protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData) { bool IsExit = false; if ((keyData & Keys.KeyCode) == Keys.F1) { InputBoxResult test = InputBox.Show("Please Enter Password..", "Sales System", ""); if (test.ReturnCode == DialogResult.OK) { if (test.Text == "HG54E-87FDW-12DCF-76WQA-67HGF") { pnl2.Visible = true; } else { pnl2.Visible = false; XtraMessageBox.Show("You are not permitted for this option."); } } return(IsExit); } else if ((keyData & Keys.KeyCode) == Keys.F2) { pnl2.Visible = false; return(IsExit); } else { return(base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData)); } }
private void btnWriteOEMInfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Enabled = false; InputBoxResult result = InputBox.Show("Test prompt:", "Some title", "Default text", null); if (result.OK) { Console.WriteLine("read string " + result.Text); } // create dummy OEM-info for testing... byte[] OEMInfo = new byte[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (i >= result.Text.Length) { OEMInfo[i] = 0; } else { OEMInfo[i] = (byte)result.Text.ToCharArray()[i]; } } //byte[] OEMInfo = { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04 }; // write the OEM-information (4 bytes) and check for error if (Handset.WriteOEMInformation(OEMInfo) < 0) { MessageBox.Show("Could not write OEM-Information!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } this.Enabled = true; }
/// <summary> /// Displays a prompt in a dialog box, waits for the user to input text or click a button. /// </summary> /// <param name="prompt">String expression displayed as the message in the dialog box</param> /// <param name="title">String expression displayed in the title bar of the dialog box</param> /// <param name="defaultResponse">String expression displayed in the text box as the default response</param> /// <param name="validator">Delegate used to validate the text</param> /// <param name="keyPressHandler">Delete used to handle keypress events of the textbox</param> /// <param name="xpos">Numeric expression that specifies the distance of the left edge of the dialog box from the left edge of the screen.</param> /// <param name="ypos">Numeric expression that specifies the distance of the upper edge of the dialog box from the top of the screen</param> /// <returns>An InputBoxResult object with the Text and the OK property set to true when OK was clicked.</returns> public static InputBoxResult Show(string prompt, string title, string defaultResponse, InputBoxValidatingHandler validator, KeyPressEventHandler keyPressHandler, int xpos, int ypos) { using (InputBox form = new InputBox()) { form.label.Text = prompt; form.Text = title; form.textBox.Text = defaultResponse; if (xpos >= 0 && ypos >= 0) { form.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; form.Left = xpos; form.Top = ypos; } form.Validator = validator; form.KeyPressed = keyPressHandler; DialogResult result = form.ShowDialog(); InputBoxResult retval = new InputBoxResult(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { retval.Text = form.textBox.Text; retval.OK = true; } return(retval); } }
private void btnJoinPrivateRoom_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { InputBoxResult result = InputBox.Show("Room name:", "Enter room name", "", null); if (result == null) return; InputBoxResult result2 = InputBox.Show("Password:"******"Enter Password", "", null); if (result2 == null) return; string password = result2.Text.Trim(); if (result.OK) { if (result.Text.Trim() != "") //Use JoinConferenceRoom to join a private room // if the room does not exist it gets created. // If the room already exist, you will join it // and the UserJoinedConference event will be fired // for each user that is presnet in the room ics.JoinConferenceRoom(result.Text, password); } }
/// <summary> /// Displays a prompt in a dialog box, waits for the user to input text or click a button. /// </summary> /// <param name="prompt">String expression displayed as the message in the dialog box</param> /// <param name="title">String expression displayed in the title bar of the dialog box</param> /// <param name="defaultResponse">String expression displayed in the text box as the default response</param> /// <param name="validator">Delegate used to validate the text</param> /// <param name="keyPressHandler">Delete used to handle keypress events of the textbox</param> /// <param name="xpos">Numeric expression that specifies the distance of the left edge of the dialog box from the left edge of the screen.</param> /// <param name="ypos">Numeric expression that specifies the distance of the upper edge of the dialog box from the top of the screen</param> /// <returns>An InputBoxResult object with the Text and the OK property set to true when OK was clicked.</returns> public static InputBoxResult Show(string prompt, string title, string defaultResponse, InputBoxValidatingHandler validator, KeyPressEventHandler keyPressHandler, int xpos, int ypos) { using (InputBox form = new InputBox()) { form.label.Text = prompt; form.Text = title; form.textBox.Text = defaultResponse; if (xpos >= 0 && ypos >= 0) { form.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; form.Left = xpos; form.Top = ypos; } form.Validator = validator; form.KeyPressed = keyPressHandler; DialogResult result = form.ShowDialog(); InputBoxResult retval = new InputBoxResult(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { retval.Text = form.textBox.Text; retval.OK = true; } return retval; } }
private void btnOption_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { InputBoxResult test = InputBox.Show("Please Enter Password..", "Easy Queue", ""); if (test.ReturnCode == DialogResult.OK) { if (test.Text == "HG54E-87FDW-12DCF-76WQA-67HGF") { if (this.Height == 225) { this.Height = 335; pnl2.Visible = true; } else { this.Height = 225; pnl2.Visible = false; } } else { bllUtility.MyMessage("You are not permitted for this option."); } } }
private void lnkAddNewKey_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e) { try { InputBoxResult rs = InputBox.Show("Nombre de la Key"); if (rs.ReturnCode == DialogResult.OK) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rs.Text)) { List <string> values = new List <string>(); values.Add(rs.Text); foreach (config.AppConfig cfg in _app_configs) { values.Add(""); } ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(values.ToArray()); lstAppSettingsKEYS.Items.Add(item); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "Error al añadir key", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void renameTN_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { while (true) { InputBoxResult result = InputBox.Show("New Team Name", "Team Name", "e.g. companyTeam1", null); if (result.Text != "") { MySqlConnection conn = makeConnection(); string checkNotiTypeQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `webEditUsers` WHERE teamCode='" + teamcode + "' AND `notificationType` IS NULL"; MySqlCommand checkNotiType = new MySqlCommand(checkNotiTypeQuery, conn); string checkNotiTypeResult = checkNotiType.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); if (checkNotiTypeResult != "0") { //if not just set as normal string updateNotiQuery = "UPDATE webEditUsers SET notificationType = 'newTN', notification='The user: "******" wants to change the the Team Name to " + result.Text + ";" + result.Text + "' WHERE teamCode='" + teamcode + "' "; MySqlCommand updateNoti = new MySqlCommand(updateNotiQuery, conn); updateNoti.ExecuteNonQuery(); } else { //if so add new after previous with [,] as the definer to make easier later to get the notifications string updateNotiQuery = "UPDATE webEditUsers SET notificationType = concat(notificationType, ', newTN'), notification = concat(notification, ', The user: "******" wants to change the the Team Name to " + result.Text + ";" + result.Text + "') WHERE teamCode='" + teamcode + "' "; MySqlCommand updateNoti = new MySqlCommand(updateNotiQuery, conn); updateNoti.ExecuteNonQuery(); } break; } } }
private void btnEditSection_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (null != lstSection.SelectedItem) { Section section = (Section)lstSection.SelectedItem; InputBoxResult result = InputBox.Show("Name:", "Edit section", section.UnicodeName, new InputBoxValidatingHandler(Validate_EditSection)); } }
private InputBox(dialogForm dialog) { result = dialog.InputResult; items = new Dictionary <string, string>(); for (int i = 0; i < dialog.label.Length; i++) { items.Add(dialog.label[i].Text, dialog.textBox[i].Text); } }
private void fileToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { InputBoxResult box = InputBox.Show("Tên tập tin", "Điền tên tập tin."); if (box.ReturnCode == DialogResult.OK) { hostInstance.Create(path + box.Text); } }
private void fodderToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { InputBoxResult box = InputBox.Show("Tạo thư mục mới", "Điền tên thư mục."); if (box.ReturnCode == DialogResult.OK) { hostInstance.CreateFolder(path + box.Text); } }
private void 凍結左邊欄位ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { InputBoxResult result = InputBox.Show("輸入左邊凍結欄位數目:", "凍結欄位", "0", new InputBoxValidatingHandler(inputBox_Validating)); if (result.OK) { int cnt = int.Parse(result.Text); FrozenLeftColumns(cnt, true); } }
private void btnChangeStatusMessage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { InputBoxResult result = InputBox.Show("Status message ?", "Enter status message", "", null); if (result == null) return; if (result.OK) ics.SetStatusMessage(result.Text); }
private void renameToolStripMenuItem_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { InputBoxResult rename = InputBox.Show("Nhập tên tập tin mới", "Đổi tên " + selected.Item.Text, selected.Item.Text); if (rename.ReturnCode == DialogResult.OK) { if (rename.Text != string.Empty) { hostInstance.Rename(path + selected.Item.Text, path + rename.Text); } } }
private void btnAddMod_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var newGCM = string.Empty; InputBoxResult result = InputBox.Show("Enter the modifier you wish to add.", "Add Modifier", "Enter the modifier here", InputBox.InputBoxIcon.Info, inputBox_Validating); if (result.OK) { newGCM = result.Text; } DatabaseAPI.Database.EffectIds.Add(newGCM); lvModifiers.Items.Add(newGCM); }
public static string GetString(string title, string promt, Window owner = null) { var result = new InputBoxResult(); new InputBoxWindow.InputBoxWindow { DataContext = new InputBoxViewModel(title, promt, result), Owner = owner ?? Application.Current.MainWindow, } .ShowDialog(); return(result.Result); }
public static void SendMessageToSession(Session session) { if (session != null) { string prompt = Resources.Pleaseenterthemessagetosend; InputBoxResult result = InputBox.Show(prompt, "Send network message"); if (result.ReturnCode == DialogResult.OK && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Text)) { string meessageText = result.Text.Trim(); string messageHeader = Resources.MessagefromyourAdministrator; TerminalServicesAPI.SendMessage(session, messageHeader, meessageText, 0, 10, false); } } }
private void EnviarEmail(string aNomeArquivo) { if (ckbEmailPDF.Checked == true) { InputBoxResult Destino = InputBox.Show("Envio de Email", "Informe o email destinatário", "*****@*****.**", null); if ((Destino.OK) && (Destino.Text != "")) { string EmailDestinatario = Destino.Text; if (NFSe.EnviarEmail(EmailDestinatario, aNomeArquivo)) { MessageBox.Show("Email enviado com sucesso."); } } } }
public InputBoxViewModel(string title, string promt, InputBoxResult result) { this.Title = title; this.Promt = promt; ConfirmInput = new Command(() => { result.Result = input; CloseDialog(); }); Abort = new Command(() => { result.Result = null; CloseDialog(); }); }
private void lnkAddNewKey_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e) { try { InputBoxResult rs = InputBox.Show("Nombre de la Key"); if (rs.ReturnCode == DialogResult.OK) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rs.Text)) { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(new string[] { rs.Text, "" }); lstAppSettingsKEYS.Items.Add(item); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "Error al añadir key", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private bool PedirParametrosExtras(ref string aParametrosExtras) { bool Result = true; if (ckbModoAvancado.Checked) { InputBoxResult Extras = InputBox.Show("Informe os parâmetros extras separados por ponto-e-vírgula, caso sejam necessários. " + (char)13 + "Em caso contrário, apenas clique em OK.", "Informe os parâmetros extras:", "", null); if (Extras.OK) { aParametrosExtras = Extras.Text; } else { Result = false; } } return(Result); }
public InputBoxResult Show() { string text = string.Empty; InputBoxResult result = InputBoxResult.Cancel; InputBoxGUI gui = new(); void ResultOK(object a, EventArgs b) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(gui.Input.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Please input something", "", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } else if (Func.CheckForIllegalCharacter(gui.Input.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Text contains illegal characters", "", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } else { result = InputBoxResult.OK; text = gui.Input.Text; gui.Close(); } } void ResultCancel(object a, EventArgs b) { result = InputBoxResult.Cancel; gui.Close(); } gui.LabelTitle.Content = Title; gui.CloseButton.Click += ResultCancel; gui.OK.Click += ResultOK; gui.Cancel.Click += ResultCancel; gui.ShowDialog(); Text = text; return(result); }
private void newFolderToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.treeViewFolders.SelectedNode != null) { DirectoryInfo dir = (this.treeViewFolders.SelectedNode.Tag as DirectoryInfo); InputBoxResult result = InputBox.Show("Enter folder Name:", "Create new folder"); if (result.ReturnCode == DialogResult.OK) { string rootFolder = dir.FullName; string fullNewName = Path.Combine(rootFolder, result.Text); if (!Directory.Exists(fullNewName)) { DirectoryInfo info = Directory.CreateDirectory(fullNewName); TreeNode node = new TreeNode(result.Text); node.Tag = info; this.treeViewFolders.SelectedNode.Nodes.Add(node); this.treeViewFolders.SelectedNode.Expand(); } } } }
private static void Export(Toon dataToon) { var msgResult = MessageBox.Show(@"Would you like to enter a description for people to see?", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (msgResult == DialogResult.Yes) { InputBoxResult result = InputBox.Show("Enter a description for your build.", "Build Description", "Enter your description here", InputBox.InputBoxIcon.Info, inputBox_Validating); dataToon.Description = result.OK ? result.Text : "None"; dataToon.SubmittedBy = MidsContext.GetCryptedValue("BotUser", "username"); dataToon.SubmittedOn = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); MbLogin(); BuildSubmit(dataToon); } else { dataToon.Description = "None"; dataToon.SubmittedBy = MidsContext.GetCryptedValue("BotUser", "username"); dataToon.SubmittedOn = $"{DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()} {DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString()}"; MbLogin(); BuildSubmit(dataToon); } }
private void btnConsultarNFSe_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { rbPrintNFSe.Checked = true; string _resposta; CheckConfig(); InputBoxResult Destino = InputBox.Show("Digite o Número da NFSe:", "Consultar NFSe", "", null); string _Extras = ""; if ((Destino.OK) && (Destino.Text != "") && PedirParametrosExtras(ref _Extras)) { _resposta = ProxyNFSe.ConsultarNota(Destino.Text, _Extras); MostrarXML(_resposta); rbPrintNFSe.Checked = true; rtbCSV.Text = NFSeConverter.ConverterRetConsultarNFSe(_resposta, ""); GetRetornoConsNFse(_resposta); } } catch (Exception ex) { TratarExcecao(ex); } }
private void Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { inputResult = InputBoxResult.Save; Close(); }
private void No_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { inputResult = InputBoxResult.No; Close(); }
private void Cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { inputResult = InputBoxResult.Cancel; Close(); }
// shows users input based on whats been dragged on to the area public void formInput(Point cursorPos, string labelText, bool readOnly, bool requireRange, bool option, string type) { if (requireRange == true) { //Start Number while (true) { InputBoxResult result = InputBox.Show("Type a start number", "Start Number", "0", null); if (result.OK) { try { startRange = new int[] { Convert.ToInt32(result.Text) }; i++; break; } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Type a number", "Please Type a number"); } } } //End Number while (true) { InputBoxResult result2 = InputBox.Show("Type an end number", "End Number", "0", null); if (result2.OK) { try { if (startRange[i] >= 0 && Convert.ToInt32(result2.Text) <= startRange[i]) { MessageBox.Show("End Rnage cannot be smaller than start range", "Number is invalid"); } else { endRange = new int[] { Convert.ToInt32(result2.Text) }; break; } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Type a number", "Please Type a number"); } } } } if (option == true) { while (true) { InputBoxResult result3 = InputBox.Show("Type the number of elements for the radio, select or checkbox ect.", "Type the Number", "0", null); if (result3.OK && result3.Text != "0") { try { if (type == "Radio") { inpType[type + j] = Convert.ToInt32(result3.Text); j++; } else if (type == "Select") { inpType[type + k] = Convert.ToInt32(result3.Text); k++; } else if (type == "Check") { inpType[type + l] = Convert.ToInt32(result3.Text); l++; } break; } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Type a number", "Please Type a number"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Type a number greater than 0", "Please Type a number"); } } } Label info = new Label(); info.Location = new Point(73, cursorPos.Y + yPos); info.Size = new Size(120, 17); info.Text = labelText; info.Name = "info" + formNo; panel2.Controls.Add(info); TextBox txtBox = new TextBox(); txtBox.Location = new Point(cursorPos.Y, cursorPos.Y + yPos + 30); txtBox.Size = new Size(187, 22); txtBox.ReadOnly = readOnly; txtBox.Name = "txtBoxN" + formNo; if (readOnly == false) { txtBox.Text = "This is for the Name of the form element"; } else { txtBox.Text = "Nothing to type here"; } panel2.Controls.Add(txtBox); TextBox txtBox1 = new TextBox(); txtBox1.Location = new Point(cursorPos.Y, cursorPos.Y + yPos + 60); txtBox1.Size = new Size(187, 22); txtBox1.ReadOnly = readOnly; txtBox1.Name = "txtBoxP" + formNo; if (readOnly == false) { if (type == "Radio" || type == "Check" || type == "Select") { txtBox1.Text = "Nothing to type here"; txtBox1.ReadOnly = true; } else { txtBox1.Text = "Type placeholder text in here"; } } else { txtBox1.Text = "Nothing to type here"; } panel2.Controls.Add(txtBox1); yPos = yPos + cursorPos.Y + 90; formNo++; }
/// <summary> /// 显示一个输入框。 /// </summary> /// <param name="owner">控件拥有者。</param> /// <param name="parameters">输入框参数。</param> /// <returns>返回输入框的值。</returns> public static InputBoxResult InputBox(this Control owner, InputBoxParameters parameters) { if (owner != null && owner.InvokeRequired) { return (InputBoxResult)owner.Invoke(new Func<Control, InputBoxParameters, InputBoxResult>(InputBox), owner, parameters); } else { var form = new InputBoxForm(owner, parameters); if (owner == null) { return new InputBoxResult(parameters.Editors, form); } var ownerForm = owner.FindForm(); ownerForm.Activate(); var r = new InputBoxResult(parameters.Editors, form); ownerForm.Activate(); return r; } }
public List <FavoriteConfigurationElement> ImportFavorites(string Filename) { List <FavoriteConfigurationElement> fav = new List <FavoriteConfigurationElement>(); InputBoxResult result = InputBox.Show("Password:"******"Enter vRD Password", '*'); if (result.ReturnCode == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { byte[] file = File.ReadAllBytes(Filename); string xml = a(file, result.Text).Replace(" encoding=\"utf-16\"", ""); byte[] data = ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetBytes(xml); using (MemoryStream sw = new MemoryStream(data)) { if (sw.Position > 0 & sw.CanSeek) { sw.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); } XmlSerializer x = new XmlSerializer(typeof(vRDConfigurationFile)); object results = x.Deserialize(sw); List <Connection> connections = new List <Connection>(); List <vRDConfigurationFileConnectionsFolder> folders = new List <vRDConfigurationFileConnectionsFolder>(); Dictionary <string, vRDConfigurationFileCredentialsFolderCredentials> credentials = new Dictionary <string, vRDConfigurationFileCredentialsFolderCredentials>(); if (results == null) { return(fav); } vRDConfigurationFile config = (results as vRDConfigurationFile); if (config == null) { return(fav); } //scan in config item foreach (object item in config.Items) { if (item == null) { continue; } if (item is vRDConfigurationFileCredentialsFolder) { //scan in all credentials into a dictionary vRDConfigurationFileCredentialsFolder credentialFolder = (item as vRDConfigurationFileCredentialsFolder); if (credentialFolder != null && credentialFolder.Credentials != null) { foreach (vRDConfigurationFileCredentialsFolderCredentials cred in credentialFolder.Credentials) { credentials.Add(cred.Guid, cred); } } } else if (item is vRDConfigurationFileCredentialsFolderCredentials) { vRDConfigurationFileCredentialsFolderCredentials cred = (item as vRDConfigurationFileCredentialsFolderCredentials); credentials.Add(cred.Guid, cred); } else if (item is Connection) { //scan in the connections Connection connection = (item as Connection); if (connection != null) { connections.Add(connection); } } else { //scan in recurse folders vRDConfigurationFileConnectionsFolder folder = item as vRDConfigurationFileConnectionsFolder; if (folder != null) { folders.Add(folder); } } } //save credential item to local SaveCredentials(credentials); //save VRD connection to local fav = ConvertVRDConnectionCollectionToLocal(connections.ToArray(), folders.ToArray(), null, String.Empty, credentials); } } return(fav); }