예제 #1
        private static unsafe void AggregateSlabByIntensity(IntensityProjectionMethod method, IntPtr pSlabData, byte[] pixelData, int subsamples, int subsamplePixels, int maxThreads)
            fixed(byte *pPixelData = pixelData)
                var ptrPixelData = new IntPtr(pPixelData);

                // only parallelize if requested, and there's enough work for multiple threads to do stuff (otherwise overhead would just kill performance)
                if (maxThreads > 1 && subsamplePixels > 32768 * maxThreads)
                    // determine the number of pixels to process per thread job
                    var jobSize = subsamplePixels / maxThreads;

                    // first MAX_THREADS-1 jobs will have exactly JOB_SIZE pixels, and the last will be everything else (thus including any remainder caused by the determination of JOB_SIZE)
                    var lastJob = maxThreads - 1;
                    Enumerable.Range(0, maxThreads).Select(g => new KeyValuePair <int, int>(g * jobSize, g == lastJob ? subsamplePixels - lastJob * jobSize : jobSize))
                    .ForAll(r => method(pSlabData, ptrPixelData, subsamples, subsamplePixels, r.Key, r.Value));
                    method(pSlabData, ptrPixelData, subsamples, subsamplePixels, 0, subsamplePixels);
예제 #2
		private static unsafe void AggregateSlabByIntensity(IntensityProjectionMethod method, IntPtr pSlabData, byte[] pixelData, int subsamples, int subsamplePixels, int maxThreads)
			fixed (byte* pPixelData = pixelData)
				var ptrPixelData = new IntPtr(pPixelData);

				// only parallelize if requested, and there's enough work for multiple threads to do stuff (otherwise overhead would just kill performance)
				if (maxThreads > 1 && subsamplePixels > 32768*maxThreads)
					// determine the number of pixels to process per thread job
					var jobSize = subsamplePixels/maxThreads;

					// first MAX_THREADS-1 jobs will have exactly JOB_SIZE pixels, and the last will be everything else (thus including any remainder caused by the determination of JOB_SIZE)
					var lastJob = maxThreads - 1;
					Enumerable.Range(0, maxThreads).Select(g => new KeyValuePair<int, int>(g*jobSize, g == lastJob ? subsamplePixels - lastJob*jobSize : jobSize))
						.ForAll(r => method(pSlabData, ptrPixelData, subsamples, subsamplePixels, r.Key, r.Value));
					method(pSlabData, ptrPixelData, subsamples, subsamplePixels, 0, subsamplePixels);