static public void CreateArray() { CacheSortingLayers(); List <GameObject> GameObjects = new List <GameObject>(); Self.m_TilemapSize = new IntVector2(0, 0); GameObjects.AddRange(GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("GameTile").OrderBy(gameObject => GetSortingLayerOrder(gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sortingLayerName)).ToList()); int LowestX = 0, HighestX = 0; int LowestY = 0, HighestY = 0; foreach (GameObject gameObject in GameObjects) { Vector3 <int> ObjectGridPosition = new Vector3 <int>((int)GetGridPosition(gameObject.transform.position).x, (int)GetGridPosition(gameObject.transform.position).y, 0); if (ObjectGridPosition.x < LowestX) { LowestX = ObjectGridPosition.x; } if (ObjectGridPosition.x > HighestX) { HighestX = ObjectGridPosition.x; } if (ObjectGridPosition.y < LowestY) { LowestY = ObjectGridPosition.y; } if (ObjectGridPosition.y > HighestY) { HighestY = ObjectGridPosition.y; } } Self.m_TilemapOffset = new IntVector2(LowestX, LowestY); Self.m_TilemapSize = new IntVector2(Math.Abs(HighestX - LowestX) + 1, Math.Abs(HighestY - LowestY) + 1); Self.m_Tiles = new Dictionary <string, List <GameObject> >(); foreach (GameObject gameObject in GameObjects) { IntVector2 ArrayIndex = GetArrayIndex(gameObject); if (!Self.m_Tiles.ContainsKey(ArrayIndex.ToString())) { Self.m_Tiles[ArrayIndex.ToString()] = new List <GameObject>(); } Self.m_Tiles[ArrayIndex.ToString()].Add(gameObject); } }
public ChunkBuilder GetBuilderAtPosition(IntVector2 worldPosition) { if (!_chunkBuildersByWorldPosition.TryGetValue(worldPosition, out var builder)) { if (GameSaves.HasGameData(worldPosition.ToString() + "B")) { builder = LoadBuilder(worldPosition); } else if (!GameSaves.HasGameData(worldPosition.ToString())) { builder = AddBuilder(worldPosition); } } return(builder); }
void sendEventOnResolutionChange(IntVector2 resolution, Vector2 scale) { Debug2.LogDebug("sendEventOnResolutionChange resolution = " + resolution.ToString() + " scale =" + scale); if (onResolutionChange != null) { onResolutionChange(resolution, scale); } }
public void ChangeState(State state, IntVector2 block) { if (block.x < GRID_SIZE_X && block.y < GRID_SIZE_Y && grid[block.x, block.y] != null) { grid[block.x, block.y] = state; } else { Debug.LogError("Cannot change state because" + block.ToString() + " doesn't exist in grid"); } }
public override string ToString() { string result = "from " + originalPosition.ToString() + " to " + destinyPosition.ToString(); if (hasCapturedAnEnemy()) { result += " Capturing in " + this.capturedPiece.ToString(); } return(result); }
private ChunkBuilder LoadBuilder(IntVector2 worldPosition) { var serializedBuilder = DataReader.Read(worldPosition.ToString() + "B", DataTypes.CurrentGame); var serializableBuilder = SerializableChunkBuilder.Deserialize(serializedBuilder); var chunkBuilder = serializableBuilder.ToObject(); Register(chunkBuilder); return(chunkBuilder); }
private Chunk LoadChunk(IntVector2 worldPosition) { var serializedChunk = DataReader.Read(worldPosition.ToString(), DataTypes.CurrentGame); var serializableChunk = SerializableChunk.Deserialize(serializedChunk); var chunk = serializableChunk.ToObject(); var chunkActivationCommand = new ChunkActivationCommand(chunk, serializableChunk.ReconstructCoroutine); _chunkActivationCommands.Enqueue(chunkActivationCommand); return(chunk); }
public void SetBlockId(int blockId) { if (mBlockId == blockId) { return; } mBlockId = blockId; mBlockCoord = MapDataManager.BlockIdToBlockCoord(mBlockId); mZeroCoord = MapDataManager.BlockIdToBlockZeroTileCoord(mBlockId); = mBlockCoord.ToString(); transform.localPosition = MapLayout.Instance.GetBlockPos(mBlockCoord.x, mBlockCoord.y); DestroyBackground(); InitBackground(); DestroyTiles(); InitTiles(); }
private void CreateChunk(IntVector2 worldPosition) { if (GetNearestChunkPosition(worldPosition) != worldPosition) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Chunk cannot be spawned at {worldPosition}."); } if (_chunksByWorldPosition.ContainsKey(worldPosition)) { return; } else { Chunk chunk; if (GameSaves.HasGameData(worldPosition.ToString())) { _log.Info($"Loading Chunk at {worldPosition}."); chunk = LoadChunk(worldPosition); } else { _log.Info($"Building Chunk at {worldPosition}."); chunk = BuildChunk(worldPosition); } Register(chunk); if (_chunkConstructionCoroutine == null) { _chunkConstructionCoroutine = StartCoroutine(ChunkConstructionCoroutine()); } foreach (var direction in Directions.Cardinals) { if (_chunkBuildersByWorldPosition.TryGetValue(worldPosition + direction, out var neighborBuilder)) { _spaceArchitect.CheckForSpaces(neighborBuilder); } } } }
int CreateEffect(CampType casterCampType, IntVector2 effectPos, short effectId, int targetUnitId, short effectAngler, short param1, short param2) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("創建技能效果 " + casterCampType.ToString() + " " + effectPos.ToString() + " " + effectAngler + " " + param1 + " " + param2); GDSKit.SkillEffect effectConfig = GDSKit.SkillEffect.GetInstance(effectId); SkillEffectBase createEffect = null; switch ((SkillEffectType)effectConfig.type) { case SkillEffectType.ChgAttr: createEffect = new SkillAttrChgEffect(); break; default: throw new System.NotImplementedException("未实现的技能效果类型 " + effectConfig.type); } mEffectDic[createEffect.iD] = createEffect; createEffect.SetInfo(effectConfig, effectPos, targetUnitId, effectAngler, param1, param2, casterCampType); createEffect.BeginWork(); BattleFiled.Instance.OnCreateEffect(effectId, effectPos); return(createEffect.iD); }
void FindPathOnGUI() { if (GUILayout.Button("选择起点")) { mState = FindPathState.SelectStart; } if (GUILayout.Button("选择终点")) { mState = FindPathState.SelectEnd; } if (MapDataManager.Instance.IsValidTileCoord(mFindPathStart.x, mFindPathStart.y) && MapDataManager.Instance.IsValidTileCoord(mFindPathEnd.x, mFindPathEnd.y)) { if (GUILayout.Button("寻路")) { mState = FindPathState.Finding; using (new PerformTimer("寻找路径")) { List <IntVector2> findPathList = AStarManager.Instance.FindPath(mFindPathStart, mFindPathEnd); if (null != findPathList) { System.Text.StringBuilder pathSb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < findPathList.Count; ++i) { pathSb.Append(findPathList [i].ToString()); if (i != findPathList.Count - 1) { pathSb.Append("->"); } } ShowPath(findPathList); } else { Debug.LogError("未找到从 " + mFindPathStart.ToString() + " 到 " + mFindPathEnd.ToString() + " 的路径"); } } } } }
void sendEventOnResolutionChange(IntVector2 resolution, Vector2 scale) { Debug2.LogDebug("sendEventOnResolutionChange resolution = "+resolution.ToString()+" scale ="+scale); if (onResolutionChange!=null) onResolutionChange(resolution,scale); }
[Test] public void GetNeighbor() { int x = 0; int y = 0; int z = 0; for (int direction = 0; direction < 6; direction++) { IntVector2 expected = Grid.GetAxialDirection(direction); string message = string.Format("[4x3 Hexagon] Incorrect neighbor (@({0}, {1}) direction = {2})", x, z, direction); Assert.AreEqual(testHexagonGrid4x3.GetNeighbor(x, z, direction).ToString(), expected.ToString(), "GetNeighbor(x, y, direction)\n" + message); Assert.AreEqual(testHexagonGrid4x3.GetNeighbor(new IntVector2(x, z), direction).ToString(), expected.ToString(), "GetNeighbor((x, y), direction)\n" + message); Assert.AreEqual(testHexagonGrid4x3.GetNeighbor(x, y, z, direction).ToString(), expected.ToString(), "GetNeighbor(x, y, z, direction)\n" + message); Assert.AreEqual(testHexagonGrid4x3.GetNeighbor(new IntVector3(x, y, z), direction).ToString(), expected.ToString(), "GetNeighbor((x, y, z), direction)\n" + message); } }
bool recursivePathFind(IntVector2 currentPos, IntVector2 endPos, List <IntVector2> path, List <IntVector2> bestPath) { if (currentPos == endPos) { if (path.Count < bestPath.Count) { bestPath = path; } return(true); } if (path.Count > 0 && bestPath.Count > 0 && path.Count >= bestPath.Count) { return(false); } if (path.Count > 0 && bestPath.Count > 0 && mTiles[currentPos.x][currentPos.y].distance >= path.Count) { return(false); } mTiles[currentPos.x][currentPos.y].distance = path.Count; Debug.Log("LOOKING FOR PATH " + currentPos.ToString() + " " + endPos.ToString()); mTiles[currentPos.x][currentPos.y].gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = new Color(0, 0, 1); IntVector2 p = new IntVector2(currentPos.x, currentPos.y); IntVector2 def = new IntVector2(); p.x = currentPos.x - 1; p.y = currentPos.y; //Debug.Log("_______________________________________________________________________________"); //Debug.Log("Current path is: "); //for(int i = 0; i < path.Count; ++i) //{ // Debug.Log(path[i]); //} Debug.Log("Checking left point " + p + " in grid. I can place: " + IsEmpty(p.x, p.y) + " And this does exist in the path already: " + IntVecListContains(path, p)); if (IsEmpty(p.x, p.y) && IntVecListContains(path, p) == false) { Debug.Log("Left"); //Debug.Log("CHECKING A THING"); path.Add(p); if (recursivePathFind(new IntVector2(p.x, p.y), endPos, path, bestPath)) { return(true); } path.RemoveAt(path.Count - 1); } p.x = currentPos.x; p.y = currentPos.y - 1; Debug.Log("Checking down point " + p + " in grid. I can place: " + IsEmpty(p.x, p.y) + " And this does exist in the path already: " + IntVecListContains(path, p)); if (IsEmpty(p.x, p.y) && IntVecListContains(path, p) == false) { Debug.Log("down"); //Debug.Log("CHECKING A THING"); path.Add(p); if (recursivePathFind(p, endPos, path, bestPath)) { return(true); } path.RemoveAt(path.Count - 1); } p.x = currentPos.x + 1; p.y = currentPos.y; Debug.Log("Checking right point " + p + " in grid. I can place: " + IsEmpty(p.x, p.y) + " And this does exist in the path already: " + IntVecListContains(path, p)); if (IsEmpty(p.x, p.y) && IntVecListContains(path, p) == false) { Debug.Log("Right"); //Debug.Log("CHECKING A THING"); path.Add(p); if (recursivePathFind(p, endPos, path, bestPath)) { return(true); } path.RemoveAt(path.Count - 1); } p.x = currentPos.x; p.y = currentPos.y + 1; Debug.Log("Checking up point " + p + " in grid. I can place: " + IsEmpty(p.x, p.y) + " And this does exist in the path already: " + IntVecListContains(path, p)); if (IsEmpty(p.x, p.y) && IntVecListContains(path, p) == false) { Debug.Log("up"); //Debug.Log("CHECKING A THING"); path.Add(p); if (recursivePathFind(p, endPos, path, bestPath)) { return(true); } path.RemoveAt(path.Count - 1); } return(false); }
public Tile(Region region, TileState state, IntVector2 coord) : base($"{region.Name}, Tile {coord.ToString()}") { this.region = region; this.coord = coord; _state = state; _view = new TileView(this, SpriteAtlasManager.Get(1)); AddChild(_view); }