예제 #1
        //public void UpdateLoanOnlyDeductAmount()
        //    SQLHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO [dbo].[UpdateLog] ([UpdatedDate] ,[RefNo] ,[ReferenceTable] ,[Division] ,[EmpNo] ,[Narration1] ,[Narration2] ,[Narration3] ,[Narration4] ,[Narration5] ,[UpdatedUser]) VALUES (getdate() ,'" + IntLoanCode + "' ,'CHKLoan' ,'" + StrDivision + "' ,'" + StrEmpNo + "' ,'" + FlInstallmentAmount.ToString() + "' ,'" + IntDeductionGroup.ToString() + "' ,'" + IntDeductCode.ToString() + "' ,'" + IntFromYear.ToString() + "' ,'" + IntFromMonth.ToString() + "' ,'" + StrUserId + "')", CommandType.Text);
        //    SQLHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE CHKLoan SET  LoanName ='" + strName + "',  InstallmentAmount ='" + FlInstallmentAmount + "', AccountNo ='" + "NA" + "'  WHERE (LoanCode = '" + IntLoanCode + "') and (DivisionCode ='" + strDivision + "') and (EmployeeNo ='" + StrEmpNo + "') and (StartMonth='" + IntFromMonth + "') and (StartYear='" + IntFromYear + "')", CommandType.Text);

        public void DeleteLoan()
            SQLHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO [dbo].[DeleteLog]([DeletedDate],[RefNo],[ReferenceTable],[EmpNo],[Amount],[Narration1],[Naration2],DeletedBy) VALUES(getdate(),'" + IntLoanCode + "','CHKLoan','" + StrEmpNo + "' ,'" + FlInstallmentAmount + "','" + IntDeductionGroup.ToString() + "','" + IntDeductCode.ToString() + "','" + StrUserId + "')", CommandType.Text);
            SQLHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM CHKLoan WHERE (LoanCode = '" + IntLoanCode + "')", CommandType.Text);
예제 #2
 public void UpdateLoanOnlyDeductAmount(Boolean boolOnlyBalanceUpdate)
     SQLHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO [dbo].[UpdateLog] ([UpdatedDate] ,[RefNo] ,[ReferenceTable] ,[Division] ,[EmpNo] ,[Narration1] ,[Narration2] ,[Narration3] ,[Narration4] ,[Narration5] ,[UpdatedUser]) VALUES (getdate() ,'" + IntLoanCode + "' ,'CHKLoan' ,'" + StrDivision + "' ,'" + StrEmpNo + "' ,'" + FlInstallmentAmount.ToString() + "' ,'" + IntDeductionGroup.ToString() + "' ,'" + IntDeductCode.ToString() + "' ,'" + IntFromYear.ToString() + "' ,'" + IntFromMonth.ToString() + "' ,'" + StrUserId + "')", CommandType.Text);
     if (boolOnlyBalanceUpdate)
         SQLHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE CHKLoan SET  LoanName ='" + strName + "',  InstallmentAmount ='" + FlInstallmentAmount + "', AccountNo ='" + "NA" + "'  WHERE (LoanCode = '" + IntLoanCode + "') and (DivisionCode ='" + strDivision + "') and (EmployeeNo ='" + StrEmpNo + "') and (StartMonth='" + IntFromMonth + "') and (StartYear='" + IntFromYear + "')", CommandType.Text);
         SQLHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE CHKLoan SET  LoanName ='" + strName + "',  InstallmentAmount ='" + FlInstallmentAmount + "', AccountNo ='" + "NA" + "',Principalamount='" + flPrincipalAmount + "', NoofInstallments='" + FlNoOfInstallments + "', RecovredInstallments=0, RecoveredAmount=0, BalanceAmount='" + flPrincipalAmount + "'  WHERE (LoanCode = '" + IntLoanCode + "') and (DivisionCode ='" + strDivision + "') and (EmployeeNo ='" + StrEmpNo + "') and (StartMonth='" + IntFromMonth + "') and (StartYear='" + IntFromYear + "')", CommandType.Text);