private void StartLevel(int levelNumber) { Game level = new Game(levelNumber); bool won = false; while (!won) { OutputView.DrawLevel(level.Map, false); GameAction action = InputView.AwaitActionGame(); if (action == GameAction.Stop) { break; } else if (action != GameAction.Invalid) { level.ApplyAction(action); won = level.HasWon(); } } if (won) { OutputView.DrawLevel(level.Map, true); InputView.AwaitAnyKey(); } }
void UpdateInputScope() { if (_queryTextBox == null) { return; } InputView model = Element; if (model.Keyboard is CustomKeyboard custom) { _queryTextBox.IsTextPredictionEnabled = (custom.Flags & KeyboardFlags.Suggestions) != 0; _queryTextBox.IsSpellCheckEnabled = (custom.Flags & KeyboardFlags.Spellcheck) != 0; } else { _queryTextBox.ClearValue(TextBox.IsTextPredictionEnabledProperty); if (model.IsSet(InputView.IsSpellCheckEnabledProperty)) { _queryTextBox.IsSpellCheckEnabled = model.IsSpellCheckEnabled; } else { _queryTextBox.ClearValue(TextBox.IsSpellCheckEnabledProperty); } } _queryTextBox.InputScope = model.Keyboard.ToInputScope(); }
public Controller() { _inputView = new InputView(); _outputView = new OutputView(); InitializeTimers(); }
public static void UpdateText(this TextBox platformControl, InputView inputView) { var hasFocus = platformControl.FocusState != UI.Xaml.FocusState.Unfocused; var passwordBox = platformControl as MauiPasswordTextBox; var isPassword = passwordBox?.IsPassword ?? false; var textTransform = inputView?.TextTransform ?? TextTransform.None; // Setting the text causes the cursor to be reset to position zero. // So, let's retain the current cursor position and calculate a new cursor // position if the text was modified by a Converter. var oldText = platformControl.Text ?? string.Empty; var newText = TextTransformUtilites.GetTransformedText( inputView?.Text, isPassword ? TextTransform.None : textTransform ); // Re-calculate the cursor offset position if the text was modified by a Converter. // but if the text is being set by code, let's just move the cursor to the end. var cursorOffset = newText.Length - oldText.Length; int cursorPosition = hasFocus ? platformControl.GetCursorPosition(cursorOffset) : newText.Length; if (oldText != newText && passwordBox is not null) { passwordBox.Password = newText; } else if (oldText != newText) { platformControl.Text = newText; } platformControl.Select(cursorPosition, 0); }
public void addBottomLine() { //if bottomLineView?.superview != nil { // return //} //Bottom Line UIView Configuration. var bottomLineView = new UIView(); bottomLineView.BackgroundColor = activeColor; bottomLineView.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; bottomLineView.Frame = new CGRect(0, 60, 335, 2); InputView.AddSubview(bottomLineView); //let leadingConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint.init(item: bottomLineView!, attribute: .leading, relatedBy: .equal, toItem: self, attribute: .leading, multiplier: 1, constant: 0) //let trailingConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint.init(item: bottomLineView!, attribute: .trailing, relatedBy: .equal, toItem: self, attribute: .trailing, multiplier: 1, constant: 0) //let bottomConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint.init(item: bottomLineView!, attribute: .bottom, relatedBy: .equal, toItem: self, attribute: .bottom, multiplier: 1, constant: 0) //bottomLineViewHeight = NSLayoutConstraint.init(item: bottomLineView!, attribute: .height, relatedBy: .equal, toItem: nil, attribute: .notAnAttribute, multiplier: 1, constant: 1) //self.addConstraints([leadingConstraint, trailingConstraint, bottomConstraint]) //bottomLineView?.addConstraint(bottomLineViewHeight!) //self.addTarget(self, action: #selector(self.textfieldEditingChanged), for: .editingChanged) }
public static void UpdateText(this EditText editText, InputView inputView) { // Is UpdateText being called only to transform the text // that's already set on the platform element? // If so then we want to retain the cursor position bool transformingPlatformText = (editText.Text == inputView.Text); var value = TextTransformUtilites.GetTransformedText(inputView.Text, inputView.TextTransform); if (!transformingPlatformText) { editText.Text = value; } else { // Setting the text causes the cursor to reset to position zero // so if we are transforming the text and then setting it to a // new value then we need to retain the cursor position if (value == editText.Text) { return; } int selectionStart = editText.SelectionStart; editText.Text = value; editText.SetSelection(selectionStart); } }
public static void UpdateText(this EditText editText, InputView inputView) { bool isPasswordEnabled = (editText.InputType & InputTypes.TextVariationPassword) == InputTypes.TextVariationPassword || (editText.InputType & InputTypes.NumberVariationPassword) == InputTypes.NumberVariationPassword; // Setting the text causes the cursor to be reset to position zero. // So, let's retain the current cursor position and calculate a new cursor // position if the text was modified by a Converter. var oldText = editText.Text ?? string.Empty; var newText = TextTransformUtilites.GetTransformedText( inputView?.Text, isPasswordEnabled ? TextTransform.None : inputView.TextTransform ); // Re-calculate the cursor offset position if the text was modified by a Converter. // but if the text is being set by code, let's just move the cursor to the end. var cursorOffset = newText.Length - oldText.Length; int cursorPosition = editText.IsFocused ? editText.GetCursorPosition(cursorOffset) : newText.Length; if (oldText != newText) { editText.Text = newText; } editText.SetSelection(cursorPosition, cursorPosition); }
public GameController() { this._inputView = new InputView(); this._outputView = new OutputView(); this._fileReader = new FileReader(); this.StartGame(); }
public void HandleDeselectionOnTapOutside(Action dismiss, InputView inputView) { inputView.Unfocused += (object sender, FocusEventArgs e) => { // Console.WriteLine("focused: " + e.IsFocused); dismiss(); }; }
public MainWindowViewModel() { SubmitOrderButtonContent = "Submit"; SubmitOrderButtonCommand = new RelayCommand(ReturnButtonClick); ContentControlBinding = new InputView(); }
private void CloseToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FuzzyApp.Initalize(); variable1.ClearVariable(); InputView.Clear(); OutputView.Clear(); reultsUI1.loadVariables(); }
protected void RequestFocus(InputView input) { Task.Run(async() => { await Task.Delay(ShowModalAnimationDelay); Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => input.Focus()); }); }
public MainController() { game = new Game(); reader = new MazeReader(game); reader.CreateLinks(reader.ReadMaze(1)); mazeView = new MazeView(game); inputView = new InputView(); run(); }
public GameController() { OutputView.PrintWelcomeMessage(); InputView.PrintGameStart(); Console.ReadLine(); PlayGame(); }
protected override void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.PropertyName == "IsFocused") { if (Element.IsFocused) { // Navigation logic IViewContainer <Xamarin.Forms.View> parentObject = null; var parent = Element.Parent; while (parent != null) { if (parent.Parent is IViewContainer <Xamarin.Forms.View> ) { parent = parent.Parent; } else { parentObject = parent as IViewContainer <Xamarin.Forms.View>; break; } } if (parentObject != null) { var entries = GetChildren(parentObject); if (entries.Count > 1) { Func <int> getFocusedIndex = () => entries.Select((v, i) => new { item = v, index = i }).Where(w => w.item.IsFocused).Select(s => s.index).Single(); var focused = getFocusedIndex() + 1; focused = focused + 1 > entries.Count ? 0 : focused; if (focused > 0) { NextElement = entries.ElementAt(focused); Control.SetImeActionLabel("Next", ImeAction.Next); } else { NextElement = null; Control.SetImeActionLabel("Done", ImeAction.Done); } } else { NextElement = null; Control.SetImeActionLabel("Done", ImeAction.Done); } } } } base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender, e); }
public Controller() { //Prepare views inputView = new InputView(); outputView = new OutputView(); //Start input loop Start(); }
internal CommandConsole(LuaEnvironment lua, DrawingSizeF screenSize, GameApplication.OutputStreams streams, int maxLines = 500) { Debug.Assert(lua != null, "Lua environment can not be null"); Debug.Assert(streams != null, "Streams can not be null"); _streams = streams; _lua = lua; _outputView = ToDispose<OutputView>(new OutputView(screenSize)); _inputView = ToDispose<InputView>(new InputView(_outputView)); }
public void UpdateValues() { if (!IsHandleCreated || IsDisposed) { return; } InputView.Invalidate(); }
private void StartUp() { OutputView.ShowStartScreen(); int i; while ((i = InputView.readLevelInput()) == 0) { } ReadLevel(i); }
public override View OnCreateCandidatesView() { View v = LayoutInflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.Input, null); InputView inputView = (InputView)v.FindViewById(Resource.Id.inputView); inputView.ActionChosen += OnActionChosen; return(v); }
public MainController() { game = new Game(); new MapCreator(game); inputView = new InputView(game); outputView = new OutputView(game); CountDownThread = new Thread(CountDown); CountDownThread.Start(); Console.ReadLine(); }
public GameController() { _outputView = new OutputView(); _inputView = new InputView(); LevelReader p = new LevelReader(); _maze = p.ReadFile(AskLevel()); _outputView.PrintMaze(_maze.FirstTile); GameCycle(); }
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing && InputView != null) { InputView.Dispose(); InputView = null; } base.Dispose(disposing); }
/* The ReturnButtonClick are what will * fire when the button on the UI is checked */ private void ReturnButtonClick() { SubmitOrderButtonContent = "Submit"; OnChnaged(nameof(SubmitOrderButtonContent)); SubmitOrderButtonCommand = new RelayCommand(SubmitOrderButtonClick); OnChnaged(nameof(SubmitOrderButtonCommand)); ContentControlBinding = new InputView(); OnChnaged(nameof(ContentControlBinding)); }
public static void UpdateText(this TextBox platformControl, InputView inputView) { if (platformControl is MauiPasswordTextBox passwordBox) { passwordBox.Password = TextTransformUtilites.GetTransformedText(inputView.Text, passwordBox.IsPassword ? TextTransform.None : inputView.TextTransform); } else { platformControl.Text = TextTransformUtilites.GetTransformedText(inputView.Text, inputView.TextTransform); } }
private void ResetInputView(InputView i) { i.SelectedField = 0; foreach (var inputField in i.Inputs) { inputField.Text = ""; inputField.BackgroundColor = i.DefaultBackgroundColor; inputField.SelectBackgroundColor = i.DefaultSelectBackgroundColor; inputField.SelectIndex = 0; inputField.RenderStart = 0; } }
protected void RequestFocus(InputView input) { if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS) { input.Focus(); return; } Task.Run(async() => { await Task.Delay(AndroidShowModalAnimationDelay); Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => input.Focus()); }); }
public SessionContext(ContextManager manager, BankNetInteractor interactor) : base(manager, "Session", "Common") { this.interactor = interactor; scheduleDestroy = !interactor.IsLoggedIn; if (!scheduleDestroy) { RegisterAutoHide("account_create", "account_info", "password_update", "exit_prompt", "account_show", "transfer"); // XML-generated views options = GetView <ListView>("menu_options"); options_exit = options.GetView <ButtonView>("exit"); options_view = options.GetView <ButtonView>("view"); options_delete = options.GetView <ButtonView>("delete"); options_tx = options.GetView <ButtonView>("tx"); options_update = options.GetView <ButtonView>("update"); options_add = options.GetView <ButtonView>("add"); exit_prompt = GetView <DialogView>("exit_prompt"); password_update = GetView <InputView>("password_update"); transfer = GetView <InputView>("transfer"); account_delete = GetView <DialogView>("account_delete"); account_create = GetView <InputView>("account_create"); success = GetView <DialogView>("Success"); // Synthetic views accountTypes = GenerateList( new string[] { GetIntlString("SE_acc_checking"), GetIntlString("SE_acc_saving") }, v => { accountType = accountTypes.SelectedView; account_create.Inputs[1].Text = (v as ButtonView).Text; CreateAccount(); }, true); // Run setup SetupBackEvents(); SetupHideEvents(); SetupInputEvents(); SetupSubmissionEvents(); SetupDefaultViewStates(); // We have a valid context! RefreshUserInfo(); // Get user info RefreshAccountList(); // Get account list for user } }
private void Test2ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FuzzyApp.Initalize(); variable1.ClearVariable(); InputView.Clear(); OutputView.Clear(); FuzzyApp.defaultSettings2(); if (FuzzyApp.InputVariables.Count > 0) { variable1.Current = FuzzyApp.InputVariables[0]; variable1.Populate(); populateVariables(); } }
public async Task <object> ShowInputDialog(string prompt, string hostName, string defaultValue = null) { _viewModelLocator.InputViewModel.Prompt = prompt; _viewModelLocator.InputViewModel.Name = defaultValue; InputView inputDialog = new InputView { DataContext = _viewModelLocator.InputViewModel }; object input = await DialogHost.Show(inputDialog, hostName); return(input); }
public MainController() { _outputView = new OutputView(); _outputView.PrintWelcomeMessage(); _inputView = new InputView(); _parser = new Parser(); _outputView.Print = _parser.BuildMaze(); _route = _parser.Route; mainThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Run)); mainThread.Start(); SwitchInput(); mainThread.Interrupt(); _outputView.WriteEndGameMessage(_route.Score); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void Navigate(ViewType viewType, Person person) { if (!ViewsDictionary.ContainsKey(viewType)) { InitializeView(viewType); } ContentOwner.ContentControl.Content = ViewsDictionary[viewType]; InputView tempView = (InputView)ViewsDictionary[viewType]; InputViewModel tempModel = (InputViewModel)tempView.DataContext; tempModel.ButtonName = "Change"; tempModel.Person = new Person(person.FirstName, person.LastName, person.Email, person.BirthDate); ; }