예제 #1
        public void AddCustomer(InsuranceCustomer insuranceCustomer)
            if (insuranceCustomer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(insuranceCustomer));

        public void Rate_ReturnsCorrectPremium()
            var testCustomer = new InsuranceCustomer
                Id = 1, Revenue = 158900.00m, State = "TX", Business = "Architect"

            var expectedPremium = Math.Round(_ratingEngine.Rate(testCustomer), 2).ToString();

            Assert.Equal(599.37.ToString(), expectedPremium);
 public IActionResult addCustomer([FromBody] InsuranceCustomer e)
     if (e == null)
         dynamic result = new JObject();
         result.error = "Could not add employee.";
         return(new ObjectResult(result));
     return(new ObjectResult(e));
예제 #4
        public decimal Rate(InsuranceCustomer newCustomerData)
            decimal revenue      = newCustomerData.Revenue;
            string  state        = newCustomerData.State;
            string  business     = newCustomerData.Business;
            int     hazardFactor = 4;

            var basePremium    = CalculateBasePremium(revenue);
            var stateResult    = CalculateWithStateFactor(basePremium, state);
            var businessResult = CalculateWithBusinessFactor(stateResult, business);
            var total          = CalculateWithHazardFactor(businessResult, hazardFactor);

예제 #5
 public void DeleteCustomer(InsuranceCustomer insuranceCustomer)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #6
 public void DeleteCustomer(InsuranceCustomer insuranceCustomer)
        public ActionResult SignUp(string firstName, string lastName, string emailAddress, string bYear, string bMonth, string bDay, string getYear, string getBrand, string getModel, string getPlate, string Luxury, string Dui, string numTickets, string coverage)
            //use exception handling. if empty or bad data is inputted go to the error page
                int  byear      = Convert.ToInt32(bYear);
                int  bmonth     = Convert.ToInt32(bMonth);
                int  bday       = Convert.ToInt32(bDay);
                int  caryear    = Convert.ToInt32(getYear);
                int  numtickets = Convert.ToInt32(numTickets);
                bool lux;
                bool liability;
                bool dui;
                if (Luxury == "Y" || Luxury == "y" || Luxury == "Yes" || Luxury == "yes")
                    lux = true;
                    lux = false;
                if (coverage == "Y" || coverage == "y" || coverage == "Yes" || coverage == "yes")
                    liability = true;
                    liability = false;
                if (Dui == "Y" || Dui == "y" || Dui == "Yes" || Dui == "yes")
                    dui = true;
                    dui = false;

                //give error exception if incorrect value is inputted
                if (bmonth < 1 || bmonth > 12 || bday < 1 || bday > 31 || byear < 1900 || byear > 2005 || caryear < 1920 || caryear > 2020 || numtickets < 0)
                    DateTime birthAssign   = new DateTime(byear, bmonth, bday);
                    int      InsuranceCost = 50;
                    DateTime toDate        = DateTime.Now;
                    int      age           = (int)(toDate.Year - birthAssign.Year);

                    if (birthAssign > toDate.AddYears(-age))

                    //add $25 to the insurance if user age is 100 or above
                    if (age >= 100)
                        Console.WriteLine("Since the user is over 100, $25 has been added to the monthly insurance.");
                        InsuranceCost += 25;

                    //add $25 to the insurance if user age is less than 25
                    if (age < 25)
                        //have an if statement to prevent a duplicate message incase user is under 18
                        if (age >= 18)
                            Console.WriteLine("Since the user is under 25, $25 has been added to the monthly insurance.");
                        InsuranceCost += 25;

                    //add another $75 or $100 total to the insurance if user age is under 18
                    if (age < 18)
                        Console.WriteLine("Since the user is under 18, $100 has been added to the monthly insurance.");
                        InsuranceCost += 75;

                    if (caryear < 2000)
                        Console.WriteLine("Since the car was made before 2000, $25 has been added to the monthly insurance.");
                        InsuranceCost += 25;

                    if (caryear > 2015)
                        Console.WriteLine("Since the car was made 2015, $25 has been added to the monthly insurance.");
                        InsuranceCost += 25;

                    int speedingCost = numtickets * 10;
                    if (numtickets > 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("You have {0} speeding tickets, so ${1} has been added to your monthly insurance", numtickets, speedingCost);
                    InsuranceCost += speedingCost;

                    //increment $25 to the cost if car is a porsche
                    if (getBrand == "Porsche" || getBrand == "Porshe" || getBrand == "Porche" || getBrand == "porsche" || getBrand == "Porsh")
                        Console.WriteLine("Since you drive a porsche, $25 has been added to the monthly total.");
                        InsuranceCost += 25;
                        //increment another $25 to the cost if car is a Porsche 911 Carrera
                        if (getModel == "911 Carrera" || getModel == "911 carrera" || getModel == "911Carrera" || getModel == "911carrera")
                            Console.WriteLine("Since you drive a 911 Carrera, $25 has been added to the monthly total");
                            InsuranceCost += 25;

                    if (liability)
                        Console.WriteLine("Since you have opted for liability insurance, a 50% charge has been added to your monthly total.");
                        InsuranceCost = Convert.ToInt32(InsuranceCost * 1.5);

                    if (dui)
                        Console.WriteLine("Since you have a DUI charge, a 25% charge has been added to your monthly total");
                        InsuranceCost = Convert.ToInt32(InsuranceCost * 1.25);
                    ViewBag.total = InsuranceCost;

                    using (db_CarInsuranceEntities db = new db_CarInsuranceEntities())
                        var signup = new InsuranceCustomer();
                        signup.firstName    = firstName;
                        signup.lastName     = lastName;
                        signup.emailAddress = emailAddress;
                        signup.Year         = caryear;
                        signup.Brand        = getBrand;
                        signup.Model        = getModel;
                        signup.Plate        = getPlate;
                        signup.luxury       = lux;
                        signup.dayOfBirth   = birthAssign;
                        signup.Dui          = dui;
                        signup.tickets      = numtickets;
                        signup.liable       = liability;


            catch (Exception)