//Run when the recording starts up public override void Init() { //Regestrations for the events needed for the scene =========================================================== InputCallbackEvent.RegisterListener(GrabInput); MouseInputCallbackEvent.RegisterListener(GrabMouseInput); //============================================================================================================= //Preload the scenes for the state to be used ================================================================= //Load the map resource scene and instance it as a child of the GameProgramState node mapScene = ResourceLoader.Load("res://Scenes/Map.tscn") as PackedScene; map = mapScene.Instance(); AddChild(map); TileMap RealMap = GetNode <TileMap>("Map/RealMap"); RealMap.QueueFree(); displayMap = GetNode <TileMap>("Map/ProgramMap"); displayMap.Visible = true; playerScene = ResourceLoader.Load("res://Scenes/Player.tscn") as PackedScene; //============================================================================================================= //Set the ui state to the programming hud ===================================================================== SendUIEvent suiei = new SendUIEvent(); suiei.uiState = UIState.PROGRAMMING_HUD; suiei.FireEvent(); //============================================================================================================= //Grab the time the program started recording the time for hte user input timerStarted = OS.GetTicksMsec(); BuildMap(); //Set up the camera follow for hte player CameraEvent cei = new CameraEvent(); cei.target = (Node2D)player; cei.FireEvent(); }
// Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. public override void _Ready() { //Register with the input event system to listen to event messages InputCallbackEvent.RegisterListener(GrabInput); }
// Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. public override void _Ready() { InputCallbackEvent.RegisterListener(GetInput); MouseInputCallbackEvent.RegisterListener(GetMousePos); }
// Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. public override void _Ready() { InputCallbackEvent.RegisterListener(GetMouseButtonInput); bulletScene = ResourceLoader.Load("res://Scenes/BulletProgram.tscn") as PackedScene; }