public static void UseSystem()
            InternalSystem system = new InternalSystem();

            Console.WriteLine("Employees to test login\n");

            Director Account1 = new Director("159.753.398-04");

            Account1.Name     = "Roberta Fierro";
            Account1.Password = "******";

            AccountManager Account2 = new AccountManager("326.985.628-89");

            Account2.Name     = "Camila Caballo";
            Account2.Password = "******";

            CommercialPartner Account3 = new CommercialPartner();

            Account3.Password = "******";

            Console.WriteLine("\nLogin status\n");

            system.Login(Account1, "123");
            system.Login(Account2, "abcd");
            system.Login(Account3, "456");
예제 #2
        public static void Login()
            InternalSystem Is = new InternalSystem();
            Directors      al = new Directors("321.589.620.02");

            al.Name     = "Albert Parkinson";
            al.Password = "******";
            ComercialPartner cp = new ComercialPartner();

            cp.Password = "******";

            Is.Login(cp, "4567898");
            Is.Login(cp, "1236456");
            Is.Login(al, "123");
            Is.Login(al, "abc");
예제 #3
        public static void UseSystem()
            InternalSystem internalSystem = new InternalSystem();
            Director       roberta        = new Director(name: "Roberta", cpf: "159.753.398-04");

            roberta.Password = "******";
            internalSystem.Login(roberta, "1234");

            ManagerOfAccount camila = new ManagerOfAccount(name: "Camila", cpf: "326.985.628-89");

            camila.Password = "******";
            internalSystem.Login(camila, "abcd");

            ComercialPartner comercialPartner = new ComercialPartner();

            comercialPartner.Password = "******";
            internalSystem.Login(comercialPartner, "456");
예제 #4
        public static void UsingSystem()
            InternalSystem internalSystem = new InternalSystem();

            Ceo roberta = new Ceo("13123213");

            roberta.Name     = "Roberta";
            roberta.Password = "******";

            SalesPartner camila = new SalesPartner();

            camila.Password = "******";

            internalSystem.SignIn(roberta, "123");
            internalSystem.SignIn(roberta, "345");

            internalSystem.SignIn(camila, "123");
            internalSystem.SignIn(camila, "345");
        public static void UseInternalSystem()
            InternalSystem internalSystem = new InternalSystem();

            Director robert = new Director("159.753.398-04");

            robert.Name     = "Robert";
            robert.Password = "******";

            AccountManager caroline = new AccountManager("326.985.628-89");

            caroline.Name     = "Caroline";
            caroline.Password = "******";

            CommercialPartner commercialPartner = new CommercialPartner();

            commercialPartner.Password = "******";

            internalSystem.LogInto(robert, "123");
            internalSystem.LogInto(caroline, "abc");
            internalSystem.LogInto(commercialPartner, "123456");
예제 #6
		internal CharEnumerator (InternalSystem.String _string)
			internalString = _string;
			index = -1;
예제 #7
		internal unsafe static uint CallFilter (InternalSystem.Exception exception, ExceptionHandlingClause handler, void* callerBP)
			Diagnostics.Error ("Unimplemented - ExceptionHandling.CallFilter");

			return 0;
예제 #8
파일: Runtime.cs 프로젝트: sharpos/SharpOS
		internal static unsafe object IsInst (InternalSystem.Object obj, TypeInfo type)
			if (obj != null && IsBaseClassOf (obj.VTable.Type, type))
				return obj;
				return null;
예제 #9
파일: Runtime.cs 프로젝트: sharpos/SharpOS
		internal static unsafe object CastClass (InternalSystem.Object obj, TypeInfo type)
			if (obj != null && IsBaseClassOf (obj.VTable.Type, type))
				return obj;
			Throw (new InternalSystem.InvalidCastException (), 3);

			// It doesn't come so far
			return null;
예제 #10
		internal unsafe static void CallFinallyFault (InternalSystem.Exception exception, ExceptionHandlingClause handler, void* callerBP)
			Diagnostics.Error ("Unimplemented - ExceptionHandling.CallFinallyFault");
예제 #11
		internal unsafe static void CallFinallyFault (InternalSystem.Exception exception, SharpOS.Korlib.Runtime.ExceptionHandlingClause handler, void* callerBP)
			uint _callerBP = (uint) callerBP;
			uint targetIP = (uint) handler.HandlerBegin;

			// Set the address where it will jump to handle the exception
			Asm.MOV (R32.ECX, &targetIP);

			// This is very dependent of the way the AOT generates the prolog of the method
			Asm.MOV (R32.EAX, &_callerBP);

			Asm.PUSH (R32.EBP);
			Asm.PUSH (R32.EBX);
			Asm.PUSH (R32.ESI);
			Asm.PUSH (R32.EDI);

			Asm.MOV (R32.EBP, new DWordMemory (null, R32.EAX, null, 0, 0));
			Asm.MOV (R32.EBX, new DWordMemory (null, R32.EAX, null, 0, -4));
			Asm.MOV (R32.ESI, new DWordMemory (null, R32.EAX, null, 0, -8));
			Asm.MOV (R32.EDI, new DWordMemory (null, R32.EAX, null, 0, -12));

			// Push target address of the handler
			Asm.CALL (R32.ECX);

			Asm.POP (R32.EDI);
			Asm.POP (R32.ESI);
			Asm.POP (R32.EBX);
			Asm.POP (R32.EBP);
예제 #12
		internal unsafe static uint CallFilter (InternalSystem.Exception exception, SharpOS.Korlib.Runtime.ExceptionHandlingClause handler, void* callerBP)
			uint _callerBP = (uint) callerBP;
			uint targetIP = (uint) handler.FilterBegin;
			uint exceptionAddress = (uint) Runtime.GetPointerFromObject (exception);
			uint result = 0;

			// The address (EDX) will be then used in the handler
			Asm.MOV (R32.EDX, &exceptionAddress);

			// Set the address where it will jump to handle the exception
			Asm.MOV (R32.ECX, &targetIP);

			// This is very dependent of the way the AOT generates the prolog of the method
			Asm.MOV (R32.EAX, &_callerBP);

			Asm.PUSH (R32.EBP);
			Asm.PUSH (R32.EBX);
			Asm.PUSH (R32.ESI);
			Asm.PUSH (R32.EDI);

			Asm.MOV (R32.EBP, new DWordMemory (null, R32.EAX, null, 0, 0));
			Asm.MOV (R32.EBX, new DWordMemory (null, R32.EAX, null, 0, -4));
			Asm.MOV (R32.ESI, new DWordMemory (null, R32.EAX, null, 0, -8));
			Asm.MOV (R32.EDI, new DWordMemory (null, R32.EAX, null, 0, -12));

			// Assign EAX the address of the exception object
			Asm.MOV (R32.EAX, R32.EDX);

			// Push target address of the handler
			Asm.CALL (R32.ECX);

			Asm.POP (R32.EDI);
			Asm.POP (R32.ESI);
			Asm.POP (R32.EBX);
			Asm.POP (R32.EBP);

			// Get the result of the filter
			Asm.MOV (&result, R32.EAX);

			return result;
예제 #13
		internal unsafe static void CallHandler (InternalSystem.Exception exception, SharpOS.Korlib.Runtime.ExceptionHandlingClause handler, void* callerBP)
			uint _callerBP = (uint) callerBP;
			uint targetIP = (uint) handler.HandlerBegin;
			uint exceptionAddress = (uint) Runtime.GetPointerFromObject (exception);

			// The address (EDX) will be then used in the handler
			Asm.MOV (R32.EDX, &exceptionAddress);

			// Set the address where it will jump to handle the exception
			Asm.MOV (R32.ECX, &targetIP);

			// This is very dependent of the way the AOT generates the prolog of the method
			Asm.MOV (R32.EAX, &_callerBP);
			Asm.SUB (R32.EAX, 12);
			Asm.MOV (R32.ESP, R32.EAX);
			Asm.POP (R32.EDI);
			Asm.POP (R32.ESI);
			Asm.POP (R32.EBX);
			Asm.POP (R32.EBP);

			// Just dump the address of the caller
			Asm.POP (R32.EAX);

			// Assign EAX the address of the exception object
			Asm.MOV (R32.EAX, R32.EDX);

			// Push target address of the handler
			Asm.PUSH (R32.ECX);
			Asm.RET ();
예제 #14
파일: Runtime.cs 프로젝트: sharpos/SharpOS
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the exception handler.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="exception">The exception.</param>
		/// <param name="start">The start.</param>
		/// <param name="end">The end.</param>
		private unsafe static void GetExceptionHandler (InternalSystem.Exception exception, out int start, out int end)
			ExceptionHandlingClause handler = null;
			int i = exception.CurrentStackFrame;

			// In the first pass we just look for a possible Exception Handler
			for (; i < exception.CallingStack.Length && handler == null; i++) {
				MethodBoundary methodBoundary = exception.CallingStack [i].MethodBoundary;

				for (int j = 0; j < exception.CallingStack [i].MethodBoundary.ExceptionHandlingClauses.Length; j++) {
					ExceptionHandlingClause exceptionHandlingClause = methodBoundary.ExceptionHandlingClauses [j];

					if (exception.CallingStack [i].IgnoreMethodBoundaryClause [j])

					if (exceptionHandlingClause.ExceptionType == ExceptionHandlerType.Finally)

					if (exceptionHandlingClause.ExceptionType == ExceptionHandlerType.Fault)

					if (exception.CallingStack [i].IP < exceptionHandlingClause.TryBegin
							|| exception.CallingStack [i].IP >= exceptionHandlingClause.TryEnd)

					if (exceptionHandlingClause.ExceptionType == ExceptionHandlerType.Catch
							&& !Runtime.IsBaseClassOf (exception.VTable.Type, exceptionHandlingClause.TypeInfo))

					if (handler == null)
						handler = exceptionHandlingClause;

					else if ((exceptionHandlingClause.TryBegin >= handler.TryBegin
								&& exceptionHandlingClause.TryEnd < handler.TryEnd)
							|| (exceptionHandlingClause.TryBegin >= handler.TryBegin
								&& exceptionHandlingClause.TryEnd < handler.TryEnd))
						handler = exceptionHandlingClause;

			// TODO this should check out if the error occured in a thread or a process
			if (handler == null) {
				TextMode.Write ("Unhandled exception: ");
				TextMode.Write (exception.VTable.Type.Name);
				TextMode.Write (": ");
				TextMode.WriteLine (exception.Message);
				PrintCallingStackToScreen (exception.CallingStack);

				Debug.COM1.Write ("Unhandled exception: ");
				Debug.COM1.Write (exception.VTable.Type.Name);
				Debug.COM1.Write (": ");
				Debug.COM1.WriteLine (exception.Message);
				PrintCallingStack (exception.IgnoreStackFramesCount, exception.CallingStack);

				Diagnostics.Panic ("No exception handler found");

			start = exception.CurrentStackFrame;
			end = i;
			exception.CurrentStackFrame = i - 1;
예제 #15
파일: Runtime.cs 프로젝트: sharpos/SharpOS
		internal static unsafe void Throw (InternalSystem.Exception exception)
			Throw (exception, 3);
예제 #16
파일: Runtime.cs 프로젝트: sharpos/SharpOS
		/// <summary>
		/// Calls the handler.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="exception">The exception.</param>
		/// <param name="getNewHandler">if set to <c>true</c> [get new handler].</param>
		/// <param name="handler">The handler.</param>
		/// <param name="i">The i.</param>
		/// <param name="clauseIndex">Index of the clause.</param>
		/// <param name="callerBP">The caller BP.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private unsafe static bool CallHandler (InternalSystem.Exception exception, bool getNewHandler, ExceptionHandlingClause handler, int i, int clauseIndex, void* callerBP)
			if (handler != null) {
				Debug.COM1.Write ("Calling the found handler from Frame: #");
				Debug.COM1.WriteNumber ((int) (i - exception.IgnoreStackFramesCount), false);
				Debug.COM1.Write ("/Clause: #");
				Debug.COM1.WriteNumber ((int) clauseIndex, false);
				Debug.COM1.WriteLine ();

				exception.CallingStack [i].IgnoreMethodBoundaryClause [clauseIndex] = true;

				if (handler.ExceptionType == ExceptionHandlerType.Finally
						|| handler.ExceptionType == ExceptionHandlerType.Fault) {
					ExceptionHandling.CallFinallyFault (exception, handler, callerBP);

				} else if (handler.ExceptionType == ExceptionHandlerType.Filter) {
					// If it is a filter and it fails look for the next Exception Handler
					if (ExceptionHandling.CallFilter (exception, handler, callerBP) == 0)
						getNewHandler = true;

						ExceptionHandling.CallHandler (exception, handler, callerBP);

				} else if (handler.ExceptionType == ExceptionHandlerType.Catch)
					ExceptionHandling.CallHandler (exception, handler, callerBP);

			return getNewHandler;
예제 #17
파일: Runtime.cs 프로젝트: sharpos/SharpOS
		internal static unsafe void Throw (InternalSystem.Exception exception, int skipFrames)
			// TODO check the exception's type to make sure it is an exception

			StackFrame [] stackFrames = ExceptionHandling.GetCallingStack ();

			if (exception.CallingStack == null) {
				exception.CallingStack = stackFrames;
				exception.IgnoreStackFramesCount = skipFrames;
				exception.CurrentStackFrame = skipFrames;

			PrintCallingStack (exception.IgnoreStackFramesCount, exception.CallingStack);
			PrintCallingStack (0, stackFrames);
			while (true) {
				bool getNewHandler = false;
				int start;
				int end;

				GetExceptionHandler (exception, out start, out end);

				for (int i = start; i < end && !getNewHandler; i++) {
					int candidates;

					do {
						int clauseIndex = 0;
						candidates = 0;
						MethodBoundary methodBoundary = exception.CallingStack [i].MethodBoundary;
						ExceptionHandlingClause handler = null;

						for (int j = 0; j < exception.CallingStack [i].MethodBoundary.ExceptionHandlingClauses.Length; j++) {
							ExceptionHandlingClause exceptionHandlingClause = methodBoundary.ExceptionHandlingClauses [j];

							if (exception.CallingStack [i].IgnoreMethodBoundaryClause [j])

							if (exception.CallingStack [i].IP < exceptionHandlingClause.TryBegin
									|| exception.CallingStack [i].IP >= exceptionHandlingClause.TryEnd)

							if (exceptionHandlingClause.ExceptionType == ExceptionHandlerType.Catch
									&& !Runtime.IsBaseClassOf (exception.VTable.Type, exceptionHandlingClause.TypeInfo))

							if (handler == null) {
								clauseIndex = j;
								handler = exceptionHandlingClause;

							} else {
								if ((exceptionHandlingClause.TryBegin >= handler.TryBegin
											&& exceptionHandlingClause.TryEnd < handler.TryEnd)
										|| (exceptionHandlingClause.TryBegin >= handler.TryBegin
											&& exceptionHandlingClause.TryEnd < handler.TryEnd)) {
									clauseIndex = j;
									handler = exceptionHandlingClause;


						void* bp = stackFrames [stackFrames.Length - (exception.CallingStack.Length - i + 1)].BP;
						getNewHandler = CallHandler (exception, getNewHandler, handler, i, clauseIndex, bp);

					} while (candidates != 0 && !getNewHandler);