public override void Run(string[] args) { // Log any unhandled exception. AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += (s, e) => { var exception = e.ExceptionObject as Exception; InternalLog.Error(LogTag, $"Unhandled exception: {exception}"); }; // Parse engine arguments passed from the tool. This should be reworked. for (int i = args.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var arg = args[i].Trim('\''); if (arg.StartsWith("FLUTTER_ENGINE_ARGS")) { var engineArgs = arg.Substring(arg.IndexOf(' ')); InternalLog.Debug(LogTag, "Running with: " + engineArgs); // A regex is used here to correctly parse "quoted" strings. // TODO: Avoid using Linq to reduce the memory pressure. EngineArgs.AddRange(Regex.Matches(engineArgs, @"[\""].+?[\""]|[^ ]+") .Cast <Match>() .Select(x => x.Value.Trim('"'))); break; } } base.Run(args); }
public static void Debug( string message, [CallerFilePath] string file = "", [CallerMemberName] string func = "", [CallerLineNumber] int line = 0) { InternalLog.Debug(LogTag, message, file, func, line); }
public override void OnShutdown() { InternalLog.Debug("[NetModule ShutDown] channel count is " + m_Channels.Count); foreach (var channel in m_Channels) { channel.Close(); } m_Channels.Clear(); base.OnShutdown(); }
private void OnError(string errorMessage, SocketError?socketError) { InternalLog.Debug("[TcpChannel OnError] Start."); try { Handler.OnError(errorMessage, socketError == null ? null : (object)socketError.Value); } catch { // ignored } finally { InternalLog.Debug("[TcpChannel OnError] End."); } }
public void Close() { lock (m_StateLock) { InternalLog.Debug("[TcpChannel OnClose] Start."); if (m_State == NetChannelState.Unknown || m_State == NetChannelState.Closed || m_State == NetChannelState.Closing || m_State == NetChannelState.Disconnected) { return; } m_State = NetChannelState.Closing; } Clear(); Interlocked.Exchange(ref m_IsSending, 0); m_SendingEventArgs.Completed -= OnSendCompleted; m_ReceiveEventArgs.Completed -= OnReceiveCompleted; m_ConnectionEventArgs.Completed -= OnConnectionComplete; m_ReceiveStream.Dispose(); m_SendingStream.Dispose(); InternalLog.Debug("[TcpChannel OnClose] Before socket shutdown and close."); try { m_Socket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); m_Socket.Close(); } catch { // ignored } finally { InternalLog.Debug("[TcpChannel OnClose] finally block."); m_Socket = null; lock (m_StateLock) { m_State = NetChannelState.Closed; } InternalLog.Debug("[TcpChannel OnClose] End."); } }
protected override void OnCreate() { base.OnCreate(); // Read the current platform version and choose a Tizen 4.0 embedder if applicable. Information.TryGetValue("", out PlatformVersion); // Read engine arguments passed from the tool. ParseEngineArgs(); InternalLog.Info(LogTag, $"switches: {string.Join(" ", EngineArgs)}"); // Get the screen size of the currently running device. if (!Information.TryGetValue("", out int width) || !Information.TryGetValue("", out int height)) { InternalLog.Error(LogTag, "Could not obtain the screen size."); return; } var windowProperties = new FlutterWindowProperties { width = width, height = height }; // Get paths to resources required for launch. string resPath = Current.DirectoryInfo.Resource; string assetsPath = $"{resPath}/flutter_assets"; string icuDataPath = $"{resPath}/icudtl.dat"; string arch = RuntimeInformation.ProcessArchitecture switch { Architecture.X86 => "x86", Architecture.X64 => "x64", Architecture.Arm => "arm", Architecture.Arm64 => "aarch64", _ => "", }; string aotLibPath = $"{resPath}/../lib/{arch}/"; using var switches = new StringArray(EngineArgs); var engineProperties = new FlutterEngineProperties { assets_path = assetsPath, icu_data_path = icuDataPath, aot_library_path = aotLibPath, switches = switches.Handle, switches_count = (uint)switches.Length, }; // This check is not actually required, but we want to make sure that is loaded // before a call to FlutterCreateWindow() is made to avoid library loading issues on TV emulator. if (FlutterEngineRunsAOTCompiledDartCode()) { InternalLog.Debug(LogTag, "Running in AOT mode."); } Handle = FlutterCreateWindow(ref windowProperties, ref engineProperties); if (Handle.IsInvalid) { throw new Exception("Could not launch a Flutter application."); } }
public void ToBinary(BinaryWriter bw, AssetIndexBase obj) { #if PROFILING Profiler.BeginSample(); #endif var stringMap = new StringMap(); var resourceGroupInfoSerializer = new ResourceGroupInfoSerializerV2(stringMap); var resourceBasicInfoSerializer = new ResourceBasicInfoSerializerV2(stringMap); var assetInfoSerializer = new AssetInfoSerializerV2(stringMap); var resourceInfoSerializer = new ResourceInfoSerializerV2(stringMap); bw.Write(obj.Header); bw.Write(Version); obj.SerializeAugmentedData(bw); foreach (var kv in obj.ResourceBasicInfos) { stringMap.TryAddString(kv.Key, out _); } // AssetInfos doesn't necessarily contain information about all the assets. So their dependency paths have to // be added into stringMap. foreach (var kv in obj.AssetInfos) { stringMap.TryAddString(kv.Key, out _); foreach (var dependencyAssetPath in kv.Value.DependencyAssetPaths) { stringMap.TryAddString(dependencyAssetPath, out _); } } stringMap.ToBinary(bw); bw.Write(obj.ResourceGroupInfos.Count); foreach (var resourceGroupInfo in obj.ResourceGroupInfos) { resourceGroupInfoSerializer.ToBinary(bw, resourceGroupInfo); } bw.Write(obj.ResourceBasicInfos.Count); foreach (var kv in obj.ResourceBasicInfos) { resourceBasicInfoSerializer.ToBinary(bw, kv.Value); } bw.Write(obj.AssetInfos.Count); foreach (var kv in obj.AssetInfos) { assetInfoSerializer.ToBinary(bw, kv.Value); } bw.Write(obj.ResourceInfos.Count); foreach (var kv in obj.ResourceInfos) { resourceInfoSerializer.ToBinary(bw, kv.Value); } #if PROFILING InternalLog.Debug($"[AssetIndexSerializerV2 ToBinary] Serialization of asset index takes {Profiler.EndSample().TotalMilliseconds} ms."); #endif }
private void Receive() { InternalLog.Debug("[TcpChannel Receive]"); m_Socket.ReceiveAsync(m_ReceiveEventArgs); }