public bool install() { if (ExeFile.fileExists().isFalse()) { "Installing {0}".info(ToolName); var downloadedFile = localDownloadsDir.pathCombine(Install_File); "Downloaded file location: {0}".info(downloadedFile); "Install_Dir: {0}".info(Install_Dir); var zipFile = Install_Dir.pathCombine(""); if (zipFile.fileExists().isFalse()) { //extract from CLRProfiler4.EXE "Extracting CLRProfiler4.EXE".info(); var arguments = "/t:\"{0}\"".format(Install_Dir); var process = downloadedFile.startProcess(arguments); process.WaitForExit(); } "Unziping".info(); zipFile.unzip(Install_Dir); "Unzipping complete".info(); } return(ExeFile.fileExists()); }
public Process start() { if (install()) { return(Install_Dir.pathCombine("procexp.exe").startProcess()); } return(null); }
public Python_Install() { Install_Uri = "".uri(); Install_File = "python-3.2.3.msi"; Install_Dir = @"C:\Python32\"; Executable = Install_Dir.pathCombine("python.exe"); startInstaller_FromMsi_Web(); }
public API_BlindElephant() { config("Blind Elephant", "Blind Elephant 2.0", ""); Install_Uri = "".uri(); BlindElephant_Py = Install_Dir.pathCombine(@"src/blindelephant/"); Python_Exe = @"C:\Python27\python.exe"; ShowConsoleMessageInLogViewer = true; }
public API_Fiddler() { config("Fiddler", "Fiddler 2", "Fiddler2Setup.exe"); Install_Uri = "".uri(); //".uri(); Fiddler_Exe = Install_Dir.pathCombine("fiddler.exe"); Install_Dir = @"C:\Program Files\Fiddler2"; Uninstall_Exe = Install_Dir.pathCombine("uninst.exe"); }
public bool uninstall() { var uninstallExe = Install_Dir.pathCombine(@"\uninstall\helper.exe"); Processes.startProcess(uninstallExe, ""); // check if this also deletes the firefox folder return(isInstalled()); }
public API_WebScarab() { config("WebScarab", "WebScarab 2010-08-20", "webscarab-one-20100820-1632.jar"); Install_Uri = "".uri(); WebScarab_Jar = Install_Dir.pathCombine(Install_File); InputSimulator = new API_InputSimulator(); install(); }
public Process start() { if (install()) { return(Install_Dir.pathCombine("CefSharp-1.19.0\\CefSharp.Wpf.Example.exe").startProcess()); } return(null); }
public WinMerge(bool installNow) { config("WinMerge", "WinMerge v2.12.4", ""); this.Install_Uri = "".uri(); this.Executable = Install_Dir.pathCombine(@"WinMerge-2.12.4-exe\WinMergeU.exe"); if (installNow) { install(); } }
public LessMsi_Install(bool installNow) { config("LessMsi", "LessMsi.1.0.8", "lessmsi-v1.0.8"); Install_Uri = "".uri(); Executable = Install_Dir.pathCombine("lessmsi.exe"); if (installNow) { install(); } }
public virtual bool unInstall() { if (Install_Dir.valid() && Install_Dir.dirExists()) { "Uninstalling tool {0} by deleting folder {1}".debug(ToolName, Install_Dir); Files.deleteFolder(Install_Dir, true); return(isInstalled().isFalse()); } return(false); }
public void config(string toolName, string installFile, Uri installUri, string pathToExecutable) { ToolName = toolName; Install_Dir = ToolsDir.pathCombine(toolName); Install_Uri = installUri; Install_File = installFile; if (pathToExecutable.valid()) { Executable = Install_Dir.pathCombine(pathToExecutable); } }
public _7_Zip(bool installNow) { config("7-Zip 9.2.0", "7-Zip", "7z920.exe"); Install_Uri = "".uri(); Install_Dir = getProgramFiles().pathCombine("7-Zip"); Executable = Install_Dir.pathCombine("7z.exe"); if (installNow) { install(); } }
public Python_Install() { /*config("Python-3.2.3", * "".uri(), * "SourceDir\\IronPython 2.7\\ipy.exe"); */ Install_Uri = "".uri(); Install_File = "python-3.2.3.msi"; Install_Dir = @"C:\Python32\"; Executable = Install_Dir.pathCombine("python.exe"); startInstaller_FromMsi_Web(); }
public NodeJS_Exe_Installer(bool installNow) { ToolName = "NodeJS_Exe"; Install_Uri = "".uri(); Install_Dir = ToolsDir.pathCombine(ToolName); Executable = Install_Dir.pathCombine("node.exe"); if (installNow) { install(); } }
public virtual bool isInstalled(bool showLogMessage) { if (Install_Dir.dirExists()) { "{0} tool is installed because installation dir was found: {1}".debug(ToolName, Install_Dir); return(true); } if (showLogMessage) { "{0} tool is NOT installed because installation dir was NOT found: {0}".debug(ToolName, Install_Dir); } return(false); }
public virtual bool isInstalled(bool showLogMessage) { if (Install_Dir.dirExists() && Executable.fileExists()) // we need both or some install sequences will fail { "{0} tool is installed because installation and main executable dir was found: {1} : {2}".debug(ToolName, Install_Dir, Executable); return(true); } if (showLogMessage) { "{0} tool is NOT installed because installation dir or main Executable was NOT found: {1} : {2}".debug(ToolName, Install_Dir, Executable); } return(false); }
public LinqPad(bool installNow) { config("LinqPad", "LinqPad v3.5", @"C:\Program Files\LinqPad\", "LINQPadSetup.exe", "".uri()); Executable = Install_Dir.pathCombine("LINQPad.exe"); if (installNow) { install(); } }
public void config() { if (!Install_Dir.valid()) { Install_Dir = toolsDir.pathCombine(ToolName); } if (!Executable.valid() && Executable_Name.valid()) { Executable = Install_Dir.pathCombine(Executable_Name); } if (!Install_File.valid() && Install_Uri.notNull() && this.Install_Uri.Segments.size() > 0) { Install_File = Install_Uri.Segments.Last(); } }
public LinqPad_Installer(bool installNow) { /*config("LinqPad", * "LinqPad v3.5", * @"C:\Program Files\LinqPad\", * "LINQPadSetup.exe", * "".uri()); * */ config("_LinqPad", "LinqPad.4.0", ""); Install_Uri = "".uri(); Executable = Install_Dir.pathCombine("LINQPad.exe"); if (installNow) { install(); } }
public virtual bool installFromZip_Web() { if (Install_Dir.valid().isFalse()) { "Install_Dir is not set, aborting installation".error(); return(false); } Action <string> onDownload = (zipFile) => { if (zipFile.fileExists()) { new zipUtils().unzipFile(zipFile, Install_Dir); } }; return(install(onDownload)); }
public virtual bool installFromWeb_Jar() { if (Install_Dir.valid().isFalse()) { "Install_Dir is not set, aborting installation".error(); return(false); } Action <string> onDownload = (jarFile) => { if (jarFile.fileExists()) { Install_Dir.createDir(); Files.MoveFile(jarFile, Install_Dir); } }; return(install(onDownload)); }
public bool install() { if (this.isInstalled().isFalse()) { "[API_BlindElephant] Starting Blind Elephant installation process".info(); Install_Dir.createDir(); var svnUrl = Install_Uri.str(); var targetFolder = Install_Dir; var svnMappedUrls = SvnApi.HttpMode.getSvnMappedUrls(svnUrl, true); //return svnMappedUrls; foreach (var svnMappedUrl in svnMappedUrls) { " * Downloading: {0}".info(WebEncoding.urlDecode(svnMappedUrl.FullPath.Replace(svnUrl, "")));, svnUrl, targetFolder); } //var fiddlerInstaller = this.installerFile(); } return(BlindElephant_Py.fileExists()); }
public void delete_Install_Dir() { if (Install_Dir.valid()) { if (Install_Dir.contains(PublicDI.config.O2TempDir.directoryName())) { "[delete_Install_Dir] deleting folder: {0}".info(Install_Dir); Files.deleteFolder(Install_Dir, true); } else { "[delete_Install_Dir] deleting is only supported for folders inside the O2 Temp dir: {0}".error(Install_Dir); } } else { "[delete_Install_Dir] Install_Dir value was not set".error(); } }
public void download_Update_and_Install() { //ensure this dll is loaded in memory "FluentSharp.NGit.dll".assembly(); //use the O2 Fork: config("SosNet", "".uri(), "Sos.Net.exe"); var codeDir = this.Install_Dir.pathCombine("O2_Fork_SoS_Net"); if (codeDir.dirExists().isFalse()) { this.Install_Uri.git_Clone(codeDir); } else { codeDir.git_Pull(); var solutionFile = codeDir.pathCombine("SOS.Net.sln");; Files.copyFilesFromDirectoryToDirectory(codeDir.pathCombine(@"SOS.Net\bin\Debug"), this.Install_Dir); //; } /* * //Previously we use the original version from bitbucket * config("SosNet", * "".uri(), * "Sos.Net.exe"); * installFromZip_Web(); */ //get PssCor4.dll and sosex.dll windb extensions var x86_Folder = this.Install_Dir.pathCombine("x86").createDir(); var x64_Folder = this.Install_Dir.pathCombine("x64").createDir(); //Psscor4 var psscorDir = this.Install_Dir.pathCombine("Psscor4").createDir(); var pssCor4Zip = Install_Dir.pathCombine(""); if (psscorDir.fileExists().isFalse()) { if (pssCor4Zip.fileExists().isFalse()) { var pssCor4Exe = "".download(); pssCor4Exe.startProcess("/Q /T:\"{0}\"".format(Install_Dir)) .WaitForExit(); } var pssCor4_x86 = psscorDir.pathCombine(@"x86\x86\psscor4.dll"); var pssCor4_x64 = psscorDir.pathCombine(@"amd64\amd64\psscor4.dll"); if (pssCor4_x86.fileExists().isFalse()) { if (pssCor4Zip.fileExists()) { pssCor4Zip.unzip(Install_Dir); Files.copy(pssCor4_x86, x86_Folder); Files.copy(pssCor4_x86.replace(".dll", ".pdb"), x86_Folder); Files.copy(pssCor4_x64, x64_Folder); Files.copy(pssCor4_x64.replace(".dll", ".pdb"), x64_Folder); } else { "[psscor4 install], could not find psscor4 zip file: {0}".error(pssCor4Zip); } } } //sosex var sosEx = x86_Folder.pathCombine("sosex.dll"); if (sosEx.fileExists().isFalse()) { var sos32_zip = "".download(); sos32_zip.unzip(x86_Folder); var sos64_zip = "".download(); sos64_zip.unzip(x64_Folder); } //this.showInfo(); /*Action<string, string,Uri> install = (installFolder, installFile, installUri)=> * { * config("DebugAnalyzer", "DebugAnalyzer v1.2.5", installFile); * this.Install_Uri = installUri; * this.Executable = this.Install_Dir.pathCombine(installFolder + @"\DebugAnalyzer.exe"); * installFromZip_Web(); * }; * * install ("x86", "", "".uri()); * install ("x64", "", "".uri()); * //install 2.0 version * //install("Acorns.Hawkeye.125.N2", "", "".uri()); * //install 4.0 version * //install("Acorns.Hawkeye.125.N4", "", "".uri()); */ }
public API_Nikto() { config("Nikto", "Nikto 2.1.3", ""); Nikto_Script = Install_Dir.pathCombine(@"\nikto-2.1.3\"); OnConsoleData = default_OnConsoleData; }
public API_Eclipse() { config("Eclipse", "Eclipse Helios SR1", ""); Eclipse_Exe = Install_Dir.pathCombine(@"\eclipse\eclipse.exe"); }
public string executableFullPath() { return(Install_Dir.pathCombine(Executable_Name)); }