예제 #1
        public static Bitmap DrawTwoImages(Bitmap img1, Bitmap img2, List <ValueTuple <Descriptor, Descriptor> > match)
            var offset = 20;
            var width  = img1.Width + img2.Width + offset;
            var height = Math.Max(img1.Height, img2.Height) + offset;

            var result = new Bitmap(width + 2 * offset, height + 2 * offset);

            using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(result))

                            2 * offset + img1.Width,
                            2 * offset,

            foreach (var(d1, d2) in match)
                    from = d1.Point,
                    to   = d2.Point;

                         offset + from.getX(),
                         offset + from.getY(),
                         2 * offset + to.getX() + img1.Width,
                         2 * offset + to.getY(),

예제 #2
        private static List <int> GetInliers(List <ValueTuple <Descriptor, Descriptor> > matches, List <double> homography)
            var inliers = new List <int>();

            for (var i = 0; i < matches.Count; i++)
                var match = matches[i];
                    a = match.Item1.Point,
                    b = match.Item2.Point;

                var point    = Transform(homography, a.getX(), a.getY());
                var distance = MathHelper.SqrtOfSqrSum(point.Item1 - b.getX(), point.Item2 - b.getY());

                if (distance < Threshold)

예제 #3
        private static List <double> FindCurrentHomography(List <ValueTuple <Descriptor, Descriptor> > matches,
                                                           List <int> choices, bool reverse)
            double[,] Homography = new double[2 * choices.Count, MatrixWidth];

            var index = 0;

            foreach (var value in choices)
                var match = matches[value];
                InterestingPoint a = match.Item1.Point, b = match.Item2.Point;

                if (reverse)
                    (a, b) = (b, a);

                int i1 = 2 * index, i2 = 2 * index + 1;

                Homography[i1, 0] = a.getX();
                Homography[i1, 1] = a.getY();
                Homography[i1, 2] = 1;
                Homography[i1, 3] = 0;
                Homography[i1, 4] = 0;
                Homography[i1, 5] = 0;
                Homography[i1, 6] = -b.getX() * a.getX();
                Homography[i1, 7] = -b.getX() * a.getY();
                Homography[i1, 8] = -b.getX();

                Homography[i2, 0] = 0;
                Homography[i2, 1] = 0;
                Homography[i2, 2] = 0;
                Homography[i2, 3] = a.getX();
                Homography[i2, 4] = a.getY();
                Homography[i2, 5] = 1;
                Homography[i2, 6] = -b.getY() * a.getX();
                Homography[i2, 7] = -b.getY() * a.getY();
                Homography[i2, 8] = -b.getY();


            var m   = Homography.GetLength(1);
            var n   = Homography.GetLength(1);
            var k   = Homography.GetLength(0);
            var mat = new double[m, n];

            alglib.rmatrixgemm(m, n, k, 1,
                               Homography, 0, 0, 1,
                               Homography, 0, 0, 0,
                               ref mat, 0, 0

            // SV decomposition. A = U * S * V^T
            m = mat.GetLength(0);
            n = mat.GetLength(1);
            alglib.rmatrixsvd(mat, m, n, 2, 0, 2, out var w, out var u, out _);

            var minIndex = Array.IndexOf(w, w.Min());

            var scale  = 1 / u[MatrixWidth - 1, minIndex];
            var result = new List <double>();

            for (var i = 0; i < MatrixWidth; i++)
                result.Add(scale * u[i, minIndex]);

예제 #4
        private static Vector CalculateForPointWithRotation(Mat gradient, Mat dx, Mat dy, double expScale,
                                                            int gridSize, double radius, int binsCount, InterestingPoint center, double alpha, bool affine)
            var centerX = center.getX() / (1 << center.Octave);
            var centerY = center.getY() / (1 << center.Octave);

            var size      = (int)(radius * 2 + 1);
            var blockSize = size / gridSize;
            var step      = 2 * Math.PI / binsCount;

            double cos = Math.Cos(-alpha),
                   sin = Math.Sin(-alpha);

            var bins = new Dictionary <ValueTuple <int, int>, List <double> >();

            for (var u = -radius; u < radius; u++)
                for (var v = -radius; v < radius; v++)
                    int x = (int)(centerX + u),
                        y = (int)(centerY + v);

                    var magnitude = gradient.GetPixel(x, y, BorderWrapType.Wrap);
                    var theta     = Math.Atan2(dy.GetPixel(x, y, BorderWrapType.Wrap), dx.GetPixel(x, y, BorderWrapType.Wrap));
                    if (theta < 0)
                        theta += Math.PI * 2;

                    var rotatedU = u * cos + v * sin;
                    var rotatedV = v * cos - u * sin;

                    var row    = (rotatedV + size / 2D) / blockSize;
                    var column = (rotatedU + size / 2D) / blockSize;

                    if (column < 0 || column >= gridSize || row < 0 || row >= gridSize)

                    magnitude *= Math.Exp(expScale * (rotatedU * rotatedU + rotatedV * rotatedV));

                    var rotatedTheta = theta + alpha;
                    if (rotatedTheta > Math.PI * 2)
                        rotatedTheta -= Math.PI * 2;

                    var ratio    = rotatedTheta % step / step;
                    var leftBin  = Math.Min((int)Math.Floor(rotatedTheta / step), binsCount - 1);
                    var rightBin = (leftBin + 1) % binsCount;

                    if (!bins.ContainsKey(((int)row, (int)column)))
                        bins.Add(((int)row, (int)column), Enumerable.Repeat(0D, binsCount).ToList());

                    if (!affine)
                        PutToBins(bins, (int)row, (int)column, 1, leftBin, rightBin, ratio, magnitude);
                        var i = (int)row;
                        if (row - i <= 0.5)

                        var j = (int)column;
                        if (column - j <= 0.5)

                        var ki = 1 - Math.Abs(column - (j + 0.5));
                        var kj = 1 - Math.Abs(row - (i + 0.5));

                        PutToBins(bins, i, j, ki * kj, leftBin, rightBin, ratio, magnitude);
                        PutToBins(bins, i, j + 1, (1 - ki) * kj, leftBin, rightBin, ratio, magnitude);
                        PutToBins(bins, i + 1, j, ki * (1 - kj), leftBin, rightBin, ratio, magnitude);
                        PutToBins(bins, i + 1, j + 1, (1 - ki) * (1 - kj), leftBin, rightBin, ratio, magnitude);

            var result = new Vector(gridSize * gridSize * binsCount);

            for (var i = 0; i < gridSize; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < gridSize; j++)
                    for (var k = 0; k < binsCount; k++)
                        double value = 0;
                        if (bins.ContainsKey((i, j)))
                            value = bins[(i, j)][k];
예제 #5
        public static Vector CalculateForPointWithRotation(Mat gradient, Mat dx, Mat dy, double sigma,
                                                           int gridSize, int binsCount, InterestingPoint center, double alpha)
            var expScale = -1 / (2 * sigma * sigma);
            var radius   = (int)Math.Round(3 * sigma);

            return(CalculateForPointWithRotation(gradient, dx, dy, expScale, gridSize, radius, binsCount, center,
                                                 alpha, true));
예제 #6
        void GetDescriptor(InterestingPoint ip, bool bUpright, bool bExtended)
            int sample_x, sample_y, count = 0;
            int i = 0, ix = 0, j = 0, jx = 0, xs = 0, ys = 0;
            double dx, dy, mdx, mdy, co, si;
            double dx_yn, mdx_yn, dy_xn, mdy_xn;
            double gauss_s1 = 0f, gauss_s2 = 0f;
            double rx = 0f, ry = 0f, rrx = 0f, rry = 0f, len = 0f;
            double cx = -0.5f, cy = 0f; //Subregion centers for the 4x4 gaussian weighting

            // Get rounded InterestPoint data
            int X = (int)Math.Round(ip.X, 0);
            int Y = (int)Math.Round(ip.Y, 0);
            int S = (int)Math.Round(ip.Scale, 0);

            // Allocate descriptor memory
            ip.DescriptorLength = 64;

            if (bUpright)
                co = 1;
                si = 0;
                co = (float)Math.Cos(ip.Orientation);
                si = (float)Math.Sin(ip.Orientation);

            //Calculate descriptor for this interest point
            i = -8;
            while (i < 12)
                j = -8;
                i = i - 4;

                cx += 1f;
                cy = -0.5f;

                while (j < 12)
                    cy += 1f;

                    j = j - 4;

                    ix = i + 5;
                    jx = j + 5;

                    dx = dy = mdx = mdy = 0f;
                    dx_yn = mdx_yn = dy_xn = mdy_xn = 0f;

                    xs = (int)Math.Round(X + (-jx * S * si + ix * S * co), 0);
                    ys = (int)Math.Round(Y + (jx * S * co + ix * S * si), 0);

                    // zero the responses
                    dx = dy = mdx = mdy = 0f;
                    dx_yn = mdx_yn = dy_xn = mdy_xn = 0f;

                    for (int k = i; k < i + 9; ++k)
                        for (int l = j; l < j + 9; ++l)
                            //Get coords of sample point on the rotated axis
                            sample_x = (int)Math.Round(X + (-l * S * si + k * S * co), 0);
                            sample_y = (int)Math.Round(Y + (l * S * co + k * S * si), 0);

                            //Get the gaussian weighted x and y responses
                            gauss_s1 = Gaussian(xs - sample_x, ys - sample_y, 2.5f * S);
                            rx = (float)img.HaarX(sample_y, sample_x, 2 * S);
                            ry = (float)img.HaarY(sample_y, sample_x, 2 * S);

                            //Get the gaussian weighted x and y responses on rotated axis
                            rrx = gauss_s1 * (-rx * si + ry * co);
                            rry = gauss_s1 * (rx * co + ry * si);

                            if (bExtended)
                                // split x responses for different signs of y
                                if (rry >= 0)
                                    dx += rrx;
                                    mdx += Math.Abs(rrx);
                                    dx_yn += rrx;
                                    mdx_yn += Math.Abs(rrx);

                                // split y responses for different signs of x
                                if (rrx >= 0)
                                    dy += rry;
                                    mdy += Math.Abs(rry);
                                    dy_xn += rry;
                                    mdy_xn += Math.Abs(rry);
                                dx += rrx;
                                dy += rry;
                                mdx += Math.Abs(rrx);
                                mdy += Math.Abs(rry);

                    //Add the values to the descriptor vector
                    gauss_s2 = Gaussian(cx - 2f, cy - 2f, 1.5f);

                    ip.Descriptor[count++] = dx * gauss_s2;
                    ip.Descriptor[count++] = dy * gauss_s2;
                    ip.Descriptor[count++] = mdx * gauss_s2;
                    ip.Descriptor[count++] = mdy * gauss_s2;

                    // add the extended components
                    if (bExtended)
                        ip.Descriptor[count++] = dx_yn * gauss_s2;
                        ip.Descriptor[count++] = dy_xn * gauss_s2;
                        ip.Descriptor[count++] = mdx_yn * gauss_s2;
                        ip.Descriptor[count++] = mdy_xn * gauss_s2;

                    len += (dx * dx + dy * dy + mdx * mdx + mdy * mdy
                            + dx_yn + dy_xn + mdx_yn + mdy_xn) * gauss_s2 * gauss_s2;

                    j += 9;
                i += 9;

            //Convert to Unit Vector
            len = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)len);
            if (len > 0)
                for (int d = 0; d < ip.DescriptorLength; ++d)
                    ip.Descriptor[d] /= len;
예제 #7
        void GetOrientation(InterestingPoint ip)
            const byte Responses = 109;
            double[] resX = new double[Responses];
            double[] resY = new double[Responses];
            double[] Ang = new double[Responses];
            int idx = 0;
            int[] id = { 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };

            // Get rounded InterestPoint data
            int X = (int)Math.Round(ip.X, 0);
            int Y = (int)Math.Round(ip.Y, 0);
            int S = (int)Math.Round(ip.Scale, 0);

            // calculate haar responses for points within radius of 6*scale
            for (int i = -6; i <= 6; ++i)
                for (int j = -6; j <= 6; ++j)
                    if (i * i + j * j < 36)
                        double gauss = gauss25[id[i + 6], id[j + 6]];
                        resX[idx] = gauss * img.HaarX(Y + j * S, X + i * S, 4 * S);
                        resY[idx] = gauss * img.HaarY(Y + j * S, X + i * S, 4 * S);
                        Ang[idx] = GetAngle(resX[idx], resY[idx]);

            // calculate the dominant direction
            double sumX, sumY, max = 0, orientation = 0;
            double ang1, ang2;
            double pi = Math.PI;

            // loop slides pi/3 window around feature point
            for (ang1 = 0; ang1 < 2 * pi; ang1 += 0.15f)
                ang2 = (ang1 + pi / 3f > 2 * pi ? ang1 - 5 * pi / 3f : ang1 + pi / 3f);
                sumX = sumY = 0;

                for (int k = 0; k < Responses; ++k)
                    // determine whether the point is within the window
                    if (ang1 < ang2 && ang1 < Ang[k] && Ang[k] < ang2)
                        sumX += resX[k];
                        sumY += resY[k];
                    else if (ang2 < ang1 &&
                      ((Ang[k] > 0 && Ang[k] < ang2) || (Ang[k] > ang1 && Ang[k] < pi)))
                        sumX += resX[k];
                        sumY += resY[k];

                // if the vector produced from this window is longer than all
                // previous vectors then this forms the new dominant direction
                if (sumX * sumX + sumY * sumY > max)
                    // store largest orientation
                    max = sumX * sumX + sumY * sumY;
                    orientation = GetAngle(sumX, sumY);

            // assign orientation of the dominant response vector
            ip.Orientation = orientation;