예제 #1
        private static bool ProcessOuterApplyOverProject(RuleProcessingContext context, Node applyNode, out Node newNode)
            newNode = applyNode;
            var projectNode    = applyNode.Child1;
            var varDefListNode = projectNode.Child1;

            var trc           = (TransformationRulesContext)context;
            var inputNodeInfo = context.Command.GetExtendedNodeInfo(projectNode.Child0);
            var sentinelVar   = inputNodeInfo.NonNullableDefinitions.First;

            // special case handling first - we'll end up in an infinite loop otherwise.
            // If the ProjectOp is the dummy ProjectOp that we would be building (ie)
            // it defines only 1 var - and the defining expression is simply a constant
            if (sentinelVar == null
                varDefListNode.Children.Count == 1
                (varDefListNode.Child0.Child0.Op.OpType == OpType.InternalConstant ||
                 varDefListNode.Child0.Child0.Op.OpType == OpType.NullSentinel))

            var  command          = context.Command;
            Node dummyProjectNode = null;
            InternalConstantOp nullSentinelDefinitionOp = null;

            // get node information for the project's child
            var projectInputNodeInfo = command.GetExtendedNodeInfo(projectNode.Child0);

            // Build up a dummy project node.
            // Walk through each local definition of the current project Node, and convert
            // all expressions into case expressions whose value depends on the var
            // produced by the dummy project node

            // Dev10 #480443: If any of the definitions changes we need to recompute the node info.
            var anyVarDefChanged = false;

            foreach (var varDefNode in varDefListNode.Children)
                PlanCompiler.Assert(varDefNode.Op.OpType == OpType.VarDef, "Expected VarDefOp. Found " + varDefNode.Op.OpType + " instead");
                var varRefOp = varDefNode.Child0.Op as VarRefOp;
                if (varRefOp == null ||
                    // do we need to build a dummy project node
                    if (sentinelVar == null)
                        nullSentinelDefinitionOp = command.CreateInternalConstantOp(command.IntegerType, 1);
                        var dummyConstantExpr          = command.CreateNode(nullSentinelDefinitionOp);
                        var dummyProjectVarDefListNode = command.CreateVarDefListNode(dummyConstantExpr, out sentinelVar);
                        var dummyProjectOp             = command.CreateProjectOp(sentinelVar);
                        dummyProjectNode = command.CreateNode(dummyProjectOp, projectNode.Child0, dummyProjectVarDefListNode);

                    Node currentDefinition;

                    // If the null sentinel was just created, and the local definition of the current project Node
                    // is an internal constant equivalent to the null sentinel, it can be rewritten as a reference
                    // to the null sentinel.
                    if (nullSentinelDefinitionOp != null &&
                        (nullSentinelDefinitionOp.IsEquivalent(varDefNode.Child0.Op) ||
                         //The null sentinel has the same value of 1, thus it is safe.
                         varDefNode.Child0.Op.OpType == OpType.NullSentinel))
                        currentDefinition = command.CreateNode(command.CreateVarRefOp(sentinelVar));
                        currentDefinition = trc.BuildNullIfExpression(sentinelVar, varDefNode.Child0);
                    varDefNode.Child0 = currentDefinition;
                    anyVarDefChanged = true;

            // Recompute node info if needed
            if (anyVarDefChanged)

            // If we've created a dummy project node, make that the new child of the applyOp
            applyNode.Child1 = dummyProjectNode != null ? dummyProjectNode : projectNode.Child0;

            // Pull up the project node above the apply node now. Also, make sure that every Var of
            // the applyNode's definitions actually shows up in the new Project
            projectNode.Child0 = applyNode;
            var applyLeftChildNodeInfo = command.GetExtendedNodeInfo(applyNode.Child0);
            var projectOp = (ProjectOp)projectNode.Op;


            newNode = projectNode;
        private static bool ProcessOuterApplyOverProject(
            RuleProcessingContext context,
            System.Data.Entity.Core.Query.InternalTrees.Node applyNode,
            out System.Data.Entity.Core.Query.InternalTrees.Node newNode)
            newNode = applyNode;
            System.Data.Entity.Core.Query.InternalTrees.Node child1_1 = applyNode.Child1;
            System.Data.Entity.Core.Query.InternalTrees.Node child1_2 = child1_1.Child1;
            TransformationRulesContext transformationRulesContext     = (TransformationRulesContext)context;
            Var computedVar = context.Command.GetExtendedNodeInfo(child1_1.Child0).NonNullableDefinitions.First;

            if (computedVar == null && child1_2.Children.Count == 1 && (child1_2.Child0.Child0.Op.OpType == OpType.InternalConstant || child1_2.Child0.Child0.Op.OpType == OpType.NullSentinel))
            Command command = context.Command;

            System.Data.Entity.Core.Query.InternalTrees.Node node1 = (System.Data.Entity.Core.Query.InternalTrees.Node)null;
            InternalConstantOp internalConstantOp = (InternalConstantOp)null;
            ExtendedNodeInfo   extendedNodeInfo1  = command.GetExtendedNodeInfo(child1_1.Child0);
            bool flag = false;

            foreach (System.Data.Entity.Core.Query.InternalTrees.Node child in child1_2.Children)
                System.Data.Entity.Core.Query.PlanCompiler.PlanCompiler.Assert(child.Op.OpType == OpType.VarDef, "Expected VarDefOp. Found " + (object)child.Op.OpType + " instead");
                VarRefOp op = child.Child0.Op as VarRefOp;
                if (op == null || !extendedNodeInfo1.Definitions.IsSet(op.Var))
                    if (computedVar == null)
                        internalConstantOp = command.CreateInternalConstantOp(command.IntegerType, (object)1);
                        System.Data.Entity.Core.Query.InternalTrees.Node node2          = command.CreateNode((Op)internalConstantOp);
                        System.Data.Entity.Core.Query.InternalTrees.Node varDefListNode = command.CreateVarDefListNode(node2, out computedVar);
                        ProjectOp projectOp = command.CreateProjectOp(computedVar);
                        node1 = command.CreateNode((Op)projectOp, child1_1.Child0, varDefListNode);
                    System.Data.Entity.Core.Query.InternalTrees.Node node3 = internalConstantOp == null || !internalConstantOp.IsEquivalent(child.Child0.Op) && child.Child0.Op.OpType != OpType.NullSentinel ? transformationRulesContext.BuildNullIfExpression(computedVar, child.Child0) : command.CreateNode((Op)command.CreateVarRefOp(computedVar));
                    child.Child0 = node3;
                    flag = true;
            if (flag)
            applyNode.Child1 = node1 ?? child1_1.Child0;
            child1_1.Child0 = applyNode;
            ExtendedNodeInfo extendedNodeInfo2 = command.GetExtendedNodeInfo(applyNode.Child0);

            newNode = child1_1;