protected void grv_view_prod_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "sell") { User_Property_Tbl_Temp_Selling ut = new User_Property_Tbl_Temp_Selling(); ut.c_id = find_customer_id(); ut.p_id = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); ut.bill_no = Session["bill_no"].ToString(); string prod_price = ""; DataTable dt = Select_Logic.get_data_with_two_para("select_tbl_product_give_id", ut.p_id); prod_price = dt.Rows[0]["prod_price"].ToString(); ut.prod_price = find_product_price(); Insert_Logic.Insert_Temp_Selling(ut); Update_Logic.update_status("update_status_tbl_product_sp", "0", ut.p_id); //deduct stock from tbl_stock where p_id=here p_id DataTable dt1 = Select_Logic.Find_Stock_Information("tbl_stock_give_p_id", ut.p_id); int stock = Convert.ToInt32((dt1.Rows[0][2]).ToString()); stock = stock - 1; //update stock string sub_cat_id = dt.Rows[0]["sub_cat_id"].ToString(); Update_Logic.deduct_stock(sub_cat_id, stock.ToString()); } }
protected void btn_add_order_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["bill_no"] != "") { if (Convert.ToInt32(txt_total_amount.Text) < Convert.ToInt32(txt_paid_amount.Text)) { lbl_msg.Text = "Enter Valid Paid Amount"; mpe.Show(); } else { String remaining_amount = (Convert.ToInt32(txt_total_amount.Text) - Convert.ToInt32(txt_paid_amount.Text)).ToString(); Update_Logic.update_amount_order(txt_paid_amount.Text, remaining_amount, Session["bill_no"].ToString()); Response.Redirect("bill_order.aspx"); } } else { User_Property_Tbl_Order_Selling os = new User_Property_Tbl_Order_Selling(); //os.c_id = Select_Logic.load_customer_data_new_order(Session["order_bill_no"].ToString()).Rows[0]["c_id"].ToString(); os.total_payment = txt_total_amount.Text; os.paid_amount = txt_paid_amount.Text; os.remaininig_amount = ((Convert.ToInt32(os.total_payment)) - (Convert.ToInt32(os.paid_amount))).ToString(); os.bill_no = Session["order_bill_no"].ToString(); int i = Insert_Logic.Insert_Order_Selling(os); if (i == 1) { Response.Redirect("bill_order.aspx"); } } }
protected void btn_ok_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { User_Property_Tbl_Sub_Category u = new User_Property_Tbl_Sub_Category(); u.cat_id = ddl_sub_category.SelectedValue.ToString(); u.sub_cat_name = txt_sub_category_name.Text; //insert data in sub category table if (btn_ok.Text == "Add") { int i = Insert_Logic.Insert_Sub_Category(u); //For Stock User_Property_Tbl_Stock s = new User_Property_Tbl_Stock(); s.current_stock = "0"; s.sub_cat_id = find_sub_cat_id(); s.l_date = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); Insert_Logic.Insert_Stock(s); if (i == 1) { lbl_msg.Text = "Successfully Inserted"; lbl_msg.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; } else { lbl_msg.Text = "Duplicate Data"; lbl_msg.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; } } else { //update details about sub category u.sub_cat_id = id; int ii = Update_Logic.Update_Sub_Category(u); if (ii == 1) { Response.Redirect("manage_sub_category.aspx"); } else { lbl_msg.Text = "Error"; } } ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); }
protected void btn_ok_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { User_Property_Tbl_Dealer u = new User_Property_Tbl_Dealer(); u.d_name = txt_dealer_name.Text; u.d_email_address = txt_dealer_email.Text; u.d_location = txt_dealer_location.Text; u.d_contact = txt_contact_no.Text; if (btn_ok.Text == "Add") { int i = Insert_Logic.Insert_Dealer(u); clear(); if (i == 1) { lbl_msg.Text = "Successfully Inserted"; lbl_msg.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; } else { lbl_msg.Text = "Duplicate Data"; lbl_msg.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; } mpe.Show(); } else { u.d_id = id; int ii = Update_Logic.Update_Dealer(u); if (ii == 1) { lbl_msg.Text = "Updated"; Response.Redirect("manage_dealer.aspx"); } else { lbl_msg.Text = "Duplicate Data ...!!"; } mpe.Show(); } //if (i == 1) // Response.Write("data successfully inserted"); //else // Response.Write("data successfully not inserted"); }
// data entry in temp selling table //sell first prodect from home page protected void btn_ok_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string unique_id = Session["unique_id"].ToString(); string product_id = Session["id"].ToString(); //insert customer data in customer table User_Property_Tbl_Customer c = new User_Property_Tbl_Customer(); c.c_address = txt_customer_address.Text; c.c_email_address = txt_email_address.Text; c.c_mobile_no = txt_mobile_no.Text; c.c_name = txt_customer_name.Text; Insert_Logic.Insert_Customer(c); //insert data in temp selling table cus_id = find_customer_id(); User_Property_Tbl_Temp_Selling ut = new User_Property_Tbl_Temp_Selling(); ut.p_id = product_id; ut.prod_price = find_product_price(); ut.c_id = cus_id; ut.bill_no = Session["bill_no"].ToString(); Insert_Logic.Insert_Temp_Selling(ut); Update_Logic.update_status("update_status_tbl_product_sp", "0", Session["id"].ToString()); //deduct stock from tbl_stock where p_id=here p_id DataTable dt = Select_Logic.Find_Stock_Information("tbl_stock_give_p_id", ut.p_id); int stock = Convert.ToInt32((dt.Rows[0][2]).ToString()); stock = stock - 1; //update stock string sub_cat_id = dt.Rows[0]["sub_cat_id"].ToString(); Update_Logic.deduct_stock(sub_cat_id, stock.ToString()); }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Button1.Text == "Add") { User_Property_Tbl_Customer c = new User_Property_Tbl_Customer(); c.c_address = txt_customer_address.Text; c.c_email_address = txt_email_address.Text; c.c_mobile_no = txt_customer_mobile_no.Text; c.c_name = txt_customer_name.Text; customer_name = c.c_name; Insert_Logic.Insert_Customer(c); cid = find_customer_id(); User_Property_Tbl_Old_Intake o = new User_Property_Tbl_Old_Intake(); o.c_id = cid.ToString(); o.s_cat_id = ddl_sub_category_name.SelectedValue; o.in_date = txt_purchase_date.Text; o.prod_description = txt_prod_description.Text; o.prod_price = txt_prod_price.Text; o.prod_type = ddl_product_type.SelectedValue; o.prod_weight = txt_weight.Text; o.prod_quality = ddl_order_quality.SelectedValue; int i = Insert_Logic.Insert_Old_Intake(o); if (i == 1) { lbl_msg.Text = "Inserted"; } else { lbl_msg.Text = "Failed"; } } else { User_Property_Tbl_Customer c = new User_Property_Tbl_Customer(); c.c_address = txt_customer_address.Text; c.c_email_address = txt_email_address.Text; c.c_mobile_no = txt_customer_mobile_no.Text; c.c_name = txt_customer_name.Text; User_Property_Tbl_Old_Intake o = new User_Property_Tbl_Old_Intake(); o.c_id = Session["cus_id"].ToString(); c.c_id = o.c_id; o.s_cat_id = ddl_sub_category_name.SelectedValue; o.in_date = txt_purchase_date.Text; o.prod_description = txt_prod_description.Text; o.prod_price = txt_prod_price.Text; o.prod_type = ddl_product_type.SelectedValue; o.prod_weight = txt_weight.Text; o.prod_quality = ddl_order_quality.SelectedValue; o.old_id = s_id; int ii = Update_Logic.Update_Old_Intake(o); Update_Logic.Update_Customer(c); if (ii == 1) { Response.Redirect("manage_old_gold_purchase.aspx"); } else { lbl_msg.Text = "Updation Failed"; } } ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); }
protected void btn_ok_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { User_Property_Tbl_Category u = new User_Property_Tbl_Category(); u.cat_name = txt_category_name.Text; if (fl_category_photo.FileName != "") { if (fl_category_photo.PostedFile.ContentLength <= 512000) { string ext = Path.GetExtension(fl_category_photo.FileName).ToLower(); if (ext == ".jpg" || ext == ".png" || ext == ".gif") { Random r = new Random(); string f_nm = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fl_category_photo.FileName); f_nm = f_nm + "_" + r.Next() + ext; fl_category_photo.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/Upload/" + f_nm)); u.cat_photo = "~/Upload/" + f_nm; } else { lbl_photo_msg.Text = "Invalid Photo Type"; lbl_photo_msg.Visible = true; return; } } else { lbl_photo_msg.Text = "Photo Size is To Big"; lbl_photo_msg.Visible = true; return; } } else { u.cat_photo = ""; } //used when insertion of data if (btn_ok.Text == "Add") { int i = Insert_Logic.Insert_Category(u); clear(); if (i == 1) { { lbl_msg.Text = "Successfully Inserted Data"; lbl_msg.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; } } else { lbl_msg.Text = "Data Insertion Failed"; lbl_msg.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; } mpe.Show(); } //used when update the category data else { u.cat_id = id; int ii = Update_Logic.Update_Category(u); if (ii == 1) { Response.Redirect("manage_category.aspx"); } else { lbl_msg.Text = "error"; mpe.Show(); } } }
//bill generation protected void btn_generate_bill_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["remaining_amount_customer"] != "") { if (Convert.ToInt32(txt_total_amount.Text) >= Convert.ToInt32(txt_current_pay.Text)) { string bill_no1 = Session["remaining_amount_customer"].ToString(); string remaining_amount = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(txt_total_amount.Text) - Convert.ToInt32(txt_current_pay.Text)); Update_Logic.update_remaining_amount(bill_no1, remaining_amount); Response.Redirect("Bill.aspx"); } else { lbl_msg.Text = "Current Pay should not be Greater than Total Amount"; mpe.Show(); } } else if (Session["Bill_no_customer_page"] != "") { if (Convert.ToInt32(txt_total_amount.Text) >= Convert.ToInt32(txt_current_pay.Text)) { String bill_no1 = Session["Bill_no_customer_page"].ToString(); string remaining_amount = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(txt_total_amount.Text) - Convert.ToInt32(txt_current_pay.Text)); Update_Logic.update_remaining_amount(bill_no1, remaining_amount); Response.Redirect("Bill.aspx"); } else { lbl_msg.Text = "Current Pay should not be Greater than Total Amount"; mpe.Show(); } } else { Userr_Property_Tbl_Selling u = new Userr_Property_Tbl_Selling(); u.bill_no = Session["bill_no"].ToString(); u.c_id = find_customer_id(); u.total_amount = txt_total_amount.Text; u.purchase_date = txt_purchase_date.Text; u.current_pay = txt_current_pay.Text; if ((Convert.ToInt32(u.total_amount)) < (Convert.ToInt32(u.current_pay))) { amount_error.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; amount_error.Text = "current pay should not be greater than total amount"; return; } u.remaining_amount = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(u.total_amount) - Convert.ToInt32(u.current_pay)); int i = Insert_Logic.Insert_Selling(u); if (i == 1) { Response.Redirect("Bill.aspx"); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "", "alert('Sry Try Again')", true); } Session["bill_no"] = ""; Session["id"] = ""; } }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { User_Property_Tbl_Customer c = new User_Property_Tbl_Customer(); c.c_address = txt_customer_address.Text; c.c_email_address = txt_email_address.Text; c.c_mobile_no = txt_customer_mobile_no.Text; c.c_name = txt_customer_name.Text; User_Property_Tbl_Order o = new User_Property_Tbl_Order(); String cus_id = ""; if (Button1.Text == "Ok") { Insert_Logic.Insert_Customer(c); cus_id = find_customer_id(); c.c_id = cus_id.ToString(); //entry in order table o.product_name = txt_product_name.Text; o.book_name = txt_book_no.Text; o.design_no = txt_design_no.Text; o.o_type = ddl_order_type.SelectedValue; o.order_date = txt_order_date.Text; o.order_quality = ddl_order_quality.SelectedValue; o.prod_weight = txt_prod_weight.Text; o.o_type = ddl_order_type.SelectedValue; o.order_complete_date = txt_order_complete_date.Text; o.sub_cat_id = ddl_sub_category_name.SelectedValue; o.product_price = txt_product_price.Text; int i = Insert_Logic.Insert_Order(o); if (i == 1) { lbl_msg.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; lbl_msg.Text = "Inserted"; } else { lbl_msg.Text = "Insertion Failed"; } //insert in temp selling table User_Property_Tbl_Order_Temp_Selling ots = new User_Property_Tbl_Order_Temp_Selling(); ots.bill_no = Session["order_bill_no"].ToString(); ots.order_id = find_order_id().ToString(); ots.c_id = cus_id; ots.total_amount = txt_product_price.Text; ots.product_name = txt_product_name.Text; int its = Insert_Logic.Insert_Order_Temp_Selling(ots); if (its == 1) { Response.Redirect("order_selling.aspx"); } } else { o.book_name = txt_book_no.Text; o.design_no = txt_design_no.Text; o.o_type = ddl_order_type.SelectedValue; o.order_date = txt_order_date.Text; o.order_quality = ddl_order_quality.SelectedValue; o.prod_weight = txt_prod_weight.Text; o.o_type = ddl_order_type.SelectedValue; o.order_complete_date = txt_order_complete_date.Text; o.sub_cat_id = ddl_sub_category_name.SelectedValue; o.order_id = x;//this is session id Update_Logic.Update_Customer(c); int ii = Update_Logic.Update_Order(o); if (ii == 1) { Response.Redirect("manage_order.aspx"); } else { lbl_msg.Text = "error"; } } ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { User_Property_Tbl_Product u = new User_Property_Tbl_Product(); u.d_id = ddl_dealer_name.SelectedValue.ToString(); u.sub_Cat_id = ddl_sub_category_name.SelectedValue.ToString(); u.prod_name = txt_product_name.Text; u.prod_description = txt_product_description.Text; try { u.prod_price = (Convert.ToInt32(txt_current_gold_price.Text) * Convert.ToInt32(txt_weight.Text)).ToString(); } catch (FormatException e1) { error_current_gold_price.Text = "enter proper price"; return; } try { //for checking type of product weight whether is a number or not u.prod_weight = txt_weight.Text; int d = Convert.ToInt32(txt_current_gold_price.Text); } catch (FormatException ef) { error_product_weight.Text = "enter proper weight"; error_product_weight.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; return; } u.prod_unique_no = txt_generate_unique_no.Text; u.prod_quality = ddl_product_quality.SelectedValue.ToString(); u.prod_type = ddl_product_type.SelectedValue.ToString(); u.purchase_date = txt_purchase_date.Text; //find current stock // add current stock + 1 User_Property_Tbl_Stock s = new User_Property_Tbl_Stock(); s.sub_cat_id = ddl_sub_category_name.SelectedValue.ToString(); s.current_stock = (Convert.ToInt32(find_current_stock()) + 1).ToString(); s.l_date = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString().ToString(); //find stock id for update stock s.s_id = find_stock_id(); if (Button1.Text == "Add") { int i = Insert_Logic.Insert_Product(u); if (s.s_id != "") { Update_Logic.Update_Stock(s); } if (i == 1) { Label3.Text = "inserted"; Label3.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); } else { Label3.Text = "Duplicate data"; ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); lbl_msg.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; } //// } else { u.p_id = id; int ii = Update_Logic.Update_Product(u); if (ii == 1) { Response.Redirect("manage_product.aspx"); } else { lbl_msg.Text = "Error"; } } }