var qry = _subsRepo.All(q => q.QueryIssueSubscribers(issue.Id).But(user.Id).But(issue.User.Id)); await ForSubscribersAsync(qry, temp.Subject, temp.Body, from, replyToAddrList, cancellationToken); } } break; case SysEventType.IssueClosed: { // Sent to subscribers when a ticket is closed. Note that "Ticket closed notifications" setting has to be on. if (notifs.TicketClosedNotification ?? false) { temp = await TemplateForUpdate($"Le ticket #{issue.Id} a été fermé par {fullName}."); NotifyOwner(temp); } } break; case SysEventType.IssueReopened: // no template for this scenario? break; case SysEventType.IssueDeleted: // no template for this scenario? break; default: // definitely no template for this scenario! break; } Consumer.Notify(); async Task <EmailTemplate> TemplateForUpdate(string whatHappened) { var comments = await _commentRepo.GetAsync(q => q.QueryCommentsForIssue(issue.Id).Skip(0).Take(3).ToArray()); var recent = string.Empty; if (comments.Length > 0) { try { recent = await _emailTemplatesViewRender.RenderToStringAsync(TEMPLATE_RECENT_COMMENTS, comments); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogWarning(ex, "An error occured while rendering the recent comments e-mail template."); var sb = new StringBuilder("<h3>Messages récents</h3>"); foreach (var c in comments) { sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine(c.Body); } recent = sb.ReplaceLineBreaks().ToString().Trim(); } } temp = templates.TicketUpdated; var subj = temp.ReplaceSubject(issue.Subject).ToString(); var body = temp .ReplaceBody(issue.Body, issue.Subject) .Replace("#Quoi_De_Neuf#", whatHappened) .Replace("#Messages_recents#", recent) .Replace("#Categorie#", issue.Category?.Name) .Replace("#Statut#", issue.Status?.Name) .Replace("#Priorite#", UtilExtensions.PriorityName(issue.Priority)) //.Replace("#What_Happened#", whatHappened) //.Replace("#Recent_messages#", recent) //.Replace("#Category#", catname) //.Replace("#Status#", statname) //.Replace("#Priority#", priority) .ToString(); return(new EmailTemplate { Body = body, Subject = subj }); } async Task NotifyTechs(EmailTemplate et) { var qry = _userRepo.All(q => q.NotDisabled().Techs().Not(user.Id).CanReceiveEmails()); await ForUsersAsync(qry, et.Subject, et.Body, from, replyToAddrList, cancellationToken); } async Task NotifyAssignee(EmailTemplate et) { if (issue.IsAssigned()) { var owner = await _userRepo.GetAsync(q => q.Find(issue.AssignedToUserId)); if (owner != null) { EnqueueTemplate(et, owner); } } } void NotifyOwner(EmailTemplate et) { var owner = issue.User; if (owner.SendEmail && owner.Id != user.Id) { EnqueueTemplate(et, owner); } } void SetFromName(AppUser u) { if (!useFromNameForAll) { from = user.GetEmailAddress(); } } void EnqueueTemplate(EmailTemplate et, AppUser owner) { SetFromName(owner); Enqueue(WrapMessage(CreateMessage(et.Subject, et.Body, from, owner.Email), owner.Id)); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogError(ex, $"Error while producing issue e-mails in {nameof(ProcessAsync)}."); } }
void AddAddresses (Header header, InternetAddressList list) { int length = header.RawValue.Length; List<InternetAddress> parsed; int index = 0; // parse the addresses in the new header and add them to our address list if (!InternetAddressList.TryParse (Headers.Options, header.RawValue, ref index, length, false, false, out parsed)) return; list.Changed -= InternetAddressListChanged; list.AddRange (parsed); list.Changed += InternetAddressListChanged; }
/// <summary> /// Build MimeMessage, inject user text and Eml file as message/rfc822 attachment /// </summary> /// <PARAM name="text"></PARAM> /// <PARAM name="emlMessageList"></PARAM> /// <PARAM name="from"></PARAM> /// <PARAM name="toList"></PARAM> /// <PARAM name="ccList"></PARAM> /// <PARAM name="bccList"></PARAM> /// <returns></returns> public static MimeMessage BuildMimeMessageWithEmlAsRFC822Attachment(TextPart text, List <MimeMessage> emlMessageList, MailboxAddress from, InternetAddressList toList, InternetAddressList ccList, InternetAddressList bccList) { var message = new MimeMessage(); message.From.Add(from); message.To.AddRange(toList); if (ccList.Count > 0) { message.Cc.AddRange(ccList); } if (bccList.Count > 0) { message.Bcc.AddRange(bccList); } MimeMessage firstMessage = emlMessageList[0]; // set the forwarded subject if (!firstMessage.Subject.StartsWith("FW:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { message.Subject = "FW: " + firstMessage.Subject; } else { message.Subject = firstMessage.Subject; } // create a multipart/mixed container for the text body and the forwarded message var multipart = new Multipart("mixed"); multipart.Add(text); foreach (var emlMessage in emlMessageList) { // create the message/rfc822 attachment for the original message var rfc822 = new MessagePart { Message = emlMessage }; multipart.Add(rfc822); } // set the multipart as the body of the message message.Body = multipart; return(message); }
void SerializeAddressList (string field, InternetAddressList list) { var builder = new StringBuilder (" "); var options = FormatOptions.Default; int lineLength = field.Length + 2; list.Encode (options, builder, ref lineLength); builder.Append (options.NewLine); var raw = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (builder.ToString ()); ReplaceHeader (field.ToHeaderId (), field, raw); }
static void SendMailMime(MailInputs maildata) { try { //--------------------- // Configuration // User setup string User = maildata.User; string UserName = maildata.User; string pssw = maildata.Password; // Server setup string server = maildata.Server; int port = Convert.ToInt32(maildata.Port); // Mail setup string attachment = maildata.Attachment; string MailBody = maildata.Body; string MailSubject = maildata.Subject; string toAddressString = maildata.To; string ccAddressString = maildata.Cc; string bccAddressString = maildata.Bcc; //-------------------- MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(); MailboxAddress from = new MailboxAddress(UserName, User); message.From.Add(from); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(toAddressString)) { InternetAddressList toList = new InternetAddressList(); toList.AddRange(MimeKit.InternetAddressList.Parse(toAddressString)); message.To.AddRange(toList); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ccAddressString)) { InternetAddressList ccList = new InternetAddressList(); ccList.AddRange(MimeKit.InternetAddressList.Parse(ccAddressString)); message.Cc.AddRange(ccList); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bccAddressString)) { InternetAddressList bccList = new InternetAddressList(); bccList.AddRange(MimeKit.InternetAddressList.Parse(bccAddressString)); message.Bcc.AddRange(bccList); } //Mail body BodyBuilder bodyBuilder = new BodyBuilder(); //bodyBuilder.HtmlBody = "<h1>This is a mail body</h1>"; message.Subject = MailSubject; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MailBody)) { bodyBuilder.TextBody = MailBody; } // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attachment)) { bodyBuilder.Attachments.Add(attachment); } message.Body = bodyBuilder.ToMessageBody(); SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(); client.Connect(server, port, SecureSocketOptions.None); client.Authenticate(User, pssw); client.Send(message); client.Disconnect(true); client.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine(""); //Console.ReadLine(); //............................ } catch (Exception ep) { Console.WriteLine("failed to send email with the following error:"); Console.WriteLine(ep.Message); Console.ReadLine(); } }
void ReloadAddressList (HeaderId id, InternetAddressList list) { // clear the address list and reload list.Changed -= InternetAddressListChanged; list.Clear (); foreach (var header in Headers) { if (header.Id != id) continue; int length = header.RawValue.Length; List<InternetAddress> parsed; int index = 0; if (!InternetAddressList.TryParse (Headers.Options, header.RawValue, ref index, length, false, false, out parsed)) continue; list.AddRange (parsed); } list.Changed += InternetAddressListChanged; }
public static void Main(string[] args) { AppDomain currentDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain; currentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(MyHandler); string dataPath = GetLocalAppDataPath(); string MBoxViewerPath = Path.Combine(dataPath, "MBoxViewer"); string MailServicePath = Path.Combine(MBoxViewerPath, "MailService"); string TempPath = Path.Combine(MailServicePath, "Temp"); string okFilePath = MailServicePath + "\\ForwardMailSuccess.txt"; string errorFilePath = MailServicePath + "\\ForwardMailError.txt"; string errorFilePathOldInstance = MailServicePath + "\\ForwardMailError2.txt"; System.IO.DirectoryInfo info = Directory.CreateDirectory(TempPath); string loggerFilePath = FindKeyinArgs(args, "--logger-file"); var logger = new FileLogger(); logger.Open(loggerFilePath); logger.Log("Logger Open"); try { // File.Delete doesn't seem to generate exceptions if file doesn't exist //if (File.Exists(okFilePath) File.Delete(okFilePath); //if (File.Exists(errorFilePath) File.Delete(errorFilePath); File.Delete(errorFilePathOldInstance); } catch (Exception ex) { string txt = String.Format("Delete Critical Files Failed\n{0}\n{1}\n{2}\n\n{3}", okFilePath, errorFilePath, errorFilePathOldInstance, ex.Message); bool rval = FileUtils.CreateWriteCloseFile(errorFilePath, txt); logger.Log("Exception in Delete Critical Files: ", ex.ToString()); System.Environment.Exit(ExitCodes.ExitMailAddress); } int numArgs = args.GetLength(0); if ((numArgs <= 0) || ((numArgs % 2) != 0)) { string errorText = String.Format("Invalid command argument list: {0} .", String.Join(" ", args)); bool rval = FileUtils.CreateWriteCloseFile(errorFilePath, errorText + "\n"); logger.Log(errorText); System.Environment.Exit(ExitCodes.ExitCmdArguments); } /* * if (numArgs <= 0) * { * logger.Log(@"Usage: --from addr --to addr1,addr2,.. --cc addr1,addr2,.. -bcc addr1,addr2,.. * --user login-user-name --passwd --login-user-password --smtp smtp-server-name", ""); * Debug.Assert(true == false); * System.Environment.Exit(1); * } */ string instance = ""; IniFile smtpIni = null; EMailInfo mailInfo = new EMailInfo(); SMTPConfig smtpConfig = new SMTPConfig(); string smtpConfigFilePath = ""; string UserPassword = ""; string protocolLoggerFilePath = ""; int tcpListenPort = 0; logger.Log("Command line argument list:"); for (int j = 0, i = 0; j < numArgs; j = j + 2, i++) { string key = args[j]; string val = args[j + 1]; if (!key.StartsWith("--")) { string errorText = String.Format("Invalid key: {0} ", key); bool rval = FileUtils.CreateWriteCloseFile(errorFilePath, errorText + "\n"); logger.Log(errorText); System.Environment.Exit(ExitCodes.ExitCmdArguments); } if ((j + 1) >= numArgs) { string errorText = String.Format("Found key: {0} without value.", key); bool rval = FileUtils.CreateWriteCloseFile(errorFilePath, errorText + "\n"); logger.Log(errorText); System.Environment.Exit(ExitCodes.ExitCmdArguments); } if (key.CompareTo("--instance-id") == 0) { instance = val; } else if (key.CompareTo("--smtp-protocol-logger") == 0) { protocolLoggerFilePath = val; } else if (key.CompareTo("--from") == 0) { mailInfo.From = val; } else if (key.CompareTo("--to") == 0) { mailInfo.To = val; } else if (key.CompareTo("--cc") == 0) { mailInfo.CC = val; } else if (key.CompareTo("--bcc") == 0) { mailInfo.BCC = val; } else if (key.CompareTo("--user") == 0) { mailInfo.To = val; } else if (key.CompareTo("--passwd") == 0) { UserPassword = val; } else if (key.CompareTo("--smtp-cnf") == 0) { smtpConfigFilePath = val; } else if (key.CompareTo("--tcp-port") == 0) { tcpListenPort = int.Parse(val); } else if (key.CompareTo("--eml-file") == 0) { mailInfo.EmlFilePath = val; } else if (key.CompareTo("--mail-text-file") == 0) { mailInfo.TextFilePath = val; } else if (key.CompareTo("--logger-file") == 0) { ; // see FindKeyinArgs(args, "--logger-file"); } else { logger.Log(String.Format(" Unknown Key: {0} {1}", args[j], args[j + 1])); } logger.Log(String.Format(" {0} {1}", args[j], args[j + 1])); } if (smtpConfigFilePath.Length == 0) { string errorText = String.Format("required --smtp-cnf command line argument missing."); bool rval = FileUtils.CreateWriteCloseFile(errorFilePath, errorText + "\n"); logger.Log(errorText); System.Environment.Exit(ExitCodes.ExitCmdArguments); } if (!File.Exists(smtpConfigFilePath)) { string errorText = String.Format("SMTP configuration file {0} doesn't exist.", smtpConfigFilePath); bool rval = FileUtils.CreateWriteCloseFile(errorFilePath, errorText + "\n"); logger.Log(errorText); System.Environment.Exit(ExitCodes.ExitCmdArguments); } try { if (protocolLoggerFilePath.Length > 0) { File.Delete(protocolLoggerFilePath); } } catch (Exception /*ex*/) {; } // ignore smtpIni = new IniFile(smtpConfigFilePath); string ActiveMailService = smtpIni.IniReadValue("MailService", "ActiveMailService"); smtpConfig.MailServiceName = smtpIni.IniReadValue(ActiveMailService, "MailServiceName"); smtpConfig.SmtpServerAddress = smtpIni.IniReadValue(ActiveMailService, "SmtpServerAddress"); smtpConfig.SmtpServerPort = int.Parse(smtpIni.IniReadValue(ActiveMailService, "SmtpServerPort")); smtpConfig.UserAccount = smtpIni.IniReadValue(ActiveMailService, "UserAccount"); if (UserPassword.Length > 0) { smtpConfig.UserPassword = UserPassword; } else { smtpConfig.UserPassword = smtpIni.IniReadValue(ActiveMailService, "UserPassword"); } smtpConfig.EncryptionType = int.Parse(smtpIni.IniReadValue(ActiveMailService, "EncryptionType")); logger.Log(smtpConfig.ToString()); // Uncomment when you exec this application from MBoxViewer //smtpConfig.UserPassword = ""; if (smtpConfig.UserPassword.Length == 0) { logger.Log("Waiting to receive password"); smtpConfig.UserPassword = WaitForPassword(tcpListenPort, logger, errorFilePath); if (smtpConfig.UserPassword.Length > 0) { logger.Log("Received non empty password"); //logger.Log("Received non empty password: "******"Received empty password"); } int found = smtpConfig.UserPassword.IndexOf(":"); if (found <= 0) { // Old instance , log to differnt file bool rval = FileUtils.CreateWriteCloseFile(errorFilePathOldInstance, "Received invalid id:password. Exitting\n"); System.Environment.Exit(ExitCodes.ExitCmdArguments); } string id = smtpConfig.UserPassword.Substring(0, found); string passwd = smtpConfig.UserPassword.Substring(found + 1); smtpConfig.UserPassword = passwd; logger.Log("Command line instance id: ", instance); logger.Log("Received instance id: ", id); //logger.Log("Received password: "******"Received password: "******"xxxxxxxxxxxx"); if (id.CompareTo(instance) != 0) { // Old instance , log to different file bool rval = FileUtils.CreateWriteCloseFile(errorFilePathOldInstance, "This is old instance. Exitting\n"); System.Environment.Exit(ExitCodes.ExitCmdArguments); } } MimeKit.ParserOptions opt = new MimeKit.ParserOptions(); var From = new MailboxAddress("", smtpConfig.UserAccount); // InternetAddressList CCList = new InternetAddressList(); InternetAddressList BCCList = new InternetAddressList(); InternetAddressList ToList = new InternetAddressList(); try { if (mailInfo.To.Length > 0) { ToList = MimeKit.InternetAddressList.Parse(opt, mailInfo.To); } if (mailInfo.CC.Length > 0) { CCList = MimeKit.InternetAddressList.Parse(opt, mailInfo.CC); } if (mailInfo.BCC.Length > 0) { BCCList = MimeKit.InternetAddressList.Parse(opt, mailInfo.BCC); } } catch (Exception ex) { bool rval = FileUtils.CreateWriteCloseFile(errorFilePath, "Parsing Internet Address list Failed\n", ex.Message); logger.Log("Exception in InternetAddressList.Parse: ", ex.ToString()); System.Environment.Exit(ExitCodes.ExitMailAddress); } // string emlFilePath = mailInfo.EmlFilePath; // create the main textual body of the message var text = new TextPart("plain"); try { text.Text = File.ReadAllText(mailInfo.TextFilePath, Encoding.UTF8); } catch (Exception ex) { bool rval = FileUtils.CreateWriteCloseFile(errorFilePath, "Building Mime Mesage Failed\n", ex.Message); logger.Log("Exception in Building Mime Message: ", ex.ToString()); System.Environment.Exit(ExitCodes.ExitMimeMessage); } logger.Log("Forwarding Eml file:", emlFilePath); MimeMessage msg = null; try { var message = new MimeMessage(); message = MimeKit.MimeMessage.Load(emlFilePath); List <MimeMessage> mimeMessages = new List <MimeMessage>(); mimeMessages.Add(message); msg = BuildMimeMessageWithEmlAsRFC822Attachment(text, mimeMessages, From, ToList, CCList, BCCList); } catch (Exception ex) { bool rval = FileUtils.CreateWriteCloseFile(errorFilePath, "Building Mime Mesage Failed\n", ex.Message); logger.Log("Exception in Building Mime Message: ", ex.ToString()); System.Environment.Exit(ExitCodes.ExitMimeMessage); } logger.Log("BuildMimeMessageWithEmlAsRFC822Attachment Done"); //string msgAsString = MailkitConvert.ToString(msg); //string msgAsString = msg.ToString(); //logger.Log("\n", msgAsString); // OAUTH2 works on Google but requires verification by Google and it seems to be chargable option if number of users > 100 // Another problem is that ClientSecret can't be hardcoded in the application // For now we will just rely on User Account and User Password for authentication SaslMechanism oauth2 = null;; bool useOAUTH2 = false; if (useOAUTH2) { string appClientId = ""; string appClientSecret = "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"; var accessScopes = new[] { // that is the only scope that works per info from jstedfast "", }; var clientSecrets = new ClientSecrets { ClientId = appClientId, ClientSecret = appClientSecret }; oauth2 = GetAuth2Token(smtpConfig.UserAccount, clientSecrets, accessScopes); } IProtocolLogger smtpProtocolLogger = null; if (protocolLoggerFilePath.Length > 0) { smtpProtocolLogger = new ProtocolLogger(protocolLoggerFilePath); } else { smtpProtocolLogger = new NullProtocolLogger(); } using (var client = new SmtpClient(smtpProtocolLogger)) { try { client.Connect(smtpConfig.SmtpServerAddress, smtpConfig.SmtpServerPort, (SecureSocketOptions)smtpConfig.EncryptionType); } catch (Exception ex) { bool rval = FileUtils.CreateWriteCloseFile(errorFilePath, "Connect to SMTP Server Failed\n", ex.Message); logger.Log("Exception in Connect: ", ex.ToString()); System.Environment.Exit(ExitCodes.ExitConnect); } logger.Log(String.Format("Connected to {0} mail service", smtpConfig.MailServiceName)); try { if (useOAUTH2) { client.Authenticate(oauth2); } else { client.Authenticate(smtpConfig.UserAccount, smtpConfig.UserPassword); } } catch (Exception ex) { bool rval = FileUtils.CreateWriteCloseFile(errorFilePath, "SMTP Authentication Failed\n", ex.Message); logger.Log("Exception in Authenticate: ", ex.ToString()); System.Environment.Exit(ExitCodes.ExitAuthenticate); } logger.Log("SMTP Authentication Succeeded"); // Clear smtpConfig.UserPassword in case it cores smtpConfig.UserPassword = ""; try { client.Send(msg); } catch (Exception ex) { bool rval = FileUtils.CreateWriteCloseFile(errorFilePath, "Send Failed\n", ex.Message); logger.Log("Exception in Send to SMTP Server: ", ex.ToString()); //string msgString = MailkitConvert.ToString(msg); //string msgAsString = msg.ToString(); // To help to investigate Warning place at the begining of the serialized MimeMessage // X - MimeKit - Warning: Do NOT use ToString() to serialize messages! Use one of the WriteTo() methods instead! //logger.Log("\n", msgString); System.Environment.Exit(ExitCodes.ExitSend); } string txt = "Mail Sending Succeeded"; logger.Log(txt); bool retval = FileUtils.CreateWriteCloseFile(okFilePath, txt); try { client.Disconnect(true); } catch (Exception ex) { // Ignore, not a fatal error //bool rval = FileUtils.CreateWriteCloseFile(errorFilePath, "Send Failed\n", ex.Message); logger.Log("Exception in Disconnect to SMTP Server: ", ex.ToString()); } logger.Log("SMTP Client Disconnected. All done."); } System.Environment.Exit(ExitCodes.ExitOk); }